2014-11045. Notice on Reallotment of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I Formula Allotted Funds for Dislocated Worker Activities for Program Year (PY) 2013
Start Preamble
Employment and Training Administration, Labor.
Public Law 105-220, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), requires the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) to conduct reallotment of dislocated worker formula allotted funds based on State financial reports submitted as of the end of the prior program year (PY). This notice publishes the dislocated worker PY 2013 funds for recapture by State and the amount to be reallotted to eligible States.
This notice is effective May 14, 2014.
Ms. Amanda Ahlstrand, Administrator, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workforce Investment, Employment and Training Administration, Room C-4526, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC. Telephone (202) 693-3052 (this is not a toll-free number) or fax (202) 693-3981.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
In the FY 2013 Appropriations Act, Congress appropriated WIA PY 2013 funds in two portions: (1) Funds available for obligation July 1, 2013 (i.e., PY 2013 “base” funds), and (2) funds available for obligation October 1, 2013 (i.e., FY 2014 “advance” funds). Together, these two portions make up the complete PY 2013 WIA allotment. TEGL 25-12 announced WIA allotments based on this appropriation and alerted states to the recapture and reallotment of funds' provisions, as required under WIA Section 132(c). This section of WIA requires the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) to conduct reallotment of excess unobligated WIA Adult, Youth, and Dislocated Worker formula funds based on state financial reports submitted at the end of the prior program year (i.e., PY 2012).
WIA regulations at 20 CFR 667.150 describe the procedures the Secretary uses for recapture and reallotment of funds. We will not recapture any PY 2013 funds for Adult and Youth programs because there are no cases where PY 2012 unobligated funds exceed the statutory requirements of 20 percent of state allotted funds. For the Dislocated Worker program, however, one state had unobligated PY 2012 funds in excess of 20 percent. Therefore, ETA will recapture a total of $56,422 from PY 2013 funding from this one state and reallot those funds to the remaining eligible states, as required by WIA Section 132(c).
ETA will issue Notices of Obligation and Deobligation for the states to reflect the recapture and reallotment of these funds. The adjustment of funds will be made to the FY 2014 advance portion of the PY 2013 allotments, which ETA issued in October 2013. The attached tables display the net changes to PY 2013 formula allotments and a description of the reallotment methodology.
Neither WIA statutory language, nor WIA regulatory language provides specific requirements by which states must distribute recaptured funds among states and local areas, so states have flexibility to determine the methodology used.
For any state subject to recapture of funds, WIA Section 132(c)(5) requires the Governor to prescribe equitable procedures for reacquiring funds from the state and local areas.
As mentioned, the recapture/reallotment will apply to the FY 2014 advance portion of the PY 2013 allotment. Therefore, for reporting purposes, states should reflect the recapture/reallotment amount (decrease or increase) in the “Total Federal Funds Authorized” line of any affected FY 2014 WIA 9130 Financial Status Reports (State Dislocated Worker Activities, Statewide Rapid Response, Local Dislocated Worker Activities) in a manner consistent with the method of distribution of these amounts to state and local areas used by the state. The state should include an explanation of the adjustment in the remarks section of the adjusted reports.
I. Attachment A
Attachment A—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Dislocated Worker Activities PY 2013 Reallotment to States
Excess unobligated PY 2012 funds to be recaptured in PY 2013 Eligible states' PY 2012 * dislocated worker allotments PY 2013 reallotment amount for eligible states Total PY 2013 allotments Recapture/reallotment adjustment to PY 2013 allotments Revised total PY 2013 allotments Alabama 0 15,470,929 868 12,455,814 868 12,456,682 Alaska 0 1,617,454 91 1,702,318 91 1,702,409 Arizona ** 0 21,501,357 1,206 18,333,183 1,206 18,334,389 Arkansas 0 7,022,636 394 6,881,074 394 6,881,468 California 0 167,290,806 9,386 162,982,853 9,386 162,992,239 Colorado 0 16,139,023 906 15,672,487 906 15,673,393 Connecticut 0 12,426,602 697 11,913,095 697 11,913,792 Delaware 0 2,364,307 133 2,136,390 133 2,136,523 District of Columbia 56,422 0 0 2,733,764 (56,422) 2,677,342 Florida 0 77,493,519 4,348 67,109,375 4,348 67,113,723 Georgia 0 36,621,852 2,055 33,902,103 2,055 33,904,158 Hawaii 0 2,544,269 143 2,658,487 143 2,658,630 Start Printed Page 27652 Idaho 0 4,848,932 272 4,113,487 272 4,113,759 Illinois 0 45,178,269 2,535 47,415,147 2,535 47,417,682 Indiana 0 19,765,678 1,109 19,210,950 1,109 19,212,059 Iowa 0 5,396,616 303 4,479,610 303 4,479,913 Kansas 0 6,269,506 352 5,244,331 352 5,244,683 Kentucky 0 14,427,521 809 12,670,474 809 12,671,283 Louisiana 0 10,053,591 564 10,343,401 564 10,343,965 Maine 0 3,412,078 191 3,558,306 191 3,558,497 Maryland 0 13,447,267 754 14,160,334 754 14,161,088 Massachusetts 0 18,124,524 1,017 14,686,948 1,017 14,687,965 Michigan 0 37,953,582 2,129 31,831,964 2,129 31,834,093 Minnesota 0 12,017,269 674 9,577,081 674 9,577,755 Mississippi 0 10,347,906 581 9,722,013 581 9,722,594 Missouri 0 19,340,590 1,085 14,872,573 1,085 14,873,658 Montana 0 2,228,587 125 1,820,084 125 1,820,209 Nebraska 0 1,769,179 99 1,779,828 99 1,779,927 Nevada 0 14,405,631 808 13,990,600 808 13,991,408 New Hampshire 0 2,024,043 114 2,192,012 114 2,192,126 New Jersey 0 30,893,743 1,733 34,280,662 1,733 34,282,395 New Mexico ** 0 4,691,957 263 4,387,085 263 4,387,348 New York 0 53,044,468 2,976 64,292,997 2,976 64,295,973 North Carolina 0 33,777,825 1,895 36,354,385 1,895 36,356,280 North Dakota 0 491,619 28 466,156 28 466,184 Ohio 0 37,413,569 2,099 29,848,097 2,099 29,850,196 Oklahoma 0 5,818,631 326 5,230,860 326 5,231,186 Oregon 0 14,180,338 796 12,544,754 796 12,545,550 Pennsylvania 0 33,631,354 1,887 35,257,512 1,887 35,259,399 Puerto Rico 0 13,793,419 774 13,657,789 774 13,658,563 Rhode Island 0 4,729,729 265 5,071,296 265 5,071,561 South Carolina 0 17,249,177 968 15,453,121 968 15,454,089 South Dakota 0 914,670 51 717,751 51 717,802 Tennessee 0 21,003,845 1,178 18,116,992 1,178 18,118,170 Texas 0 65,049,307 3,650 58,272,349 3,650 58,275,999 Utah ** 0 6,236,709 350 4,299,449 350 4,299,799 Vermont 0 1,060,432 59 864,140 59 864,199 Virginia 0 16,431,137 922 15,640,645 922 15,641,567 Washington 0 22,717,337 1,275 21,476,440 1,275 21,477,715 West Virginia 0 4,805,853 270 3,992,664 270 3,992,934 Wisconsin 0 15,287,864 858 14,349,020 858 14,349,878 Wyoming 0 909,452 51 867,129 51 867,180 STATE TOTAL $56,422 $1,005,635,958 $56,422 $955,591,379 $0 $955,591,379 * PY 2012 allotment amounts include prior year recapture/reallotment amounts and are used to determine the reallotment amount eligible states receive of the recaptured amount. ** Includes Navajo Nation. 1/7/2014. II. Attachment BStart Printed Page 27653
Start Printed Page 27654Attachment B—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Dislocated Worker Activities PY 2013 Revised Allotments With Reallotment—PY/FY Split
Total allotment Available 7/1/13 Available 10/1/13 Original Recapture/ reallotment Revised Original Recapture/ reallotment Revised Original Recapture/ reallotment Revised Alabama 12,455,814 868 12,456,682 1,156,963 1,156,963 11,298,851 868 11,299,719 Alaska 1,702,318 91 1,702,409 177,118 177,118 1,525,200 91 1,525,291 Arizona* 18,333,183 1,206 18,334,389 1,751,421 1,751,421 16,581,762 1,206 16,582,968 Arkansas 6,881,074 394 6,881,468 697,414 697,414 6,183,660 394 6,184,054 California 162,982,853 9,386 162,992,239 16,482,232 16,482,232 146,500,621 9,386 146,510,007 Colorado 15,672,487 906 15,673,393 1,582,932 1,582,932 14,089,555 906 14,090,461 Connecticut 11,913,095 697 11,913,792 1,197,161 1,197,161 10,715,934 697 10,716,631 Delaware 2,136,390 133 2,136,523 209,496 209,496 1,926,894 133 1,927,027 District of Columbia 2,733,764 (56,422) 2,677,342 284,922 284,922 2,448,842 (56,422) 2,392,420 Florida 67,109,375 4,348 67,113,723 6,457,526 6,457,526 60,651,849 4,348 60,656,197 Georgia 33,902,103 2,055 33,904,158 3,358,754 3,358,754 30,543,349 2,055 30,545,404 Hawaii 2,658,487 143 2,658,630 275,901 275,901 2,382,586 143 2,382,729 Idaho 4,113,487 272 4,113,759 392,031 392,031 3,721,456 272 3,721,728 Illinois 47,415,147 2,535 47,417,682 4,928,468 4,928,468 42,486,679 2,535 42,489,214 Indiana 19,210,950 1,109 19,212,059 1,940,989 1,940,989 17,269,961 1,109 17,271,070 Iowa 4,479,610 303 4,479,913 422,490 422,490 4,057,120 303 4,057,423 Kansas 5,244,331 352 5,244,683 496,459 496,459 4,747,872 352 4,748,224 Kentucky 12,670,474 809 12,671,283 1,226,982 1,226,982 11,443,492 809 11,444,301 Louisiana 10,343,401 564 10,343,965 1,067,541 1,067,541 9,275,860 564 9,276,424 Maine 3,558,306 191 3,558,497 369,032 369,032 3,189,274 191 3,189,465 Maryland 14,160,334 754 14,161,088 1,473,584 1,473,584 12,686,750 754 12,687,504 Massachusetts 14,686,948 1,017 14,687,965 1,368,705 1,368,705 13,318,243 1,017 13,319,260 Michigan 31,831,964 2,129 31,834,093 3,017,299 3,017,299 28,814,665 2,129 28,816,794 Minnesota 9,577,081 674 9,577,755 884,911 884,911 8,692,170 674 8,692,844 Mississippi 9,722,013 581 9,722,594 969,070 969,070 8,752,943 581 8,753,524 Missouri 14,872,573 1,085 14,873,658 1,348,265 1,348,265 13,524,308 1,085 13,525,393 Montana 1,820,084 125 1,820,209 170,284 170,284 1,649,800 125 1,649,925 Nebraska 1,779,828 99 1,779,927 182,198 182,198 1,597,630 99 1,597,729 Nevada 13,990,600 808 13,991,408 1,413,120 1,413,120 12,577,480 808 12,578,288 New Hampshire 2,192,012 114 2,192,126 230,313 230,313 1,961,699 114 1,961,813 New Jersey 34,280,662 1,733 34,282,395 3,630,874 3,630,874 30,649,788 1,733 30,651,521 New Mexico * 4,387,085 263 4,387,348 436,439 436,439 3,950,646 263 3,950,909 New York 64,292,997 2,976 64,295,973 6,996,846 6,996,846 57,296,151 2,976 57,299,127 North Carolina 36,354,385 1,895 36,356,280 3,811,703 3,811,703 32,542,682 1,895 32,544,577 North Dakota 466,156 28 466,184 46,639 46,639 419,517 28 419,545 Ohio 29,848,097 2,099 29,850,196 2,759,456 2,759,456 27,088,641 2,099 27,090,740 Oklahoma 5,230,860 326 5,231,186 511,808 511,808 4,719,052 326 4,719,378 Oregon 12,544,754 796 12,545,550 1,218,785 1,218,785 11,325,969 796 11,326,765 Pennsylvania 35,257,512 1,887 35,259,399 3,663,344 3,663,344 31,594,168 1,887 31,596,055 Puerto Rico 13,657,789 774 13,658,563 1,389,808 1,389,808 12,267,981 774 12,268,755 Rhode Island 5,071,296 265 5,071,561 531,035 531,035 4,540,261 265 4,540,526 South Carolina 15,453,121 968 15,454,089 1,509,711 1,509,711 13,943,410 968 13,944,378 South Dakota 717,751 51 717,802 65,783 65,783 651,968 51 652,019 Tennessee 18,116,992 1,178 18,118,170 1,740,095 1,740,095 16,376,897 1,178 16,378,075 Texas 58,272,349 3,650 58,275,999 5,692,801 5,692,801 52,579,548 3,650 52,583,198 Utah* 4,299,449 350 4,299,799 365,082 365,082 3,934,367 350 3,934,717 Vermont 864,140 59 864,199 80,759 80,759 783,381 59 783,440 Virginia 15,640,645 922 15,641,567 1,567,306 1,567,306 14,073,339 922 14,074,261 Washington 21,476,440 1,275 21,477,715 2,146,144 2,146,144 19,330,296 1,275 19,331,571 West Virginia 3,992,664 270 3,992,934 376,719 376,719 3,615,945 270 3,616,215 Wisconsin 14,349,020 858 14,349,878 1,429,710 1,429,710 12,919,310 858 12,920,168 Wyoming 867,129 51 867,180 86,951 86,951 780,178 51 780,229 STATE TOTAL 955,591,379 0 955,591,379 95,591,379 95,591,379 860,000,000 0 860,000,000 III. Attachment C
Dislocated Worker State Formula PY 2013 Reallotment Methodology
Reallotment Summary: This year the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) analyzed State Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Dislocated Worker 9130 financial reports from the June 30, 2013 reporting period for PY 2012, to determine if any state had unobligated funds in excess of 20 percent of their PY 2012 allotment amount. If so, ETA will recapture that amount from PY 2013 funds and reallot the recaptured funds among eligible states.
- Source Data: State WIA 9130 financial status reports
- Programs:
State Dislocated Worker
State Rapid Response
Local Dislocated Worker (includes local administration)
- Period: June 30, 2013
- Years covered: PY 2012 and FY 2013
Reallotment Calculation Process:
1. Determine each state's unobligated balance: ETA computes the state's total amount of PY 2012 state obligations (including FY 2013 funds) for the DW program. State obligations are the sum of DW statewide activities obligations, Rapid Response obligations, and 100 percent of what the state authorizes for DW local activities. To determine the unobligated balance for the DW program, ETA subtracts the total DW obligations amount from the state's total 2012 DW allotment (adjusted for recapture/reallotment and statutory formula-based rescissions, if applicable). For this year's calculation, PY 2012 allotments were adjusted for recapture/reallotment, but there was no applicable rescission. (Note: for this process, ETA adds DW allotted funds transferred to the Navajo Nation back to Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah local DW authorized amounts).
2. Excluding state administrative costs: Section 667.150 of the regulations provides that the recapture calculations exclude the reserve for state administration which is part of the DW statewide activities. States do not report data on state administrative amounts authorized and obligated on WIA 9130 financial reports. In the preliminary calculation, to determine states potentially liable for recapture, ETA estimates the DW portion of the state administrative amount authorized by calculating the five percent maximum amount for state DW administrative costs using the DW state allotment amounts (excluding any recapture/reallotment that occurred). For the DW portion of the state administrative amount obligated, ETA treats 100 percent of the estimated authorized amount as obligated, although the estimate of state administration obligations is limited by reported statewide activities obligations overall.
3. Follow-up with states potentially liable for recapture: ETA requests that those states potentially liable for recapture provide additional data on state administrative amounts which are not regularly reported on the PY 2012 and FY 2013 statewide activities reports. The additional information requested includes the amount of statewide activities funds the state authorized and obligated for state administration as of June 30, 2013. If a state provides actual state DW administrative costs, authorized and obligated, in the comments section of revised 9130 reports, this data replaces the estimates. Based on the requested additional actual data submitted by potentially liable states on revised reports, ETA reduces the DW total allotment for these states by the amount states indicate they authorized for state administrative costs. Likewise, ETA reduces the DW total obligations for these states by the portion obligated for state administration.
4. Recapture calculation: States (including those adjusted by actual state administrative data) with unobligated balances exceeding 20 percent of the combined PY 2012/FY 2013 DW allotment amount (adjusted for recapture/reallotment in PY 2012) will have their PY 2013 DW funding (from the FY 2014 portion) reduced (recaptured) by the amount of the excess.
5. Reallotment calculation: Finally, states with unobligated balances which do not exceed 20 percent (eligible states) will receive a share of the total recaptured amount (based on their share of the total PY 2012/FY 2013 DW allotments of eligible states) in their PY 2013 DW funding (the FY 2014 portion).
Start SignaturePortia Wu,
Assistant Secretary for the Employment and Training Administration.
[FR Doc. 2014-11045 Filed 5-13-14; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 5/14/2014
- Published:
- 05/14/2014
- Department:
- Employment and Training Administration
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 2014-11045
- Dates:
- This notice is effective May 14, 2014.
- Pages:
- 27651-27654 (4 pages)
- PDF File:
- 2014-11045.pdf