§ 9901.905 - Impact on existing agreements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any provision of a collective bargaining agreement that is inconsistent with this part and/or implementing issuances is unenforceable on the effective date of the applicable subpart(s) or such issuances. The exclusive representative may appeal a determination that a provision is unenforceable to the National Security Labor Relations Board in accordance with the procedures and time limits pursuant to § 9901.908 and the Board's regulations. However, the Secretary, in his or her sole and exclusive discretion, may continue all or part of a particular provision(s) with respect to a specific category or categories of employees and may cancel such continuation at any time; such determinations are not precedential.

    (b) Upon request by an exclusive representative, the parties will have 60 days after the effective date of coverage under the applicable subpart and/or implementing issuance to bring into conformance those remaining negotiable collective bargaining agreement provisions directly affected by the collective bargaining agreement provisions rendered unenforceable by the applicable subpart and/or implementing issuance. During that period, the parties may utilize the negotiation impasse provisions of § 9901.920 to assist in resolving any impasses.

    (c) Any provision of a collective bargaining agreement that is inconsistent with an issuance remains in effect until the expiration, renewal, or extension of the term of the agreement, whichever occurs first.