97-3280. Small Business Investment Companies  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 28 (Tuesday, February 11, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 6147-6149]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-3280]
    13 CFR Part 107
    Small Business Investment Companies
    AGENCY: Small Business Administration.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: In response to concerns expressed by a number of small 
    business investment companies (SBICs), SBA is proposing to modify the 
    examination fees charged to SBICs. SBA believes that the current fee 
    schedule places a disproportionate burden on certain classes of 
    licensees (particularly those with the largest amount of total assets) 
    and, in some cases, results in fee assessments that exceed reasonable 
    charges based on the level of effort and time associated with the 
    examination process.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before March 13, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should be addressed to Don A. Christensen, 
    Associate Administrator for Investment, U.S. Small Business 
    Administration, 409 3rd Street, SW., Suite 6300, Washington, DC 20416.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Leonard W. Fagan, Investment Division, 
    at (202) 205-7583.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On January 31, 1996 the Small Business 
    Administration (SBA) published final regulations which, among other 
    things, increased the examination fees charged to SBICs. See 61 FR 
    3177. Fees
    [[Page 6148]]
    continued to be assessed based on total assets of the licensee, but at 
    higher rates. The new fee schedule was designed to produce total 
    revenue sufficient to cover the current direct costs to SBA of 
    conducting examinations.
        Since the effective date and implementation of this regulation 
    (March 1, 1996), SBA has received a number of comments regarding the 
    impact of the new fee schedule on licensees in certain asset size 
    groups. In particular, bank-owned SBICs argue that they are required to 
    bear an unfair portion of the overall fees. In this regard, they note 
    that they generally have no federal funds at risk. However, because 
    fees are based on total assets and they generally have the largest 
    amount of total assets, they are required to pay fees at levels which 
    far exceed the level of effort and risk associated with the examination 
    process. Similarly, larger SBICs which are not bank-owned and do rely 
    on federal funds to supplement private capital argue that the fees 
    greatly exceed the amount they pay for financial audits and are not 
    representative of the level of effort and time attributable to the 
        Because of these comments, the SBA has re-assessed its examination 
    fee schedule and its impact on the various classes of licensees. Based 
    on its reassessment, the SBA has concluded that the current fee 
    schedule places a disproportionate burden on certain classes of 
    licensees and, in some cases, results in fee assessments that exceed 
    reasonable charges based on the level of effort and time associated 
    with the examination process.
        To remedy this situation, the SBA is proposing revisions to 
    Sec. 107.692 to establish fees that are more reasonable in relation to 
    the level of effort and resources expended by the Agency. The proposed 
    fee schedule would establish ``base fees'' for examinations. The base 
    fee increases as a licensee's total assets increase, but is capped at 
    $14,000. The base fee would be adjusted upward in circumstances where 
    the Agency incurs additional cost or burdens in the process because of 
    circumstances solely related to the licensee to be examined. Similarly, 
    the base fee would be adjusted downward where circumstances solely 
    related to the licensee to be examined are such that the Agency's level 
    of effort and time are minimized. In SBA's view, these adjustments are 
    incentives for the licensees to adhere to program regulations and will 
    serve to further enhance the safety and soundness of the SBIC program. 
    The new fee schedule would apply to examinations beginning after the 
    effective date of a final rule.
    Compliance With Executive Orders, 12612, 12778, and 12866, the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.), and the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Ch. 35)
        SBA certifies that this proposed rule would not be a significant 
    regulatory action for purposes of Executive Order 12866 because it 
    would not have an annual effect on the economy of more than $100 
    million, and that it would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities within the meaning of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq. The purpose of the 
    proposed rule is to modify the existing regulatory guidance related to 
    SBIC examination fees. The proposed regulations would provide for more 
    reasonable and equitable examination fees. The proposed fee structure 
    would more properly reflect the level of effort and Agency resources 
    expended to conduct an examination, would encourage continued 
    compliance with program regulations, and would continue to allow for 
    efficient and effective program administration.
        The proposed regulations would have some economic effect. The base 
    fee for examinations would continue to be based on total assets of a 
    licensee and, for the most part, at the rates prescribed in current 
    regulations. However, no licensee would have a base fee greater than 
    $14,000. The proposed regulations would provide for discounts of the 
    base examination fee for (1) licensees that had no outstanding 
    regulatory violations at the time of the examination and there were no 
    violations noted as a result of the most recent prior examination; and 
    (2) licensees that are cooperative with SBA examination personnel by 
    being fully responsive to the letter of notification of examination. 
    Similarly, the proposed regulations would provide increases to the base 
    examination fee for a licensee that (1) is organized as a partnership 
    or limited liability company; (2) is authorized to issue Participating 
    Securities; and/or (3) maintains its records/files in multiple 
        The largest licensees, those with total assets exceeding $60 
    million, would realize substantial fee decreases. The examination base 
    fee of all licensees potentially could be increased or decreased. 
    Therefore, all licensees with total assets below $60 million may 
    experience a 5% to 25% increase or a 10% to 25% decrease in the cost of 
    an annual examination. The economic impact in either case is 
    inconsequential given the total number of licensees and the base fees 
    applicable to the majority of the licensees. Further, even assuming the 
    maximum increases provided for in the proposed regulations, most 
    licensees with total assets greater than $60 million would realize 
    significant examination fee reductions.
        For purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35, SBA 
    certifies that this proposed rule, if adopted in final form, would 
    contain no new reporting or recordkeeping requirements that have not 
    already been approved by the Office of Management and Budget.
        For purposes of Executive Order 12612, SBA certifies that this rule 
    would not have any federalism implications warranting the preparation 
    of a Federalism Assessment.
        For purposes of Executive Order 12778, SBA certifies that this rule 
    is drafted, to the extent practicable, in accordance with the standards 
    set forth in Section 2 of that Order.
    List of Subjects in 13 CFR Part 107
        Investment companies, Loan programs-business, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Small businesses.
        For the reasons set forth above, SBA hereby proposes to amend Part 
    107 of Title 13 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 107 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 681 et seq., 683, 687(c), 687b, 687d, 687g 
    and 687m, Pub. L. 104-208.
        2. Section 107.692 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 107.692  Examination fees.
        (a) General. SBA will assess fees for examinations in accordance 
    with this Sec. 107.692. Unless SBA determines otherwise on a case by 
    case basis, SBA will not assess fees for special examinations to obtain 
    specific information.
        (b) Base fee. A base fee will be assessed based on your total 
    assets (at cost) as of the date of your latest certified financial 
    statement or a more recent interim statement requested by and submitted 
    to SBA in connection with the examination. The base fee table is as 
    [[Page 6149]]
          Total assets of licensee          Base fee                      Plus, percent of assets                   
    $0 to $1,500,000....................       $3,500  +0%.                                                         
    $1,500,001 to $5,000,000............        3,700  +.065% of the amount over $1,500,000.                        
    $5,000,001 to $10,000,000...........        6,000  +.02% of the amount over $5,000,000.                         
    $10,000,001 to $15,000,000..........        7,000  +.01% of the amount over $10,000,000.                        
    $15,000,001 to $25,000,000..........        7,700  +.015% of the amount over $15,000,000.                       
    $25,000,001 to $50,000,000..........        9,200  +.015% of the amount over $25,000,000.                       
    $50,000,001 to $60,000,000..........       13,000  +.01% of the amount over $50,000,000.                        
    $60,000,001 and above...............       14,000  +0%.                                                         
        (c) Adjustments to base fee. Your base fee, as determined by the 
    table in paragraph (b) of this section, will be adjusted (increased or 
    decreased) based on the following criteria:
        (1) If you have no outstanding regulatory violations at the time of 
    the commencement of the examination and SBA did not identify any 
    violations as a result of the most recent prior examination, you will 
    receive a 15% discount on your base fee;
        (2) If you were fully responsive to the letter of notification of 
    examination (that is, you provided all requested documents and 
    information within the time period stipulated in the notification 
    letter in a complete and accurate manner, and you prepared and had 
    available all information requested by the examiner for on-site 
    review), you will receive a 10% discount on your base fee;
        (3) If you are organized as a partnership or limited liability 
    company, you will pay an additional charge equal to 5% of your base 
        (4) If you are a Licensee authorized to issue Participating 
    Securities, you will pay an additional charge equal to 10% of your base 
    fee; and
        (5) If you maintain your records/files in multiple locations (as 
    permitted under Sec. 107.600(b)), you will pay an additional charge 
    equal to 10% of your base fee.
        (d) Fee discounts and additions table. The following table 
    summarizes the discounts and additions noted in paragraph (c) of this 
                                                Amount of                                                 Amount of 
                                               discount--%                                               addition--%
            Examination fee discounts            of base             Examination fee additions             of base  
                                               examination                                               examination
                                                   fee                                                       fee    
    No prior violations......................           15  Partnership or limited liability co........            5
    Responsiveness...........................           10  Participating Security Licensee............           10
                                               ...........  Financing Records at Multiple Locations....           10
        (e) Delay fee. If, in the judgment of SBA, the time required to 
    complete your examination is delayed due to your lack of cooperation or 
    the condition of your records, SBA may assess an additional fee of up 
    to $500 per day.
        Dated: February 4, 1997.
    Philip Lader,
    [FR Doc. 97-3280 Filed 2-10-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8025-01-P

Document Information

Small Business Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before March 13, 1997.
6147-6149 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
13 CFR 107.692