§ 911.48 - Issuance of regulations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Secretary shall regulate, in the manner specified in this section, the handling of limes whenever he finds, from the recommendations and information submitted by the committee or from other available information, that such regulations will tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act. Such regulations may:

    (1) Prohibit, during any specified period or periods, the handling of any variety or varieties of limes which do not meet such grade, size, and quality (including internal quality and juice content) standards as shall be prescribed; Provided, That such regulations may require that limes not meeting minimum size requirements established under this section be marked with a Food and Drug Administration approved food dye as a necessary and incidental safeguard to prevent such limes from entering fresh marketing channels for regulated limes.

    (2) Prescribe minimum standards of quality for any variety or varieties of limes and limit the handling thereof to those meeting such minimum standards;

    (3) Limit the shipment of the total quantity of limes by prohibiting the shipment thereof: Provided, That no such prohibition shall be effective during any fiscal period other than for four periods not exceeding six days each immediately prior to, including, or following July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

    (4) Fix the size, capacity, weight, dimensions, or pack of the container or containers which may be used in the packaging, and the transportation, sale, shipment, or other handling of limes; and

    (5) Establish and prescribe pack specifications for the grading and packing of any variety or varieties of limes and require that all limes handled shall be packed in accordance with such pack specifications, and shall be identified by appropriate labels, seals, stamps, or tags, affixed to the containers by the handler under the supervision of the committee or an inspector of the Federal-State Inspection Service, showing the particular pack specifications of the lot.

    (6) Provide that any or all requirements effective pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1), (3), and (4) of this section applicable to the handling of limes shall be different for the handling of limes within the production area and for the handling of limes between the production area and any point outside thereof.

    (7) Prescribe requirements, as provided in this paragraph, applicable to exports of any variety of limes which are different from those applicable to the handling of the same variety to other destinations.

    (b) The committee shall be informed immediately of any such regulations issued by the Secretary and the committee shall promptly give notice thereof to growers and handlers.