§ 648.161 - Bluefish Sector ACLs and Annual Catch Targets (ACTs).  

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  • § 648.161 Bluefish Sector ACLs and Annual Catch Targets (ACTs).

    (a) The Sector ACLs and ACTs. As a part of the bluefish specifications process, the Bluefish Monitoring Committee shall identify and review the relevant sources of management uncertainty to recommend ACTs for allocate a specified percentage of the fishery-level ACL to the commercial and recreational fishing sectors as part of the bluefish specification process. The Bluefish Monitoring Committee recommendations shall identify the specific sources of management uncertainty that were considered, technical approaches to mitigating these sources of uncertainty, and any additional relevant information considered in the ACT recommendation processfishery sectors, and identify and review the relevant sources of sector-specific management uncertainty to recommend ACTs for each sector.

    (1) Sectors. The sum of the commercial and recreational sector-specific ACTs ACLs shall be less than or equal to the fishery level ACL. The Bluefish Monitoring Committee shall recommend any reduction in catch necessary to address management uncertainty, consistent with paragraph (a) of this section. A total of 83 86 percent of the fishery-level ACT ACL will be allocated to the recreational fishery. A total of 17 14 percent of the fishery-level ACT ACL will be allocated to the commercial fishery.

    (2) Management uncertainty. The Bluefish Monitoring Committee shall recommend any reduction in catch necessary to address management uncertainty and recommend ACTs for each sector, consistent with paragraph (a) of this section, after the sector allocation described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. The Bluefish Monitoring Committee recommendations shall identify any sector-specific sources of management uncertainty affecting the fishery, technical approaches to mitigating these sources of uncertainty, and any additional relevant information considered in the ACT recommendation and adjustment process.

    (3) Periodicity. ACTs may be established on an annual basis for up to 3 years at a time, dependent on whether the SSC provides single or multiple-year ABC recommendations.

    (b) Performance review. The Bluefish Monitoring Committee shall conduct a detailed review of fishery performance relative to ACTs in conjunction with any ACL performance review, as outlined in § 648.160(b)(1) through (3).

    [76 FR 60639, Sept. 29, 2011, as amended at 86 FR 66981, Nov. 24, 2021]