94-2505. Truth in Savings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 25 (Monday, February 7, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-2505]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: February 7, 1994]
    12 CFR Part 230
    [Regulation DD; Docket No. R-0824]
    Truth in Savings
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Proposed official staff interpretation.
    SUMMARY: The Board is publishing for comment a proposed official staff 
    commentary to Regulation DD (Truth in Savings). The commentary applies 
    and interprets the requirements of Regulation DD and is a substitute 
    for individual staff interpretations. The proposed commentary 
    incorporates much of the guidance provided when the regulation was 
    adopted, and addresses additional questions that have been raised about 
    the application of its requirements.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 1, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to Docket No. R-0824, and may be 
    mailed to William W. Wiles, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20551. Comments also may be delivered to room B-2222 of 
    the Eccles Building between 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. weekdays, or to the 
    guard station in the Eccles Building courtyard on 20th Street, NW. 
    (between Constitution Avenue and C Street) at any time. Comments may be 
    inspected in Room MP-500 of the Martin Building between 9 a.m. and 5 
    p.m. weekdays, except as provided in 12 CFR 261.8 of the Board's rules 
    regarding the availability of information.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jane Ahrens, Kyung Cho, Kurt 
    Schumacher or Mary Jane Seebach, Staff Attorneys, Division of Consumer 
    and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, at (202) 452-3667 or 452-2412; for the hearing impaired only, 
    Dorothea Thompson, Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, at (202) 
    (1) Background
        The purpose of the Truth in Savings Act (12 U.S.C. 4301 et seq.) is 
    to assist consumers in comparing deposit accounts offered by depository 
    institutions. The act requires institutions to disclose fees, the 
    interest rate, the annual percentage yield, and other account terms 
    whenever a consumer requests the information and before an account is 
    opened. Fees and other information also must be provided on any 
    periodic statement the institution sends to the consumer. Rules are set 
    forth for deposit account advertisements and advance notices to account 
    holders of adverse changes in terms. The act restricts how institutions 
    must determine the account balance on which interest is calculated. The 
    act is implemented by the Board's Regulation DD (12 CFR part 230), 
    which became effective on June 21, 1993. The regulation authorizes the 
    issuance of official staff interpretations of the regulation. (See 
    Appendix D to Regulation DD.)
        The Board is publishing a proposed commentary to Regulation DD. The 
    proposal is designed to provide guidance to depository institutions in 
    applying the regulation to specific transactions and is a substitute 
    for individual staff interpretations. The Board contemplates updating 
    the commentary periodically to address significant questions that 
    arise. It is expected that this commentary will be adopted in final 
    form in June 1994 with a six-month time period for optional compliance 
    until the effective date, estimated in December 1994.
    (2) Proposed Commentary
        The Federal Register documents containing the regulation that 
    implemented the act and documents for subsequent amendments set forth a 
    large amount of supplementary material interpreting the new regulation. 
    (See final rule published on September 21, 1992 (57 FR 43337), 
    correction notice published on October 5, 1992 (57 FR 46480), and 
    amendments published on March 19, 1993 (58 FR 15077).) In large 
    measure, the proposed commentary incorporates the supplementary 
    material from those rulemakings, and reflects the views expressed 
    therein without substantive change. A number of issues that have arisen 
    since the publication of the regulation have also been addressed. 
    Proposed interpretations of new issues are noted below.
        On December 6, 1993, the Board published a proposal to amend the 
    regulation's rules for calculating the annual percentage yield for 
    accounts that pay interest prior to maturity (58 FR 64190). (See also 
    the notice extending the comment period published on January 13, 1994, 
    59 FR 1921.) The Board has deferred proposing commentary on provisions 
    of the regulation affected by the proposal, pending final action by the 
        The scope of the discussion that follows is limited so that, for 
    instance, examples listed in the commentary are not repeated below.
    Section 230.1--Authority, Purpose, Coverage, and Effect on State Laws
    (c) Coverage
        Comment 1(c)-1 clarifies that the scope of the regulation is all 
    depository institutions (except credit unions) that offer accounts to 
    residents of a ``state,'' such as accounts held in the United States, 
    even though funds may be transferred periodically into an account held 
    at a location outside the United States. An account located outside the 
    United States is not covered, even if the funds are held by a U.S. 
    Section 230.2--Definitions
    (a) Account
        Comment 2(a)-1 provides examples of accounts subject to the 
    regulation, including the example of a deposit account required as a 
    condition of obtaining a credit card account (often referred to as a 
    ``secured'' credit card account). The Board believes it is important 
    for consumers to receive disclosures about the terms, monthly fees, or 
    other charges that may apply to such accounts, since such information 
    may not appear on disclosures given to card holders under the Truth in 
    Lending Act and its implementing Regulation Z (12 CFR part 226).
        The proposed comment also includes examples of accounts not subject 
    to the regulation. The Board's proposed comment narrows the scope of 
    trust accounts covered by the regulation, a difference from guidance 
    provided in supplementary material to the September 1992 rulemaking. 
    The comment provides that trust accounts are not subject to the 
    regulation with the exception of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) 
    and simplified employee pension (SEP) accounts. (See proposed 
    commentary to paragraph 2(h) of this section.) The ``trust'' for which 
    the account is established is not a natural person, even though the 
    trustee and beneficiary might be. In addition, the law of trusts 
    imposes duties and responsibilities upon all trustees that the Board 
    believes distinguish trust accounts from other accounts held by one 
    individual for another solely for personal, family or household 
    purposes. Finally, the Board believes that requiring an institution to 
    identify both the purpose of the trust and whether the account has been 
    established by someone in a professional capacity would present an 
    undue compliance burden, with minimal benefits. The Board requests 
    comment on whether any accounts established for trusts (other than IRAs 
    and SEP accounts) should be subject to the regulation, particularly 
    when both the beneficiary and the trustee are natural persons.
    (b) Advertisement
        Comment 2(b)-1 provides examples of commercial messages considered 
    to be advertisements, such as messages on computer screens in bank 
    lobbies and accompanying printouts. The Board believes these messages 
    are similar to messages in traditional advertising media such as 
    televisions and newspapers.
        The comment also provides examples of messages not considered to be 
    advertisements, including direct oral discussions conducted in person--
    but not telephone conversations--regarding the negotiation of a 
    specific account. The Board believes that the purpose of advertising 
    disclosures--ensuring that prospective customers of consumer accounts 
    know basic terms about the account--is adequately served by face-to-
    face discussions between employees of the institution and consumers 
    seeking information about accounts. Also, this interpretation is 
    similar to the approach taken in the Official Staff Commentary to the 
    Board's Regulation Z (12 CFR part 226, Supp. I, 2(a)(2)-1).
    (f) Bonus
        Comment 2(f)-1 provides examples of bonuses. The comment also 
    provides an example of an item that is not considered a bonus for 
    purposes of the regulation--discount coupons offered by institutions 
    for use at restaurants and stores.
        Comment 2(f)-2 clarifies the application of the de minimis rule 
    ($10 value or less) by defining the calendar year as the time frame for 
    determining whether the bonus requirements are triggered, to ease 
    compliance. The comment also provides that institutions must aggregate 
    per account the value of items contemplated to be given during the 
    calendar year, even though an item's individual value is less than $10. 
    Thus, if an institution offers in January to give a consumer an item 
    valued at $7.00 each calendar quarter during the year if account 
    balances in a NOW account exceed $10,000 for each calendar quarter, the 
    bonus rules would be triggered. On the other hand, if the items are 
    given for opening separate accounts--such as a $7.00 item for renewing 
    a time account and another for opening a savings account--the value 
    given for each account remains within the de minimis exception, and the 
    bonus rules would not be triggered.
        Comment 2(f)-3 clarifies that the waiver or reduction of a fee or 
    absorption of expenses is not a bonus. The Board solicits comment on 
    this approach.
    (h) Consumer
        Comment 2(h)-3 clarifies coverage issues for retirement plans. For 
    example, the proposed comment states that SEP accounts and IRAs are 
    considered consumer accounts for purposes of the regulation. The Board 
    believes that although institutions are named as trustees, SEP accounts 
    and IRAs are equivalent to other accounts opened for consumer purposes. 
    On the other hand, the proposed comment would exclude from coverage 
    accounts held in a Keogh plan, which is established by a self-employed 
    individual. The Board believes Keogh accounts are similar to accounts 
    held by a sole proprietor, which Congress intended not to cover.
        Comment 2(h)-4 provides factors to consider in determining whether 
    an account is held by an unincorporated nonbusiness association of 
    natural persons. Associations with paid staff are likely to be more 
    sophisticated in their investment decisions and are not as likely to 
    need disclosures. The Board solicits comment on whether the use of 
    factors is appropriate for providing guidance in this area. In 
    addition, the Board solicits comment on the proposed factors and on 
    what additional factors might indicate an account is held by or offered 
    to an unincorporated association of natural persons.
    (p) Passbook Savings Account
        Comment 2(p)-1 clarifies that institutions may consider accounts as 
    ``passbook savings,'' even if direct deposits such as social security 
    payments are made to the account without the use of the passbook. The 
    proposed comment is consistent with the requirements of Regulation E 
    (12 CFR 205.9). Accounts that permit other electronic fund transfers--
    whether or not called ``passbook''--and thus trigger Regulation E's 
    requirement to send statements at least quarterly are not passbook 
    savings accounts, and institutions must comply with the periodic 
    statement disclosures in Sec. 230.6 of this part.
    (t) Tiered-rate Account
        Comment 2(t)-1 clarifies that time accounts that pay different 
    rates based solely on the amount of the initial deposit are not 
    considered tiered-rate accounts. In this case, advertisements and 
    account disclosures would not reflect tiered-rate disclosures for the 
    Section 230.3--General Disclosure Requirements
    (b) General
        Comment 3(b)-1 provides guidance on the specificity required for 
    the disclosures of the compounding and crediting frequencies. The Board 
    believes slight variations in cycles are consistent with the notion of 
    ``monthly'' cycles, which are often not based on an actual calendar 
    (c) Relation to Regulation E
        Comment 3(c)-1 provides examples of disclosures under Regulation E 
    that also comply with this regulation.
        The comment clarifies that an institution may rely on Regulation 
    E's disclosure rules regarding fees imposed at ATMs and limitations on 
    the frequency and amount of electronic fund transfers, including 
    security-related exceptions. But any fees assessed for--or any 
    limitations placed on the number or amount of--``intra-institutional 
    transfers'' from other accounts at the institution must be disclosed 
    under this regulation, even though those transactions are exempt from 
    Regulation E. (See Sec. 230.4(b) of this part.)
    Section 230.4--Account Disclosures
    (a) Delivery of Account Disclosures
    (a)(1) Account Opening
        The regulation requires institutions to provide account disclosures 
    before an account is opened. Comment 4(a)(1)-1 provides examples of 
    events that do and do not trigger the delivery of new account 
    disclosures. Comment 4(a)(1)-1 provides guidance to institutions that 
    deem an account to be closed, then receive a deposit from the consumer. 
    The circumstances under which an institution may deem an account closed 
    is governed by state or other law. However, the Board believes that if 
    an institution accepts a deposit from a consumer on an account the 
    institution has deemed to be ``closed'' (such as with a balance of $0) 
    opening account disclosures are required.
        The proposed comment also provides that an account acquired in a 
    merger or acquisition is not a new account. Comment is solicited on 
    whether the rules for acquisitions involving the Resolution Trust 
    Corporation and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation should be 
    distinguished from the rules for other acquisitions, since they may 
    involve the acquisition of deposits, not accounts.
    (a)(2) Requests
    Paragraph (a)(2)(i)
        Comment 4(a)(2)(i)-3 clarifies that ten business days (a period 
    consistent with other timing rules for providing disclosure to 
    consumers that open accounts by telephone, for example) is a reasonable 
    time for responding to requests for disclosures.
    (b) Content of Account Disclosures
    Paragraph (b)(1) Rate Information
    Paragraph (b)(1)(i) Annual Percentage Yield and Interest Rate
        Comment 4(b)(1)(i)-1 provides that no rate or yield other than the 
    interest rate and annual percentage yield may be stated in account 
    disclosures, with the exception of a periodic rate corresponding to the 
    interest rate (since it is easily understood by consumers).
    (b)(2) Compounding and Crediting
    (b)(2)(i) Frequency
        Interpretation of this paragraph is deferred pending the Board's 
    final action on proposed amendments to Regulation DD.
    (b)(2)(ii) Effect of Closing an Account
        Proposed comment 4(b)(2)(ii)-1 explains that institutions may 
    include in their contract specific consumer actions that will be 
    considered by the institution to be a request to close the account, and 
    that may result in the nonpayment of accrued but uncredited interest. 
    (See Sec. 230.7(b) of this part.) The Board solicits comment on this 
    (b)(4) Fees
        Comments 4(b)(4)-1 through -3 provide guidance for disclosing the 
    amount of fees that may be assessed in connection with the account and 
    the conditions under which they may be imposed. The Board believes that 
    attempting to list in the commentary all fees imposed by institutions 
    would produce a list that would become both lengthy and outdated.
    (b)(5) Transaction Limitations
        Comment 4(b)(5)-1 clarifies that institutions need not disclose 
    their right to require seven-day advance notice for withdrawals from an 
    account. (See 12 CFR part 204.)
    (b)(6) Features of Time Accounts
    (b)(6)(i) Time Requirements
        Comment 4(b)(6)(i)-1 provides that institutions offering 
    ``callable'' time accounts must state the date or the circumstances 
    under which the account may be redeemed, in addition to the maturity 
    date. The Board believes the disclosure is a component of the maturity 
    date--informing the consumer when the funds in the account may become 
    available for reinvestment.
    (b)(6)(ii) Early Withdrawal Penalties
        Comment 4(b)(6)(ii)-2 provides examples of early withdrawal 
    penalties, and clarifies that early withdrawal penalties include 
    bonuses that may be reclaimed if funds are withdrawn prior to maturity.
        Comment 4(b)(6)(ii)-3 clarifies that institutions are not required 
    to disclose as early withdrawal penalties potential income taxation 
    consequences for consumers who withdraw funds held in IRAs or similar 
    Section 230.5--Subsequent Disclosures
    (a) Change in Terms
    Paragraph (a)(1) Advance Notice Required
        Comment 5(a)(1)-3 provides guidance on an institution's 
    responsibilities to provide change in terms notices when account 
    disclosures reflect that a term may change upon the occurrence of an 
    event, such as a fee waiver for employees during their employment.
        However, the Board believes that a change in terms notice does not 
    extend to changes in the type of account held. (See proposed commentary 
    to Sec. 230.4(a)(1) of this part, which clarifies that transferring 
    funds held in an MMDA to open a NOW account must be treated as the 
    opening of a new account.)
    Paragraph (a)(2)(ii) Check Printing Fees
        The regulation's exception to providing a change in terms notice 
    for increases to check printing charges is based on the consumer's 
    control over the style and quantity of checks ordered. The Board 
    solicits comment on other products, if any, that should be similarly 
    (b) Notice Before Maturity for Time Accounts Longer Than One Month That 
    Renew Automatically
        Comments 5(b)-1 through -5 address questions about notices that 
    must be sent for automatically renewing time accounts. Comment 5(b)-1 
    provides guidance regarding a time account that may, in fact, have a 
    term longer than the stated maturity date because the maturity date 
    falls on a weekend or holiday. The Board has received questions asking 
    whether this delay on a one-year time deposit would make the term 
    longer than one year (thus requiring the full account disclosures under 
    paragraph 5(b)(1) of this section prior to renewal rather than the 
    abbreviated disclosures permitted by paragraph 5(b)(2)). The same issue 
    arises for time accounts with a stated term of one month that may be 
    extended beyond 31 days. The Board believes these short extensions due 
    to the maturity date's falling on a weekend or holiday do not affect 
    the classification of the account for purposes of the type of 
    disclosures institutions are required to provide.
        Comment 5(b)-2 clarifies that when disclosing the date when the 
    interest rate and annual percentage yield can be determined, 
    institutions may use general disclosures of that date if the date is 
    easily discerned.
        The Board has received many questions about ``club accounts.'' 
    Comment 5(b)-4 makes clear that club accounts that otherwise meet the 
    definition of a time account (Sec. 230.2(u)) must follow the 
    requirements of this section, even if the consumer withdraws funds at 
    maturity rather than ``rolling over'' the principal amount for another 
    term. The proposed comment also clarifies that if the consumer has 
    previously agreed to make payments into the account for the next club 
    cycle (for example, by direct deposit or by transfers from another 
    account), the club account should be treated as an automatically 
    renewable time account.
        Comment 5(b)-5 clarifies disclosure requirements for a changed term 
    for the subsequent renewal of a rollover time account. If the notice 
    required by this paragraph has been provided to the consumer about the 
    renewing time account, institutions may provide new account disclosures 
    or a disclosure that reflects the consumer's request and the new term. 
    The regulation states that if disclosures have previously been given 
    and the terms remain the same, institutions need not provide the 
    disclosures a second time. (See Sec. 230.4(a) of this part.) Since 
    consumers receive disclosures about their renewing time account, this 
    approach provides consumers with essential information and eases 
    compliance for institutions. The Board requests comment on this 
    Paragraph (b)(1) Maturities of Longer Than One Year
        Comment 5(b)(1)-1 clarifies that institutions need not highlight 
    the new terms reflected in the disclosures.
    (c) Notice for Time Accounts One Month or Less That Renew Automatically
        Institutions have limited disclosure responsibilities for rollover 
    time accounts with maturities of one month or less. If a term 
    previously disclosed (other than the interest rate and annual 
    percentage yield) is changed at renewal, institutions must send a brief 
    notice describing the change ``within a reasonable time'' after the 
    renewal of the account. Comment 5(c)-1 provides that 10 calendar days 
    after the renewal is a reasonable time except for accounts shorter than 
    10 days, which should receive disclosures before any subsequent 
    (d) Notice Before Maturity for Time Accounts Longer Than One Year That 
    Do Not Renew Automatically
        Comment 5(d)-1 clarifies that institutions need not provide new 
    account disclosures when funds are subsequently transferred following 
    the maturity of a nonrollover time account, unless a new account is 
    established. The Board solicits comments on how institutions treat 
    funds held in a nonrollover time account following maturity, and 
    whether new account disclosures are appropriate in cases where funds 
    remain with institutions. For example, is a check sent to the consumer 
    automatically, or within a certain number of days of maturity? Are 
    funds transferred to an account, and if so, how long are the funds 
    typically held in that account?
    Section 230.6--Periodic Statement Disclosures
    (a) General Rule
        Comment 6(a)-2 provides guidance to institutions when quarterly 
    periodic statements are normally sent for the account but a consumer's 
    electronic fund transfer triggers the institution's duty under 
    Regulation E to send a statement that month. Institutions need not 
    treat interim monthly statements as periodic statements subject to the 
    requirements of this regulation; if they choose not to do so, they must 
    provide the disclosures (such as the interest earned and annual 
    percentage yield earned) on subsequent quarterly statements.
        Comment 6(a)-3 clarifies that institutions may include limited 
    account information for one account (an MMDA, for example) on the 
    periodic statement of another account. However, disclosing interest or 
    rate information would trigger the duty to state the annual percentage 
    yield and other disclosure requirements on that statement.
        Comment 6(a)-4 provides guidance on additional information that may 
    appear on periodic statements.
    Paragraph (a)(3) Fees Imposed
        Comment 6(a)(3)-2 provides examples of similar types of fees that 
    can be grouped together if they are disclosed with the same name or 
    description. It also makes clear that all other account fees, including 
    those related to electronic services that are not fund transfers, must 
    be disclosed in accordance with Sec. 230.6 of this part.
        Comment 6(a)(3)-4 clarifies that institutions may comply with the 
    requirements of Regulation E for disclosing electronic funds transfer 
    fees on periodic statements.
    Paragraph (a)(4) Length of Period
        Comment 6(a)(4)-2 provides that if a consumer opens or closes an 
    account during a period, the annual percentage yield earned and the 
    other disclosures for the consumer's account must reflect only those 
    days the account was open, such as when a consumer changes from an 
    interest-bearing account to a noninterest-bearing account in the middle 
    of a period.
    (b) Special Rule for Average Daily Balance Method
        When an institution uses the average daily balance method for 
    monthly periods and provides a quarterly statement, the literal 
    language of the regulation suggests that institutions should provide 
    three interest figures with three corresponding annual percentage yield 
    earned figures. Comment 6(b)-3 would permit institutions to show either 
    separate figures for each month or a figure for the whole quarter. The 
    Board believes consumers may receive more useful information if 
    institutions provide one interest figure and one corresponding annual 
    percentage yield earned figure for the period.
    Section 230.7--Payment of Interest
    (a) Permissible Methods
        Comment 7(a)-5 clarifies that the regulation does not require 
    institutions to pay interest after a time account matures and provides 
    examples to illustrate the rule.
        Comment 7(a)-6 addresses ``dormant'' accounts. The Board solicits 
    comment on whether an institution should or should not be permitted to 
    withhold the payment of interest for dormant accounts. (See comment 
    7(b)-4, regarding the forfeiture of accrued but uncredited interest for 
    dormant accounts.) The Board also solicits comment on whether providing 
    further guidance on the definition of a dormant account would be 
    preferable to reliance on state or other law. And, if a uniform time 
    period were to be adopted, what period of time would be appropriate to 
    consider an account dormant?
    Paragraph (a)(2) Determination of Minimum Balance to Earn Interest
        Comment 7(a)(2)-5 clarifies that when a consumer's account has a 
    negative balance, institutions must use zero, and not a negative 
    number, to determine the balance on which the institution pays interest 
    and whether any minimum balance requirement has been met. The Board 
    believes that the regulation prohibits institutions from using negative 
    balance amounts for these purposes, regardless of whether a daily 
    balance or an average daily balance requirement method is used. (See 
    commentary to Appendix A, Part II, which prohibits the use of negative 
    balances for calculating the interest figure for the annual percentage 
    yield earned.)
        Comment 7(a)(2)-6 clarifies that for club accounts, such as 
    ``holiday'' and ``vacation'' clubs, institutions cannot impose a 
    minimum balance that could result in the nonpayment of interest for the 
    entire club period. The Board believes a minimum balance that requires 
    consumers to make the total number of payments or dollar amounts 
    required under the club plan at the maturity of the account is 
    tantamount to the ending balance method of calculating interest--a 
    balance calculation method not permitted under the regulation.
    (b) Compounding and Crediting Policies
        Comment 7(b)-3 clarifies that institutions may, by agreement with 
    the consumer, specify circumstances in which the institution deems an 
    account to be closed by the consumer. If an account is closed by the 
    consumer, Regulation DD does not require an institution to pay accrued 
    but uncredited interest, as long as this fact is disclosed. (See 
    Sec. 230.4(b)(2)(ii).) For example, institutions may provide in a 
    checking account agreement that by writing a check which reduces the 
    account balance to $0, a consumer is deemed to have closed an account, 
    or that the account will be deemed closed if no activity occurs within 
    60 days of that transaction. (See proposed comment 230.4(a)(1)-1, which 
    requires institutions to treat the acceptance of a deposit subsequently 
    made by the consumer to that account as the opening of a new account.)
    Section 230.8--Advertising
    (a) Misleading or Inaccurate Advertisements
        In response to concerns expressed about the potential for 
    misleading or inaccurate advertising on indoor signs, comment 8(a)-2 
    provides guidance regarding time accounts and tiered-rate accounts. The 
    Board solicits comment on the approach taken.
        The regulation prohibits institutions from using the terms ``free'' 
    or ``no cost'' (or terms of similar meaning) to advertise accounts or 
    account services if ``maintenance and activity fees'' can be imposed. 
    The Board has received many questions about which fees trigger the 
    prohibition. The Board believes that it is not possible to identify by 
    name all fees that trigger this limitation. (See discussion for 
    proposed comment 4(b)(4)-1.) Instead, comments 8(a)-3 through -7 
    provide general principles institutions may use, regardless of what a 
    fee may be named. The Board solicits comment on the proposed approach 
    to provide guidance in this area.
        In defining the scope of ``maintenance and activity'' fees, comment 
    8(a)-3 addresses advertisements for ``free'' accounts with optional 
    electronic services such as home banking. The Board believes many 
    consumers consider electronic services such as ATM access to be an 
    integral part of their accounts. Therefore, in its September 1992 
    rulemaking, the Board stated that institutions could not advertise an 
    account as ``free'' if a fee is imposed for transactions at ATMs owned 
    by the institution. Some institutions have questioned this approach 
    arguing that ATM access is provided only upon a consumer's request and 
    that consumers will receive information--including the cost of ATM 
    access--before obtaining the service. The Board solicits comment on 
    this approach.
        The Board believes consumers are not mislead by advertisements for 
    ``free'' accounts, if certain electronic services, such as home banking 
    services, are available for a fee. The Board believes that (unlike ATM 
    access) consumers do not have a reasonable expectation that services 
    such as home banking would be included as part of an account advertised 
    as free. Of course, if optional features that impose fees are 
    advertised with a free account, the advertisement must make clear that 
    charges are assessed for the optional feature. The Board solicits 
    comment on this approach, and requests comment on whether ATM services 
    should be distinguished from other optional electronic services, and 
    whether consumers would be mislead by an advertisement for an account 
    that is described as ``free'' even though the institution may charge 
    for ATM activity at ATMs owned by the institution.
        Comment 8(a)-4 specifies that the term ``fees waived'' is similar 
    to the terms ``free'' or ``no cost'' for the purposes of this section.
    (b) Permissible Rates
        The Board has received many questions about advertising accounts 
    for which institutions offer a number of versions (certificates of 
    deposits, for example). Comment 8(b)-3 clarifies that institutions may 
    state an annual percentage yield for each version of an account. 
    Alternatively, the proposed comment would permit institutions to state 
    a representative example as long as the advertisement makes clear that, 
    for instance, the advertised yield is for a time account with a 30-day 
    maturity and does not apply to all time accounts. Similarly, the 
    comment illustrates that institutions could advertise selected versions 
    of time accounts. The Board solicits comment on this approach, which 
    the Board believes would effectively minimize compliance burdens for 
    institutions while still providing meaningful information to consumers.
    (c) When Additional Disclosures are Required
        The regulation requires institutions to disclose additional 
    information when the annual percentage yield is advertised. Comment 
    8(c)-1 provides examples of information that does and does not trigger 
    the additional disclosures. In response to questions about the effect 
    of advertising a ``bonus'' rate, the proposed comment illustrates that 
    stating ``bonus rates are available'' does not trigger additional 
    disclosures. However, stating a ``bonus rate of 1%'' over an 
    institution's current interest rate for one-year certificates of 
    deposit is equivalent to stating an interest rate.
    Paragraph (c)(2) Time Annual Percentage Yield Is Offered
        Comment 8(c)(2)-1 clarifies the regulation's disclosure 
    requirements for advertisements that state an annual percentage yield 
    as of a specified ``recent'' date. The proposed comment provides that 
    when an advertisement is published, the specified ``recent date'' must 
    be recent in relation to the publication frequency of the media used 
    for the advertisement (taking into account established production 
    deadlines for the media involved). For example, annual percentage 
    yields as of the printing date of a brochure printed once for a deposit 
    account promotion that will run for six months would be considered 
    ``recent,'' even though rates may be expected to change during the six-
    month period. Annual percentage yields published in a daily newspaper 
    or broadcast on television must be ``recent'' as of the daily 
    publishing or broadcasting deadline date, even though the 
    advertisements may appear less frequently (such as once a month). The 
    Board solicits comment on this approach. 
    Paragraph (c)(6) Features of Time Accounts 
    Paragraph (c)(6)(i) Time Requirements 
        Comment 8(c)(6)(i)-1 addresses questions regarding ``club'' 
    accounts in which there is a fixed maturity date but the term of the 
    account may vary, depending on when the account is opened. The proposed 
    comment provides that institutions adequately disclose the term of the 
    account by stating the established maturity date and the fact that the 
    actual term may vary. 
    Appendix A--Annual Percentage Yield Calculation 
    Part I. Annual Percentage Yield for Account Disclosures and Advertising 
        With one exception, the interpretation of Appendix A, Part 1 is 
    deferred pending the Board's final action on proposed amendments to 
    Regulation DD. Proposed comment app. A.I.-1 clarifies rounding rules 
    which may be used in calculating interest and the annual percentage 
    yield. The Board believes that rounding to five decimals results in a 
    more precise figure and is in accordance with industry practices. The 
    Board requests comment on whether further guidance on rounding 
    principles would be appropriate. 
    Part II. Annual Percentage Yield Earned for Periodic Statements 
        Comment app. A.II.A-1 clarifies when institutions should or should 
    not include accrued but uncredited interest in the balances used to 
    calculate the annual percentage yield earned. The Board believes that 
    it would be misleading to include accrued interest in the balance 
    figure when statements are sent less frequently than interest is 
        When periodic statements are issued more frequently than interest 
    is credited, accrued interest would be included in the balance figure 
    in succeeding statements. This is necessary so that the beginning 
    balance can properly reflect the principal on which interest will 
    accrue for the succeeding statement period. The Board solicits comment 
    on these calculation principles.
        Comment app. A.II.A.-2 clarifies rounding rules for calculating 
    interest earned and the annual percentage yield earned. The Board 
    believes flexibility in rounding is appropriate when statements are 
    sent more frequently than interest is compounded and credited, since 
    the interest earned figure does not reflect the amount which will 
    actually be paid by an institution.
    B. Special Formula for Use Where Periodic Statements Are Sent More 
    Often Than the Period for Which Interest Is Compounded
        Comment app. A.II.B.-1 provides guidance to institutions that issue 
    quarterly periodic statements but are required by Regulation E to send 
    a monthly statement during the quarter. (See proposed comment 230.6(a)-
    2, which discusses an institution's option to comply with the 
    disclosure requirements for such monthly statements.) The comment 
    clarifies that institutions complying with Sec. 230.6 for monthly 
    statements triggered by Regulation E must use the special formula in 
    part II.B. of this appendix. Institutions could use this formula for a 
    quarterly statement whether or not a monthly statement is triggered by 
    Regulation E during the quarter. The Board believes such a rule would 
    significantly reduce compliance burdens for institutions. However, in 
    some cases, the use of the special formula may result in an understated 
    annual percentage yield earned. The Board solicits comment on whether 
    the purposes of the act are best served by this approach.
        Comment app. A.II.B.-2 clarifies that the special formula requires 
    institutions to use the actual number of days in the compounding period 
    in calculating the annual percentage yield earned. In the supplementary 
    material that accompanied the March 19, 1993 amendments to the 
    regulation (58 FR 15077), the calculation used average numbers of days 
    in the compounding period to calculate the annual percentage yield 
    earned for a statement period. The Board believes that using actual 
    days in a compounding period is more appropriate and corresponds to the 
    annual percentage yield earned for a specific consumer's account. The 
    Board solicits comment on the proposed comment.
    (3) Form of Comment Letters
        Comment letters should refer to Docket No. R-0824, and, when 
    possible, should use a standard typeface with a type size of 10 or 12 
    characters per inch. This will enable the Board to convert the text 
    into machine-readable form through electronic scanning, and will 
    facilitate automated retrieval of comments for review. Comments may 
    also be submitted on 3\1/2\ inch or 5\1/4\ inch computer diskettes in 
    any IBM-compatible DOS-based format, if accompanied by an original 
    document in paper form.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 230
        Advertising, Banks, Banking, Consumer protection, Deposit accounts, 
    Interest, Interest rates, Truth in savings.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board proposes to 
    amend 12 CFR part 230 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 230 would continue to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 4301 et seq.
        2. Part 230 would be amended by adding a new Supplement I at the 
    end of the appendixes to the Part to read as follows:
    Supplement I to Part 230--Official Staff Interpretations
        1. Official status. This commentary is the vehicle by which the 
    staff of the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs of the 
    Federal Reserve Board issues official staff interpretations of 
    Regulation DD. Good faith compliance with this commentary affords 
    protection from liability under section 271(f) of the Truth in 
    Savings Act.
    Section 230.1--Authority, Purpose, Coverage, and Effect on State Laws
    (c) Coverage
        1. Foreign applicability. Regulation DD applies to all 
    depository institutions, except credit unions, that offer deposit 
    accounts to residents (including resident aliens) of any state as 
    defined in Sec. 230.2(r).
        2. Persons who advertise accounts. Persons who advertise 
    accounts are subject to the advertising rules. For example, if a 
    deposit broker places an advertisement that offers consumers an 
    interest in an account at a depository institution, the advertising 
    rules apply to the advertisement, whether the account is held by the 
    broker or directly by the consumer.
    Section 230.2--Definitions
    (a) Account
        1. Covered accounts. Examples of accounts subject to the 
    regulation are:
         Interest-bearing and noninterest-bearing accounts
         Accounts opened as a condition of obtaining a credit 
        Examples of accounts not subject to the regulation are:
         Mortgage escrow accounts for collecting taxes and 
    property insurance premiums
         Accounts established to make periodic disbursements on 
    construction loans
         Trust accounts other than individual retirement 
    accounts (IRAs) and simplified employee pension (SEP) accounts
         Accounts opened by an executor in the name of a 
    decedent's estate
         Accounts of individuals operating businesses as sole 
        2. Other investments. The term ``account'' does not apply to all 
    products of a depository institution. Examples of products not 
    covered are:
         Government securities
         Mutual funds
         Securities or obligations of a depository institution
         Contractual arrangements such as repurchase agreements, 
    interest rate swaps, and bankers acceptances
    (b) Advertisement
        1. Coverage. Advertisements include commercial messages in 
    visual, oral, or print media that invite, offer, or otherwise 
    announce generally to prospective customers the availability of 
    consumer accounts such as:
         Telephone solicitations
         Messages on automated teller machine (ATM) screens
         Messages on a computer screen in an institution's lobby 
    (including any printout)
         Messages in a newspaper, magazine, or promotional flyer 
    or on radio
         Messages promoting an account that are provided along 
    with information about the consumer's existing account at an 
        Examples of messages that are not advertisements are:
         Rate sheets published in newspapers, periodicals, or 
    trade journals provided the depository institution (or deposit 
    broker that offers accounts at the institution) does not pay a fee 
    to have the information included
         An in-person discussion with a consumer about the terms 
    for a specific account
         Information provided to consumers about their existing 
    accounts, such as on IRA disbursements or notices for automatically 
    renewable time accounts sent before renewal
    (f) Bonus
        1. Examples. Bonuses include items of value, other than 
    interest, offered as incentives to consumers, such as an offer to 
    pay the final installment deposit for a holiday club account.
        The following is an example of an item that is not a bonus:
         Discount coupons distributed by institutions for use at 
    restaurants or stores
        2. De minimis rule. Items with a de minimis value of $10 or less 
    are not bonuses. Institutions may rely on the valuation standard 
    used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to determine if the value 
    of the item is de minimus. (See 26 CFR Sec. 1.6049-5(a)(2), which 
    discusses the fair market value of property received.) Items 
    required to be reported by the institution under IRS rules are 
    bonuses under this regulation. Examples of items that are not 
    bonuses are:
         Disability insurance premiums paid by the institution 
    in an amount less than $10 per year
         Coffee mugs, T-shirts or other merchandise with a 
    market value of less than $10 per year
        Institutions must aggregate per account per calendar year any 
    items given to a consumer that are individually valued at less than 
    $10 and must consider them to be a bonus if their aggregate value 
    exceeds $10.
        3. Waiver or reduction of a fee or absorption of expenses. 
    Bonuses do not include value received by consumers through the 
    waiver or reduction of fees for banking-related services (even if 
    the fees waived exceed $10), such as the following:
         Waiving a safe deposit box rental fee for one year for 
    consumers who open a new account
         Waiving fees for travelers checks for account holders
         Discounts on interest rates charged for loans at the 
    (h) Consumer
        1. Professional capacity. Examples of accounts held by a natural 
    person in a professional capacity for another are:
         Attorney-client trust accounts
         Landlord-tenant security accounts
        2. Nonprofessional capacity. Examples of accounts not held in a 
    professional capacity are:
         Accounts held by parents for a child under the Uniform 
    Gifts to Minors Act
         Accounts established by a tenant for apartment lease 
    payments pending resolution of a landlord-tenant dispute
        3. Retirement plans. Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and 
    simplified employee pension (SEP) accounts are consumer accounts to 
    the extent that funds are invested in accounts subject to the 
    regulation. Keogh accounts, like sole proprietor accounts, are not 
    subject to the regulation.
        4. Unincorporated associations. An account held by or offered to 
    an unincorporated association of natural persons is a consumer 
    account if the account is primarily for a nonbusiness purpose.
        The following factors may be considered:
         The institution may rely on the declaration of the 
    person representing the association as to whether the account is 
    held for a business or nonbusiness purpose.
         Whether the association has paid employees, which would 
    indicate a business purpose for the account. For example, an account 
    held by a religious organization that has payroll obligations is not 
    covered by the regulation.
    (j) Depository Institution and Institution
        1. Foreign institutions. Branches of foreign institutions 
    located in the United States are subject to the regulation if they 
    offer consumer accounts. Edge Act and Agreement corporations, and 
    agencies of foreign institutions, are not depository institutions.
    (k) Deposit Broker
        1. General. A deposit broker is any person in the business of 
    placing or facilitating the placement of deposits in an institution, 
    as defined by the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 29(g)).
    (n) Interest
        1. Relation to Regulation Q. While bonuses are not interest for 
    purposes of this regulation, other regulations may require that 
    bonuses be treated as the equivalent of interest. For example, 
    Regulation Q identifies payments of cash or merchandise that violate 
    the prohibition against paying interest on demand accounts. (See 12 
    CFR Sec. 217.2(d).)
    (p) Passbook Savings Account
        1. Relation to Regulation E. Passbook savings accounts include 
    accounts accessed by preauthorized electronic fund transfers to the 
    account (as defined in 12 CFR 205.2(j)), such as an account credited 
    by direct deposit of social security payments. Accounts that permit 
    access by other electronic means are not ``passbook saving 
    accounts,'' and any statements that are sent four or more times a 
    year must comply with the requirements of Sec. 230.6.
    (q) Periodic Statement
        1. Examples. Periodic statements do not include:
         Additional statements provided solely upon request
         Information provided by computer through home banking 
         General service information such as a quarterly 
    newsletter or other correspondence that describes available services 
    and products
    (r) State
        1. General. Territories and possessions include Guam, the 
    Mariana Islands, and the Marshall Islands.
    (t) Tiered-rate Account
        1. Time accounts. Time accounts that pay different rates based 
    solely on the amount of the initial deposit are not tiered-rate 
    (u) Time Account
        1. Relation to Regulation D. Regulation D permits in limited 
    circumstances the withdrawal of funds without penalty during the 
    first six days after a ``time deposit'' is opened. (See 12 CFR 
    Sec. 204.2(c)(1)(i).) Withdrawals without penalty from a time 
    account made in accordance with Regulation D do not disqualify the 
    account from being a time account for purposes of this regulation.
    (v) Variable-rate Account
        1. General. A certificate of deposit that permits one or more 
    rate adjustments prior to maturity at the consumer's option is a 
    variable-rate account.
    Section 230.3--General Disclosure Requirements
    (a) Form
        1. Design requirements. Disclosures must be presented in a 
    format that allows consumers to readily understand the terms of 
    their account. Disclosures may be made:
         In any order
         In combination with other disclosures or account terms
         On more than one page and on the front and reverse 
         By using inserts to a document or filling in blanks
         On more than one document, as long as the documents are 
    provided at the same time
        2. Multiple account disclosures. Institutions may prepare 
    combined disclosures for all accounts offered, or prepare different 
    documents for different types of accounts. If an institution 
    provides one document for several types of accounts, consumers must 
    be able to understand clearly which disclosures apply to their 
        3. Consistent terminology. An institution must use the same 
    terminology to describe terms or features that are required to be 
    disclosed. For example, if an institution describes a monthly fee 
    (regardless of account activity) as a ``monthly service fee'' in 
    account-opening disclosures, the same terminology must be used in 
    its periodic statements and change-in-term notices.
    (b) General
        1. Specificity of legal obligation. An institution may use the 
    term ``monthly'' to describe its compounding or crediting policy 
    when interest is compounded or paid at the end of each calendar 
    month or for twelve periods during the year even if the actual days 
    in each period vary between 28 and 33 days.
    (c) Relation to Regulation E
        1. General rule. Compliance with Regulation E (12 CFR part 205) 
    is deemed to satisfy the disclosure requirements of this regulation, 
    such as when:
         An institution changes a term that triggers a notice 
    under Regulation E, and the timing and disclosure rules of 
    Regulation E are used for sending change-in-term notices.
         A consumer adds an ATM access feature to an account, 
    and the institution provides disclosures pursuant to Regulation E, 
    including disclosure of fees before the consumer receives ATM 
    access. (See 12 CFR Sec. 205.7.) If the institution complies with 
    the timing rules of Regulation E, fees related to electronic 
    services (such as balance inquiry fees imposed if the inquiry is 
    made at an ATM) that are required to be disclosed by this regulation 
    but not by Regulation E may also be provided at that time.
         An institution relies on Regulation E's disclosure 
    rules regarding limitations on the frequency and amount of 
    electronic fund transfers, including security-related exceptions. 
    But any limitation on the number of ``intra-institutional 
    transfers'' from other accounts at the institution during a given 
    time period must be disclosed, even though those transfers are 
    exempt from Regulation E.
    (e) Oral Response to Inquiries
        1. Application of rule. Institutions need not provide rate 
    information orally.
        2. Relation to advertising. An oral response to a question about 
    rates is not covered by the advertising rules.
    (f) Rounding and Accuracy Rules for Rates and Yields (f)(2) 
        1. Annual percentage yield and annual percentage yield earned. 
    The tolerance for annual percentage yield and annual percentage 
    yield earned calculations is designed to accommodate inadvertent 
    errors. Institutions may not purposely incorporate the tolerance 
    into their calculation of yields.
        2. Interest rate. There is no tolerance for an inaccuracy in the 
    interest rate.
    Section 230.4--Account Disclosures
    (a) Delivery of Account Disclosures
    (a)(1) Account Opening
        1. New accounts. New account disclosures must be provided when:
         A time account that does not automatically rollover is 
    renewed by a consumer
         A consumer changes the term for a renewable time 
    account (from a one-year time account to a six-month time account, 
    for instance)
         Funds in an MMDA account are transferred by an 
    institution to open a new account for the consumer, such as a NOW 
    account, because the consumer exceeded transaction limitations on 
    the MMDA account
          An institution accepts a deposit from a consumer to an 
    account the institution previously deemed to be ``closed'' by the 
        New account disclosures are not required when an institution 
    acquires an account through an acquisition of or merger with another 
    institution (but see Sec. 230.5(a) regarding advance notice 
    requirements if terms are changed).
    (a)(2) Requests
        1. Inquiries versus requests. A response to an oral inquiry (by 
    telephone or in person) about rates and yields or fees does not 
    trigger the duty to provide account disclosures. However, when a 
    consumer asks for written information about an account (whether by 
    telephone, in person, or by other means), the institution must 
    provide disclosures.
        2. General requests. When a consumer generally asks for 
    information about a type of account (a NOW account, for example), an 
    institution that offers several variations may provide disclosures 
    for any one of them.
        3. Timing for response. Ten business days is a reasonable time 
    for responding to a request for account information that a consumer 
    does not make in person.
        1. Term. Describing the maturity of a time account as ``1 year'' 
    or ``6 months,'' for example, illustrates a response stating the 
    maturity of a time account as a term rather than a date (``January 
    10, 1995'').
    (b) Content of Account Disclosures
    (b)(1) Rate information
    (b)(1)(i) Annual Percentage Yield and Interest Rate
        1. Rate disclosures. In addition to the interest rate and annual 
    percentage yield, a periodic rate corresponding to the interest rate 
    may be disclosed. No other rate or yield (such as ``tax effective 
    yield'') is permitted. If the annual percentage yield is the same as 
    the interest rate, institutions may disclose a single figure but 
    must use both terms.
        2. Fixed-rate accounts. To disclose the period of time the 
    interest rate will be in effect, institutions may state the maturity 
    date for fixed-rate time accounts that pay the opening rate until 
    maturity. (See Appendix B, B-7--Sample Form.) For other fixed-rate 
    accounts, institutions may disclose a date (such as ``This rate will 
    be in effect through June 30, 1994'') or a period (such as ``This 
    rate will be in effect for at least 30 days'').
        3. Tiered-rate accounts. Each interest rate, along with the 
    corresponding annual percentage yield for each specified balance 
    level (or range of annual percentage yields, if appropriate), must 
    be disclosed for tiered-rate accounts. (See Appendix A, Part I, 
    Paragraph D.)
        4. Stepped-rate accounts. A single annual percentage yield must 
    be disclosed for stepped-rate accounts. (See Appendix A, Part I, 
    Paragraph B.) However, the interest rates and the period of time 
    each will be in effect also must be provided. When the initial rate 
    offered on a variable-rate account is higher or lower than the rate 
    that would otherwise be paid on the account, the calculation of the 
    annual percentage yield must be made as if for a stepped-rate 
    account. (See Appendix A, Part I, Paragraph C.)
    (b)(1)(ii) Variable Rates
        1. Determining interest rates. To disclose how the interest rate 
    is determined, institutions must:
         Identify the index and specific margin, if the interest 
    rate is tied to an index
         State that rate changes are solely within the 
    institution's discretion, if the institution does not tie changes to 
    an index
        1. Frequency of rate changes. Institutions that reserve the 
    right to change rates at any time must state that fact.
        1. Limitations. A floor or ceiling on rates or on the amount the 
    rate may decrease or increase during any time period must be 
    disclosed. Institutions need not disclose the absence of limitations 
    on rate changes.
    (b)(2) Compounding and Crediting
    (b)(2)(ii) Effect of Closing an Account
        1. Deeming an account closed. Institutions may provide in their 
    deposit contract the actions by consumers that the institution will 
    treat as closing the account and that will result in the forfeiture 
    of accrued but uncredited interest, such as when a consumer 
    withdraws all funds from the account prior to the date interest is 
    (b)(3) Balance Information
    (b)(3)(ii) Balance Computation Method
        1. Methods and periods. Institutions may use different methods 
    or periods to calculate minimum balances for purposes of imposing a 
    fee (daily balance for a calendar month, for example) and accruing 
    interest (average daily balance for a statement period, for 
    example). Each method and period must be disclosed.
    (b)(3)(iii) When Interest Begins to Accrue
        1. Additional information. Institutions may disclose additional 
    information such as the time of day after which deposits are treated 
    as having been received the following business day, and may use 
    additional descriptive terms such as ``ledger'' or ``collected'' 
    balances to disclose when interest begins to accrue.
    (b)(4) Fees
        1. Types of fees. The following are types of fees that must be 
    disclosed in connection with an account:
         Maintenance fees, such as monthly service fees
         Fees related to deposits or withdrawals, such as fees 
    for use of the institution's ATMs
         Fees for special services, such as stop payment fees, 
    fees for balance inquiries or verification of deposits, and fees 
    associated with checks returned unpaid
         Fees to open or to close accounts Institutions need not 
    disclose fees such as the following:
         Fees assessed for services offered to account and 
    nonaccount holders alike, such as fees for travelers checks and wire 
    transfers (even if different for nonaccount holders)
         Incidental fees, such as fees associated with state 
    escheat laws, garnishment or attorneys fees, and fees for 
    photocopying forms
        2. Amount of fees. Institutions must state the amount and 
    conditions under which a fee may be imposed. Naming and describing 
    the fee typically satisfies this requirement. Some examples are:
         ``$4.00 monthly service fee''
         ``$7.00 and up'' or ``fee depend on style of checks 
    ordered'' for check printing fees
        3. Tied-accounts. Institutions must state if fees that may be 
    assessed against an account are tied to other accounts at the 
    institution. For example, if an institution ties the fees payable on 
    a NOW account to balances held in the NOW account and in a savings 
    account, the NOW account disclosures must state that fact and 
    explain how the fee is determined.
    (b)(5) Transaction Limitations
        1. General rule. Examples of limitations on the number or dollar 
    amount of deposits or withdrawals that institutions must disclose 
         Limits on the number of checks that may be written on 
    an account for a given time period
         Limits on withdrawals or deposits during the term of a 
    time account
         Limitations required by Regulation D, such as the 
    number of withdrawals permitted from money market deposit accounts 
    by check to third parties each month (but they need not disclose 
    that the institution reserves the right to require a seven-day 
    notice for a withdrawal from an account).
    (b)(6) Features of Time Accounts
    (b)(6)(i) Time Requirements
        1. ``Callable'' time accounts. In addition to the maturity date, 
    institutions must state the date or the circumstances under which 
    the institution may redeem a time account at the institution's 
    option (a ``callable'' time account).
    (b)(6)(ii) Early Withdrawal Penalties
        1. General. The term ``penalty'' need not be used to describe 
    the loss that may be incurred by consumers for early withdrawal of 
    funds from time accounts.
        2. Examples. Examples of early withdrawal penalties are:
         Monetary penalties, such as ``$10.00'' or ``seven days' 
    interest plus accrued but uncredited interest''
         Adverse changes to terms such as the interest rate, 
    annual percentage yield, or compounding frequency for funds 
    remaining on deposit
         Reclamation of bonuses
        3. Relation to rules for IRAs or similar plans. Penalties 
    imposed by the Internal Revenue Code for certain withdrawals from 
    IRAs or similar pension or savings plans are not early withdrawal 
    (b)(6)(iv) Renewal Policies
        1. Rollover time accounts. Institutions offering a grace period 
    on rollover time accounts that automatically renew need not state 
    whether interest will be paid if the funds are withdrawn during the 
    grace period.
        2. Nonrollover time accounts. Institutions that pay interest on 
    funds following the maturity of time accounts that do not renew 
    automatically need not state the rate (or annual percentage yield) 
    that may be paid.
    Section 230.5--Subsequent Disclosures
    (a) Change in Terms
    (a)(1) Advance Notice Required
        1. Form of notice. Institutions may provide a change-in-term 
    notice on or with a regular periodic statement or in another 
    mailing. If an institution provides notice through revised account 
    disclosures, the changed term must be highlighted in some manner. 
    For example, institutions may state that a particular fee has been 
    changed (also specifying the new amount) or use an accompanying 
    letter that refers to the changed term.
        2. Effective date. An example of a disclosure that complies is:
         ``As of May 11, 1994''
        3. Terms that change upon the occurrence of an event. 
    Institutions that offer terms such as a fee waiver for employee 
    account holders during their employment or for students enrolled at 
    a local university need not send advance notice of a change 
    resulting from termination of employment or enrollment if:
         The account-opening disclosures given (to the employee, 
    for example) describe the term and the event that would cause the 
    term to change (such as the consumer's leaving the institution's 
    employment), and
         Notices are sent when the term is changed for other 
    account holders, even though the term remains unchanged for the 
    consumer while employment or enrollment continues.
    (a)(2) No Notice Required
    (a)(2)(ii) Check Printing Fees
        1. Increase in fees. A notice is not required even if an 
    increase in check printing fees includes an amount added by the 
    institution to the price charged by a vendor.
    (b) Notice Before Maturity for Time Accounts Longer Than One Month 
    That Renew Automatically
        1. Maturity dates on nonbusiness days. For determining the term, 
    institutions may ignore the fact that the disclosed maturity falls 
    on a nonbusiness day and the term is extended beyond the disclosed 
    number of days. For example, a holiday or weekend may cause a ``one-
    year'' time account to extend beyond 365 days (or 366, in a leap 
    year), or a ``one-month'' time account to extend beyond 31 days.
        2. Disclosing when rates will be determined. Disclosures that 
    illustrate when the annual percentage yield will be available 
         A specific date, such as ``October 28''
         A date that is easily discernable, such as ``the 
    Tuesday prior to the maturity date stated on the notice'' or ``as of 
    the maturity date stated on this notice''
        Institutions must indicate when the rate will be available if 
    the date falls on a nonbusiness day.
        3. Alternative timing rule. To illustrate the alternative timing 
    rule: An institution that offers a 10-day grace period must provide 
    the disclosures at least 10 days prior to the scheduled maturity 
        4. Club accounts. Club accounts that are time accounts are 
    covered by this paragraph, even though funds may be withdrawn at the 
    end of the current club period. For example, if the consumer has 
    agreed to the transfer of payments from another account to the time 
    account for the next club period, the institution must comply with 
    the requirements for automatically renewable time accounts.
        5. Renewal of a time account. The following applies to a change 
    in a term that becomes effective if a rollover time account is 
    subsequently renewed:
         If the change is initiated by the institution, the 
    disclosure requirements of this paragraph. (Paragraph 5(a) applies 
    if the change becomes effective prior to the maturity of the 
    existing time account.)
         If initiated by the consumer, the account-opening 
    disclosure requirements of Sec. 230.4(b). (If the notice required by 
    this paragraph has been provided, institutions may give new account 
    disclosures or disclosures that reflect the new term.)
        For example, if a consumer who receives a prematurity notice on 
    a one-year time account requests a rollover to a six-month account, 
    the institution must provide either account-opening disclosures that 
    reflect the new maturity date or, if all other terms previously 
    disclosed in the prematurity notice remain the same, only the new 
    maturity date.
    (b)(1) Maturities of Longer Than One Year
        1. Highlighting changed terms. Institutions need not highlight 
    terms that have changed since the last account disclosures were 
    (c) Notice for Time Accounts One Month or Less That Renew 
        1. Providing disclosures within a reasonable time. Generally, 10 
    calendar days after an account renews is a reasonable time for 
    providing disclosures. For time accounts shorter than 10 days, 
    disclosures should be given prior to the next-scheduled renewal 
    (d) Notice Before Maturity for Time Accounts Longer Than One Year That 
    Do Not Renew Automatically
        1. Subsequent account. When funds are transferred following 
    maturity of a nonrollover time account, institutions need not 
    provide account disclosures unless a new account is established.
    Section 230.6--Periodic Statement Disclosures
    (a) General Rule
        1. General. Institutions are not required to provide periodic 
    statements. If they provide periodic statements, disclosures need 
    only be furnished to the extent applicable. For example, if no 
    interest is earned for a statement period, institutions need not 
    disclose ``$0'' interest earned and ``0%'' annual percentage yield 
        2. Regulation E interim statements. When an institution provides 
    regular quarterly statements, and in addition provides a monthly 
    interim statement to comply with Regulation E, the interim statement 
    need not comply with this section unless it states interest or rate 
    information. (See 12 CFR 205.9.)
        3. Combined statements. Institutions may provide certain 
    information about an account (such as an MMDA) on the periodic 
    statement for another account (such as a NOW account) without 
    triggering the disclosures required by this section, as long as:
         The information is limited to the account number, the 
    type of account, or balance information, and
         The institution also provides consumers a periodic 
    statement that complies with this section for the account (the MMDA, 
    in the example).
        4. Other information. Institutions may include additional 
    information on or with a periodic statement, such as:
         Interest rates and periodic rates corresponding to the 
    interest rate applied to balances during the statement period
         The dollar amount of interest earned year-to-date
         Bonuses paid (or any de minimis consideration of $10 or 
         Fees for other products, such as safe deposit boxes
    (a)(1) Annual Percentage Yield Earned
        1. Ledger and collected balances. Institutions that accrue 
    interest using the collected balance method may use either the 
    ledger or the collected balance in determining the annual percentage 
    yield earned.
    (a)(2) Amount of Interest
        1. Accrued interest. Institutions must state the amount of 
    interest that accrued during the statement period, even if it was 
    not credited. For interest not credited, institutions may disclose 
    when funds will become available for the consumer's use.
        2. Terminology. In disclosing interest earned for the period, 
    institutions must use the term ``interest'' or terminology such as:
         ``Interest paid,'' to describe interest that has been 
         ``Interest accrued'' or ``interest earned,'' to 
    indicate that interest is not yet credited
        3. Closed accounts. If a consumer closes an account between 
    crediting periods and forfeits accrued interest, the institution may 
    not show any figures for ``interest earned'' or annual percentage 
    yield earned for the period.
    (a)(3) Fees Imposed
        1. General. Periodic statements must state fees debited to the 
    account during the statement period even if assessed for an earlier 
        2. Itemizing fees by type. In itemizing fees by type, 
    institutions may group together fees of the same type that are 
    imposed more than once in the period. If fees are grouped, the 
    description must make clear that the dollar figure represents more 
    than a single fee, for example, ``total fees for checks written this 
    period.'' Examples of fees that may not be grouped together are:
         Monthly maintenance and excess activity fees
         ``Transfer'' fees, if different dollar amounts are 
    imposed--such as $.50 for deposits and $1.00 for withdrawals
         Fees for electronic fund transfers and fees for other 
    services, such as balance inquiry or maintenance fees
        3. Identifying fees. Statement details must enable the consumer 
    to identify the specific fee. For example:
         Institutions may use a code to identify a particular 
    fee if the code is explained on the periodic statement or in 
    documents accompanying the statement.
         Institutions using debit slips may disclose the date 
    the fee was debited on the periodic statement and show the amount 
    and type of fee on the dated debit slip.
        4. Relation to Regulation E. Compliance with Regulation E 
    complies with this section for the disclosure of fees related to 
    electronic fund transfers on periodic statements (for example, 
    totaling all electronic funds transfer fees in a single figure).
    (a)(4) Length of Period
        1. General. Institutions that provide the beginning and ending 
    dates of the period must make clear whether both dates are included 
    in the period.
        2. Opening or closing an account mid-cycle. If an account is 
    opened or closed during the period for which a statement is sent, 
    institutions must calculate the annual percentage yield earned based 
    on account balances for each day the account was open.
    (b) Special Rule for Average Daily Balance Method
        1. General. To illustrate, this rule applies when an institution 
    calculates interest on a quarterly average daily balance and sends 
    monthly statements. The first two monthly statements may not state 
    annual percentage yield earned and interest earned figures; the 
    third ``monthly'' statement will reflect the interest earned and the 
    annual percentage yield earned for the entire quarter.
        2. Length of the period. Institutions must disclose the length 
    of both the interest calculation period and the statement period. 
    For example, a statement could disclose a statement period of April 
    16 through May 15 and further state that ``the interest earned and 
    the annual percentage yield earned are based on your average daily 
    balance for the period April 1 through April 30.''
        3. Quarterly statements and monthly compounding. Institutions 
    that use the average daily balance method to calculate interest on a 
    monthly basis, but send statements on a quarterly basis, may 
    disclose a single interest (and annual percentage yield earned) 
    figure. Alternatively, an institution may disclose three interest 
    earned and three annual percentage earned figures, one for each 
    month in the quarter, as long as the institution states the number 
    of days (or beginning and ending date) in the interest period if it 
    is different from the statement period.
    Section 230.7--Payment of Interest
    (a) Permissible Methods
        1. Prohibited calculation methods. Calculation methods that do 
    not comply with the requirement to pay interest on the full amount 
    of principal in the account each day include:
         The ``ending balance'' method, where institutions pay 
    interest on the balance in the account at the end of the period
         The ``investable balance'' method, where institutions 
    pay interest on a percentage of the balance, excluding an amount 
    institutions set aside for reserve requirements
        2. Use of 365-day basis. Institutions may apply a daily periodic 
    rate that is greater than \1/365\ of the interest rate--such as \1/
    360\ of the interest rate--as long as it is applied 365 days a year.
        3. Periodic interest payments. An institution can pay interest 
    each day on the account and still make uniform interest payments. 
    For example, for a one-year certificate of deposit an institution 
    could make monthly interest payments that are equal to \1/12\ of the 
    amount of interest that will be earned for a 365-day period, or 11 
    uniform monthly payments and a final payment that accounts for the 
    total interest earned for the period.
        4. Leap year. Institutions may apply a daily rate of \1/366\ or 
    \1/365\ of the interest rate for 366 days in a leap year, if the 
    account will earn interest for February 29.
        5. Maturity of time accounts. Institutions are not required to 
    pay interest after time accounts mature, such as:
         During any grace period offered by an institution for 
    an automatically renewable time account, if the consumer decides 
    during that period not to renew the account
         Following the maturity of nonrollover time accounts
         When the maturity date falls on a holiday, and the 
    consumer must wait until the next business day to obtain the funds 
    (See 12 CFR part 217, the Board's Regulation Q, for limitations on 
    duration of interest payments.)
        6. Dormant accounts. Institutions may contract with a consumer 
    not to pay interest if the account becomes ``dormant,'' as defined 
    by applicable state or other law.
    (a)(2) Determination of Minimum Balance To Earn Interest
        1. Daily balance accounts. Institutions that use the daily 
    balance method to calculate interest and require a minimum balance 
    to earn interest may choose not to pay interest for days when the 
    balance drops below the required daily minimum balance.
        2. Average daily balance accounts. Institutions that use the 
    average daily balance method to calculate interest and require a 
    minimum balance to earn interest may choose not to pay interest for 
    the period in which the average daily balance does not meet the 
    required minimum.
        3. Beneficial method. Institutions may not require consumers to 
    maintain both a minimum daily balance and a minimum average daily 
    balance to earn interest, such as by requiring the consumer to 
    maintain a $500 daily balance and an average daily balance that is 
    higher or lower. But an institution could determine the minimum 
    balance to earn interest by using a method that is ``unequivocally 
    beneficial'' to the consumer such as the following: An institution 
    using the daily balance method to calculate interest and requiring a 
    $500 minimum daily balance could choose to pay interest on the 
    account (for those days the minimum balance is not met) as long as 
    the consumer maintained an average daily balance throughout the 
    month of $400.
        4. Paying on full balance. Institutions must pay interest on the 
    full balance in the account once a consumer has met the required 
    minimum balance. For example, if an institution sets $300 as its 
    minimum daily balance requirement to earn interest, and a consumer 
    deposits $500, the institution must pay the stated interest rate on 
    the full $500 and not just on $200.
        5. Negative balances prohibited. Institutions must treat a 
    negative account balance as zero to determine:
         The daily or average daily balance on which interest 
    will be paid
         Whether any minimum balance to earn interest is met 
    (See commentary to Appendix A, Part II, which prohibits institutions 
    from using negative balances in calculating the interest figure for 
    the annual percentage yield earned.)
        6. Club accounts. Institutions offering club accounts (such as a 
    ``holiday'' or ``vacation'' club) cannot impose a minimum balance 
    that is based on the total number or dollar amount of payments 
    required under the club plan. For example, if a plan calls for $10 
    weekly payments for 50 weeks, the institution cannot set a $500 
    minimum balance and then pay only if the consumer makes all 50 
        7. Minimum balances not affecting interest. Institutions may use 
    the daily balance, average daily balance, or other computation 
    method to calculate minimum balance requirements not involving the 
    payment of interest--such as to compute minimum balances for 
    assessing fees.
    (b) Compounding and Crediting Policies
        1. General. Institutions that choose to compound interest may 
    compound or credit interest annually, semi-annually, quarterly, 
    monthly, daily, continuously, or on any other basis.
        2. Withdrawals prior to crediting date. If consumers withdraw 
    funds, without closing the account, prior to a scheduled crediting 
    date, institutions may delay paying the accrued interest on the 
    withdrawn amount until the scheduled crediting date, but may not 
    avoid paying interest.
        3. Closed accounts. If consumers close accounts prior to the 
    date accrued interest is credited, institutions may choose not to 
    pay accrued interest as long as they have disclosed that fact to the 
    consumer. Whether (and the conditions under which) institutions are 
    permitted to deem an account closed by a consumer is determined by 
    state or other law, if any.
        4. Dormant accounts. Subject to state or other law defining when 
    an account becomes dormant, an institution may contract with a 
    consumer not to pay accrued but uncredited interest if the account 
    becomes dormant prior to the regular interest crediting date.
    (c) Date Interest Begins To Accrue
        1. Relation to Regulation CC. Institutions may rely on the 
    Expedited Funds Availability Act (EFAA) and Regulation CC (12 CFR 
    part 229) to determine, for example, when a deposit is considered 
    made for purposes of interest accrual, or when interest need not be 
    paid on funds because a deposited check is later returned unpaid.
        2. Ledger and collected balances. Institutions may calculate 
    interest by using a ``ledger'' balance or ``collected'' balance 
    method, as long as the crediting requirements of the EFAA are met.
        3. Withdrawal of principal. Institutions must accrue interest on 
    funds until the funds are withdrawn from the account. For example, 
    if a check is debited to an account on a Tuesday, the institution 
    must accrue interest on those funds through Monday.
    Section 230.8--Advertising
    (a) Misleading or Inaccurate Advertisements
        1. General. All advertisements must comply with the rule against 
    misleading or inaccurate advertisements, even though the disclosures 
    applicable to various media differ.
        2. Indoor signs. An indoor sign advertising an annual percentage 
    yield is not misleading or inaccurate if:
         For a tiered-rate account, it also provides the upper 
    and lower dollar amounts of the advertised tier corresponding to the 
    annual percentage yield
         For a time account, it also provides the term required 
    to obtain the advertised yield
        3. ``Free'' or ``no cost'' accounts. For purposes of determining 
    whether an account can be advertised as ``free'' or ``no cost,'' 
    maintenance and activity fees include:
         Any fee imposed if a minimum balance requirement is not 
    met, or if the consumer exceeds a specified number of transactions
         Transaction and service fees that consumers reasonably 
    expect to be regularly imposed on an account
        Examples of maintenance and activity fees include:
         A flat fee, such as a monthly service fee
         Fees imposed to deposit, withdraw or transfer funds, 
    including per-check or per-transaction charges (for example, $.25 
    for each withdrawal, whether by check, in person or at an ATM owned 
    by the institution)
        Examples of fees that are not maintenance or activity fees 
         Fees that are not required to be disclosed under 
    Sec. 230.4(b)(4)
         Check printing fees of any type
         Fees for obtaining copies of checks, whether the 
    original checks have been truncated or returned to the consumer 
         Balance inquiry fees
         Fees assessed against a dormant account
         Fees for using an ATM not owned by the account-issuing 
         Fees for electronic transfer services that are not 
    required to obtain an account, such as preauthorized transfers or 
    home banking services
        4. Similar terms. An advertisement may not use a term such as 
    ``fees waived'' if a maintenance or activity fee may be imposed 
    because it is similar to the terms ``free'' or ``no cost.''
        5. Specific account services. Institutions may advertise a 
    specific account service or feature as free as long as no fee is 
    imposed for that service or feature. For example, institutions that 
    provide free access to their ATMs could advertise that fact.
        6. Free for limited time. If an account or a specific account 
    service is free only for a limited period of time--for example, for 
    one year following the account opening--the account or service may 
    be advertised as free as long as the time period is stated.
        7. Conditions not related to deposit accounts. Institutions may 
    advertise accounts as ``free'' for consumers that meet conditions 
    not related to deposit accounts such as age. For example, 
    institutions may advertise a NOW account as ``free for persons over 
    65 years old,'' even though a maintenance or activity fee may be 
    assessed on accounts held by consumers that are 65 or younger.
    (b) Permissible Rates
        1. Tiered-rate accounts. An advertisement for a tiered-rate 
    account that states an annual percentage yield must also state the 
    annual percentage yield for each tier, along with corresponding 
    minimum balance requirements. Any interest rates stated must appear 
    in conjunction with the annual percentage yields for the applicable 
        2. Stepped-rate accounts. An advertisement that states an 
    interest rate for a stepped-rate account must state each interest 
    rate and the time period each rate is in effect.
        3. Representative examples. An advertisement that states an 
    annual percentage yield for a type of account (such as a time 
    account) need not state the annual percentage yield applicable to 
    every variation offered by the institution. For example, if rates 
    vary depending on the amount of the initial deposit and term of a 
    time account, institutions need not list each balance level and term 
    offered. Instead, the advertisement may:
         Provide a representative example of the annual 
    percentage yields offered, clearly described as such. For example, 
    if an institution offers a $25 bonus on all time accounts and the 
    annual percentage yield will vary depending on the term selected, 
    the institution may provide a disclosure of the annual percentage 
    yield as follows: ``For example, our 6-month certificate of deposit 
    currently pays a 3.15% annual percentage yield.''
         Indicate that various rates are available, such as by 
    stating short-term and longer-term maturities along with the 
    applicable annual percentage yields: ``We offer certificates of 
    deposit with annual percentage yields that depend on the maturity 
    you choose. For example, our one-month CD earns a 2.75% APY. Or, 
    earn a 5.25% APY for a three-year CD.''
    (c) When Additional Disclosures Are Required
        1. Trigger terms. Disclosures are triggered by statements such 
    as ``We will pay a bonus of 1% over our current rate for one-year 
    certificates of deposit opened before April 15, 1995.'' The 
    following are examples of information stated in advertisements that 
    are not ``trigger'' terms:
         ``One, three, and five year CDs available''
         ``Bonus rates available''
    (c)(2) Time Annual Percentage Yield Is Offered
        1. Specified recent date. If an advertisement discloses an 
    annual percentage yield as of a specified date, that date must be 
    recent in relation to the publication or broadcast frequency of the 
    media used. For example, the printing date of a brochure printed 
    once for a deposit account promotion that will be in effect for six 
    months would be considered ``recent,'' even though rates change 
    during the six-month period. Rates published in a daily newspaper or 
    on television must be a rate offered shortly before (or on) the date 
    the rates are published or broadcast.
    (c)(5) Effect of Fees
        1. Scope. This requirement applies only to maintenance or 
    activity fees as described in paragraph 8(a).
    (c)(6) Features of Time Accounts
    (c)(6)(i) Time Requirements
        1. Club accounts. If the maturity date of a club account is set 
    but the term may vary depending on when the account is opened, 
    institutions may use a phrase such as: ``The term of the account 
    varies depending on when the account is opened. However, the 
    maturity date is November 15.''
    (c)(6)(ii) Early Withdrawal Penalties
        1. Discretionary penalties. Institutions that impose early 
    withdrawal penalties on a case-by-case basis may disclose that they 
    ``may'' (rather than ``will'') impose a penalty if that accurately 
    describes the account terms.
    (d) Bonuses
        1. General reference to ``bonus.'' General statements such as 
    ``bonus checking'' or ``get a bonus when you open a checking 
    account'' do not trigger the bonus disclosures.
    (e) Exemption for Certain Advertisements
    (e)(1) Certain Media
        1. Tiered-rate accounts. Solicitations for tiered-rate accounts 
    made through telephone response machines must provide all annual 
    percentage yields and the balance requirements applicable to each 
    (e)(2) Indoor Signs
        1. General. Indoor signs include advertisements displayed on 
    computer screens, banners, preprinted posters, and chalk or peg 
    boards. Any advertisement inside the premises that can be retained 
    by a consumer (such as a brochure or a printout from a computer) is 
    not an indoor sign.
        2. Consumers outside the premises. Advertisements may be 
    ``indoor signs'' even though they may be viewed by consumers from 
    outside. An example is a banner in an institution's glass-enclosed 
    branch office, that is located behind a teller facing customers but 
    also may be seen by passersby.
    Section 230.9--Enforcement and Record Retention
    (c) Record Retention
        1. Evidence of required actions. Institutions comply with the 
    regulation by demonstrating they have done the following:
         Established and maintained procedures for paying 
    interest and providing timely disclosures as required by the 
    regulation, and
         Retained sample disclosures for each type account 
    offered to consumers, such as account-opening disclosures, copies of 
    advertisements, and change-in-term notices; and information 
    regarding the interest rates and annual percentage yields offered.
        2. Methods of retaining evidence. Institutions must retain 
    information needed to reconstruct the required disclosures or other 
    actions. They need not keep disclosures or other business records in 
    hard copy. Records evidencing compliance may be retained on 
    microfilm, microfiche, or by other methods that reproduce records 
    accurately (including computer files).
        3. Payment of interest. Sufficient rate and balance information 
    must be retained to permit the verification of interest paid on an 
    account, including the payment of interest on the full principal 
    Appendix A to Part 230--Annual Percentage Yield Calculation
    Part I. Annual Percentage Yield for Account Disclosures and 
    Advertising Purposes
        1. Rounding for calculations. The following are examples of 
    permissible rounding rules for calculating interest and the annual 
    percentage yield:
         The daily rate applied to a balance rounded to five or 
    more decimals
         The daily interest earned rounded to five or more 
    Part II. Annual Percentage Yield Earned for Periodic Statements
        1. Balance method. The interest figure used in the calculation 
    of the annual percentage yield earned may be derived from the daily 
    balance method or the average daily balance method. The balance used 
    in the annual percentage yield earned formula is the sum of the 
    balances for each day in the period divided by the number of days in 
    the period.
        2. Negative balances prohibited. Institutions must treat a 
    negative account balance as zero to determine the balance on which 
    the annual percentage yield earned is calculated. (See commentary to 
    Sec. 230.7(a)(2).)
    A. General Formula
        1. Accrued but uncredited interest. To calculate the annual 
    percentage yield earned, accrued but uncredited interest:
         Shall not be included in the balance for statements 
    that are issued at the same time or less frequently than the 
    account's compounding and crediting frequency. For example, if 
    monthly statements are sent for an account that compounds interest 
    daily and credits interest monthly, the balance may not be increased 
    each day to reflect the effect of daily compounding.
         Shall be included in the balance for succeeding 
    statements if a statement is issued more frequently than compounded 
    interest is credited on an account. For example, if monthly 
    statements are sent for an account that compounds interest daily and 
    credits interest quarterly, the balance for the second monthly 
    statement would include interest that had accrued for the prior 
        2. Rounding. The interest earned figure used to calculate the 
    annual percentage yield earned must be rounded to two decimals to 
    reflect the amount actually paid. For example, if the interest 
    earned for a statement period is $20.074 and the institution pays 
    the consumer $20.07, the institution must use $20.07 (not $20.074) 
    to calculate the annual percentage yield earned. For accounts that 
    pay interest based on the daily balance method, compound and credit 
    interest quarterly, and send monthly statements, the institution 
    may, but need not, round accrued interest to two decimals for 
    calculating the annual percentage yield earned on the first two 
    monthly statements issued during the quarter. However, on the 
    quarterly statement the interest earned figure must reflect the 
    amount actually paid.
    B. Special Formula for Use Where Periodic Statement Is Sent More 
    Often Than the Period for Which Interest Is Compounded
        1. Statements triggered by Regulation E. Institutions may, but 
    need not, use this formula to calculate the annual percentage yield 
    earned for accounts that receive quarterly statements and that are 
    subject to Regulation E's rule calling for monthly statements when 
    an electronic fund transfer has occurred. They may do so even though 
    no monthly statement was issued during a specific quarter. This 
    formula must be used for accounts that compound and credit interest 
    quarterly and that receive monthly statements, triggered by 
    Regulation E, which comply with the provisions of Sec. 230.6.
        2. Days in compounding period. Institutions using the special 
    annual percentage yield earned formula must use the actual number of 
    days in the compounding period.
    Appendix B to Part 230--Model Clauses and Sample Forms
        1. Modifications. Institutions that modify the model clauses 
    will be deemed in compliance as long as they do not delete 
    information required by the act or regulation or rearrange the 
    format so as to affect the substance or clarity of the disclosures.
        2. Format. Institutions may use inserts to a document (see 
    Sample Form B-4) or fill-in blanks (see Sample Forms B-5, B-6 and B-
    7, which use double underlining to indicate terms that have been 
    filled in) to show current rates, fees or other terms.
        3. Disclosures for opening accounts. The sample forms illustrate 
    the information that must be provided to a consumer when an account 
    is opened, as required by Sec. 230.4(a)(1). (See Sec. 230.4(a)(2), 
    which states the requirements for disclosing the annual percentage 
    yield, the interest rate, and the maturity of a time account in 
    responding to a consumer's request.)
        4. Compliance with Regulation E. Institutions may satisfy 
    certain requirements under Regulation DD with disclosures that meet 
    the requirements of Regulation E. (See Sec. 230.3(c).) The model 
    clauses and sample forms do not give examples of disclosures that 
    would be covered by both this regulation and Regulation E (such as 
    disclosing the amount of a fee for ATM usage). Institutions should 
    consult appendix A to Regulation E for appropriate model clauses.
        5. Duplicate disclosures. If a requirement such as a minimum 
    balance applies to more than one account term (to obtain a bonus and 
    determine the annual percentage yield, for example), institutions 
    need not repeat the requirement for each term, as long as it is 
    clear which terms the requirement applies to.
        6. Guide to model clauses. In the model clauses, italicized 
    words indicate the type of disclosure an institution should insert 
    in the space provided (for example, an institution might insert 
    ``March 25, 1993'' in the blank for ``(date)'' disclosure). Brackets 
    and diagonals (``/'') indicate an institution must choose the 
    alternative that describes its practice (for example, [daily 
    balance/average daily balance]).
        7. Sample forms. The sample forms (B-4 through B-8) serve a 
    purpose different from the model clauses. They illustrate various 
    ways of adapting the model clauses to specific accounts. The clauses 
    shown relate only to the specific transactions described.
    B-1 Model Clauses for Account Disclosures
    B-1(h) Disclosures Relating to Time Accounts
        1. Maturity. The disclosure in Clause (h)(i) stating a specific 
    date may be used in all cases. The statement describing a time 
    period is appropriate only when providing disclosures in response to 
    a consumer's request.
    B-2 Model Clauses for Change in Terms
        1. General. The second clause, describing a future decrease in 
    the interest rate and annual percentage yield, applies to fixed-rate 
    accounts only.
    B-4 Sample Form (Multiple Accounts)
        1. Format. The sample form has been marked with an ``X'' to 
    indicate it is for a NOW account and provides for both a fee 
    schedule insert and a rate sheet insert.
        2. Rate sheet insert. In the rate sheet insert, the calculations 
    of the annual percentage yield for the three-month and six-month 
    certificates are based on 92 days and 181 days respectively.
    B-6 Sample Form (Tiered-Rate Money Market Account)
        1. General. Sample Form B-6 uses Tiering Method A (discussed in 
    Appendix A and Clause (a)(iv)) to calculate interest. It gives a 
    narrative description of a tiered-rate account; institutions may use 
    a different format (for example, a chart similar to the one in 
    Sample Form B-4), as long as all required information for each tier 
    is clearly presented. The form does not contain a separate 
    disclosure of the minimum balance required to obtain the annual 
    percentage yield; the tiered-rate disclosure provides that 
    B-9 Sample Form (Money Market Account Advertisement)
        1. General. The advertisement is for a tiered-rate money market 
    account that uses Tiering Method A.
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, January 28, 1994.
    William W. Wiles,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 94-2505 Filed 2-4-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P

Document Information

Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed official staff interpretation.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before April 1, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: February 7, 1994, Regulation DD, Docket No. R-0824
CFR: (4)
12 CFR 230.7(a)(2).)
12 CFR 230.4(b)(4)
12 CFR 230.4(b)(2)(ii).)
12 CFR 204.2(c)(1)(i).)