§ 318.58-2 - Regulated articles.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Prohibited movement. Fruits, vegetables, and other products specified in § 318.58 and not eligible for inspection and certification under § 318.58-4 or otherwise expressly authorized movement in the regulations in this subpart are prohibited movements.

    (b) Regulated movement. (1) Subject to the conditions provided in this section, and to any treatment prescribed by the Administrator, the following fruits and vegetables may be moved when they are free from plant litter, are marked in compliance with § 318.58-6, and have been inspected by an inspector and certified by the inspector to be free from injurious insect infestation (including the West Indian fruit fly and the bean pod borer) or to have been given prescribed treatment:

    (2) The following fruits and vegetables are subject to inspection, either in the field or when presented for shipment, as the inspector may require, but unless found by the inspector to be infested shall be free to move without certification, marking, treatment, or other requirements of this subpart, except that they must be free from plant litter and soil: Provided, That if the inspector shall find any field, grove, lot, shipment, or container of such fruits and vegetables infested with injurious insects, the inspector shall notify the owner or person in charge, in writing, of the existence of the infestation and the extent thereof, and thereafter movement of the fruit or vegetable so specified shall be prohibited while the infestation persists, unless in the judgment of the inspector movement may be safely allowed subject to certification after having been given an approved treatment, or after sorting, conditioning, or other effective safeguard measures:

    (3) Cactus plants or parts thereof from the Virgin Islands of the United States may be moved to Guam, Puerto Rico, or the continental United States when they have been given an approved treatment and are so certified by an inspector.

    (4) Pigeon peas (fresh shelled or in the pod) from Puerto Rico may be moved to any other area of the United States only if treated in accordance with part 305 of this chapter.