98-5712. Florida Power and Light Company; (Turkey Point Units 3 and 4); Exemption  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 43 (Thursday, March 5, 1998)]
    [Pages 10949-10955]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-5712]
    [Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251]
    Florida Power and Light Company; (Turkey Point Units 3 and 4); 
        Florida Power and Light Company (the licensee) is the holder of 
    Facility Operating Licenses Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41, which authorize 
    operation of Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 (the facility) at a steady-
    state reactor power level not in excess of 2300 megawatts thermal per 
    unit. The facility is a pressurized-water reactor located at the 
    licensee's site in Dade County, Florida. The licenses provide, among 
    other things, that the facility is subject to all rules, regulations, 
    and orders of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission or 
    NRC) now or hereafter in effect.
        In exemptions dated March 27, 1984, and August 12, 1987, the staff 
    approved the use of 1-hour rated fire barriers in lieu of 3-hour 
    barriers in certain outdoor areas at Turkey Point Units 3 and 4. In 
    addition, the staff found that, for certain outdoor areas not protected 
    by automatic fire detection and suppression systems, separation of 
    cables and equipment and associated nonsafety circuits of redundant 
    trains by a horizontal distance of 20 feet free of intervening 
    combustibles provided an acceptable level of fire safety.
        Based on the results of the industry's Thermo-Lag fire endurance 
    testing program, the licensee concluded that the outdoor Thermo-Lag 
    fire barrier designs cannot achieve a 1-hour fire resistive rating but 
    can achieve a 30-minute fire resistive rating when exposed to a test 
    fire that follows the ASTM E-119 standard time-temperature curve. 
    Because of these test results, the licensee in a letter dated June 15, 
    1994, requested an exemption to use 30-minute fire barriers for outdoor 
    applications in lieu of the 1-hour fire barriers previously approved; 
    however, the exemption request was withdrawn by letter dated June 28, 
        In a letter dated December 12, 1996, the licensee submitted an 
    exemption request (evaluated herein) for outdoor
    [[Page 10950]]
    areas, excluding the turbine building area. The licensee requested that 
    the NRC approve the use of 25-minute raceway fire barriers for these 
    outdoor applications in lieu of the 1-hour fire barriers which were 
    previously approved (refer to SEs dated March 27, 1984, and August 12, 
    1987). This request was based on the following: (1) The fire loading 
    and potential fire severities are low; (2) there are minimal ignition 
    sources; (3) transient ignition sources and combustibles are controlled 
    in these zones; and (4) manual fire fighting equipment is readily 
    accessible to the zones.
        10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2.a requires:
        Separation of cables and equipment and associated non-safety 
    circuits of redundant trains by a fire barrier having a 3-hour 
    rating. Structural steel forming a part of or supporting such fire 
    barriers shall be protected to provide fire resistance equivalent to 
    that required of the barrier.
        The underlying purpose of this rule is to provide reasonable 
    assurance that one safe shutdown train and associated circuits used to 
    achieve and maintain safe shutdown are free of fire damage.
        In its December 12, 1996, exemption request, as supplemented by 
    letters dated July 31 and October 31, 1997, the licensee requested an 
    exemption for outdoor fire zones, excluding the turbine area, 
    permitting the use of the following in lieu of Section III.G.2.a 
        (1) Separation of cables and equipment and associated nonsafety 
    circuits of redundant trains west of the Open Turbine Building 
    Structure column line A by a 1-hour rated fire barrier until a 
    horizontal distance of 20 feet is attained. Water suppression systems 
    are provided for the major combustible sources, however no suppression 
    or detection is provided for the raceways. This request is applicable 
    to fire zones 81; and 86 West of the A-line.
        (2) Separation of cables and equipment and associated non-safety 
    circuits of redundant trains by a 25-minute rated fire barrier until a 
    horizontal distance of 20 feet is attained. No suppression or detection 
    is provided. This request is applicable to fire zones 47 and 54; 86 
    North of column line 22 and East of the A-line; 79, 84, 88 and 89 East 
    of the Jc-line; and 106R, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 131 and 
        (3) Separation of cables and equipment and associated non-safety 
    circuits of redundant trains by a 25-minute rated fire barrier until a 
    horizontal distance of 10 feet is attained in Roof Top locations. No 
    suppression or detection is provided. This request is applicable to 
    fire zones 106R, 114, 115, 118 and 143.
        (4) Separation of cables and equipment and associated non-safety 
    circuits of redundant trains by a radiant energy shield having an 
    equivalent 30-minute fire rating until a horizontal distance of 20 feet 
    is attained. A radiant energy shield is a line of sight barrier between 
    redundant equipment and/or components. The radiant energy shield may be 
    combustible. No suppression or detection is provided. This request is 
    applicable to fire zones 47 and 54; 86 North of column line 22 and East 
    of the A-line; 79, 84, 88 and 89 East of the Jc-line; and 106R, 113, 
    114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 131 and 143.
        (5) The existing separation of approximately 12 feet on center for 
    the Component Cooling Water (CCW) Pumps combined with fire detection 
    and a dual-header partial-coverage suppression system for the pumps. 
    This request is applicable to fire zones 47 and 54.
        (6) The existing separation of approximately 14 feet on center for 
    the Intake Cooling Water (ICW) Pumps and associated conduits, with fire 
    detection for the pumps. No suppression is provided. This request is 
    applicable to fire zones 119 and 120.
        (7) The use of a partial height (10 feet high) fire barrier between 
    the Unit 3 Emergency Diesel Generator(EDG) ``A'' and ``B'' radiator 
    rooms. No suppression or detection is provided. This request is 
    applicable to fire zone 131.
        In summary, according to the licensee's submittal, the exemption is 
    authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to the public health 
    and safety, and is consistent with the common defense and security.
        In addition, the licensee asserts that special circumstances as set 
    forth in 10 CFR 50.12, paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) and (a)(2)(iii) are 
    present, i.e., (1) Application of the regulation in the particular 
    circumstances is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the 
    rule since the alternative actions proposed by the licensee will assure 
    that a fire in the power plant will not disable the capability to 
    safely shut down the plant, and (2) compliance with the regulation 
    would result in costs significantly in excess of those contemplated 
    when the regulation was adopted, since it was not foreseen that the 
    fire barriers would have to be upgraded.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's supporting information 
    for its exemption request and conducted a site visit.
        During its site visit the staff performed the following actions 
    during walkdowns of the outdoor areas:
         Reviewed the general area and assessed fire protection 
    features (manual and automatic).
         Reviewed the location of the fire brigade equipment.
         Reviewed fire brigade accessibility to the area.
         Observed fire hazards and fire loadings associated with 
    the area.
         Observed the material conditions of the plant and of the 
    fire protection equipment.
         Observed the adequacy of administrative controls (noted 
    any transient combustibles).
         Reviewed the adequacy of the fire rating of the raceway 
    fire barriers in the area.
        Based on the plant open/outdoor configuration of the fire zones 
    noted below, the impact a fire may have on the plant and its ability to 
    shut down in the event of a fire tends to be localized to the zone of 
    concern. During its site evaluation the staff observed that the hot 
    fire gases and smoke would be directly vented to the atmosphere. 
    Therefore, components required to achieve and maintain safe shutdown 
    would not be subjected to convective heat. In outdoor areas a ceiling 
    jet and hot gas layer would not develop, unlike enclosed compartments.
    Fire Zone 47--Unit 4 Component Cooling Water Pump Room and Fire Zone 
    54--Unit 3 Component Cooling Water Pump Room
        Fire zone 47, the Unit 4 component cooling water pump room, is 
    located outdoors near the southeast corner of auxiliary building 
    elevation 18'-0''. This fire zone is separated from other auxiliary 
    building fire areas by 3-hour fire rated walls. This zone does not have 
    a ceiling and is open to the atmosphere. Fire zone 54, the Unit 3 
    component cooling water pump room, is located outdoors near the 
    northeast corner of auxiliary building elevation 18'-0''. This fire 
    zone is open to the atmosphere and is separated from other auxiliary 
    building fire areas by 3-hour fire barriers.
        The major safe-shutdown-related equipment in these zones are the 
    CCW pumps (three pumps) and heat exchangers. The pumps are arranged in 
    an ``L'' configuration and are spaced approximately 12 feet on center. 
    [[Page 10951]]
    power cables for each pump are routed in embedded conduit with the 
    exception of a short length from the embedded conduit to the motor 
    terminal box which is flexible steel conduit. The local control 
    stations for these pumps are more than 20 feet apart. The conduits and 
    their post-fire safe shutdown functions (identified in the Appendix) 
    are protected by an electrical raceway fire barrier system which has a 
    minimum fire resistive rating of 25 minutes.1
        \1\ As specified by the licensee's exemption request, the fire 
    resistive rating of 25-minute electrical raceway fire barrier system 
    applications (e.g., fire barrier application for various conduit 
    diameters, lateral bends, radial bends, junction boxes, conduit bank 
    enclosures) will be bounded by tests and will be representative of 
    the tested configurations. The fire endurance and hose stream 
    testing will also be done in accordance with Generic Letter 86-10, 
    Supplement 1, and will have met the acceptance criteria.
        These CCW pumps and cabling lack the required 20 feet of spacial 
    separation as specified in Appendix R III.G.a.2.b. The NRC approved 
    this configuration in an exemption dated March 27, 1984, on the basis 
    that the licensee had installed redundant open-head deluge fire 
    control-suppression systems activated by ultraviolet (UV) fire 
    detectors; however, this area was resubmitted for review since cabling 
    with less than 20 feet of separation is protected by a 25-minute rated 
    fire barrier. The in-situ fire load in this area is low, consisting of 
    two horizontal cable trays installed approximately 10 feet above the 
    floor and 1 gallon of lubricating oil in each pump. Manual hose 
    stations and portable fire extinguishers are accessible. If a fire 
    occurred in either of these fire zones, it is anticipated that the UV 
    fire detectors would react and activate the deluge fire suppression 
    system. Since the suppression system would provide fast total coverage 
    of the CCW pumps, there is reasonable assurance that a fire affecting 
    one pump would be confined to that pump. The 12 feet of separation 
    between the pumps provides adequate passive protection to assure that 
    one train of CCW pumps would remain free of fire damage. In addition, 
    since these fire zones are outdoor areas with no significant equipment 
    or component obstructions, there is reasonable assurance that the 
    required post-fire safe shutdown functions protected by the 25-minute 
    electrical raceway fire barrier system would remain free of fire damage 
    until the deluge system activated and controlled the fire. The staff 
    has determined that licensee's proposal provides adequate protection, 
    will not pose an undue risk to public health and safety, and that the 
    underlying purpose of the rule is satisfied. Therefore, the staff finds 
    the licensee's proposed exemption for these areas to be acceptable.
    Fire Zone 106R--Control Room Air Conditioner Condensing Units on the 
    Control Building
        Fire Zone 106R is the control building roof. The major safe 
    shutdown equipment on the roof are the cable spreading room and 
    computer room chillers and the control room air conditioning 
    evaporative units. The control building roof is of concrete 
    construction and is covered with a composite, built-up roof. The staff 
    requested the licensee to evaluate the combustibility of this roof 
    design and consider the potential effect of a fire on the combustible 
    (Thermo-Lag) raceway fire barriers and the components they protect. The 
    licensee determined that this roof consists of (1) A Koroseal vapor 
    barrier; (2) Flintkote roof insulation; (3) Lexsuco adhesive; (4) eight 
    layers of Ruberiod asphalt felt; and (5) clean, dry, opaque \1/4\'' to 
    \5/8\'' gravel. The licensee determined that this roof is the original 
    roof; its fire classification is indeterminate. Because of the 
    uncertainty as to the combustibility and fire classification of the 
    control building roof, the licensee's proposed exemption which would 
    permit it to separate cables and equipment and associated nonsafety 
    circuits of redundant trains by a 25-minute rated fire barrier until a 
    horizontal distance of 10 feet is attained is not acceptable.
    Roof and Fire Zone 118--Control and Auxiliary Building Roof
        Fire zone 118 is the control and auxiliary building roof. The 
    auxiliary building roof construction is concrete without an asphalt 
    roof membrane. There are minimal in-situ combustibles in this fire zone 
    and intervening combustibles between redundant safe shutdown functions 
    is not a concern. In addition, this roof is inside the radiation 
    control area of the facility. The only transient combustible materials 
    admitted are those used in maintenance or work activity within this 
    area and controlled by the licensee's administrative controls. 
    Therefore, transient combustibles are not a concern.
        Located in fire zone 118 are redundant safe shutdown trains of DC 
    equipment/inverter room heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) 
    (Component Nos. E16D, E16E, E16F), electrical equipment room HVAC 
    (Component Nos. E232/V76, E16E/E16F), cable spreading room HVAC (S74A/
    S75A, S74B/S75B), and the auxiliary building exhaust fan (V8A, V8B). In 
    addition, the cabling and raceway associated with this equipment are 
    routed in this fire zone. The conduits and the associated post-fire 
    safe shutdown functions (identified in the appendix) are separated from 
    the redundant train in this fire zone by a 25-minute rated fire barrier 
    until a horizontal distance of 10 feet is attained. All other post-fire 
    safe shutdown equipment (e.g., components, power and control circuits, 
    and power distribution circuits) located in this fire zone are 
    separated from their redundant equipment by a horizontal distance of 
    greater than 10 feet. In addition, the space between the equipment is 
    free of fixed combustibles. Since this fire zone is outdoors and the 
    in-situ fire load is minimal, there is reasonable assurance that any 
    fire would be small and that the required post-fire safe shutdown 
    equipment protected by the 25-minute electrical raceway fire barrier 
    system would remain free of fire damage until the fire burned itself 
    out or was detected by plant personnel and adequately controlled and 
    suppressed by the plant fire brigade. The staff has determined that 
    licensee's proposal provides adequate protection, will not pose an 
    undue risk to public health and safety, and that the underlying purpose 
    of the rule is satisfied. Therefore, the staff finds the licensee's 
    proposed exemption for this area to be acceptable.
    Fire Zone 113--Unit 4 Feedwater Platform and Fire Zone 116--Unit 3 
    Feedwater Platform
        Fire zones 113 and 116 are the feedwater platforms for Units 3 and 
    4, respectively. These platforms are located in the outdoor area on 
    elevation 38'-0''. The major safe shutdown equipment located in each of 
    these fire zones is two trains of auxiliary feedwater control valves 
    and the auxiliary building supply fans. The train A valves (three 
    valves) are located above the platform, on elevation 42'-0'' and the 
    train B valves (three valves) are on elevation 30'-7''. They are 
    separated by a \1/4\-inch thick steel checker-plate platform. In 
    addition, these areas contain the associated feedwater and auxiliary 
    feedwater systems that penetrate the reactor containment building. The 
    area is bounded on two sides, north and west, by concrete walls. The 
    east side is bounded by the respective Unit 3 or 4 reactor containment 
    building. The south side is open to the atmosphere and the ceiling is 
    concrete. The redundant post-fire safe shutdown trains located in these 
    areas are not protected by an automatic suppression system. However, 
    these fire
    [[Page 10952]]
    zones are protected by UV fire detection capabilities, manual hose 
    stations, and portable fire extinguishers.
        Where there are intervening combustibles between redundant safe 
    shutdown trains or the required post-fire safe shutdown circuits or 
    equipment (e.g., components, power and control circuits, and power 
    distribution circuits) are not separated from its redundant equipment 
    by a minimum of 20 feet, the equipment is protected by an electrical 
    raceway fire barrier system with a 25-minute fire resistive rating. The 
    raceway protected by electrical raceway fire barrier systems are 
    identified in the Appendix. These fire zones are outdoor areas and the 
    in-situ fire load is low. Therefore, there is reasonable assurance that 
    if a fire occurred the required post-fire safe shutdown equipment 
    protected by the 25-minute electrical raceway fire barrier system would 
    remain free of fire damage until the fire was automatically detected 
    and then controlled and suppressed by the plant fire brigade. The staff 
    has determined that licensee's proposal provides adequate protection, 
    will not pose an undue risk to public health and safety, and that the 
    underlying purpose of the rule is satisfied. Therefore, the staff finds 
    the licensee's proposed exemption for this area to be acceptable.
    Fire Zone 115--Unit 3 Main Steam Platform and Fire Zone 114--Unit 4 
    Main Steam Platform
        These two outside areas are located at the 53'-6'' elevation. The 
    major safe shutdown equipment in these fire zones consist of the main 
    steam isolation valves, main steam isolation valve bypass valves, and 
    the atmospheric dump valves. The redundant main steam isolation, bypass 
    valves, and atmospheric dump valves are separated from each other by 
    approximately 28 feet center to center. The redundant trains located in 
    these areas are not protected by fixed fire suppression or automatic 
    fire detection systems. Portable fire extinguishers and standpipes with 
    the appropriate hose stations are available and accessible.
        These areas are open to the atmosphere and do not have a ceiling. 
    Redundant cables are separated horizontally by over 20 feet free off 
    intervening combustibles and are routed in steel conduit. Where there 
    are intervening combustibles or the required post-fire safe shutdown 
    equipment (e.g., components, power and control circuits, and power 
    distribution circuits) is not separated from its redundant equipment by 
    a minimum of 20 feet, the equipment is protected by a electrical 
    raceway fire barrier system with a 25-minute fire resistive rating. The 
    raceway protected by electrical raceway fire barrier systems are 
    identified in the Appendix. Since these fire zones are outdoor areas 
    and the in-situ fire load is low, there is reasonable assurance that if 
    a fire occurred, it would be small and the required post-fire safe 
    shutdown equipment protected by the 25-minute fire barrier system would 
    remain free of fire damage until the fire burned itself out or was 
    detected by plant personnel and controlled and suppressed by the plant 
    fire brigade. The staff has determined that licensee's proposal 
    provides adequate protection, will not pose an undue risk to public 
    health and safety, and that the underlying purpose of the rule is 
    satisfied. Therefore, the staff finds the licensee's proposed exemption 
    for this area to be acceptable.
    Fire Zone 119--Unit 4 Intake Structure and Fire Zone 120--Unit 3 Intake 
        The Unit 3 and 4 intake structures are contiguous and are 
    designated fire zone 119 (Unit 4) and fire zone 120 (Unit 3) to 
    differentiate between the units. These fire zones are outdoors and are 
    not bounded by walls or a ceiling. The in-situ combustible in these 
    fire zones is a small amount of lubricating oil contained in the motor 
    housings. The fire protection features provided for these zones are 
    manual fire hose stations and portable fire extinguishers. These fire 
    zones are protected by automatic UV fire detectors.
        Where there are intervening combustibles between redundant shutdown 
    trains or the required post-fire safe shutdown equipment (e.g., 
    components, power and control circuits, and power distribution 
    circuits) is not separated from its redundant equipment by a minimum of 
    20 feet, the equipment is protected by an electrical raceway fire 
    barrier system with a 25-minute fire resistive rating. The raceway 
    protected by electrical raceway fire barrier systems are identified in 
    the Appendix. Since these fire zones are outdoor areas and the in-situ 
    fire load is low, there is reasonable assurance that if a fire 
    occurred, the required post-fire safe shutdown equipment protected by 
    the 25-minute fire barrier system would remain free of fire damage and 
    that the fire would be automatically detected and adequately controlled 
    and suppressed by the plant fire brigade. The staff has determined that 
    licensee's proposal provides adequate protection, will not pose an 
    undue risk to public health and safety, and that the underlying purpose 
    of the rule is satisfied. Therefore, the staff finds the licensee's 
    proposed exemption for this area to be acceptable.
    Fire Zone 143--Unit 3 Emergency Diesel Generator Roof
        The major safe shutdown equipment on the Unit 3 emergency diesel 
    generator building roof consists of the emergency diesel generator 
    exhaust silencers. The roof construction is concrete without an asphalt 
    roof membrane. There are no in-situ combustibles located in this fire 
    zone; therefore, intervening combustibles between redundant safe 
    shutdown equipment is not a concern.
        All post-fire safe shutdown equipment (e.g., components, power and 
    control circuits, and power distribution circuits) located in this fire 
    zone is separated from its redundant equipment by a horizontal distance 
    of greater than 10 feet. The space between the equipment is free of 
    fixed combustibles. Therefore, the licensee is relying on spacial 
    separation in lieu of physical protection (e.g., raceway fire barriers) 
    and has determined that the use of raceway fire barriers to assure that 
    one train of required safe shutdown equipment remains free of fire 
    damage is not required in this fire zone to provide reasonable 
    assurance the equipment would be available. Since this fire zone is 
    outdoors and there are no in-situ combustibles, there is reasonable 
    assurance that any fire in this area would be small and that the 
    required 10-foot separation of redundant safe shutdown trains would 
    maintain one train free of fire damage until the fire burned itself out 
    or was detected by plant personnel and controlled and suppressed by the 
    plant fire brigade. The staff has determined that licensee's proposal 
    provides adequate protection, will not pose an undue risk to public 
    health and safety, and that the underlying purpose of the rule is 
    satisfied. Therefore, the staff finds the licensee's proposed exemption 
    for this area to be acceptable.
    Generic Application of Alternative Physical and Spacial Separation 
    Fire Protection Schemes
        The licensee requested that the staff approve an exemption to use 
    any of the following generic protection schemes in lieu of installing 
    the 3-hour fire barriers required by Appendix R, Section III.G.2.a, in 
    any outdoor fire zone (excluding the turbine building):
         Separation of cables and equipment and associated 
    nonsafety circuits of redundant trains west of the open turbine 
    building structure column line A by 1-hour rated fire barriers until a 
    horizontal distance of 20 feet is attained.
    [[Page 10953]]
         Separation of cables and equipment and associated 
    nonsafety circuits of redundant trains by 25-minute rated fire barriers 
    until a horizontal distance of 20 feet is attained.
         For roof top fire zones, separation of cables and 
    equipment and associated nonsafety circuits of redundant trains by 25-
    minute rated fire barriers until a horizontal distance of 10 feet is 
         Separation of cables and equipment and associated 
    nonsafety circuits of redundant trains by a radiant energy heat shield 
    having an equivalent 30-minute fire rating until a horizontal distance 
    of 20 feet is attained.
        By letter dated October 31, 1997, the licensee submitted its 
    technical bases for these protection schemes. In certain cases, the 
    staff may find these schemes an acceptable alternative to the specific 
    requirements of Section III.G of Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50. However, 
    in responding to the staff's request for additional information of June 
    16, 1997, and to the request made during the meeting between the NRC 
    staff and the licensee on July 7, 1997, the licensee did not submit an 
    analysis for each fire zone which identifies the post-fire safe 
    shutdown equipment (e.g., components, power and control circuits, and 
    power distribution circuits) in the zone, their relative safe shutdown 
    importance, how the equipment is protected, including detailed 
    evaluations of the fire hazards and the potential worst-case fires that 
    may occur. Therefore, the staff cannot evaluate the generic 
    acceptability of these schemes or whether the application of a specific 
    protection scheme would provide reasonable assurance that one train of 
    safe shutdown equipment (e.g., components, power and control circuits, 
    and power distribution circuits) would be free of fire damage. Without 
    a plant-specific fire-zone-by-fire-zone fire hazards analysis to 
    support the use of these protection schemes on a case-by-case basis, 
    the staff cannot assess the acceptability of these plant configurations 
    and their ability to provide an adequate level of fire safety 
    consistent with the underlying purpose of Section III.G of Appendix R 
    to 10 CFR Part 50. However, additional information was recently 
    submitted by the licensee and these remaining zones are being evaluated 
        On the basis of its evaluation and review that included a site 
    walkdown of the fire zones, the staff concludes the following:
        For fire zone 47 (Unit 4 CCW) and fire zone 54 (Unit 3 CCW room), 
    the use of a 25-minute fire rated electrical raceway fire barrier 
    system in lieu of a 1-hour fire barrier system as required by Section 
    III.G.2 of Appendix R to 10 CFR part 50 provides an adequate level of 
    fire safety, poses no undue risk to public health and safety, meets the 
    underlying purpose of the rule and is, therefore, acceptable.
        For fire zone 113 (Unit 4 feedwater platform), fire zone 116 (Unit 
    3 feedwater platform), fire zone 119 (Unit 4 intake structure), and 
    fire zone 120 (Unit 3 intake structure), the use of 25-minute fire 
    barriers to separate cables and equipment andassociated nonsafety 
    circuits of redundant trains until a horizontal distance of 20 feet 
    free of intervening combustibles is attained provides an adequate level 
    of fire safety, poses no undue risk to public health and safety, meets 
    the underlying purpose of the rule and is, therefore, acceptable.
        For fire zone 115 (Unit 3 main steam platform) and fire zone 114 
    (Unit 4 main steam platform), the use of 25-minute fire barriers to 
    separate cables and equipment and associated nonsafety circuits of 
    redundant trains until a horizontal distance of 20 feet free of 
    intervening combustibles is attained provides an adequate level of fire 
    safety, poses no undue risk to public health and safety, meets the 
    underlying purpose of the rule and is, therefore, acceptable.
        For fire zone 143 (Unit 3 emergency diesel generator roof) and fire 
    zone 118 (control and auxiliary building roof), the use of 25-minute 
    fire barriers to separate cables and equipment and associated nonsafety 
    circuits of redundant trains until a horizontal distance of 10 feet 
    free of intervening combustibles is attained provides an adequate level 
    of fire safety, poses no undue risk to public health and safety, meets 
    the underlying purpose of the rule and is, therefore, acceptable.
        For fire zone 106R, based on the uncertain combustibility and 
    indeterminate fire classification of the built-up asphalt roof design, 
    with respect to the use of 25-minute fire barriers to separate cables 
    and equipment and associated nonsafety circuits of redundant trains 
    until a horizontal distance of 10 feet free of intervening combustibles 
    is attained, the staff cannot determine if an adequate level of fire 
    safety would be provided and the exemption request is, therefore, 
    unacceptable. The licensee's request for exemption for this fire zone 
    is denied.
        Without a specific analysis for each fire zone which identifies the 
    post-fire safe shutdown equipment (e.g., components, power and control 
    circuits, and power distribution circuits) in the zone, their relative 
    safe shutdown importance, and how the equipment is protected (including 
    detailed evaluations of the fire hazards and the potential worst-case 
    fires that may occur), the staff cannot evaluate the acceptability of 
    the generic protection schemes or whether the application of a specific 
    protection scheme provides the reasonable assurance needed to satisfy 
    the underlying purpose of Section III.G.2 of Appendix R to 10 CFR part 
    50. Therefore, the staff finds the generic applicability of these 
    protection schemes to outdoor areas unacceptable at this time. However, 
    additional information was recently submitted by the licensee and these 
    remaining zones are being evaluated separately.
        Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that 
    granting this Exemption for fire zones 47, 54, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 
    119, 120, and 143 will not have a significant effect on the quality of 
    the human environment (63 FR 8695).
        Accordingly, the Commission has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR 
    50.12(a), the exemption is authorized by law, will not present an undue 
    risk to the public health and safety, and is consistent with the common 
    defense and security. In addition, special circumstances are present in 
    that application of the regulation in these particular circumstances is 
    not necessary to achieve underlying purpose of the rule which is to 
    provide reasonable assurance that one safe shutdown train and its 
    associated circuits used to achieve and maintain safe shutdown are free 
    of fire damage. Therefore, the Commission hereby grants Florida Power 
    and Light Company an exemption from the requirements of Section 
    III.G.2.a of Appendix R to 10 CFR part 50, as requested in the 
    submittal, for fire zones 47, 54, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 
    and 143. This exemption is effective upon issuance. The exemption for 
    fire zone 106R is denied. The exemption requested for the remaining 
    fire zones is being evaluated separately.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 24th day of February 1998.
    Samuel J. Collins,
    Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
    [[Page 10954]]
           Post-fire Safe Shutdown Functions--Raceway/Cables and Components Requiring Fire Barrier Protection       
                                              [Turkey Point Units 3 and 4]                                          
                                                                       Protected  raceway                           
         Fire zone            System              Component ID                 ID                Cable function     
    O/D 47............  CCW                 4P211B                    4N1361                CCW pump control.       
    O/D 54............  CCW                 3P211B                    3N1372                CCW pump control.       
    O/D 113...........  AFW                 CV-4-2816                 4K369                 AFW flow control valve  
                                            CV-4-2817                 4K379                                         
                                            CV-4-2818                 4K614                                         
                                            CV-4-2831                 4K1065                                        
                                            CV-4-2832                 4K1240                                        
                                            CV-4-2833                 4K1240                                        
    O/D 113...........  AFW                 CV-4-2833                 TB4835                AFW flow control valve  
    O/D 116...........  AFW                 CV-3-2816                 3K368                 AFW flow control valve  
                                            CV-3-2817                 3K574                                         
                                            CV-3-2818                 3K568                                         
    O/D 114...........  MSS                 POV-4-2604B               4K1403                Main Steam isolation    
                                                                                             valve control.         
                                            POV-4-2605B               4K1402                                        
                                            POV-4-2606B               4K1401                                        
    O/D 115...........  MSS                 POV-3-2604B               3K1624                Main Steam isolation    
                                                                                             valve control.         
                                            POV-3-2605B               3K1624                                        
                                            POV-3-2606B               3K1622                                        
    [[Page 10955]]
    O/D 118...........  HVAC                E16F                      4J1195                DC/Inverter HVAC E16F   
    O/D 119...........  ICW                 4P9B                      4R067                 ICW Pump 4P-9B Power.   
    O/D 120...........  ICW                 3P9B                      3R067                 ICW Pump 3P-9B Power.   
    [FR Doc. 98-5712 Filed 3-4-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
10949-10955 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251
PDF File: