[Federal Register Volume 63, Number 13 (Wednesday, January 21, 1998)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 3063-3069]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 98-1385]
44 CFR Part 67
[Docket No. FEMA-7243]
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are requested on the
proposed base (1% annual chance) flood elevations and proposed base
flood elevation modifications for the communities listed below. The
base flood elevations are the basis for the floodplain management
measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show
evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain
qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program
DATES: The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second
publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation
in each community.
ADDRESSES: The proposed base flood elevations for each community are
available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer
of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the following
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Frederick H. Sharrocks, Jr., Chief,
Hazard Identification Branch, Mitigation Directorate, 500 C Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2796.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA or Agency) proposes to make determinations of base flood
elevations and modified base flood elevations for each community listed
below, in accordance with section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection
Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a).
These proposed base flood and modified base flood elevations,
together with the floodplain management criteria required by 44 CFR
60.3, are the minimum that are required. They should not be construed
to mean that the community must change any existing ordinances that are
more stringent in their floodplain management requirements. The
community may at any time enact stricter requirements of its own, or
pursuant to policies established by other Federal, state or regional
entities. These proposed elevations are used to meet the floodplain
management requirements of the NFIP and are also used to calculate the
appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings built after
these elevations are made final, and for the contents in these
National Environmental Policy Act
This proposed rule is categorically excluded from the requirements
of 44 CFR Part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact
assessment has been prepared.
[[Page 3064]]
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Associate Director, Mitigation Directorate, certifies that this
proposed rule is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act because proposed or modified base flood elevations are
required by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104,
and are required to establish and maintain community eligibility in the
National Flood Insurance Program. As a result, a regulatory flexibility
analysis has not been prepared.
Regulatory Classification
This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action under the
criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30,
1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.
Executive Order 12612, Federalism
This proposed rule involves no policies that have federalism
implications under Executive Order 12612, Federalism, dated October 26,
Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform
This proposed rule meets the applicable standards of section
2(b)(2) of Executive Order 12778.
List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67
Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR,
1979 Comp., p. 376.
Sec. 67.4 [Amended]
2. The tables published under the authority of Sec. 67.4 are
proposed to be amended as follows:
#Depth in feet above
ground. *Elevation in
State City/town/county Source of flooding Location feet (NGVD)
Existing Modified
Alabama............................... Huntsville (City), Tributary 1 to Dry Creek 2............... At confluence with Dry Creek 2............................. None *705
Madison County.
Tributary 3 to Dry Creek 2............... Backwater area surrounding intersection of Nick Fitcheard None *764
Road and Bob Wade Lane.
Tributary 4 to Dry Creek 2............... At confluence with Dry Creek 2............................. None *770
Tributary to Knox Creek.................. Approximately 500 feet upstream of Wall Triana Highway..... None *744
At Capshaw Road............................................ None *752
Piney Creek.............................. At Roberts Road............................................ None *572
Maps available for inspection at Huntsville City Hall, 308 Fountain Circle, Huntsville, Alabama.
Send comments to The Honorable Loretta Spencer, Mayor of the City of Huntsville, P.O. Box 308, Huntsville, Alabama 35804.
Alabama............................... New Hope (City), Madison Tributary to Yellow Bank Creek........... Approximately 600 feet upstream of confluence with Yellow None *581
County. Bank Creek.
Maps available for inspection at the New Hope City Hall, 5496 Main Drive, New Hope, Alabama.
Send comments to The Honorable Billy G. Jones, Mayor of the City of New Hope, P.O. Box 419, New Hope, Alabama 35760.
Alabama............................... Madison (City), Madison Bradford-Sullivan Ditch.................. At confluence with Bradford Creek.......................... *615 *618
Just upstream of Westchester Road.......................... *618 *619
Maps available for inspection at the Madison City Hall, Community Development Department, 100 Hughes Road, Madison, Alabama.
Send comments to The Honorable Charles Yancura, Mayor of the City of Madison, 100 Hughes Road, Madison, Alabama 35758.
Alabama............................... Madison County Tributary 2 to Dry Creek 2............... At confluence with Dry Creek............................... None *726
(Unincorporated Areas).
At Rideout Road............................................ None *732
Unnamed Tributary to Brier Fork Flint At upstream crossing of U.S. Route 431..................... None *790
Dry Creek 2.............................. At confluence with Indian Creek............................ None *672
Approximately 300 feet downstream of Indian Creek Road..... None *673
Tributary 3 to Dry Creek 2............... At confluence with Dry Creek 2............................. None *759
Downstream side of Bob Wade Lane........................... None *764
Tributary 4 to Dry Creek 2............... At confluence with Dry Creek 2............................. None *770
Huntsville Spring Branch................. Approximately 260 feet downstream of Martin Road........... None *575
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of Martin Road........... None *575
Indian Creek............................. Upstream side of Old Moravia Road.......................... None *701
Brier Fork Flint River................... At confluence with Flint River............................. None *672
Flint River.............................. Upstream side of Ryland Pike............................... None *646
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Ryland Pike............. None *647
Miller Branch............................ At Wall Triana Highway..................................... None *571
[[Page 3065]]
Maps available for inspection at the Madison County Engineering Building, 814 Cook Avenue, Huntsville, Alabama.
Send comments to Mr. Mike Gillespie, Chairman of the Madison County Commission, Madison County Courthouse, 100 Northside Square, Huntsville, Alabama 35801-4820.
Alabama............................... Mobile (City), Madison East Eslava Creek........................ Approximately 1,170 feet downstream of Pinehill Road....... *10 *11
Approximately 3,320 feet upstream of Airport Boulevard..... None *27
Maps available for inspection at the Mobile City Hall, 205 Government Street, 3rd Floor, Mobile, Alabama.
Send comments to The Honorable Michael C. Dow, Mayor of the City of Mobile, P.O. Box 1827, Mobile, Alabama 36633-1827.
Georgia............................... Charlton County St. Mary's River......................... Approximately 500 feet downstream of County boundary....... None *9
(Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of upstream crossing of None *116
State Route 94.
Maps available for inspection at the Charlton County Assessor's Office, 100 North 3rd Street, Folkston, Georgia.
Send comments to Mr. C.L. Nazworth, Chairman of the Charlton County Board of Commissioners, 100 North 3rd Street, Folkston, Georgia 31537.
Georgia............................... Tift County Channel A-1.............................. At confluence with New River............................... *314 *316
(Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 275 feet upstream of Tift Avenue............. None *357
Channel A-2.............................. Approximately 1,100 feet downstream of 40th Avenue......... None *341
Approximately 3,000 feet upstream of 40th Street........... None *353
Channel B................................ Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of confluence with Little *260 *261
Approximately 750 feet upstream of Hunt Road............... None *305
New River................................ Approximately 10 feet upstream of upstream side of Seaboard *309 *310
Ferry Lake Road............................................ *326 *324
Maps available for inspection at the Tift County Zoning Department, 225 North Tift Avenue, Tifton, Georgia.
Send comments to Mr. James Spurlin, Chairman of the Tift County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 826, Tifton, Georgia 31793-0826.
Georgia............................... City of Tifton (Tift Channel A-1.............................. Approximately 50 feet downstream of Bill Bowen Road........ *317 *319
Approximately 250 feet upstream side of Tift Avenue........ None *357
Channel A-2.............................. At confluence with Channel A............................... *337 *338
Approximately 450 feet upstream of 40th Street............. None *351
New River................................ Ferry Lake Road............................................ *327 *324
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of 20th Street bridge.... None *362
Channel E................................ Approximately 100 feet upstream of 16th Street bridge...... *339 *340
Approximately 1,100 feet upstream of 28th Street bridge.... *367 *371
Channel E-1.............................. Confluence with Channel E.................................. None * 355
Approximately 1,850 feet upstream of 28th Street........... None *366
Channel B................................ Approximately 900 feet upstream of McCormick Drive......... None *294
Approximately 350 feet upstream of Victory Drive bridge.... None *333
Channel G................................ Just upstream of Ferry Lake Road bridge.................... *328 *324
Approximately 50 feet upstream of Goff Avenue.............. *330 *329
Maps available for inspection at the Tift County Zoning Department, 225 North Tift Avenue, Tifton, Georgia.
Send comments to Mr. Charles Howell, Tifton City Manager, P.O. Box 229, Tifton, Georgia 31794.
Maryland.............................. Caroline County Miles Branch............................. Downstream corporate limits................................ None *12
(Unincorporated Areas).
At Wright Road............................................. None *37
[[Page 3066]]
Maps available for inspection at the Caroline County Planning Office, 109 Market Street, Caroline County Courthouse, Second Floor, Denton, Maryland.
Send comments to Mr. Edwin G. Richards, Caroline County Administrator, 109 Market Street, Room 109, Denton, Maryland 21629.
Maryland.............................. Federalsburg (Town)..... Miles Branch............................. At Reliance Avenue......................................... None *22
Caroline and Dorchester Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of Reliance Avenue......... None *34
Maps available for inspection at the Federalsburg Town Hall, 118 North Main Street, Federalsburg, Maryland.
Send comments to The Honorable Dan A. Happersett, Mayor of the Town of Federalsburg, P.O. Box 471, Federalsburg, Maryland 21632.
Michigan.............................. Meridian (Charter Herron Creek............................. At upstream side of CSX Transportation..................... *846 *847
Township), Ingham
At Jolly Road.............................................. *855 *854
Smith Drain.............................. Approximately 1,650 feet upstream of confluence with Red *848 *847
Cedar River.
Approximately 200 feet downstream of Jolly Road............ *873 *872
Maps available for inspection at the Charter Township of Meridian Municipal Building, 5151 Marsh Road, Okemos, Michigan.
Send comments to Mr. Gerald J. Richards, Meridian Charter Township Manager, 5151 Marsh Road, Okemos, Michigan 48864.
Minnesota............................. Cambridge (City), Isanti Rum River................................ Approximately 2.74 miles downstream of 2nd Avenue SW....... None *916
Approximately 2.60 miles downstream of 2nd Avenue SW....... None *916
Approximately 1.09 miles upstream of 1st Avenue............ None *918
Approximately 1.62 miles upstream of 1st Avenue West....... None *918
Maps available for inspection at the Cambridge Town Hall, 626 North Main Street, Cambridge, Minnesota.
Send comments to The Honorable Carsten Seecamp, Mayor of the City of Cambridge, 626 North Main Street, Cambridge, Minnesota 55008.
New Jersey............................ Barnegat Light Atlantic Ocean........................... Approximately 1,000' southeast of intersection of East 26th *14 *10
(Borough), Ocean County. Street and Long Beach Boulevard.
East side of Long Beach Boulevard.......................... *9 #1
Maps available for inspection at the Borough Hall, 10 West 10th Street, Barnegat Light, New Jersey.
Send comments to The Honorable Kirk L. Larsen, Mayor of the Borough of Barnegat Light, P.O. Box 576, Barnegat Light, New Jersey 08006.
New Jersey............................ Beach Haven (Borough) Atlantic Ocean........................... At intersection of Beach Avenue and 6th Street............. *9 *8
Ocean County.
Approximately 650' southeast of the intersection of *14 *13
Atlantic Avenue and Taylor Avenue.
Approximately 50' east of intersection of 6th Street and *10 #1
Atlantic Avenue.
Little Egg Harbor........................ Entire shoreline within community.......................... *11 *10
Maps available for inspection at the Borough Zoning Office, Beach Haven Municipal Building, 300 Engleside Avenue, Beach Haven, New Jersey
Send comments to The Honorable Robert Bahner, Mayor of the Borough of Beach Haven, 300 Engleside Avenue, Beach Haven, New Jersey 08008.
New Jersey............................ Harvey Cedars (Borough), Atlantic Ocean........................... Approximately 650' southeast of intersection of Long Beach *14 *13
Ocean County. Boulevard and 68th Street.
Approximately 250' southeast of intersection of Long Beach *9 #1
Boulevard and 68th Street.
Manahawkin Bay........................... Approximately 500' northwest of intersection of Suffolk *6 *8
Place and Buckingham Avenue.
Maps available for inspection at the Borough Municipal Building, 7606 Long Beach Boulevard, Harvey Cedars, New Jersey.
Send comments to The Honorable Jonathan S. Oldham, Mayor of the Borough of Harvey Cedars, P.O. Box 3185, Harvey Cedars, New Jersey 08008.
New Jersey............................ Long Beach (Town), Ocean Atlantic Ocean........................... At intersection of Coast Avenue and Arts Lane.............. *9 #1
[[Page 3067]]
At intersection of 127th and Ocean Avenue.................. *10 #1
At intersection of Beach Avenue and Oceanview Drive........ *9 *8
Approximately 400' east of intersection of Coast Avenue and *14 *13
Arts Lane.
Barnegat Bay............................. Approximately 150' west of intersection of Bayview and *6 *8
Panorama Drives.
Manahawkin Bay........................... At intersection of Roxie Avenue and Long Beach Boulevard... *8 *7
Little Egg Harbor........................ Entire shoreline of Shelter Island......................... *11 *10
Maps available for inspection at the Long Beach Township Zoning Office, James J. Mancini Administration Building, 6805 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, New Jersey.
Send comments to Mr. Peter L. Murphy, Township of Long Beach Commissioner for Public Affairs and Safety, 6805 Long Beach Boulevard, Brant Beach, New Jersey 08008.
New Jersey............................ Ship Bottom (Borough), Atlantic Ocean........................... Approximately 1,000' southeast of the intersection of Long *14 *13
Ocean County. Beach Avenue and 7th Street.
Approximately 400' southeast of the intersection of Long *9 #1
Beach Avenue and 7th Street.
Maps available for inspection at the Borough Clerk's Office, Borough Hall, 1621 Long Beach Boulevard, Ship Bottom, New Jersey.
Send comments to The Honorable Robert W. Nissen, Mayor of the Borough of Ship Bottom, 1621 Long Beach Boulevard, Ship Bottom, New Jersey 08008.
New Jersey............................ Surf City (Borough), Atlantic Ocean........................... Approximately 400' southeast of intersection of Ocean *14 *13
Ocean County. Terrace and 17th Street.
West side of Ocean Terrace................................. *9 #1
Maps available for inspection at the Borough Municipal Clerk's Office, Borough Hall, 813 Long Beach Boulevard, Surf City, New Jersey.
Send comments to The Honorable Leonard T. Connors, Jr., Mayor of the Borough of Surf City, 813 Long Beach Boulevard, Surf City, New Jersey 08008.
New York.............................. Camden (Town)........... Cobb Brook............................... At confluence with West Branch Fish Creek.................. None *472
Approximately 0.82 mile upstream of Shady Lane............. None *574
Mad River................................ At downstream corporate limits............................. None *520
Approximately 100 feet upstream of River Road.............. None *597
West Branch Fish Creek................... Approximately 0.4 mile downstream of Brewer Road........... None *461
Approximately 1.12 miles upstream of State Route 13........ None *526
Maps available for inspection at the Camden Town Hall, Code Enforcement Office, Second Street, Camden, New York.
Send comments to Mr. Daniel Yerdon, Supervisor for the Town of Camden, Camden Town Hall, Camden, New York 13316.
New York.............................. Camillus (Town) Onondaga Geddes Brook............................. Approximately 40 feet downstream of Gerelock Road.......... *383 *382
Approximately 1,800 feet upstream of Whedon Road........... *516 *515
Ninemile Creek........................... At northeastern corporate limits........................... *380 *371
Approximately 50 feet upstream of State Route 174.......... *461 *458
Unnamed Stream near Garden Terrace....... At the confluence with Ninemile Creek...................... *386 *380
Approximately 40 feet downstream of Pottery Road........... *386 *385
Maps available for inspection at the Town of Camillus Code Enforcement Office, 4600 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, New York.
Send comments to Mr. Donald D. Fittipaldi, Camillus Town Supervisor, 4600 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, New York 13219.
New York.............................. Endicott (Village) Susquehanna River........................ Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the confluence of *830 *829
Broome County. Nanticoke Street.
Approximately 600 feet upstream of the Vestal Avenue bridge *831 *830
[[Page 3068]]
Maps available for inspection at the Endicott Municipal Building, 1009 East Main Street, Endicott, New York.
Send comments to The Honorable David J. Archer, Mayor of the Village of Endicott, Municipal Building, 1009 East Main Street, Endicott, New York 13760.
New York;............................. Lee (Town), Oneida Canada Creek............................. At downstream corporate limits............................. None *478
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of Point Rock Road....... None *697
Tributary to Canada Creek................ At confluence with Canada Creek............................ None *591
Approximately 915 feet upstream of Lee Center Taberg Road.. None *652
Mohawk River............................. At corporate limits........................................ None *920
Approximately 1,050 feet upstream of corporate limits...... None *931
West Branch Mohawk River................. At confluence with East Branch Mohawk River and Mohawk None *931
Approximately 510 feet upstream of State Route 26.......... None *1,001
Sash Factory Creek....................... At downstream corporate limits............................. None *430
On downstream side of Kiwanis Road......................... None *557
Tributary to Delta Lake.................. At confluence with Delta Lake.............................. None *542
Approximately 0.39 mile upstream of Lee Center Taberg Road. None *678
Maps available for inspection at the Lee Town Hall, 5808 Stokes-Lee Center Road, Lee Center, New York.
Send comments to Mr. John Urtz, Lee Town Supervisor, RR #2, Box 200, Cemetery Road, Lee Center, New York 13363.
New York.............................. Rome (City), Oneida Wood Creek............................... Approximately 600 feet downstream of Erie Canal Triple None *414
County. Culvert.
Approximately 100 feet upstream of West Dominick Street.... *437 *438
Maps available for inspection at the City Engineer's Office, Rome City Hall, Liberty Plaza, Rome, New York.
Send comments to The Honorable Joseph Griffo, Rome City Hall, Liberty Plaza, Rome, New York 13440.
North Carolina........................ Watauga County Watauga River............................ Approximately 0.75 mile upstream of Breached Dam........... *2,904 *2,905
(Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 0.79 mile upstream of Aldridge Road (SR 1594) *3,239 *3,240
Maps available for inspection at the Watauga County Planning and Inspections Department, County Courthouse, 842 West King Street, Suite 7, Boone, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Jack D. Lawrence, Sr., Chairman of the Watauga County Board of Commissioners, Watauga County Courthouse, 842 West King Street, Suite 1, Boone, North Carolina 28607.
Tennessee............................. Murfreesboro (City), Middle Fork Stones River................. At confluence with West Fork, Stones River................. *598 *597
Rutherford County.
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of confluence with West *598 *597
Fork, Stones River.
Maps available for inspection at the Murfreesboro City Hall, City Planning Department, 111 West Vine Street, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Send comments to The Honorable Joe B. Jackson, Mayor of the City of Murfreesboro, P.O. Box 1139, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37133-1139.
Tennessee............................. Rutherford County Lees Spring Branch....................... At confluence with Lytle Creek............................. *620 *621
(Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 150 feet upstream of Dilton-Mankin Road...... None *630
Bradley Creek............................ At confluence with East Fork, Stones River................. *564 *559
Approximately 264 feet upstream of Browns Mill Road........ *564 *563
Middle Fork Stones River................. At confluence with West Fork Stones River.................. *598 *597
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of confluence with West *598 *597
Fork Stones River.
West Fork Stones River................... Approximately 800 feet upstream of U.S. Route 70........... None *565
Downstream side of I-24.................................... None *586
[[Page 3069]]
Maps available for inspection at the Rutherford County Courthouse, County Engineering Department, #1 Public Square South, Room 101, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Send comments to Ms. Nancy Allen, Rutherford County Executive, Rutherford County Courthouse, #1 Public Square South, Room 101, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37130.
Tennessee............................. Smyrna (Town), West Fork Stones River................... Approximately 0.5 mile southeast of intersection of Enon None *509
Rutherford County. Springs Road and Florence Road.
Northwest corner of intersection of Wade Herrod Road and None *520
Florence Road.
Maps available for inspection at the Smyrna Town Hall, 315 South Lowry Street, Smyrna, Tennessee.
Send comments to The Honorable Paul H. Johns, Mayor of the Town of Smyrna, 315 South Lowry Street, Smyrna, Tennessee 37167.
Wisconsin............................. Avoca (Village), Iowa Wisconsin River.......................... At upstream corporate limits............................... *689 *688
At downstream corporate limits............................. *687 *686
Maps available for inspection at the Avoca Village Hall, 407 Front Street, Avoca, Wisconsin.
Send comments to Mr. Richard Olsen, President of the Village of Avoca, 407 Front Street, P.O. Box 188, Avoca, Wisconsin 53506.
Wisconsin............................. Boscobel (City), Grant Wisconsin River.......................... Approximately 0.91 mile downstream of U.S. Route 61........ None *655
Approximately 0.56 mile upstream of U.S. Route 61.......... *660 *657
Sanders Creek............................ At U.S. Route 61........................................... *659 *657
Approximately 90 feet upstream of upstream corporate limits None *678
Maps available for inspection at the Boscobel City Hall, 1006 Wisconsin Avenue, Boscobel, Wisconsin.
Send comments to The Honorable Paul J. Bloyer, Mayor of the City of Boscobel, 1006 Wisconsin Avenue, Boscobel, Wisconsin 53805.
Wisconsin............................. Manitowoc County, Sheboygan River.......................... At county boundary......................................... *848 *845
(Unincorporated Areas).
At corporate limits of Kiel (State Routes 67 and 32)....... *888 *882
Maps available for inspection at the Manitowoc County Planning & Park Commission, 4319 Expo Drive, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Send comments to Mr. Donald Markwardt, Chairman of the Manitowoc County Board of Supervisors, 1010 South 9th Street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54221-5374.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood
Dated: January 13, 1998.
Michael J. Armstrong,
Associate Director for Mitigation.
[FR Doc. 98-1385 Filed 1-20-98; 8:45 am]