98-3454. Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Revisions to Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 33 (Thursday, February 19, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 8389-8422]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-3454]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 679
    [Docket No. 980112009-8009-01; I.D. 110697B]
    RIN 0648-AK36
    Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Revisions to 
    Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS is proposing revisions to several sections of regulations 
    that pertain to permits, recordkeeping and reporting requirements for 
    fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off Alaska. The changes 
    made by this rule are necessary to clarify and simplify existing text, 
    facilitate management of the fisheries, promote compliance with 
    regulations, and facilitate enforcement efforts. This action is 
    intended to further the goals and objectives of the fishery management 
    plans (FMPs) for the fisheries of the EEZ off Alaska.
    DATES: Comments must be received by March 6, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments must be sent to Assistant Administrator, 
    Sustainable Fisheries Division, NMFS, Alaska Region, P.O. Box 21668, 
    Juneau, AK 99802, Attn: Lori Gravel, or delivered to Federal Building, 
    Fourth Floor, 709 West 9th Street, Juneau, AK, and marked Attn: Lori 
    Gravel. Send comments on collection-of-information requirements to the 
    above address and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs 
    (OIRA), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Washington, DC 20503 
    (Attn: NOAA Desk Officer).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patsy A. Bearden, 907-586-7228.
        NMFS manages the groundfish fisheries in the EEZ off Alaska under 
    authority of the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of 
    Alaska (GOA) and the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery 
    of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) Area. These FMPs are 
    implemented by regulations at 50 CFR part 679. General regulations that 
    also pertain to these fisheries appear in subpart H to 50 CFR part 600. 
    The FMPs were prepared by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council 
    under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act.
        NMFS is proposing revisions to several sections of the implementing 
    regulations for these FMPs that pertain to permits, recordkeeping, and 
    reporting. The proposed changes would clarify existing regulatory text, 
    facilitate management of the fisheries, promote compliance with 
    regulations, and facilitate enforcement efforts.
    [[Page 8390]]
        Revisions. The following revisions to definitions in Sec. 679.2 are 
        Manager. The current definition of ``manager'' includes reference 
    to a buying station; however, only land-based buying stations have a 
    manager. The proposed revision corrects the definition to refer 
    specifically to land-based buying stations.
        Reporting area. The term ``reporting area'' in past years included 
    reference to Alaska State waters. In that context a reporting area 
    consisted of an EEZ portion and a State portion. NMFS then expanded the 
    term ``reporting area'' to include areas like the Donut Hole that did 
    not contain either EEZ or State waters. Also, a reporting area could 
    consist entirely of State waters. The proposed revision amends the 
    definition of ``reporting area'' to include all three possible 
        Transfer. A revision of the definition of ``transfer'' is proposed 
    to clarify that a transfer occurs after initial delivery from a catcher 
        Additions. The following additions to the definitions in Sec. 679.2 
    are proposed:
        Ancillary product. The term ``ancillary product'' is used 
    extensively in Sec. 679.5 and is defined at Sec. 679.20(g)(2)(iii). To 
    clarify the regulations, the text defining ``ancillary product'' would 
    be removed from Sec. 679.20 and inserted into the definitions section 
    at Sec. 679.2.
        Groundfish product or fish product. The term ``groundfish product 
    or fish product'' would be added to Sec. 679.2 and would be defined to 
    mean any product for which a code is listed in Table 1 to part 679, and 
    for any species for which a code is listed in Table 2 to part 679, 
    except the prohibited species codes in Table 2 to part 679.
        Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Regulatory Areas, sablefish. The 
    terms ``Central Gulf or GOA Central Regulatory Area,'' ``Eastern Gulf 
    or GOA Eastern Regulatory Area,'' and ``Western Gulf or GOA Regulatory 
    Area'' would be added to Sec. 679.2 because they are used in the 
    regulatory text at various locations.
    Cross References
        NMFS proposes to add the following cross references:
        To Sec. 679.2, the terms ``catch,'' ``discard,'' and ``retain on 
    board'' at Sec. 600.10 and Sec. 679.27.
        To Sec. 679.4, the terms ``Experimental fisheries permits'' and 
    ``Salmon donation program permits'' at Sec. 679.6 and 
    Sec. 679.26(a)(3), respectively.
        To Sec. 679.2, the terms ``other flatfish,'' ``shallow water 
    flatfish,'' ``deep water flatfish,'' ``other rockfish,'' and ``other 
    red rockfish'' at Sec. 679.20(c).
        To Sec. 679.5(c)(3)(iv), the topic regarding submittal of a blue 
    Daily Fishing Logbook (DFL) logsheet at Sec. 679.5(a)(10)(ii)(B).
        To Sec. 679.25, the topic regarding inseason adjustments at 
    Sec. 679.20(d)(1)(ii)(A).
        To Sec. 679.21(b), the topic regarding sablefish at 
    Sec. 679.23(g)(3).
    NMFS proposes to revise the following cross references:
        Revise Sec. 679.20 to Sec. 679.20(d), regarding closures at 
    Sec. 679.22(a)(7)(ii), Sec. 679.22(a)(8)(ii), and 
    Sec. 679.22(b)(2)(ii).
        Gear test areas. NMFS proposes to correct the gear test areas shown 
    in Figure 7 to part 679.
        Chinook salmon savings areas. NMFS proposes to remove the 
    coordinates of the chinook salmon savings area from regulatory text at 
    Sec. 679.21(e)(7)(vii)(B), present the coordinates in a new Figure 8 to 
    part 679, and place a cross reference in this paragraph to Figure 8 to 
    part 679.
        Chum salmon savings areas. NMFS proposes to remove the coordinates 
    of the chum salmon savings area from regulatory text at 
    Sec. 679.21(e)(7)(vi)(B), present the coordinates in a new Figure 9 to 
    part 679, and place a cross reference in this paragraph to Figure 9 to 
    part 679.
        Pribilof Islands Area Habitat Conservation Zone. NMFS proposes to 
    remove the coordinates of the Pribilof Islands Area Habitat 
    Conservation Zone from regulatory text at Sec. 679.22(a)(6), present 
    the coordinates in a new Figure 10 to part 679, and place a cross 
    reference in this paragraph to Figure 10 to part 679.
        Red King Crab Savings Area (RKCSA). NMFS proposes to remove the 
    coordinates of the RKCSA from regulatory text at Sec. 679.22(a)(3), 
    present the coordinates in a new Figure 11 to part 679, and place a 
    cross reference in this paragraph to Figure 11 to part 679.
        Nearshore Bristol Bay trawl closure area. NMFS proposes to remove 
    the coordinates of the Nearshore Bristol Bay trawl closure area from 
    regulatory text at Sec. 679.22(a)(9), present the coordinates in a new 
    Figure 12 to part 679, and place a cross reference in this paragraph to 
    Figure 12 to part 679.
        C. opilio Crab Bycatch Limitation Zone (COBLZ). NMFS proposes to 
    remove the coordinates of the COBLZ from regulatory text at 
    Sec. 679.21(e)(7)(iv)(B), to present the coordinates in a new Figure 13 
    to part 679, and to place a cross reference in this paragraph to Figure 
    13 to part 679.
        Scallop registration areas. NMFS proposes to remove the coordinates 
    of the scallop registration areas and districts from regulatory text at 
    Sec. 679.61 (a) through (i), present the coordinates in a new Figure 14 
    to part 679, and place a cross reference in this paragraph to Figure 14 
    to part 679.
        Sablefish regulatory areas. NMFS proposes to add a new Figure 15 to 
    part 679 to describe the sablefish IFQ regulatory areas referenced at 
    Sec. 679.41(e).
        Pacific halibut regulatory areas. NMFS proposes to add a new Figure 
    16 to part 679 to describe the IFQ regulatory areas for the Pacific 
    halibut fishery that are referenced at Sec. 679.2 and Sec. 679.41(e).
        NMFS proposes to amend Table 1 to part 679 by revising the title of 
    discard code M99 to read, ``Discard, off-site meal.''
        NMFS proposes to amend Table 2 to part 679 to accommodate the 
    Council's recommendation for BSAI and GOA FMP amendments to add new 
    species categories of forage fish.
        NMFS proposes to amend Table 3 to part 679 by:
        a. Revising the title to read: Table 3--Product Recovery Rates 
    (PRR) for Groundfish Species and Conversion Rates for Pacific halibut.
        b. Moving the halibut conversion factors presented in regulatory 
    text at Sec. 679.42(c)(2)(iii) to Table 3 to part 679 and placing a 
    cross reference in that paragraph to Table 3 to part 679.
    Reformat and Clarify Regulatory Text
        NMFS proposes to alter the format of the regulatory text in several 
    places to provide a more logical flow of information, to clarify text, 
    to add paragraph titles where needed, and to correct spelling errors as 
        Remove from Sec. 679.5(d)(1)(i) the words ``subject to this part,'' 
    as outdated language.
        Add Sec. 679.5(a)(3)(iii) to indicate signature is acceptance of 
        Remove the words ``if applicable'' from Sec. 679.5(a)(5)(ii).
        Add Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) processor code and 
    Federal fisheries permit number to Sec. 679.5(a)(5)(vii).
        Add signature to Sec. 679.5(a)(5)(viii).
        Establish a single source of information in regulatory text for 
    participant identification information (Sec. 679.5(a)(5)), maintenance 
    of records (Sec. 679.5(a)(6)), active and inactive periods 
    (Sec. 679.5(a)(7)), and discarded/donated species information 
    (Sec. 679.5(a)(10)) by removing text that
    [[Page 8391]]
    duplicates that information from Sec. 679.5(a)(10)(ii) through (v), 
    (c)(3), (d)(2), (e)(2), (f)(2), (g)(3), (h)(3), (i)(3), (j)(4), and 
        Add the words ``in the logbook'' after ``fishing year'' in 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(6)(ii).
        Revise ``date'' description under Sec. 679.5(a)(6)(iii)(B) for 
    catcher vessel DFL and shoreside processor daily cumulative production 
    logbook (DCPL).
        Revise ``page'' description under Sec. 679.5(a)(7)(ii).
        Remove the words ``or catch receipts'' in Sec. 679.5(a)(16)(ii).
        Present as separate paragraphs the catcher vessel and catcher/
    processor requirements at Sec. 679.5(c)(2).
        Correct the words ``vessel registration number'' to read ``vessel 
    number'' in Sec. 679.5(d)(2)(ii)(D), (e)(2)(ii), and (f)(2)(i)(D).
        Revise paragraph Sec. 679.5(f)(2)(i)(E) from ``nearest 0.001 mt'' 
    to read ``in pounds or to the nearest mt.''
        Change time limit submittal requirement at Sec. 679.5(g)(2)(ii) for 
    product transfer reports (PTRs) from ``within 24 hr of completion of 
    transfer'' to read ``by 1200 hours A.l.t. on the Tuesday following the 
    end of the applicable weekly reporting period.''
        Remove a duplicate but partial list of pollock PRRs from 
    Sec. 679.20(g)(3) and place a cross reference in that paragraph to 
    Table 3 to part 679.
        Add paragraph titles to Sec. 679.41(e)(1), (2), and (3).
        Remove the requirement to record Federal or Alaska State areas 
    within a reporting area.
        Add the requirement to record information regarding COBLZ or RKCSA 
    within a reporting area.
        NMFS proposes to revise the requirement for recording haul or set 
    numbers at Sec. 679.5(c)(3)(i) to use consecutive numbers by year to 
    identify each haul or set; each haul or set would be unique within a 
    given year. This proposed change would allow better coordination 
    between industry and observer records by establishing a standard method 
    of accounting for haul and set numbers.
        NMFS proposes to remove the requirements to record ``balance 
    forward'' information in the shoreside processor DCPL landings discard/
    donation, and production at Sec. 679.5(a)(8), (9), and (10). The 
    shoreside processor DCPL is designed to accommodate 1 week's data on 
    one page; therefore, there is no balance forward from a previous page.
    Non-Alaska Fish Tickets
        NMFS proposes to clarify the requirements for fish tickets from 
    shoreside processors located in a state other than Alaska at 
    Sec. 679.5(f)(2)(i)(G).
    Recordkeeping and Reporting
    ADF&G Fish Tickets
        Currently, when a mothership receives groundfish from a catcher 
    vessel, the operator of the mothership issues a catch receipt or 
    voluntarily issues an ADF&G fish ticket to the catcher vessel. If a 
    fish ticket is issued, the fish ticket number is reported by the 
    mothership on a weekly production report (WPR). NMFS proposes to add a 
    requirement at Sec. 679.5(m) that would remove the option from 
    motherships to issue a catch receipt to catcher vessels and would 
    require all motherships to weekly aggregate groundfish harvest 
    information on an ADF&G fish ticket by species for each catcher vessel 
    delivering groundfish to the mothership and to submit each fish ticket 
    monthly to ADF&G. This change would provide a more complete record of 
    catcher vessel participation in the groundfish fisheries. Information 
    collected on fish tickets is needed to assess alternative fisheries 
    management programs that may be considered by the Council in the 
    Groundfish as Bait
        No Federal or Alaska State mechanism exists for reporting the 
    amounts of groundfish retained as bait by catcher vessels in the crab 
    fishery because the fish are not landed or delivered to a processor. 
    NMFS has determined that the quantities of groundfish involved are 
    relatively small and can be sufficiently estimated for purposes of 
    management of the groundfish resource. NMFS proposes to add 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(1)(iv) to exempt such catcher vessels from groundfish 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
        NMFS proposes to revise regulatory text to clarify the recording of 
    aggregated bait sales on a product transfer report (PTR) at 
    Sec. 679.5(g)(1)(iii).
    Fishing Trip
        NMFS proposes to remove the requirement to record the start date, 
    end date, and trip number of a fishing trip by catcher vessels and 
    catcher/processors at Sec. 679.5(c)(3)(i)(B). NMFS determined that 
    documentation of fishing activity within a trip can be obtained from 
    other logbook data.
    Recording Retained Pacific Cod and Rockfish
        NMFS proposes to reformat the DFL and catcher/processor DCPL and 
    revise the regulatory text at Sec. 679.5(c)(3). These changes would 
    complement prior revisions in the regulations at Sec. 679.7(f)(8) 
    concerning retention of Pacific cod and rockfish caught incidentally 
    while fishing in an IFQ fishery.
    ``Required'' vs ``Issued''
        NMFS proposes to clarify the regulatory text at 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(1)(ii) to read ``issued a permit'' to replace ``required 
    to have a permit.'' This change would clarify that processors that 
    receive groundfish from a vessel that has been issued a Federal 
    fisheries permit are required to comply with all the applicable 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements for the remainder of the year, 
    regardless of where the fish were caught.
    Reprocessed Product
        NMFS proposes to add the words, ``PTR TRANSFER,'' as an option 
    under the category ``gear type'' in the regulatory text at 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(7)(v)(A) and on the DFL, mothership and shoreside 
    processor DCPL, daily cumulative logbook (DCL), WPR, and PTR to 
    document the removal (or receipt) of groundfish for reprocessing. Each 
    processor records fish products in the DCPL and reports these products 
    to NMFS on a WPR. Through the use of this new option, when groundfish 
    are shipped from one processor to another processor for reprocessing, 
    the product would be identified as reprocessed and would ensure that 
    the groundfish quantity is not deducted from the quota twice.
    Gear Type
        NMFS proposes to add the word, ``OTHER,'' as an option under the 
    category ``gear type'' in the regulatory text at Sec. 679.5(a)(7)(v)(A) 
    and on the DFL, DCL, DCPL, WPR to indicate groundfish product received 
    from catcher vessels using gear other than federally authorized gear 
    types in Alaska State waters. This situation occurs when a vessel is 
    fishing in a non-groundfish fishery with a gear other than the 
    authorized gear defined at Sec. 679.2 and that vessel retains the 
    Active Status
        NMFS proposes to describe ``active status'' in the regulations at 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(7)(vi) through (ix) and the logbooks in consistent terms. 
    In the DFL and catcher/processor DCPL, the wording for active/inactive 
    status is ``Active, Not Fishing''; in the regulations, the wording ``No 
    Fishing Activity'' would be changed to read ``Active, Not Fishing.'' 
    When referring to a mothership or shoreside processor, the regulatory 
    text would be changed to read ``No Receiving or processing activity.'' 
    When referring to a buying
    [[Page 8392]]
    station, the regulatory text would be changed to read ``No receiving or 
    delivery activity.''
    Summarize by Weekly Reporting Period
        NMFS proposes to reinsert language in regulatory text at 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(8)(ii)(D) and (a)(9) (iii) and (iv) requiring that all 
    landings, discards, and production records be summarized at the end of 
    the weekly reporting period. Through previous consolidation of 
    regulations, some of this language was lost.
    Discards or Donations
        NMFS proposes to change the regulatory text from ``discards and 
    donations'' to read ``discards or donations'' wherever it appears.
    Procedure for Recording Discards or Donations
        In Sec. 679.5(a), the text regarding discards or donations is 
    duplicated several times. To remove this duplication, NMFS proposes to 
    describe the procedure to record discards or donations at 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(10)(i)(C), remove the duplicate text from 
    Sec. 679.5(a)(10)(ii)(A), (iii)(A), (iv)(B) and (C), and (v)(B), and 
    place a cross reference in those paragraphs to Sec. 679.5(a)(10)(i)(C).
    Discard, Off-Site Meal
        NMFS proposes to clarify regulatory text concerning an off-site 
    transfer of discard at Sec. 679.5(g)(1)(ii) and to identify such a 
    transfer as discard code M99 in Table 1 to Part 679.
    Logsheet Maintenance and Storage
        NMFS proposes to revise the submittal instructions in the 
    regulations, logbooks, and instructions in response to the move of NMFS 
    logbook file storage from the Observer Program in Seattle, WA, to NOAA 
    Enforcement Division in Juneau, AK.
    Delivery Information
        NMFS proposes to revise paragraph headings at Sec. 679.5(d)(2)(ii), 
    (e)(2), and (f)(2)(i) to read ``delivery information'' for consistency 
    with the logsheet text.
    Time Limits
        NMFS proposes to change the regulatory text regarding recordkeeping 
    and reporting time limits. The proposed changes would clarify existing 
    text and add specific reference to recording of discard or donation 
    information in the DFL, DCL, and DCPL at Sec. 679.5(d)(1) (i) and (ii), 
    (e)(1) (i) and (ii), and (f)(1) (i) and (ii). The proposed changes 
    would not alter the time limits in which the information must be 
        NMFS proposes to revise some regulatory text that causes a conflict 
    in recordkeeping and reporting submittal times at 
    Sec. 679.5(c)(2)(i)(B), (c)(2)(ii)(B), (d)(1)(ii), (e)(1)(ii), and 
    PTR Fax to Enforcement
        NMFS proposes to revise the regulatory text at Sec. 679.5(g)(2)(ii) 
    from ``Regional Administrator'' to read ``NMFS Enforcement'' because a 
    PTR would no longer be sent to the Regional Administrator but to NMFS 
    Enforcement at the fax number printed on the PTR.
    Shoreside Processor Check-out Report
        NMFS proposes to clarify regulatory text at Sec. 679.5(h)(2)(ii)(C) 
    and the shoreside processor check-in/check-out report to allow a 
    shoreside processor the option of submitting a check-out report when 
    receipt or processing of groundfish is temporarily halted during the 
    fishing year for a period greater than 2 weeks.
    Shoreside Processor Product Held at Plant
        NMFS proposes to clarify regulatory text at Sec. 679.5(h)(3)(iii) 
    to require that all fish product held at a shoreside facility be 
    reported on each check-in/check-out report.
    Procedure for Recording Blue Discard DFL
        NMFS proposes to clarify the recordkeeping procedure at 
    Sec. 679.5(d)(2)(ii)(B), (e)(2)(vi), and (f)(2)(i)(C) for the operator 
    or manager of a buying station, mothership, or shoreside processor that 
    does not receive a blue discard DFL logsheet with groundfish catch from 
    a catcher vessel. If a blue discard logsheet is not received, currently 
    the operator or manager records ``NO'' in the RECEIVE DISCARD REPORT 
    column. NMFS proposes to require the operator or manager to also 
    indicate, after the response ``NO,'' either ``P'' to indicate the 
    catcher vessel does not have a Federal fisheries permit; ``L'' to 
    indicate the catcher vessel is under 60 ft (18.3 m) length overall 
    (LOA); or ``U'' to indicate the catcher vessel delivered an unsorted 
    codend. If a catcher vessel is under 60 ft (18.3 m) LOA and also does 
    not have a Federal fisheries permit, the operator or manager would 
    record ``P.''
        NMFS proposes to add two new prohibitions at Sec. 679.7 that are 
    supported by current regulations: (1) To receive or process groundfish 
    without a Federal processor permit and (2) to exceed a maximum 
    retainable groundfish bycatch amount.
        This proposed rule contains collection-of-information requirements 
    subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). OMB approval for the 
    majority of this information has been obtained under OMB control 
    numbers 0648-0206 and -0213; additions and revisions to the collection 
    have been submitted to OMB for approval of additions and revisions.
        Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required 
    to respond to nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to 
    comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information 
    displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
    Approved Under 0648-0206--Alaska Permits
        No new forms or revisions to forms.
    Approved Under 0648-0213--Alaska Region Logbook Family of Forms
        Revisions to existing logbooks and forms have the following 
    effects: Estimated time for an operator of a catcher vessel with fixed 
    gear to complete a DFL decreases from 0.38 hour per response to 0.30 
    hour per response; estimated time for an operator of a catcher vessel 
    with gear other than fixed gear to complete a DFL decreases from 0.37 
    hour per response to 0.30 hour per response; estimated time for an 
    operator of a catcher/processor with fixed gear to complete a catcher/
    processor DCPL decreases from 0.58 hour per response to 0.50 hour per 
    response; estimated time for an operator of a catcher/processor with 
    gear other than fixed gear to complete a catcher/processor DCPL 
    decreases from 0.56 hour per response to 0.50 hour per response; 
    estimated time for an operator of a mothership to complete a mothership 
    DCPL decreases from 0.55 hour per response to 0.52 hour per response; 
    estimated time for a manager of a shoreside processor to complete a 
    shoreside processor DCPL decreases from 0.45 hour per response to 0.40 
    hour per response; estimated time for a manager or operator of a buying 
    station to complete a buying station DCL decreases from 0.42 hour per 
    response to 0.38 hour per response; estimated time for a manager or 
    operator of a processor to complete a WPR decreases from 0.30 hour per 
    response to 0.28 hour per response; estimated time for a manager or 
    operator of a processor to complete a daily production report (DPR) 
    increases from 0.17 hour per response to 0.18 hour per response;
    [[Page 8393]]
    estimated time for a manager or operator of a processor to complete a 
    check-in/check-out report decreases from 0.13 hour per response to 0.12 
    hour per response for vessel processors and remains constant at 0.13 
    hour per response for shoreside processors; estimated time for a 
    manager or operator of a buying station to complete a check-in/check-
    out report decreases from 0.10 hour per response to 0.08 hour per 
    response; estimated time for an operator of a vessel to complete a 
    Vessel Activity Report (VAR) decreases from 0.25 hour per response to 
    0.23 hour per response; removal of voluntary submittal of an ADF&G 
    Alaska Commercial Operator's Annual Report results in a decrease of 6 
    hours per response; addition of the requirement for motherships to 
    submit ADF&G fish tickets results in an increase of 0.58 hour per 
    response. The estimated response times shown include the time to review 
    instructions, search existing data sources, gather and maintain the 
    data needed, and complete and review the collection of information.
        Public comment is sought regarding: Whether this proposed 
    collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of 
    the function of the agency, including rather the information has 
    practical utility; the accuracy of the burden estimate; ways to enhance 
    the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; 
    and ways to minimize the burden of the collection, including through 
    the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
    information technology.
        Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of 
    this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this 
    burden, to NMFS and to OIRA, OMB (see ADDRESSES).
        This action has been determined to be not significant for purposes 
    of E.O. 12866. This determination is based on the information gathered 
    within the Regulatory Impact Review (RIR) prepared for regulatory 
    amendments to recordkeeping and reporting requirements (June 1995) and 
    a finding of non-significance made for the 1994 rulemaking. No 
    substantive recordkeeping or reporting changes are made with this 
    proposed rule.
        The Assistant General Counsel of the Department of Commerce 
    certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business 
    Administration that this proposed rule, if adopted, would not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    as follows.
        Recordkeeping and reporting applies to almost all of the vessels 
    currently participating in Alaska groundfish fisheries. This is a 
    ``substantial number'' of small entities, as NMFS has interpreted 
    this term to mean 20 percent of the total universe of small entities 
    affected by the regulation. However the proposed action would not 
    impose any additional compliance costs on small entities. It would 
    impose minor changes and in many instances reduce the time needed to 
    complete the recordkeeping and reporting documents. Therefore, this 
    action would not have a ``significant impact,'' as NMFS has 
    interpreted that term to mean: a reduction in annual gross revenues 
    by more than 5 percent, an increase in total costs of production by 
    more than 5 percent, or compliance costs for small entities that are 
    at least 10 percent higher than compliance costs as a percent of 
    sales for large entities.
    Therefore, a regulatory flexibility analysis was not prepared.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 679
        Alaska, Fisheries, Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
        Dated: February 5, 1998.
    David L. Evans,
    Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 50 CFR part 679 is 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 50 CFR part 679 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 773 et seq., 1801 et seq., and 3631 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 679.2, the definitions for ``C. Opilio Crab Bycatch 
    Limitation Zone (COBLZ),'' ``Manager,'' ``Reporting area,'' and 
    ``Transfer'' are revised; and definitions for ``Ancillary product,'' 
    ``Bled codend,'' ``Catch,'' ``Central Gulf or GOA Central Regulatory 
    Area,'' ``Deep water flatfish,'' ``Discard,'' ``Eastern Gulf or GOA 
    Eastern Regulatory Area,'' ``Groundfish product or fish product,'' 
    ``Other flatfish,'' ``Other red rockfish,'' ``Other rockfish,'' 
    ``Retain on board,'' ``Shallow water flatfish,'' and ``Western Gulf or 
    GOA Western Regulatory Area'' are added, in alphabetical order to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 679.2  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Ancillary product means a product, such as meal, heads, internal 
    organs, pectoral girdles, or any other product that may be made from 
    the same fish as the primary product.
    * * * * *
        Bled codend means a form of discard by vessels using trawl gear 
    wherein some or all of the fish are emptied into the sea from the net 
    before fish are brought fully on board.
    * * * * *
        C. Opilio Crab Bycatch Limitation Zone (COBLZ) (see Figure 13 of 
    this part and Sec. 679.21(e)).
        Catch (See Sec. 600.10.)
    * * * * *
        Central Gulf or GOA Central Regulatory Area means that portion of 
    the GOA EEZ that is contained in Statistical Areas 620 and 630 (see 
    Figure 3 of this part).
    * * * * *
        Deep water flatfish (See annual final specifications published in 
    the Federal Register pursuant to Sec. 679.20(c)).
    * * * * *
        Discard (See Sec. 600.10.)
    * * * * *
        Eastern Gulf or GOA Eastern Regulatory Area means the Reporting 
    Areas 649 and 659 and that portion of the GOA EEZ that is contained in 
    Statistical Areas 640 and 650 (see Figure 3 of this part).
    * * * * *
        Groundfish product or fish product means any species product listed 
    in Tables 1 and 2 of this part, excluding the prohibited species listed 
    in Table 2 of this part.
    * * * * *
        Manager, with respect to any shoreside processor or land-based 
    buying station, means the individual responsible for the operation of 
    the shoreside processor or land-based buying station.
    * * * * *
        Other flatfish (See annual final specifications published in the 
    Federal Register pursuant to Sec. 679.20(c).)
        Other red rockfish (See annual final specifications published in 
    the Federal Register pursuant to Sec. 679.20(c).)
        Other rockfish (See annual final specifications published in the 
    Federal Register pursuant to Sec. 679.20(c).)
    * * * * *
        Reporting area (see Figures 1 and 3 of this part) means: (1) An 
    area that includes a statistical area of the EEZ off Alaska and any 
    adjacent waters of the State of Alaska ; (2) the reporting areas 300, 
    400, 550, and 690, which do not contain EEZ waters off Alaska or Alaska 
    state waters; or (3) reporting areas 649 and 659, which contain only 
    waters of the State of Alaska.
    * * * * *
        Retain on board (See Secs. 600.10 and 679.27.)
    * * * * *
        Shallow water flatfish (See annual final specifications published 
    in the
    [[Page 8394]]
    Federal Register pursuant to Sec. 679.20(c).)
    * * * * *
        Transfer includes any loading, offloading, shipment or receipt of 
    any groundfish product after initial delivery from a catcher vessel, 
    including quantities transferred inside or outside the EEZ, within any 
    state's territorial waters, within the internal waters of any state, at 
    any shoreside processor, or any offsite meal reduction plant.
    * * * * *
        Western Gulf or GOA Western Regulatory Area means that portion of 
    the GOA EEZ that is contained in Statistical Area 610 (see Figure 3 of 
    this part).
    * * * * *
        3. In Sec. 679.3, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 679.3  Relation to other laws.
    * * * * *
        (b) Domestic fishing for groundfish. (1) The conservation and 
    management of groundfish in waters of the territorial sea and internal 
    waters of the State of Alaska are governed by the Alaska Administrative 
    Code at 5 AAC Chapter 28 and the Alaska Statutes at Title 16.
        (2) Alaska Administrative Code (5 AAC 39.130) governs reporting and 
    permitting requirements using ADF&G ``Intent to Operate'' and ``Fish 
    * * * * *
        4. In Sec. 679.4, paragraph (f)(1) is amended by removing the ``s'' 
    from the word ``States'' that follows the word ``Alaska;'' and 
    paragraphs (i) and (j) are added to read as follows:
    Sec. 679.4  Permits.
    * * * * *
        (i) Experimental fisheries permits. (See Sec. 679.6.)
        (j) Salmon donation program permits. (See Sec. 679.26(a)(3).)
        5. Section 679.5 is amended to read as follows by:
        (a) Revising paragraph (a)(1) introductory text and the first 
    sentence of paragraph (a)(1)(ii); and by adding paragraph (a)(1)(iv).
        (b) Revising paragraph (a)(3).
        (c) Revising paragraph (a)(5)(ii) and by adding paragraphs (a)(5) 
    (vii) and (viii).
        (d) Revising paragraphs (a)(6)(ii) and (a)(6)(iii)(B); and by 
    adding paragraph (a)(6)(iii)(I).
        (e) Adding paragraphs (a)(7)(vii) through (ix); and by revising 
    paragraphs (a)(7)(ii), (a)(7)(v) (A) through (D), (a)(7)(v)(F), and 
        (f) Revising paragraphs (a)(8)(i) and (a)(8)(ii)(B); and by 
    removing paragraph (a)(8)(iii).
        (g) Revising paragraph (a)(9)(i); redesignating paragraph 
    (a)(9)(iii) as (a)(9)(v) and revising it; and by adding paragraphs 
    (a)(9) (iii) and (iv).
        (h) Revising paragraphs (a)(10)(i) introductory text, 
    (a)(10)(i)(A), (a)(10)(ii), (a)(10)(iii)(B), (a)(10)(iv), (a)(10)(v)(A) 
    and by adding paragraphs (a)(10)(i)(C).
        (i) Revising paragraph (a)(14)(i)(A).
        (j) Revising paragraph (a)(15)(i) heading.
        (k) Revising paragraph (a)(16)(ii).
        (l) Revising paragraphs (c)(2) (i) and (ii); and by removing 
    paragraphs (c)(2) (iii) through (vi).
        (m) Revising paragraph (c)(3); and by adding paragraphs (c)(4) and 
        (n) Removing paragraphs (d)(2)(i) (A) through (G) and (d)(2)(iii); 
    revising paragraph (d)(1), (d)(2)(i), (d)(2)(ii) heading, (d)(2)(ii) 
    (A), (B), (D), and (E).
        (o) Removing paragraphs (e)(2) (i), (iii), and (iv); by 
    redesignating paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) introductory text and (e)(2)(ii)(A) 
    through (e)(2)(ii)(E) as paragraphs (e)(2) introductory text, and 
    (e)(2)(i) through (e)(2)(v), respectively; by revising paragraphs 
    (e)(1), newly redesignated paragraph (e)(2) introductory text; and by 
    adding paragraph (e)(2)(vi).
        (p) Removing paragraphs (f)(2) (i), (iii), (iv), and (v), by 
    redesignating paragraphs (f)(2)(ii) introductory text as paragraph 
    (f)(2)(i) introductory text; by revising paragraphs (f)(i) and newly 
    redesignated (f)(2)(i); and by adding paragraphs (f)(2)(i)(G) and 
        (q) Revising paragraph (g)(1)(ii), adding a sentence to the end of 
    paragraph (g)(1)(iii), revising paragraph (g)(2)(ii), adding headings 
    to paragraphs (g)(3)(ii) (A), (B), and (C), revising paragraph 
    (g)(3)(ii)(E)(1), revising the heading to paragraph (g)(3)(ii)(E)(2); 
    and revising paragraphs (g)(3)(ii)(E)(2) (ii), and (iii).
        (r) Revising paragraphs (h)(2)(i) (A) and (B), and (h)(2)(ii) (A) 
    through (D); redesignating paragraph (h)(3)(iv) as (h)(3)(iii) and 
    revising it; and adding paragraph (h)(3) introductory text; and 
    revising paragraphs (h)(3)(i) and (h)(3)(ii).
        (s) Revising paragraphs (i)(3) (i), (ii) and (v).
        (t) Adding paragraph (j)(4) introductory text; by removing 
    paragraph (j)(4)(i); and by redesignating paragraphs (j)(4) (ii) 
    through (iv) as paragraphs (j)(4)(i) through (j)(4)(iii) and revising 
        (u) Adding a new paragraph (m).
    Sec. 679.5  Recordkeeping and reporting.
        (a) * * *
        (1) * * * Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(1) (iii) and (iv) of 
    this section, the following participants must comply with the 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this section:
    * * * * *
        (ii) Any shoreside processor, mothership, or buying station that 
    receives groundfish from vessels issued a Federal fisheries permit 
    under Sec. 679.4. * * *
    * * * * *
        (iv) Exemption for groundfish used as crab bait. (A) Owners or 
    operators of catcher vessels who take groundfish in crab pot gear for 
    use as crab bait on board their vessels while participating in an open 
    season for crab, and the bait is neither transferred nor sold, are 
    exempt from Federal recordkeeping and reporting requirements contained 
    in paragraphs (a) through (j) of this section.
        (B) This exemption does not apply to fishermen who:
        (1) Catch groundfish for bait during an open crab season and sell 
    that groundfish or transfer it to another vessel, or
        (2) Participate in a directed fishery for groundfish using any gear 
    type during periods that are outside an open crab season for use as 
    crab bait on board their vessel.
        (C) No groundfish species listed by NMFS as ``prohibited'' in a 
    management or regulatory area may be taken in that area for use as 
        (D) Any fishing with pot gear in the crab fisheries is subject to 
    restrictions under Alaska State regulations.
    * * * * *
        (3) Responsibility. (i) The operator of a catcher vessel, catcher/
    processor, mothership, or buying station receiving from a catcher 
    vessel and delivering to a mothership (hereafter referred to as the 
    operator) and the manager of a shoreside processor or buying station 
    receiving from a catcher vessel and delivering to a shoreside processor 
    (hereafter referred to as the manager) are each responsible for 
    complying with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements 
    of this section.
        (ii) The owner of a vessel, shoreside processor, or buying station 
    must ensure that the operator, manager, or representative (see 
    paragraph (b) of this section) complies with these requirements and is 
    responsible for compliance.
        (iii) The signature of the owner, operator, or manager on the DFL, 
    DCL, or DCPL is verification of acceptance of this responsibility.
    * * * * *
        (5) * * *
        (ii) If a catcher vessel, the Federal fisheries permit number and 
    ADF&G vessel number.
    * * * * *
    [[Page 8395]]
        (vii) If a mothership or catcher/processor, the ADF&G processor 
    code and Federal fisheries permit number.
        (viii) Signature of owner, operator, or manager.
        (6) * * *
        (ii) The operator or manager must account for each day of the 
    fishing year in the logbook, starting with January 1 and ending with 
    December 31. Time periods must be consecutive in the logbook.
        (iii) * * *
        (B) Date, presented as month-day-year. (1) If a catcher vessel, and 
    the logsheet contains more than one day in the ``catch'' section, enter 
    date of first day recorded on logsheet.
        (2) If a catcher vessel, enter date of each day in the discard/
    donate section of the DFL.
        (3) If a shoreside processor, enter the week-ending date for the 
        (4) If a shoreside processor, enter date of each day of the week in 
    the landings and discard/donate sections of the DCPL.
    * * * * *
        (I) Processor type. If a mothership or catcher/processor, enter 
    processor type.
        (7) * * *
        (ii) (A) If a mothership, catcher/processor, or buying station, use 
    a separate logbook page for each day of an active period.
        (B) If a catcher vessel, use a separate logbook page for each day 
    or use one logbook page for up to 7 days.
        (C) If a shoreside processor, use a separate logbook page for each 
    day or use one logbook page for up to 7 days.
    * * * * *
        (v) * * *
        (A) The gear type used to harvest the groundfish.
        (1) If a catcher vessel or catcher/processor and using hook-and-
    line gear, the average number of hooks per skate.
        (2) If shipment is received by a mothership or shoreside processor 
    from a different processor through the use of a PTR, circle PTR 
        (3) If gear type is not an authorized fishing gear, circle OTHER.
        (4) If groundfish are received by a mothership in the same 
    reporting area from more than one gear type, the operator must use a 
    separate page in the DCPL for each gear type and must submit a separate 
    check-in/check-out report, DPR (if required), and WPR for each gear 
        (5) If groundfish are caught by a catcher/processor in the same 
    reporting area using more than one gear type, the operator must use a 
    separate page in the DCPL for each gear type and must submit a separate 
    check-in/check-out report, DPR (if required), and WPR for each gear 
        (B) The reporting area code where gear retrieval was completed.
        (1) If a catcher vessel or catcher/processor using trawl gear, 
    record whether catch was harvested in the COBLZ or RKCSA. Use a 
    separate page in the DFL or DCPL for the COBLZ or RKCSA area.
        (2) If a catcher/processor using trawl gear, the operator must 
    submit a separate check-in/check-out report for the COBLZ or RKCSA 
        (C) The number of observers aboard or on site.
        (D) Except for a shoreside processor, the number of crew, excluding 
    certified observer(s), on the last day of the reporting week.
    * * * * *
        (F) If a catcher vessel or buying station, the name and ADF&G 
    processor code of the mothership or shoreside processor to which 
    groundfish deliveries were made.
        (vi) If a catcher vessel, in an active period, and not harvesting 
    or discarding groundfish, the operator must record ``ACTIVE, NOT 
    FISHING'' and briefly describe the reason.
        (vii) If a catcher/processor, in an active period, and not 
    harvesting, discarding, or processing groundfish, the operator must 
    record ``ACTIVE, NOT FISHING'' and briefly describe the reason.
        (viii) If a mothership or shoreside processor, in an active period, 
    and not receiving, discarding, or processing groundfish, the operator 
    or manager must record ``NO RECEIVING OR PROCESSING ACTIVITY'' and 
    briefly describe the reason.
        (ix) If a buying station, in an active period, and not receiving, 
    discarding, or delivering groundfish, the operator or manager must 
    record ``NO RECEIVING OR DELIVERING ACTIVITY'' and briefly describe the 
        (8) * * *
        (i) Record and report groundfish landings by species codes and 
    product codes as defined in Tables 1 and 2 of this part for each 
    reporting area, gear type, and CDQ number. If caught with trawl gear, 
    record whether catch was harvested in the COBLZ or RKCSA.
        (ii) * * *
        (B) At the end of each weekly reporting period, enter for each 
    species/product code, the cumulative total scale weight of landings for 
    that week.
        (9) * * *
        (i) Record and report groundfish products by species codes, product 
    codes, and product designations as defined in Tables 1 and 2 of this 
    part for each reporting area, gear type, and CDQ number. If caught with 
    trawl gear, record whether catch was harvested in the COBLZ or RKCSA.
    * * * * *
        (iii) At the end of each weekly reporting period, the cumulative 
    total weight, calculated by adding the daily totals and total carried 
    forward (except for a Shoreside Processor DCPL) for that week.
        (iv) At the beginning of each weekly reporting period, the amount 
    is zero, and nothing shall be carried forward from the previous weekly 
    reporting period.
        (v) If no production occurred, record ``NO PRODUCTION'' for that 
        (10) Discarded or donated species information--(i) General.
        (A) The operator or manager must record and report discards or 
    donations by species codes and discard product codes as defined in 
    Tables 1 and 2 of this part for each gear type, CDQ number, and 
    reporting area. If caught with trawl gear, record whether catch was 
    harvested in the COBLZ or RKCSA.
    * * * * *
        (C) The operator or manager must record and report discards or 
    donations as follows:
        (1) The date of discard, estimated daily total, balance brought 
    forward (except for a Shoreside Processor DCPL), and cumulative total 
    estimated round fish weight for each discard or donation of groundfish 
    species, groundfish species groups, and Pacific herring in lb, or to at 
    least the nearest 0.001 mt.
        (2) The date of discard, estimated daily total, balance brought 
    forward (except for a Shoreside Processor DCPL), and cumulative total 
    estimated numbers for each discard or donation of Pacific salmon, 
    steelhead trout, halibut, king crab, and Tanner crab.
        (3) At the end of each weekly reporting period, the cumulative 
    total weight, calculated by adding the daily totals and total carried 
    forward (except for a Shoreside Processor DCPL) for that week.
        (4) At the beginning of each weekly reporting period, the amount is 
    zero, and nothing shall be carried forward from the previous weekly 
    reporting period.
        (ii) Catcher vessel discards or donations. (A) The operator must 
    record in the DFL discards or donations as described in paragraph 
    (a)(10)(i) of this section.
        (B) If deliveries to a mothership or shoreside processor are 
    unsorted codends, the catcher vessel is exempt from recording discards 
    in the DFL and from submittal of the blue logsheet
    [[Page 8396]]
    (discards copy) for that delivery. The operator must check the box 
    entitled ``unsorted codend,'' and the blue DFL logsheet (discards copy) 
    may remain in the DFL.
        (C) Except as provided at Sec. 679.27(d), in the event a catcher 
    vessel has ``bled'' a codend prior to delivery to a processor or buying 
    station or if the deliveries of a catcher vessel to a processor or 
    buying station are presorted at sea, the operator must check the 
    ``presorted delivery'' box, enter the estimated amount of discards or 
    donations by species, and submit with each harvest delivery the blue 
    DFL logsheet (discards copy) to the mothership, buying station, or 
    shoreside processor.
        (iii) Buying station discards or donations. * * *
        (B) The operator or manager must record in the DCL discards or 
    donations as described in paragraph (a)(10)(i) of this section.
        (C) * * *
        (iv) Catcher/processor discards or donations. The operator of a 
    catcher/processor must record in the DCPL all discards or donations as 
    described in paragraph (a)(10)(i) of this section.
        (v) Mothership or shoreside processor discards or donations.
        (A) The operator of a mothership or manager of a shoreside 
    processor must record in the DCPL discards or donations as described in 
    paragraph (a)(10)(i) of this section that:
    * * * * *
        (14) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (A) The operator of a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, or 
    mothership, or the manager of a shoreside processor must submit the 
    yellow logsheets on a quarterly basis to the NMFS Office of 
    Enforcement, Alaska Region Logbook Program, P.O. Box 21767, Juneau, AK 
    99802-1767, as follows: First quarter, by May 1 of that fishing year; 
    second quarter, by August 1 of that fishing year; third quarter, by 
    November 1 of that fishing year; and fourth quarter, by February 1 of 
    the following fishing year.
    * * * * *
        (15) * * *
        (i) Logbooks and forms.
    * * * * *
        (16) * * *
        (ii) The operator or manager of a buying station must submit upon 
    delivery of catch the yellow DCL logsheets to the shoreside processor 
    or mothership to which it delivers groundfish, along with the blue DFL 
    logsheets and ADF&G fish tickets for that delivery.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) Catcher vessel. The operator of a catcher vessel must record in 
    the DFL:
        (A) The time, position, and estimated groundfish catch weight 
    within 2 hours after gear retrieval.
        (B) Discard or donation information as described at paragraph 
    (a)(10) of this section each day on the day they occur; all other 
    information required in the DFL by noon of the day following gear 
        (C) Notwithstanding other time limits, record all information 
    required in the DFL within 2 hours after the vessel's catch is 
        (D) Except as provided at paragraph (a)(10)(ii)(B) of this section, 
    within 2 hours of completion of catch delivery information, submit the 
    blue DFL logsheets with delivery of the harvest to the operator of a 
    mothership or a buying station delivering to a mothership, or to the 
    manager of a shoreside processor or buying station delivering to a 
    shoreside processor.
        (ii) Catcher/processor. The operator of a catcher/processor must 
    record in the DCPL, for each haul or set:
        (A) The time, position, and estimated groundfish catch weight 
    within 2 hours after gear retrieval.
        (B) Product and discard or donation information as described at 
    paragraphs (a)(9) and (a)(10) of this section each day on the day they 
    occur; all other information required in the DCPL by noon of the day 
    following completion of production.
        (C) Notwithstanding other time limits, record all information 
    required in the DCPL within 2 hours after the vessel's catch is 
        (3) Haul/set information. In addition to requirements described in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the operator of a catcher 
    vessel or catcher/processor must record the following information for 
    each haul or set:
        (i) The number of haul or set, by sequence by year;
        (ii) If the vessel is using hook-and-line gear, the number of 
    skates set. If the vessel is using longline pot or single pot gear, the 
    total number of pots set;
        (iii) The date (month-day-year), begin time (to the nearest hour) 
    and position coordinates (to the nearest minute) of gear deployment;
        (iv) The date (month-day-year), end time (to the nearest hour), and 
    position coordinates (to the nearest minute) of gear retrieval;
        (v) The average sea depth and average gear depth, recorded to the 
    nearest meter or fathom;
        (vi) The estimated total round catch weight of the groundfish catch 
    in pounds or to the nearest mt. If fishing in IFQ halibut fishery, 
    enter the estimated total weight of groundfish bycatch;
        (vii) The round catch weight of pollock and Pacific cod;
        (viii) If fishing in an IFQ fishery, the estimated round catch 
    weight of IFQ sablefish;
        (ix) If fishing in an IFQ fishery, the round catch weight of 
    rockfish and Pacific cod; and
        (x) When fishing in an IFQ fishery and the fishery for Pacific cod 
    or rockfish is closed to directed fishing in that reporting area as 
    described in Sec. 679.20, the operator must record up to and including 
    the maximum retainable bycatch amount for Pacific cod or rockfish as 
    defined in Table 10 or 11 of this part; quantities over this amount 
    must be recorded in the discard or donation section.
        (4) Catcher vessel delivery information. The operator of a catcher 
    vessel must record:
        (i) The date of delivery.
        (ii) The name, ADF&G processor code, and ADF&G fish ticket 
    number(s) provided by the operator of the mothership or buying station 
    delivering to a mothership, or the manager of a shoreside processor or 
    buying station delivering to a shoreside processor.
        (5) IFQ data. The operator of a catcher vessel or catcher/processor 
    must record IFQ information as follows:
        (i) Check YES or NO to record if persons aboard have authorized IFQ 
        (ii) If YES, record the following:
        (A) Vessel operator's (captain's) name and IFQ permit number, if 
        (B) The name of each IFQ holder aboard the vessel and each holder's 
    IFQ permit number.
        (C) Month and day of landing.
        (D) Name of registered buyer.
        (E) Name of unloading port.
        (d) * * *
        (1) Time limits. The operator or manager of the buying station 
        (i) Record entries in the DCL as to catcher vessel delivery 
    information within 2 hours after completion of receipt of each 
    groundfish delivery.
        (ii) Record discard or donation information required in the DCL as 
    described at paragraph (a)(10) of this section each day on the day they 
    occur; and all other information required in the DCL by noon of the day 
    following the day the receipt of groundfish was completed.
        (2) * * *
        (i) General. In addition to requirements described in paragraphs 
    (a) and (b) of this section, the operator or manager of a buying 
    station must record on each page the name and
    [[Page 8397]]
    ADF&G processor code of the mothership or shoreside processor to which 
    groundfish deliveries were made.
        (ii) Delivery information. * * *
        (A) The ADF&G fish ticket number issued to each catcher vessel 
    delivering groundfish.
        (B) Whether blue DFL logsheets were submitted by catcher vessel. If 
    not received, record after the response ``NO'' either ``P'' to indicate 
    the catcher vessel does not have a Federal fisheries permit; ``L'' to 
    indicate the catcher vessel is under 60 ft length overall; or ``U'' to 
    indicate the catcher vessel delivered an unsorted codend. If a catcher 
    vessel is under 60 ft LOA and also does not have a Federal fisheries 
    permit, record ``P''.
    * * * * *
        (D) The name and ADF&G vessel number of the catcher vessel 
    delivering the groundfish.
        (E) The estimated total groundfish delivery weight.
        (e) * * *
        (1) Time limits. The operator of a mothership must record:
        (i) ``Delivery information'' in the DCPL within 2 hours after 
    receipt of each groundfish delivery.
        (ii) Product and discard or donation information as described at 
    paragraphs (a)(9) and (a)(10) of this section each day on the day they 
    occur; all other information required in the DCPL by noon of the day 
    following the day of production completion.
        (2) Delivery information. In addition to requirements described in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the operator of a mothership 
    must record for each delivery:
    * * * * *
        (v) The ADF&G fish ticket number issued to each catcher vessel 
    delivering groundfish.
        (vi) Whether blue DFL logsheets were submitted by catcher vessel. 
    If not received, record after the response ``NO'' either ``P'' to 
    indicate the catcher vessel does not have a Federal fisheries permit; 
    ``L'' to indicate the catcher vessel is under 60 ft length overall; or 
    ``U'' to indicate the catcher vessel delivered an unsorted codend. If a 
    catcher vessel is under 60 ft LOA and also does not have a Federal 
    fisheries permit, record ``P''.
        (f) * * *
        (1) Time limits. The manager of each shoreside processor must 
    record in the DCPL:
        (i) All catcher vessel or buying station delivery information 
    within 2 hours after completion of receipt of each groundfish delivery.
        (ii) Landings, product, and discard or donation information as 
    described at paragraphs (a)(8), (a)(9), and (a)(10) of this section 
    each day on the day they occur; all other information required in the 
    DCPL by noon of the day following the day of production completion.
        (2) * * *
        (i) Delivery information, Part IB. In addition to requirements 
    described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the manager of a 
    shoreside processor must record the following information for each 
        (A) Date and time when receipt of groundfish catch was completed.
        (B) Whether delivery is from a catcher vessel or buying station.
        (C) Whether blue DFL logsheets were submitted by a catcher vessel. 
    If not received, record after the response ``NO'' either ``P'' to 
    indicate the catcher vessel does not have a Federal fisheries permit; 
    ``L'' to indicate the catcher vessel is under 60 ft length overall; or 
    ``U'' to indicate the catcher vessel delivered an unsorted codend. If a 
    catcher vessel is under 60 ft LOA and also does not have a Federal 
    fisheries permit, record ``P.''
        (D) The name and ADF&G vessel number (if applicable) of the catcher 
    vessel or buying station delivering the groundfish.
        (E) The estimated total catch receipt weight in pounds or to the 
    nearest mt.
        (F) The ADF&G fish ticket number issued to the catcher vessel 
    delivering groundfish.
        (G) If Shoreside Processor is located in a state other than Alaska, 
    the manager must record the fish ticket number issued through that 
    state. If a state fish ticket system is unavailable, the manager must 
    record the catch receipt number.
        (ii) Production information, Part II. The manager of a shoreside 
    processor must comply with requirements described in paragraphs (a) and 
    (b) of this section and also enter the management area (BSAI or GOA) on 
    each section of the Part II logsheet.
        (g) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) The manager of a shoreside processor must report on a PTR 
    those fish products that are subsequently transferred to any offsite 
    facility for reduction to fish meal, fish oil, and/or discard at sea.
        (iii) * * * If bait sales are aggregated for a given day, the 
    transfer start time is the time of the first bait sale; the transfer 
    finish time is the time of the last bait sale.
        (2) * * *
        (ii) Submit by fax a copy of each PTR to the NMFS Alaska 
    Enforcement Division by 1200 hours, A.l.t., on the Tuesday following 
    the end of the applicable weekly reporting period.
        (3) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (A) Other vessel. * * *
        (B) Port. * * *
        (C) Agent. * * *
    * * * * *
        (E) * * *
        (1) Start. The date and time, as described in paragraph (a)(6)(iii) 
    of this section, the transfer starts.
        (2) Finish. * * *
        (ii) If shipment involves multiple vans or trucks, the date and 
    time when the last van or truck leaves the plant.
        (iii) If shipment involves airline flights, record date and time, 
    as described in paragraph (a)(6)(iii) of this section, when the last 
    airline flight shipment of the day leaves the plant.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (A) * * *
        (1) Using hook-and-line or pot gear.
        (i) Before the operator of a catcher/processor using hook-and-line 
    or pot gear sets gear for groundfish in any reporting area except 300, 
    400, 550, or 690, the operator must submit by fax a check-in report 
    (BEGIN message) to the Regional Administrator.
        (ii) The operator of a catcher/processor using hook-and-line or pot 
    gear may be checked-in to more than one area simultaneously.
        (2) Using other than hook-and-line or pot gear.
        (i) Before the operator of a catcher/processor using other than 
    hook-and-line or pot gear commences fishing for groundfish in any 
    reporting area except 300, 400, 550, or 690, the operator must submit 
    by fax a check-in report (BEGIN message) to the Regional Administrator.
        (ii) The operator of a catcher/processor using other than hook-and-
    line or pot gear may be checked-in to only one area at a time.
        (B) Mothership, shoreside processor, buying station--(i) Before a 
    mothership, shoreside processor, or buying station commences receipt of 
    groundfish from any reporting area except 300, 400, 550, or 690, the 
    operator or manager must submit by fax a check-in report (BEGIN 
    message) to the Regional Administrator.
        (ii) The operator of a mothership may be checked into more than one 
    area simultaneously.
    * * * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (A) Catcher/processor.
        (1) Using hook-and-line or pot gear.
        (i) If a catcher/processor using hook-and-line or pot gear departs 
    a reporting area and gear retrieval is complete from that area, the 
    operator must submit by
    [[Page 8398]]
    fax a check-out report to the Regional Administrator within 24 hours 
    after departing a reporting area.
        (ii) If a catcher/processor using hook-and-line or pot gear is 
    checked-in to multiple reporting areas, the operator must submit by fax 
    a check-out report for each reporting area.
        (2) Using other than hook-and-line or pot gear. If a catcher/
    processor using other than hook-and-line or pot gear departs a 
    reporting area, the operator must submit by fax a check-out report to 
    the Regional Administrator within 24 hours after departing a reporting 
    area but prior to checking-in another reporting area.
        (B) Mothership or buying station delivering to a mothership--(i) If 
    a mothership or buying station delivering to a mothership completes 
    receipt of groundfish, the operator must submit by fax a check-out 
    report to the Regional Administrator within 24 hours after departing a 
    reporting area.
        (ii) If a mothership is checked-in to multiple reporting areas, the 
    operator must submit by fax a check-out report for each reporting area.
        (C) Shoreside processor. If a shoreside processor, the manager:
        (1) Must submit by fax a check-out report to the Regional 
    Administrator within 48 hours after the end of the applicable weekly 
    reporting period that a shoreside processor ceases to process 
    groundfish for the fishing year.
        (2) May submit by fax a check-out report to the Regional 
    Administrator when receipt or processing of groundfish is temporarily 
    halted during the fishing year for a period of at least two weekly 
    reporting periods.
        (D) Buying station delivering to a shoreside processor.
        (1) If a land-based buying station delivering to a shoreside 
    processor, the manager:
        (i) Must submit by fax a check-out report to the Regional 
    Administrator within 24 hours after delivery of groundfish ceases for 
    the fishing year.
        (ii) May submit by fax a check-out report to the Regional 
    Administrator when receipt of groundfish is temporarily halted during 
    the fishing year for a period of at least two weekly reporting periods.
    * * * * *
        (3) General information. In addition to requirements described in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the operator of a catcher/
    processor, mothership, or buying station delivering to a mothership or 
    the manager of a shoreside processor or buying station delivering to a 
    shoreside processor must record:
        (i) BEGIN message--(A) Mothership.
        (1) Date and time that receipt of groundfish begins.
        (2) Position coordinates where groundfish receipt begins.
        (3) Reporting area code where groundfish receipt begins and whether 
    mothership is receiving groundfish in the COBLZ or RKCSA area.
        (4) Primary and secondary species expected to be received next 
    week. A change in intended target species within the same reporting 
    area does not require a new BEGIN message.
        (B) Catcher/processor. (1) Date and time that gear is deployed.
        (2) Position coordinates where gear is set.
        (3) Reporting area code of gear deployment begins and whether 
    catcher/processor is located in the COBLZ or RKCSA area.
        (4) Primary and secondary species expected to be harvested next 
    week. A change in intended target species within the same reporting 
    area does not require a new BEGIN message.
        (C) Shoreside processor. (1) Date the facility will begin to 
    receive groundfish.
        (2) Whether checking in for the first time at the beginning of the 
    fishing year or checking in to restart receipt and processing of 
    groundfish after filing a check-out report.
        (D) Buying station. (1) If delivering to a mothership, reporting 
    area code where groundfish receipt begins.
        (2) Date facility will begin to receive groundfish.
        (3) Whether checking in at the beginning of the fishing year or 
    checking in to restart after filing a check-out report.
        (4) Intended primary target species expected to be received next 
    week. A change in intended target species within the same reporting 
    area does not require a new BEGIN message.
        (ii) CEASE message--(A) Mothership. Date, time and position 
    coordinates where the last receipt of groundfish was made.
        (B) Catcher/processor. Date, time and position coordinates where 
    the vessel departed the reporting area.
        (C) Shoreside processor. Date that receipt of groundfish ceased.
        (D) Buying station. (1) If delivering to a mothership, date, time 
    and position coordinates where the vessel departed the reporting area.
        (2) If delivering to a shoreside processor, date that receipt of 
    groundfish ceased.
        (iii) Fish or fish product held at plant. The manager of a 
    shoreside processor must report the weight of all fish or fish products 
    held at the plant in pounds or to the nearest 0.001 mt by species and 
    product codes on each check-in report and on each check-out report.
        (i) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) General. In addition to requirements described in paragraphs 
    (a) and (b) of this section, the operator of a catcher/processor or 
    mothership, or manager of a shoreside processor must record the date 
    the WPR was completed and the primary and secondary target codes for 
    next week.
        (ii) Landings information. The manager of a shoreside processor 
    must report landings information as described in paragraph (a)(8) of 
    this section, except that each groundfish landing must be reported only 
    in metric tons to at least the nearest 0.001 mt.
    * * * * *
        (v) Catcher vessel delivery information. The operator of a 
    mothership or manager of a shoreside processor must list the ADF&G fish 
    ticket numbers issued to catcher vessels for the weekly reporting 
    period, including the fish ticket numbers issued by an associated 
    buying station.
        (j) * * *
        (4) Information required. In addition to requirements described in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the operator of a catcher/
    processor or mothership, or manager of a shoreside processor must 
    record on each page:
        (i) Landings information. The manager of a shoreside processor must 
    report landings information as described in paragraph (a)(8) of this 
    section, except that each groundfish landing must be reported only in 
    metric tons to at least the nearest 0.001 mt.
        (ii) Product information. The operator of a mothership or catcher/
    processor must report product information as described in paragraph 
    (a)(9) of this section, except that each groundfish product must be 
    reported only in metric tons to at least the nearest 0.001 mt.
        (iii) Discard or donation information. The operator of a mothership 
    or catcher/processor or the manager of a shoreside processor must 
    report discarded or donated species information as described in 
    paragraph (a)(10) of this section, except that each groundfish or 
    herring discard or donation must be reported only in metric tons to at 
    least the nearest 0.001 mt.
    * * * * *
        (m) Consolidated weekly ADF&G fish tickets from motherships.
        (1) Requirement. In addition to requirements described in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the operator of a mothership 
    must ensure that the combined catch for each catcher vessel is 
    summarized at the end of each weekly
    [[Page 8399]]
    reporting period by species on a minimum of one ADF&G groundfish fish 
    ticket when the mothership receives any groundfish from a catcher 
    vessel which is issued a Federal fisheries permit under Sec. 679.4. (An 
    ADF&G fish ticket is further described at Alaska Administrative Code, 5 
    AAC Chapter 39.130) (see Sec. 679.3).
        (2) Information required.
        (i) The operator of a mothership must ensure that the following 
    information is imprinted or written legibly on the consolidated weekly 
    ADF&G fish ticket from the catcher vessel operator's CFEC permit card 
    in order to describe the CFEC permit holder:
        (A) Vessel name. Name of the catcher vessel delivering the 
        (B) Name. Name of permit holder.
        (C) Permit number. CFEC permit number.
        (D) ADF&G No. ADF&G catcher vessel number.
        (ii) The operator of a mothership must ensure that the following 
    information is imprinted or written legibly on the consolidated weekly 
    ADF&G fish ticket from the mothership's CFEC processor plate card in 
    order to describe the mothership:
        (A) Proc. Code. ADF&G processor code of mothership.
        (B) Company. Identification of mothership.
        (iii) The operator of a mothership must record on the consolidated 
    weekly ADF&G groundfish fish ticket the following information obtained 
    from the catcher vessel operator:
        (A) ADF&G No. The ADF&G number of the catcher vessel delivering 
    fish to the mothership, if the catcher vessel is different from the 
    vessel identified in the CFEC permit card.
        (B) Date landed. The week-ending date of the week during which the 
    mothership received the groundfish from the catcher vessel.
        (D) Port of landing or vessel transshipped to. ``FLD,'' a code 
    which means floating processor.
        (E) Type of gear used. Write in one of the following gear types 
    used by the catcher vessel to harvest groundfish received:
        (1) Hook and line.
        (2) Pot.
        (3) Nonpelagic trawl.
        (4) Pelagic trawl.
        (5) Jig/troll.
        (6) Other.
        (iv) The operator of a mothership is responsible for ensuring that 
    the following information is recorded on an ADF&G fish ticket for each 
    catcher vessel:
        (A) Code. Species code for each species from Table 2 to this part, 
    except do not use species codes 144, 168, 169, or 171.
        (C) Stat Area. ADF&G 6-digit statistical area in which groundfish 
    were harvested. These statistical areas are defined in a set of charts 
    which may be obtained at no charge from Alaska Commercial Fisheries 
    Management & Development Division, Department of Fish and Game, 211 
    Mission Road, Kodiak, Alaska 99615-6399.
        (D) Condition Code. The product code from Table 1 to this part 
    which describes the condition of the fish received by the mothership 
    from the catcher vessel. In most cases, this will be product code 1, 
    whole fish.
        (E) Pounds. The landed weight of each species to the nearest pound.
        (F) Permit holder's signature. The signature of the catcher vessel 
    permit holder.
        (G) Fish received by. The signature of the mothership operator.
        (3) Time limit and submittal.
        (i) The operator of a mothership must complete the consolidated 
    weekly ADF&G groundfish fish ticket for each catcher vessel by 1200 
    hours, A.l.t., on Tuesday following the end of the applicable weekly 
    reporting period.
        (ii) The operator of a mothership must submit the consolidated 
    weekly ADF&G groundfish fish tickets to Alaska Commercial Fisheries 
    Management & Development Division, Department of Fish and Game, 211 
    Mission Road, Kodiak, Alaska 99615-6399, within 30 days after landings 
    are received.
        6. In Sec. 679.7, paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) are revised; the 
    heading of paragraph (a)(5) is revised; and paragraphs (a)(15) and 
    (a)(16) are added to read as follows:
    Sec. 679.7  Prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (1) Federal fisheries permit. Fish for groundfish in the GOA or 
    BSAI with a vessel of the United States that does not have on board a 
    valid Federal fisheries permit issued pursuant to Sec. 679.4.
        (2) Inseason action or adjustment. Conduct any fishing contrary to 
    notification of inseason action or adjustment issued under Sec. 679.20, 
    Sec. 679.21, or Sec. 679.25.
    * * * * *
        (5) Prohibited species bycatch rate standard. * * *
    * * * * *
        (15) Federal Processor Permit. Receive or process groundfish 
    harvested in the GOA or BSAI by a shoreside processor or vessel of the 
    United States operating solely as a mothership in Alaska State waters 
    that does not have on site a valid Federal processor permit issued 
    pursuant to Sec. 679.4(f).
        (16) Retention of groundfish bycatch species. Exceed the maximum 
    retainable groundfish bycatch amount established under Sec. 679.20(e).
    * * * * *
        7. In Sec. 679.20, paragraphs (d)(1)(ii)(A), (g)(2)(iii), and 
    (g)(3) introductory text are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 679.20  General limitations.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (A) Inseason adjustments. The category allocations or 
    apportionments established under paragraph (c) of this section may be 
    revised by inseason adjustments, as defined at Sec. 679.25, for a given 
    species or species group or pollock allowance, as identified by 
    regulatory area, subarea, or district, and, if applicable, as further 
    identified by gear type.
    * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (iii) The primary pollock product must be distinguished from 
    ancillary pollock products in the DCPL required under Sec. 679.5(a)(9).
        (3) Pollock product recovery rates (PRRs). Use the product types 
    and standard PRRs for pollock found in Table 3 of this part to 
    calculate round-weight equivalents for pollock for purposes of this 
    paragraph (g).
    * * * * *
        8. In Sec. 679.21, as proposed to be amended at 62 FR 43307, 
    (August 13, 1997) paragraphs (e)(7)(iv)(B), (e)(7)(vii)(B), and 
    (e)(7)(viii)(B) are removed; and paragraphs (e)(7)(iv)(A), 
    (e)(7)(vii)(A) and, (e)(7)(viii)(A) are redesignated as paragraph 
    (e)(7)(iv), (e)(7)(vii) and (e)(7)(viii) respectively, and revised to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 679.21  Prohibited species bycatch management.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (7) * * *
        (iv) COBLZ. Except as provided in paragraph (e)(7)(i) of this 
    section, if, during the fishing year, the Regional Administrator 
    determines that U.S. fishing vessels participating in any of the trawl 
    fishery categories listed in paragraphs (e)(3)(iv)(B) through (F) of 
    this section will catch the COBLZ bycatch allowance, or seasonal 
    apportionment thereof, of C. Opilio specified for that fishery category 
    under paragraph (e)(3) of this section, NMFS will publish in the 
    Federal Register the closure of the COBLZ, as defined in
    [[Page 8400]]
    Figure 13 of this part, to directed fishing for each species and/or 
    species group in that fishery category for the remainder of the year or 
    for the remainder of the season.
    * * * * *
        (vii) Chum salmon. If the Regional Administrator determines that 
    42,000 non-chinook salmon have been caught by vessels using trawl gear 
    during August 15 through October 14 in the CVOA defined under 
    Sec. 679.22(a)(5) and in Figure 2 of this part, NMFS will prohibit 
    fishing with trawl gear for the remainder of the period September 1 
    through October 14 in the Chum Salmon Savings Area as defined in Figure 
    9 of this part.
        (viii) Chinook salmon. When the Regional Administrator determines 
    that 48,000 chinook salmon have been caught by vessels using trawl gear 
    in the BSAI during the time period from January 1 through April 15, 
    NMFS will prohibit fishing with trawl gear for the remainder of that 
    period within the Chinook Salmon Savings Area defined in Figure 8 of 
    this part.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 679.22 is amended to read as follows by: Revising 
    paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(6), and (a)(9); by amending the cross-reference 
    in paragraphs (a)(7)(ii), (a)(8)(ii), and (b)(2)(ii) from 
    ``Sec. 679.20'' to read ``Sec. 679.20(d)''; and by adding a heading to 
    paragraph (a)(10).
    Sec. 679.22  Closures.
        (a) * * *
        (3) Red King Crab Savings Area (RKCSA). Directed fishing for 
    groundfish by vessels using trawl gear other than pelagic trawl gear is 
    prohibited at all times, except as provided at 
    Sec. 679.21(e)(3)(ii)(B), in that part of the Bering Sea subarea 
    defined as RKCSA in Figure 11 of this part.
    * * * * *
        (6) Pribilof Island Area Habitat Conservation Zone. Trawling is 
    prohibited at all times in the area defined in Figure 10 of this part 
    as Pribilof Island Area Habitat Conservation Zone.
    * * * * *
        (9) Nearshore Bristol Bay Trawl Closure. Directed fishing for 
    groundfish by vessels using trawl gear in Bristol Bay, as described in 
    the current edition of NOAA chart 16006, is closed at all times in the 
    area east of 162 deg.00' W. long., except that the Nearshore Bristol 
    Bay Trawl Area defined in Figure 12 is open to trawling from 1200 hours 
    A.l.t., April 1 to 1200 hours A.l.t., June 15 of each year.
        (10) Chum Salmon Savings Area. * * *
    * * * * *
        10. Section 679.23 is amended to read as follows by: Revising the 
    headings of paragraphs (a), (d), and (e), and by revising the term 
    ``Western Alaska Community Development Quota'' and replacing it with 
    ``CDQ'' in paragraphs (e)(2)(ii)(C) and (D).
    Sec. 679.23  Seasons.
        (a) Groundfish, general. * * *
    * * * * *
        (d) GOA groundfish seasons. * * *
        (e) BSAI groundfish seasons. * * *
    * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (3) Catches of sablefish in excess of the maximum retainable 
    bycatch amounts and catches made without IFQ must be treated in the 
    same manner as prohibited species as defined at Sec. 679.21(b).
        11. Section 679.41 is amended by adding headings to paragraphs 
    (e)(1) through (3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 679.41  Transfer of quota shares and IFQ.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) General. * * *
        (2) Sablefish. * * *
        (3) Halibut. * * *
        12. Section 679.42, is amended by adding a new heading to paragraph 
    (c)(2)(i); by revising paragraph (c)(2)(ii); and by adding headings to 
    paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(2)(ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 679.42  Limitations on use of QS and IFQ.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) Sablefish product. * * *
        (ii) Halibut product. For halibut product, multiplying the scale 
    weight actually reported at the time of landing by the conversion 
    factor found in Table 3 of this part that corresponds to the product 
    code reported in the IFQ landing report.
        13. In Sec. 679.61, the introductory paragraph is revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 679.61  Registration areas.
        For the purpose of managing the scallop fishery, the Federal waters 
    off Alaska and adjacent State waters are divided into nine scallop 
    registration areas. Three scallop registration areas are further 
    subdivided into districts. The scallop registration areas and districts 
    are defined in Figure 14 of this part.
    * * * * *
        14. Part 679 is amended by revising Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this part 
    and Figures 2 and 7 to this part and by adding Figures 8 through 16 to 
    this part to read as follows:
                             Table 1.--Product Codes                        
                          Fish product code/description                     
    1. Whole fish/food fish.                                                
    2. Whole fish/bait. Processed for bait.                                 
    3. Bled only. Throat, or isthmus, slit to allow blood to drain.         
    4. Gutted, head on. Belly slit and viscera removed.                     
    5. Gutted, head off. IFQ Pacific halibut only.                          
    6. Head and gutted, with roe.                                           
    7. Headed and gutted, Western cut. Head removed just in front of the    
     collar bone, and viscera removed.                                      
    8. Headed and gutted, Eastern cut. Head removed just behind the collar  
     bone, and viscera removed.                                             
    10. Headed and gutted, tail removed. Head removed usually in front of   
     collar bone, and viscera and tail removed.                             
    11. Kirimi. Head removed either in front or behind the collar bone,     
     viscera removed, and tail removed by cuts perpendicular to the spine,  
     resulting in a steak.                                                  
    12. Salted and split. Head removed, belly slit, viscera removed, fillets
     cut from head to tail but remaining attached near tail. Product salted.
    13. Wings. On skates, side fins are cut off next to body.               
    14. Roe. Eggs, either loose or in sacs, or skeins.                      
    15. Pectoral girdle. Collar bone and associated bones, cartilage and    
    16. Heads. Heads only, regardless where severed from body.              
    17. Cheeks. Muscles on sides of head.                                   
    18. Chins. Lower jaw (mandible), muscles, and flesh.                    
    19. Belly. Flesh in region of pelvic and pectoral fins and behind head. 
    [[Page 8401]]
    20. Fillets with skin and ribs. Meat and skin with ribs attached, from  
     sides of body behind head and in front of tail.                        
    21. Fillets with skin, no ribs. Meat and skin with ribs removed, from   
     sides of body behind head and in front of tail.                        
    22. Fillets with ribs and no skin. Meat with ribs with skin removed,    
     from sides of body behind head and in front of tail.                   
    23. Fillets, skinless/boneless. Meat with both skin and ribs removed,   
     from sides of body behind head and in front of tail.                   
    24. Deep-skin fillet. Meat with skin, adjacent meat with silver lining, 
     and ribs removed from sides of body behind head and in front of tail,  
     resulting in thin fillets.                                             
    30. Surimi. Paste from fish flesh and additives.                        
    31. Minced. Ground flesh.                                               
    32. Fish meal. Meal from fish and fish parts, including bone meal.      
    33. Fish oil. Rendered oil.                                             
    34. Milt. (in sacs, or testes).                                         
    35. Stomachs. Includes all internal organs.                             
    36. Octopus/squid mantles. Flesh after removal of viscera and arms.     
    37. Butterfly, no backbone. Head removed, belly slit, viscera and most  
     of backbone removed; fillets attached.                                 
    39. Bones (if meal, report as 32).                                      
    51. Whole fish/food fish with ice and slime. IFQ sablefish only.        
    54. Gutted, head on, with ice and slime. Belly slit and visera removed. 
     IFQ Pacific halibut and sablefish only.                                
    55. Gutted, head off, with ice and slime. IFQ Pacific halibut only.     
    57. Headed and gutted, Western cut, with ice and slime. IFQ sablefish   
    58. Headed and gutted, Eastern cut, with ice and slime. IFQ sablefish   
    86. Donated Salmon. Includes salmon retained and donated under Salmon   
     Donation Program.                                                      
    97. Other retained product                                              
    DISCARD PRODUCT CODES                                                   
    92. Discard, bait. Whole fish used as bait on board vessel.             
    94. Discard, consumption. Fish or fish products eaten on board or taken 
     off the vessel for personal use.                                       
    96. Previously discarded fish (decomposed) taken with trawl gear in     
     current fishing efforts. Discarded.                                    
    98. Discard, at sea. Whole groundfish and prohibited species discarded  
     by catcher vessels, Catcher/Processors, Motherships, or Buying Stations
     delivering to Motherships.                                             
    99. Discard, dockside. Discard after delivery and before processing;    
     Discard, at plant. In-plant discard of whole groundfish and prohibited 
     species by Shoreside Processors and Buying Stations delivering to      
     Shoreside Processors before and during processing.                     
    M99 Discard, off site transfer. Discarded fish that are transferred to  
     any off site facility for reduction to fish meal, fish oil and/or      
     discard at sea.                                                        
    PRODUCT DESIGNATION                                                     
    A  Ancillary. Product made in addition to a primary product from the    
     same fish.                                                             
    P  Primary. Product made from each fish with the highest recovery rate. 
    R  Reprocessed. Product that results from processing a previously       
     reported product.                                                      
                             Table 2.--Species Codes                        
    110. Pacific cod.                                                       
    120. Miscellaneous flatfish (all flatfish without separate codes).      
    121. Arrowtooth flounder and/or Kamchatka flounder.                     
    122. Flathead sole.                                                     
    123. Rock sole.                                                         
    124. Dover sole.                                                        
    125. Rex sole.                                                          
    126. Butter sole.                                                       
    127. Yellowfin sole.                                                    
    128. English sole.                                                      
    129. Starry flounder.                                                   
    131. Petrale sole.                                                      
    132. Sand sole.                                                         
    133. Alaska Plaice flounder.                                            
    134. Greenland turbot.                                                  
    135. Greenstripe rockfish.                                              
    136. Northern rockfish.                                                 
    137. Bocaccio rockfish.                                                 
    138. Copper rockfish.                                                   
    141. Pacific ocean perch (S. alutus only) .                             
    142. Black rockfish.                                                    
    143. Thornyhead rockfish (all Sebastolobus species) .                   
    145. Yelloweye rockfish.                                                
    146. Canary rockfish.                                                   
    147. Quillback rockfish.                                                
    148. Tiger rockfish.                                                    
    149. China rockfish.                                                    
    150. Rosethorn rockfish.                                                
    151. Rougheye rockfish.                                                 
    152. Shortraker rockfish.                                               
    [[Page 8402]]
    153. Redbanded rockfish.                                                
    154. Dusky rockfish.                                                    
    155. Yellowtail rockfish.                                               
    156. Widow rockfish.                                                    
    157. Silvergray rockfish.                                               
    158. Redstripe rockfish.                                                
    159. Darkblotched rockfish.                                             
    160. Sculpins.                                                          
    166. Sharpchin rockfish.                                                
    167. Blue rockfish.                                                     
    175. Yellowmouth rockfish.                                              
    176. Harlequin rockfish.                                                
    177. Blackgill rockfish.                                                
    178. Chilipepper rockfish.                                              
    179. Pygmy rockfish.                                                    
    181. Shortbelly rockfish.                                               
    182. Splitnose rockfish.                                                
    183. Stripetail rockfish.                                               
    184. Vermilion rockfish.                                                
    185. Aurora rockfish.                                                   
    193. Atka mackerel.                                                     
    207. Gunnels.                                                           
    208. Pricklebacks.                                                      
    209. Bristlemouths, lightfishes, and anglemouths (Gonostomatidae) .     
    210. Pacific Sand fish.                                                 
    270. Pollock.                                                           
    510. Smelt.                                                             
    511. Eulachon.                                                          
    516. Capelin.                                                           
    689. Sharks.                                                            
    700. Skates.                                                            
    710. Sablefish.                                                         
    772. Laternfishes.                                                      
    773. Deep-sea smelts (Bathylagidae).                                    
    774. Pacific Sand lance.                                                
    800. Krill.                                                             
    870. Octopus.                                                           
    875. Squid.                                                             
    888. Mixed species tote (for use on Product Transfer Report only).      
    GROUP CODES. These group codes may be used if individual species cannot 
     be identified.                                                         
    144. Slope rockfish (aurora, blackgill, Bocaccio, redstripe, silvergray,
     chilipepper, darkblotched, greenstriped, harlequin, pygmy, shortbelly, 
     splitnose, stripetail, vermillion, yellowmouth, sharpchin).            
    168. Demersal shelf rockfish (china, copper, quillback, rosethorn,      
     tiger, yelloweye, canary).                                             
    169. Pelagic shelf rockfish (dusky, yellowtail, widow).                 
    171. Shortraker/rougheye rockfish.                                      
    PROHIBITED SPECIES CODES                                                
    000. Unspecified salmon.                                                
    200. Pacific halibut.                                                   
    235. Pacific herring (Family of Clupeidae).                             
    410. Salmon, Chinook.                                                   
    420. Salmon, Sockeye.                                                   
    430. Salmon, Coho.                                                      
    440. Salmon, Pink.                                                      
    450. Salmon, Chum.                                                      
    540. Steelhead trout.                                                   
    920. Unspecified king crab.                                             
    921. Red king crab.                                                     
    922. Blue king crab.                                                    
    923. Gold/brown king crab.                                              
    930. Unspecified tanner crab.                                           
    931. Bairdi tanner crab.                                                
    932. Opilio tanner crab.                                                
    [[Page 8403]]
                                Table 3.--Product Recovery Rates for Groundfish Species and Conversion Rates for Pacific Halibut                            
                FMP species                                                                  Product code                                                   
                                                   Whole    Whole                      Gutted    H&G      H&G      H&G                       Salted         
                   Wings                 Species    food     bait     Bled    Gutted    head     with   western  eastern  H&G w/o   Kirimi    and           
                                           code     fish     fish            head on    off      roe      cut      cut      tail             split          
                                                        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8       10       11       12       13
    PACIFIC COD........................      110     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.85  .......     0.63     0.57     0.47     0.44  .......     0.45  .......
    ARROWTOOTH FLOUNDER................      121     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
    ROCKFISH \1\.......................  .......     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.88  .......  .......     0.60     0.50  .......  .......  .......  .......
    SCULPINS...........................      160     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.87  .......  .......     0.50     0.40  .......  .......  .......  .......
    ATKA MACKEREL......................      193     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.87  .......     0.67     0.64     0.61  .......  .......  .......  .......
    POLLOCK............................      270     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.80  .......     0.70     0.65     0.56     0.50  .......  .......  .......
    SMELTS.............................      510     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.82  .......  .......     0.71  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......
    EULACHON...........................      511     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.82  .......  .......     0.71  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......
    CAPELIN............................      516     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.89  .......  .......     0.78  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......
    SHARKS.............................      689     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.83  .......  .......     0.72  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......
    SKATES.............................      700     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......  .......     0.32  .......  .......  .......     0.32  .......
    SABLEFISH..........................      710     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.89  .......  .......     0.68     0.63     0.50  .......  .......  .......
    IFQ SABLEFISH......................      710     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.89  .......  .......     0.68     0.63     0.50  .......  .......  .......
    OCTOPUS............................      870     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.69  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......
    Target species categories GOA only:                                                                                                                     
        DEEP WATER FLATFISH............      118     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
        FLATHEAD SOLE..................      122     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
        REX SOLE.......................      125     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
        SHALLOW WATER FLATFISH.........      119     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
        THORNYHEAD ROCKFISH............      143     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.88  .......     0.55     0.60     0.50  .......  .......  .......  .......
    Target species categories BSAI                                                                                                                          
        OTHER FLATFISH.................      120     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
        ROCK SOLE......................      123     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
        YELLOWFIN SOLE.................      127     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......  .......
        GREENLAND TURBOT...............  .......      134     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.90  .......     0.80     0.72     0.65     0.62     0.48  .......
    SQUID..............................      875     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.69  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......
    Conversion rates for Pacific                                                                                                                            
        PACIFIC HALIBUT................      200  .......  .......  .......     0.90      1.0  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......
                                                    Table 3.--Product Recovery Rates for Groundfish Species and Conversion Rates for Pacific Halibut                                                
                               FMP species                                                                                     Product code                                                         
                                                                      Species           Pectoral                                       w/skin  Fillets  Fillets   Fillets  Fillets                  
                                  Wings                                 code     Roe     girdle    Heads    Cheeks   Chins    Belly     and    skin on   w/ribs  sknless/    deep    Surimi   Mince 
                                                                                                                                        ribs   no ribs  no skin  boneless    skin                   
                                                                                    14        15       16       17       18       19       20       21       22        23       24       30       31
    PACIFIC COD.....................................................      110     0.05      0.05  .......     0.05  .......     0.01     0.45     0.35     0.25      0.25  .......     0.15      0.5
    ARROWTOOTH FLOUNDER.............................................      121     0.08  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
    ROCKFISH \1\....................................................  .......  .......  ........     0.15     0.05     0.05     0.10     0.40     0.30     0.33      0.25  .......  .......  .......
    SCULPINS........................................................      160  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......
    ATKA MACKEREL...................................................      193  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......     0.15  .......
    POLLOCK.........................................................      270     0.07  ........     0.15  .......  .......  .......     0.35     0.30     0.30      0.21     0.16  \2\ 0.1         
                                                                                                                                                                                          6     0.22
    SMELTS..........................................................      510  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.38  .......  ........  .......  \3\ 0.1         
                                                                                                                                                                                          7  .......
    EULACHON........................................................      511  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.38  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......
    CAPELIN.........................................................      516  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......
    SHARKS..........................................................      689  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.30     0.30      0.25  .......  .......  .......
    SKATES..........................................................      700  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......
    SABLEFISH.......................................................      710  .......  ........  .......     0.05  .......  .......     0.35     0.30     0.30      0.25  .......  .......  .......
    IFQ SABLEFISH...................................................      710  .......  ........  .......     0.05  .......  .......     0.35     0.30     0.30      0.25  .......  .......  .......
    OCTOPUS.........................................................      870  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......
    Target species categories at GOA only:                                                                                                                                                          
        DEEP WATER FLATFISH.........................................      118  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
        FLATHEAD SOLE...............................................      122  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
        REX SOLE....................................................      125  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
        SHALLOW WATER FLATFISH......................................      119  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
        THORNYHEAD ROCKFISH.........................................      143  .......  ........     0.20     0.05     0.05     0.05     0.40     0.30     0.35      0.25  .......  .......  .......
    Target species categories at BSAI only:                                                                                                                                                         
        OTHER FLATFISH..............................................      120  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
        ROCK SOLE...................................................      123  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
        YELLOWFIN SOLE..............................................      127  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27      0.27     0.22  .......     0.18
        GREENLAND TURBOT............................................      134  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......     0.32     0.27     0.27      0.22  .......  .......  .......
        SQUID.......................................................      875  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......
    Conversion rates for Pacific halibut:                                                                                                                                                           
    [[Page 8404]]
        PACIFIC HALIBUT.............................................      200  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .......  .......
                                                    Table 3.--Product Recovery Rates for Groundfish Species and Conversion Rates for Pacific Halibut                                                
                            FMP species                                                                                      Product code                                                           
                                                                 Species                                                Butterfly   Whole    Gutted    head     H&G      H&G    Decomposed          
                               Wings                               code     Meal     Oil      Milt   Stomachs  Mantles   backbone  fish w/  head on   off w/  western  eastern     fish     Discards
                                                                                                                         removed     I&S     W/I&S     I&S     w/I&S    w/I&S                       
                                                                               32       33       34        35       36        37        51       54       55       57       58         96    92, 94,
                                                                                                                                                                                             98, 99,
    PACIFIC COD................................................      110     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......      0.43   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    ARROWTOOTH FLOUNDER........................................      121     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    ROCKFISH \1\...............................................  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    SCULPINS...................................................      160     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    ATKA MACKEREL..............................................      193     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    POLLOCK....................................................      270     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......      0.43   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    SMELTS.....................................................      510     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    EULACHON...................................................      511     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    CAPELIN....................................................      516     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    SHARKS.....................................................      689     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    SKATES.....................................................      700     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    SABLEFISH..................................................      710     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    IFQ SABLEFISH..............................................      710     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........     1.02     0.91  .......     0.70     0.65       0.00       1.00
    OCTOPUS....................................................      870     0.17  .......  .......  ........     0.85      1.00   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    Target species categories at GOA only:                                                                                                                                                          
        DEEP WATER FLATFISH....................................      118     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        FLATHEAD SOLE..........................................      122     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        REX SOLE...............................................      125     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        SHALLOW WATER FLATFISH.................................      119     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        THORNYHEAD ROCKFISH....................................      143     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    Target species categories at BSAI only:                                                                                                                                                         
        OTHER FLATFISH.........................................      120     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        ROCK SOLE..............................................      123     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        YELLOWFIN SOLE.........................................      127     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        GREENLAND TURBOT.......................................      134     0.17  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
        SQUID..................................................      875     0.17  .......  .......  ........     0.75      1.00   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       0.00       1.00
    Conversion rates for Pacific halibut:                                                                                                                                                           
        PACIFIC HALIBUT........................................      200  .......  .......  .......  ........  .......  .........  .......     0.88     0.98  .......  .......  ..........  ........
    \1\ Rockfish means all species of Sebastes and Sebastolobus.                                                                                                                                    
    \2\ Standard pollock surimi rate during January through June.                                                                                                                                   
    \3\ Standard pollock surimi rate during July through December.                                                                                                                                  
                                                 Table 4.--Bering Sea Subarea Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas                                             
                                              [3-nm NO TRANSIT ZONES described at Sec.  227.12(a)(2) of this title]                                         
                                                                    From                                                        To                          
                   Island               --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Latitude                      Longitude                     Latitude                    Longitude        
    a. Year-round Trawl Closures                                                                                                                            
     (Trawling Prohibited Within 10                                                                                                                         
        Sea Lion Rocks.................  55 deg.28.0' N                163 deg.12.0' W                                                                      
        Ugamak Island..................  54 deg.14.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W               54 deg.13.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W          
        Akun Island....................  54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.32.5' W               54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.31.5' W          
        Akutan Island..................  54 deg.03.5' N                166 deg.00.0' W               54 deg.05.5' N                166 deg.05.0' W          
        Bogoslof Island................  53 deg.56.0' N                168 deg.02.0' W                                                                      
        Ogchul Island..................  53 deg.00.0' N                168 deg.24.0' W                                                                      
        Adugak Island..................  52 deg.55.0' N                169 deg.10.5' W                                                                      
    [[Page 8405]]
        Walrus Island..................  57 deg.11.0' N                169 deg.56.0' W                                                                      
    b. Seasonal Trawl Closures (During                                                                                                                      
     January 1 through April 15, or a                                                                                                                       
     date earlier than April 15, if                                                                                                                         
     adjusted under part 679, Trawling                                                                                                                      
     Prohibited Within 20 nm):                                                                                                                              
        Sea Lion Rocks.................  55 deg.28.0' N                163 deg.12.0' W                                                                      
        Akun Island....................  54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.32.5' W               54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.31.5' W          
        Akutan Island..................  54 deg.03.5' N                166 deg.00.0' W               54 deg.05.5' N                166 deg.05.0' W          
        Ugamak Island..................  54 deg.14.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W               54 deg.13.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W          
        Seguam Island..................  52 deg.21.0' N                172 deg.35.0' W               52 deg.21.0' N                172 deg.33.0' W          
        Agligadak Island...............  52 deg.06.5' N                172 deg.54.0' W                                                                      
    Note: The bounds of each rookery extend in a clockwise direction from the first set of geographic coordinates, along the shoreline at mean lower low    
      water, to the second set of coordinates; if only one set of geographic coordinates is listed, the rookery extends around the entire shoreline of the  
      island at mean lower low water.                                                                                                                       
                                              Table 5.--Aleutian Islands Subarea Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas                                          
                                              [3-nm NO TRANSIT ZONES described at Sec.  227.12(a)(2) of this title]                                         
                                                                    From                                                        To                          
                   Island               --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Latitude                      Longitude                     Latitude                    Longitude        
    a. Year-round Trawl Closures                                                                                                                            
     (Trawling Prohibited Within 10                                                                                                                         
        Yunaska Island.................  52 deg.42.0' N                170 deg.38.5' W               52 deg.41.0' N                170 deg.34.5' W          
        Seguam Island..................  52 deg.21.0' N                172 deg.35.0' W               52 deg.21.0' N                172 deg.33.0' W          
        Agligadak Island...............  52 deg.06.5' N                172 deg.54.0' W                                                                      
        Kasatochi Island...............  52 deg.10.0' N                175 deg.31.0' W               52 deg.10.5' N                175 deg.29.0' W          
        Adak Island....................  51 deg.36.5' N                176 deg.59.0' W               51 deg.38.0' N                176 deg.59.5' W          
        Gramp Rock.....................  51 deg.29.0' N                178 deg.20.5' W                                                                      
        Tag Island.....................  51 deg.33.5' N                178 deg.34.5' W                                                                      
        Ulak Island....................  51 deg.20.0' N                178 deg.57.0' W               51 deg.18.5' N                178 deg.59.5' W          
        Semisopochnoi..................  51 deg.58.5' N                179 deg.45.5' E               51 deg.57.0' N                179 deg.46.0' E          
        Semisopochnoi..................  52 deg.01.5' N                179 deg.37.5' E               52 deg.01.5' N                179 deg.39.0' E          
        Amchitka Island................  51 deg.22.5' N                179 deg.28.0' E               51 deg.21.5' N                179 deg.25.0' E          
        Amchitka Is/Column Rocks.......  51 deg.32.5' N                178 deg.49.5' E                                                                      
        Ayugadak Point.................  51 deg.45.5' N                178 deg.24.5' E                                                                      
        Kiska Island...................  51 deg.57.5' N                177 deg.21.0' E               51 deg.56.5' N                177 deg.20.0' E          
        Kiska Island...................  51 deg.52.5' N                177 deg.13.0' E               51 deg.53.5' N                177 deg.12.0' E          
        Buldir Island..................  52 deg.20.5' N                175 deg.57.0' E               52 deg.23.5' N                175 deg.51.0' E          
        Agattu Is./Gillion Pt..........  52 deg.24.0' N                173 deg.21.5' E                                                                      
        Agattu Island..................  52 deg.23.5' N                173 deg.43.5' E               52 deg.22.0' N                173 deg.41.0' E          
        Attu Island....................  52 deg.54.5' N                172 deg.28.5' E               52 deg.57.5' N                172 deg.31.5' E          
    b. Seasonal Trawl Closures (During                                                                                                                      
     January 1 through April 15, or a                                                                                                                       
     date earlier than April 15, if                                                                                                                         
     adjusted under part 679.20.                                                                                                                            
     Trawling Prohibited Within 20 nm):                                                                                                                     
        Seguam Island..................  52 deg.21.0' N                172 deg.35.0' W               52 deg.21.0' N                172 deg.33.0' W          
        Agligadak Island...............  52 deg.06.5' N                172 deg.54.0' W                                                                      
    Note: Each rookery extends in a clockwise direction from the first set of geographic coordinates, along the shoreline at mean lower low water, to the   
      second set of coordinates; if only one set of geographic coordinates is listed, the rookery extends around the entire shoreline of the island at mean 
      lower low water.                                                                                                                                      
                                                   Table 6.--Gulf of Alaska Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas                                               
                                              [3-nm NO TRANSIT ZONES described at Sec.  227.12(a)(2) of this title]                                         
                                                                    From                                                        To                          
                   Island               --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Latitude                      Longitude                     Latitude                    Longitude        
    a. Year-round Trawl Closures                                                                                                                            
     (Trawling Prohibited Within 10                                                                                                                         
        Outer Island...................  59 deg.20.5' N                150 deg.23.0' W               59 deg.21.0' N                150 deg.24.5' W          
        Sugarloaf Island...............  58 deg.53.0' N                152 deg.02.0' W                                                                      
        Marmot Island..................  58 deg.14.5' N                151 deg.47.5' W               58 deg.10.0' N                151 deg.51.0' W          
        Chirikof Island................  55 deg.46.5' N                155 deg.39.5' W               55 deg.46.5' W                155 deg.43.0' W          
        Chowiet Island.................  56 deg.00.5' N                156 deg.41.5' W               56 deg.00.5' N                156 deg.42.0' W          
        Atkins Island..................  55 deg.03.5' N                159 deg.18.5' W                                                                      
        Chernabura Island..............  54 deg.47.5' N                159 deg.31.0' W               54 deg.45.5' N                159 deg.33.5' W          
        Pinnacle Rock..................  54 deg.46.0' N                161 deg.46.0' W                                                                      
        Clubbing Rocks-N...............  54 deg.43.0' N                162 deg.26.5' W                                                                      
    [[Page 8406]]
        Clubbing Rocks-S...............  54 deg.42.0' N                162 deg.26.5' W                                                                      
        Ugamak Island..................  54 deg.14.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W               54 deg.13.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W          
        Akun Island....................  54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.32.5' W               54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.31.5' W          
        Akutan Island..................  54 deg.03.5' N                166 deg.00.0' W               54 deg.05.5' N                166 deg.05.0' W          
        Ogchul Island..................  53 deg.00.0' N                168 deg.24.0' W                                                                      
    b. Seasonal Trawl Closures (During                                                                                                                      
     January 1 through April 15, or a                                                                                                                       
     date earlier than April 15, if                                                                                                                         
     adjusted under part 679.20.                                                                                                                            
     Trawling Prohibited Within 20 nm):                                                                                                                     
        Akun I.........................  54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.32.5' W               54 deg.18.0' N                165 deg.31.5' W          
        Akutan I.......................  54 deg.03.5' N                166 deg.00.0' W               54 deg.05.5' N                166 deg.05.0' W          
        Ugamak I.......................  54 deg.14.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W               54 deg.13.0' N                164 deg.48.0' W          
    Note: The bounds of each rookery extend in a clockwise direction from the first set of geographic coordinates, along the shoreline at mean lower low    
      water, to the second set of coordinates; if only one set of geographic coordinates is listed, the rookery extends around the entire shoreline of the  
      island at mean lower low water.                                                                                                                       
     Table 7.--Communities Determined to Be Eligible To Apply for Community 
                               Development Quotas                           
       [Other communities may also be eligible, but do not appear on this   
    Aleutian Region:                                                        
      1. Akutan                                                             
      2. Atka                                                               
      3. False Pass                                                         
      4. Nelson Lagoon                                                      
      5. Nikolski                                                           
      6. St. George                                                         
      7. St. Paul                                                           
    Bering Strait:                                                          
      1. Brevig Mission                                                     
      2. Diomede/Inalik                                                     
      3. Elim                                                               
      4. Gambell                                                            
      5. Golovin                                                            
      6. Koyuk                                                              
      7. Nome                                                               
      8. Savoonga                                                           
      9. Shaktoolik                                                         
      10. St. Michael                                                       
      11. Stebbins                                                          
      12. Teller                                                            
      13. Unalakleet                                                        
      14. Wales                                                             
      15. White Mountain                                                    
    Bristol Bay:                                                            
      1. Alegnagik                                                          
      2. Clark's Point                                                      
      3. Dillingham                                                         
      4. Egegik                                                             
      5. Ekuk                                                               
      6. Manokotak                                                          
      7. Naknek                                                             
      8. Pilot Point/Ugashi                                                 
      9. Port Heiden/Meschick                                               
      10. South Naknek                                                      
      11. Sovonoski/King Salmon                                             
      12. Togiak                                                            
      13. Twin Hills                                                        
    Southwest Coastal Lowlands:                                             
      1. Alakanuk                                                           
      2. Chefornak                                                          
      3. Chevak                                                             
      4. Eek                                                                
      5. Emmonak                                                            
      6. Goodnews Bay                                                       
      7. Hooper Bay                                                         
      8. Kipnuk                                                             
      9. Kongiganak                                                         
      10. Kotlik                                                            
      11. Kwigillingok                                                      
      12. Mekoryuk                                                          
      13. Newtok                                                            
      14. Nightmute                                                         
      15. Platinum                                                          
      16. Quinhagak                                                         
      17. Scammon Bay                                                       
      18. Sheldon's Point                                                   
      19. Toksook Bay                                                       
      20. Tununak                                                           
      21. Tuntutuliak                                                       
     Table 8.--Harvest Zone Codes for Use With Product Transfer Reports and 
                             Vessel Activity Reports                        
               Harvest zone                          Description            
    A.................................  EEZ off Alaska.                     
    D.................................  Donut Hole.                         
    F.................................  Foreign Waters other than Russia.   
    I.................................  International waters other than     
                                         Donut Hole and Seamounts.          
    R.................................  Russian waters.                     
    S.................................  Seamounts in international waters.  
    U.................................  U.S. EEZ other than Alaska.         
                              Table 9.--Required Logbooks, Reports and Forms from Participants in the Federal Groundfish Fisheries                          
           Name of logbook/form             Catcher- vessel       Catcher- processor          Mothership         Shoreside processor      Buying  station   
    Daily Fishing Logbook (DFL).......  YES...................  NO....................  NO....................  NO...................  NO                   
    Daily Cumulative Production         NO....................  YES...................  YES...................  YES..................  NO                   
     Logbook (DCPL).                                                                                                                                        
    Daily Cumulative Logbook (DCL)....  NO....................  NO....................  NO....................  NO...................  YES                  
    Check-in/Check-out Report.........  NO....................  YES...................  YES...................  YES..................  YES                  
    U.S. Vessel Activity Report (VAR).  YES...................  YES...................  YES...................  NO...................  NO                   
    Weekly Production Report (WPR)....  NO....................  YES...................  YES...................  YES..................  NO                   
    Daily Production Report (DPR) \1\.  NO....................  YES...................  YES...................  YES..................  NO                   
    Product Transfer Report (PTR).....  NO....................  YES...................  YES...................  YES..................  NO                   
    \1\ When required by Regional Administrator.                                                                                                            
    [[Page 8407]]
                                                    Table 10.--Current Gulf of Alaska Retainable Percentages                                                
                                                                                        Bycatch Species \1\                                                 
                                               Pacific    Deep      Rex   Flathead   Shallow                          Aggregated    DSR      Atka     Other 
                                      Pollock    Cod    flatfish   Sole     Sole    flatfish  Arrowtooth  Sablefish    rockfish     SEEO   mackerel  species
    Basis Species \1\                                                                                                                                       
        Pollock.....................   \3\ NA       20       20       20       20        20         35           1           5         10       20        20
        Pacific cod.................       20   \3\ NA       20       20       20        20         35           1           5         10       20        20
        Deep flatfish...............       20       20   \3\ NA       20       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Rex sole....................       20       20       20   \3\ NA       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Flathead sole...............       20       20       20       20   \3\ NA        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Shallow flatfish............       20       20       20       20       20    \3\ NA         35           1           5         10       20        20
        Arrowtooth..................        5        5        0        0        0         0     \3\ NA           0           0          0        0         0
        Sablefish...................       20       20       20       20       20        20         35      \3\ NA          15          1       20        20
        Pacific Ocean perch.........       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Shortraker/rougheye.........       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Other rockfish..............       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Northern rockfish...........       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Pelagic rockfish............       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        DSR-SEEO....................       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           7          15     \3\ NA       20        20
        Thornyhead..................       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           7          15          1       20        20
        Atka mackerel...............       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           1           5         10   \3\ NA        20
        Other species...............       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           1           5         10       20    \3\ NA
        Aggregated amount non-                                                                                                                              
         groundfish species.........       20       20       20       20       20        20         35           1           5         10       20       20 
    \1\ For definition of species, see Table 1 of the Gulf of Alaska groundfish specifications.                                                             
    \2\ Aggregated rockfish means rockfish of the genera Sebastes and Sebastolobus except in the southeast Outside District where demersal shelf rockfish   
      (DSR) is a separate category.                                                                                                                         
    \3\ NA = not applicable.                                                                                                                                
    \4\ SEEO = Southeast Outside District.                                                                                                                  
                                                            Table 11.--Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area Retainable Percentages                                                       
                                                                                           Bycatch species \1\                                                                                      
                                                                         Pacific    Atka                Yellowfin    Other             Flathead  Greenland              Aggregated                  
                              Species                           Pollock    cod    mackerel  Arrowtooth     sole    flatfish  Rocksole    sole      turbot   Sablefish    rockfish    Squid    Other 
    BASIS SPECIES \1\                                                                                                                                                                               
        Pollock...............................................   \3\ NA       20        20         35         20         20        20        20         1          1           5         20       20
        Pacific cod...........................................       20   \3\ NA        20         35         20         20        20        20         1          1           5         20       20
        Atka mackerel.........................................       20       20    \3\ NA         35         20         20        20        20         1          1           5         20       20
        Arrowtooth............................................        0        0         0     \3\ NA          0          0         0         0         0          0           0          0        0
        Yellowfin sole........................................       20       20        20         35     \3\ NA         35        35        35         1          1           5         20       20
        Other flatfish........................................       20       20        20         35         35     \3\ NA        35        35         1          1           5         20       20
        Rocksole..............................................       20       20        20         35         35         35    \3\ NA        35         1          1           5         20       20
        Flathead sole.........................................       20       20        20         35         35         35        35    \3\ NA        35         15          15         20       20
        Greenland turbot......................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20    \3\ NA         15          15         20       20
        Sablefish.............................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20        35     \3\ NA          15         20       20
        Other rockfish........................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20        35         15          15         20       20
        Other red rockfish-BS.................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20        35         15          15         20       20
        Pacific Ocean perch...................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20        35         15          15         20       20
        Sharpchin/Northern-AI.................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20        35         15          15         20       20
        Shortraker/Rougheye-AI................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20        35         15          15         20       20
        Squid.................................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20         1          1           5     \3\ NA       20
        Other species.........................................       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20         1          1           5         20   \3\ NA
        Aggregated amount non-groundfish species..............       20       20        20         35         20         20        20        20         1          1           5         20      20 
    \1\ For definition of species, see Table 1 of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands groundfish specifications.                                                                                    
    \2\ Aggregated rockfish of the genera Sebastes and Sebastolobus.                                                                                                                                
    \3\ NA = not applicable.                                                                                                                                                                        
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P
    [[Page 8408]]
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    [[Page 8410]]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P
    [[Page 8411]]
               Figure 8.--Chinook Salmon Savings Areas of the BSAI          
                                [b. Coordinates]                            
    The Chinook Salmon Savings Area is defined in the following three areas 
     of the BSAI:                                                           
    (1) The area defined by straight lines connecting the following         
     coordinates in the order listed:                                       
                    56 deg.30' N. lat., 171 deg.00' W. long.                
                    56 deg.30' N. lat., 169 deg.00' W. long.                
                    56 deg.00' N. lat., 169 deg.00' W. long.                
                    56 deg.00' N. lat., 171 deg.00' W. long.                
                    56 deg.30' N. lat., 171 deg.00' W. long.                
    (2) The area defined by straight lines connecting the following         
     coordinates in the order listed:                                       
                    54 deg.00' N. lat., 171 deg.00' W. long.                
                    54 deg.00' N. lat., 170 deg.00' W. long.                
                    53 deg.00' N. lat., 170 deg.00' W. long.                
                    53 deg.00' N. lat., 171 deg.00' W. long.                
                    54 deg.00' N. lat., 171 deg.00' W. long.                
    (3) The area defined by straight lines connecting the following         
     coordinates in the order listed:                                       
                    56 deg.00' N. lat., 165 deg.00' W. long.                
                    56 deg.00' N. lat., 164 deg.00' W. long.                
                    55 deg.00' N. lat., 164 deg.00' W. long.                
                    55 deg.00' N. lat., 165 deg.00' W. long.                
                    54 deg.30' N. lat., 165 deg.00' W. long.                
                    54 deg.30' N. lat., 167 deg.00' W. long.                
                    55 deg.00' N. lat., 167 deg.00' W. long.                
                    55 deg.00' N. lat., 166 deg.00' W. long.                
                    55 deg.30' N. lat., 166 deg.00' W. long.                
                    55 deg.30' N. lat., 165 deg.00' W. long.                
                    56 deg.00' N. lat., 165 deg.00' W. long.                
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P
    [[Page 8412]]
    [[Page 8413]]
    [[Page 8414]]
    [[Page 8415]]
    [[Page 8416]]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-C
    [[Page 8417]]
     Figure 13.--BSAI C. Opilio Tanner Crab Bycatch Limitation Zone (COBLZ) 
                               [(b). Coordinates]                           
    The COBLZ is an area defined as that portion of the Bering Sea Subarea  
     north of 56 deg. 30' N. lat. that is west of a line connecting the     
     following coordinates in the order listed:                             
                  56 deg. 30' N. lat.    165 deg. 00' W. long.              
                  58 deg. 00' N. lat.    165 deg. 00' W. long.              
                  59 deg. 30' N. lat.    170 deg. 00' W. long.              
    and north along 170 deg. 00' W. long. to its intersection with the U.S.-
     Russia Boundary.                                                       
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P
    [[Page 8418]]
                     Figure 14.--Scallop Registration Areas                 
                                [b. Coordinates]                            
    Registration Area A (Southeastern) has as its southern boundary, the    
     international boundary at Dixon Entrance, and as its northern boundary 
     Loran-C line 7960-Y-29590, which intersects the western tip of Cape    
     Fairweather at 58 deg.47'58'' N. lat., 137 deg.56'30'' W. long., except
     for ADF&G District 16 defined within Registration Area D (Yakutat).    
    Registration Area D (Yakutat) has as its western boundary the longitude 
     of Cape Suckling (143 deg.53' W. long.), and as its southern boundary  
     Loran-C line 7960-Y-29590, which intersects the western tip of Cape    
     Fairweather at 58 deg.47'58'' N. lat., 137 deg.56'30'' W. long., and   
     ADF&G District 16 defined as all waters all waters north of a line     
     projecting west from the southernmost tip of Cape Spencer and south of 
     a line projecting southwest from the westernmost tip of Cape           
    [[Page 8419]]
    Registration Area E (Prince William Sound) has as its western boundary  
     the longitude of Cape Fairfield (148 deg.50' W. long.), and its eastern
     boundary the longitude of Cape Suckling (143 deg.53' W. long.).        
    Registration Area H (Cook Inlet) has as its eastern boundary the        
     longitude of Cape Fairfield (148 deg.50' W. long.) and its southern    
     boundary the latitude of Cape Douglas (58 deg.52' N. lat.).            
    (1) Northern District. North of a line extending from Boulder Point at  
     60 deg.46'23'' N. lat., to Shell Platform C, then to a point on the    
     west shore at 60 deg.46'23'' N. lat.                                   
    (2) Central District. All waters between a line extending from Boulder  
     Point at 60 deg.46'23'' N. lat., to Shell Platform C, to a point on the
     west shore at 60 deg.46'23'' N. lat., and the latitude of Anchor Point 
     Light (59 deg.46'12'' N. lat.).                                        
    (3) Southern District. All waters enclosed by a line from Anchor Point  
     Light west to 59 deg.46'12'' N. lat., 152 deg.20' W. long., then south 
     to 59 deg.03'25'' N. lat., 152 deg.20' W. long., then in a             
     northeasterly direction to the tip of Cape Elizabeth at 59 deg.09'30'' 
     N. lat., 151 deg.53' W. long., then from the tip of Cape Elizabeth to  
     the tip of Point Adam at 59 deg.15'20'' N. lat., 151 deg.58'30'' W.    
    (4) Kamishak Bay District. All waters enclosed by a line from 59        
     deg.46'12'' N. lat., 153 deg.00'30'' W. long., then east to 59         
     deg.46'12'' N. lat., 152 deg.20' W. long., then south to 59 deg.03'25''
     N. lat., 152 deg.20' W. long., then southwesterly to Cape Douglas (58  
     deg.52' N. lat.). The seaward boundary of the Kamishak Bay District is 
     3 nautical miles seaward from the shoreline between a point on the west
     shore of Cook Inlet at 59 deg.46'12'' N. lat., 153 deg.00'30'' W.      
     long., and Cape Douglas at 58 deg.52' N. lat., 153 deg.15' W. long.,   
     including a line three nautical miles seaward from the shorelines of   
     Augustine Island and Shaw Island, and including the line demarking all 
     state waters shown on NOAA chart 16640, 21st Ed., May 5, 1990          
     (available from the Alaska Region).                                    
    (5) Barren Island District. All waters enclosed by a line from Cape     
     Douglas (58 deg.52' N. lat.) to the tip of Cape Elizabeth at 59        
     deg.09'30'' N. lat., 151 deg.53' W. long., then south to 58 deg.52' N. 
     lat., 151 deg.53' W. long., then west to Cape Douglas.                 
    (6) Outer District. All waters enclosed by a line from the tip of Point 
     Adam to the tip of Cape Elizabeth, then south to 58 deg.52' N. lat.,   
     151 deg.53' W. long., then east to the longitude of Aligo Point (149   
     deg.44'33'' W. long.), then north to the tip of Aligo Point.           
    (7) Eastern District. All waters east of the longitude of Aligo Point   
     (149 deg.44'33'' W. long.), west of the longitude of Cape Fairfield    
     (148 deg.50' W. long.), and north of 58 deg.52' N. lat.                
    Registration Area K (Kodiak) has as its northern boundary the latitude  
     of Cape Douglas (58 deg.52' N. lat.), and as its western boundary the  
     longitude of Cape Kumlik (157 deg.27' W. long.).                       
    (1) Northeast District. All waters northeast of a line extending 168    
     deg. from the easternmost tip of Cape Barnabas, east of a line from the
     northernmost tip of Inner Point to the southernmost tip of Afognak     
     Point, east of 152 deg.30' W. long. in Shuyak Strait, and east of the  
     longitude of the northernmost tip of Shuyak Island (152 deg.20' W.     
    (2) Southeast District. All waters southwest of a line extending 168    
     deg. from the easternmost tip of Cape Barnabas and east of a line      
     extending 222 deg. from the southernmost tip of Cape Trinity.          
    (3) Southwest District. All waters west of a line extending 222 deg.    
     from the southernmost tip of Cape Trinity, south of a line from the    
     westernmost tip of Cape Ikolik to the southernmost tip of Cape Kilokak 
     and east of the longitude of Cape Kilokak (156 deg.19' W. long.).      
    (4) Semidi Island District. All waters west of the longitude of Cape    
     Kilokak at 156 deg.19' W. long. and east of the longitude of Cape      
     Kumlik at 157 deg.27' W. long.                                         
    (5) Shelikof District. All waters north of a line from the westernmost  
     tip of Cape Ikolik to the southernmost tip of Cape Kilokak, west of a  
     line from the northernmost tip of Inner Point to the southernmost tip  
     of Afognak Point, west of 152 deg.30' W. long., in Shuyak Strait, and  
     west of the longitude of the northernmost tip of Shuyak Island (152    
     deg.20' W. long.).                                                     
    Registration Area M (Alaska Peninsula) has as its eastern boundary the  
     longitude of Cape Kumlik (157 deg.27' W. long.), and its western       
     boundary the longitude of Scotch Cap Light. The registration area also 
     includes all waters of Bechevin Bay and Isanotski Strait south of a    
     line from the easternmost tip of Chunak Point to the westernmost tip of
     Cape Krenitzen.                                                        
    Registration Area O (Dutch Harbor) has as its northern boundary the     
     latitude of Cape Sarichef (54 deg.36' N. lat.), as its eastern boundary
     the longitude of Scotch Cap Light, and as its western boundary 171 deg.
     W. long., excluding the waters of Statistical Area Q.                  
    Registration Area Q (Bering Sea) has as its southern boundary a line    
     from Cape Sarichef (54 deg.36' N. lat.), to 54 deg.36' N. lat., 171    
     deg. W. long., to 55 deg.30' N. lat., 171 deg. W. long., to 55 deg.30' 
     N. lat., 173 deg.30' long., as its northern boundary the latitude of   
     Point Hope 68 deg.21' N. lat.).                                        
    Registration Area R (Adak) has as its eastern boundary 171 deg. W.      
     long., and as its northern boundary 55 deg.30' N. lat.                 
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P
    [[Page 8420]]
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    BILLING CODE 3510-22-C
    [[Page 8422]]
          Figure 16.--Regulatory Areas for the Pacific Halibut Fishery      
                                [b. Coordinates]                            
    Area 2A includes all waters off the states of California, Oregon, and   
    Area 2B includes all waters off British Columbia;                       
    Area 2C includes all waters off Alaska that are east of a line running  
     340 deg. true from Cape Spencer Light (58 deg.11'57'' N. lat., 136     
     deg.38'18'' W. long.) and south and east of a line running 205 deg.    
     true from said light;                                                  
    Area 3A includes all waters between Area 2C and a line extending from   
     the most northerly point on Cape Aklek (57 deg.41'15'' N. lat., 155    
     deg.35'00'' W. long.) to Cape Ikolik (57 deg.17'17'' N. lat., 154      
     deg.47'18'' W. long.), then along the Kodiak Island coastline to Cape  
     Trinity (56 deg.44'50'' N. lat., 154 deg.08'44'' W. long.), then 140   
     deg. true;                                                             
    Area 3B includes all waters between Area 3A and a line extending 150    
     deg. true from Cape Lutke (54 deg.29'00'' N. lat., 164 deg.20'00'' W.  
     long.) and south of 54 deg.49'00'' N. lat. in Isanotski Strait;        
    Area 4A includes all waters in the GOA west of Area 3B and in the Bering
     Sea west of the closed area defined below that are east of 172         
     deg.00'00'' W. long. and south of 56 deg.20'00'' N. lat.;              
    Area 4B includes all waters in the Bering Sea and the GOA west of Area  
     4A and south of 56 deg.20'00'' N. lat.;                                
    Area 4C includes all waters in the Bering Sea north of Area 4A and north
     of the closed area defined below which are east of 171 deg.00'00'' W.  
     long., south of 58 deg.00'00'' N. lat., and west of 168 deg.00'00'' W. 
    Area 4D includes all waters in the Bering Sea north of Areas 4A and 4B, 
     north and west of Area 4C, and west of 168 deg.00'00'' W. long.;       
    Area 4E includes all waters in the Bering Sea north and east of the     
     closed area defined below, east of 168 deg.00'00'' W. long., and south 
     of 65 deg.34'00'' N. lat.                                              
    Closed areas                                                            
    All waters in the Bering Sea north of 54 deg.49'00'' N. lat. in         
     Isanotski Strait that are enclosed by a line from Cape Sarichef Light  
     (54 deg.36'00'' N. lat., 164 deg.55'42'' W. long.) to a point at 56    
     deg.20'00'' N. lat., 168 deg.30'00'' W. long.; thence to a point at 58 
     deg.21'25'' N. lat., 163 deg.00'00'' W. long.; thence to Strogonof     
     Point (56 deg.53'18'' N. lat., 158 deg.50'37'' W. long.); and then     
     along the northern coasts of the Alaska Peninsula and Unimak Island to 
     the point of origin at Cape Sarichef Light.                            
    In Area 2A, all waters north of Point Chehalis, WA (46 deg.53'18'' N.   
    [FR Doc. 98-3454 Filed 2-18-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by March 6, 1998.
8389-8422 (34 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 980112009-8009-01, I.D. 110697B
0648-AK36: Regulatory Amendment to Revise the Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Groundfish Fisheries of the EEZ Off of Alaska for 1998
RIN Links:
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