97-14393. Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 107 (Wednesday, June 4, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 30678-30724]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14393]
    [[Page 30677]]
    Part II
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 111
    Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 107 / Wednesday, June 4, 1997 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 30678]]
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 111
    [Docket No. 95N-0304]
    RIN 0901-AA59
    Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to make a 
    finding, which will have the force and effect of law, that a dietary 
    supplement is adulterated if it contains 8 milligrams (mg) or more of 
    ephedrine alkaloids per serving, or if its labeling suggests or 
    recommends conditions of use that would result in intake of 8 mg or 
    more in a 6-hour period or a total daily intake of 24 mg or more of 
    ephedrine alkaloids; require that the label of dietary supplements that 
    contain ephedrine alkaloids state ``Do not use this product for more 
    than 7 days''; prohibit the use of ephedrine alkaloids with 
    ingredients, or with ingredients that contain substances, that have a 
    known stimulant effect (e.g., sources of caffeine or yohimbine), which 
    may interact with ephedrine alkaloids; prohibit labeling claims that 
    require long-term intake to achieve the purported effect (e.g., weight 
    loss and body building); require a statement in conjunction with claims 
    that encourage short-term excessive intake to enhance the purported 
    effect (e.g., energy) that ``Taking more than the recommended serving 
    may result in heart attack, stroke, seizure or death''; and require 
    specific warning statements to appear on product labels. FDA is 
    proposing these actions in response to serious illnesses and injuries, 
    including multiple deaths, associated with the use of dietary 
    supplement products that contain ephedrine alkaloids and the agency's 
    investigations and analyses of these illnesses and injuries. FDA is 
    also incorporating by reference its Laboratory Information Bulletin 
    (LIB) No. 4053, that FDA will use in determining the level of ephedrine 
    alkaloids in a dietary supplement.
    DATES: Written comments by August 18, 1997. The agency proposes that 
    any final rule that may issue based on this proposal become effective 
    180 days after date of publication of the final rule.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written requests for single copies of the analytical 
    method LIB No. 4053 to the Director, Office of Constituent Operations, 
    Industry Activities Staff (HFS-565), Food and Drug Administration, 200 
    C St. SW., rm. 5827, Washington, DC 20204. Send two self-addressed 
    adhesive labels to assist that office in processing your requests. 
    Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), 
    Food and Drug Administration, 12410 Parklawn Dr., rm. 1-23, Rockville, 
    MD 20857. Requests and comments should be identified with the docket 
    number found in brackets in the heading of this document. A copy of the 
    analytical method LIB No. 4053, redacted adverse event reports (AER's) 
    associated with the use of dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids as well as copies of any accompanying medical records, and 
    received comments are available for public examination in the Dockets 
    Management Branch between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Margaret C. Binzer, Center for Food 
    Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-456), Food and Drug Administration, 
    200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202-401-9859, FAX 202-260-8957, or 
    E-mail [email protected]
    I. Background
    A. Characteristics of Ephedrine Alkaloids
        Dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are widely sold 
    in the United States (Refs. 1 through 3). The ingredient sources of the 
    ephedrine alkaloids include raw botanicals and extracts from botanical 
    sources. Ma huang, Ephedra, Chinese Ephedra, and epitonin are several 
    names used for botanical products, primarily from Ephedra sinica Stapf, 
    E. equistestina Bunge, E. intermedia var. tibetica Stapf and E. 
    distachya L. (the Ephedras), that are sources of ephedrine alkaloids. 
    These alkaloids, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, 
    norephedrine, methylephedrine, methylpseudoephedrine, and related 
    alkaloids, are naturally occurring chemical stimulants (Refs. 4 through 
    8). Although the proportions of the various ephedrine alkaloids in 
    botanical species vary from one species to another, in most species 
    used commercially, ephedrine is the most predominant alkaloid.
        The ephedrine and related alkaloids are amphetamine-like compounds. 
    They exhibit some common types of effects but vary in the relative 
    intensity of these effects (Table 1) (Refs. 5, 6, and 9 through 15). 
    For example, ephedrine is a cardiovascular system (CVS) and nervous 
    system (NS) stimulant. Pseudoephedrine has some CVS and NS stimulatory 
    effects but is less potent than ephedrine. Norephedrine (also called 
    phenylpropanolamine) is similar to ephedrine in its NS stimulant 
    effects but has fewer CVS stimulant effects than ephedrine (Refs. 12 
    and 16 through 18). Although norephedrine is often a minor ephedrine 
    alkaloid constituent, in humans it can be produced from ingested 
    ephedrine through normal metabolic processes (Refs. 9, 19, and 20). 
    Thus, its presence in body tissues and fluids may be detected, and its 
    physiological effects can occur, even if norephedrine is not contained 
    in meaningful amounts in the original supplement product. Data on the 
    other ephedrine alkaloids and related alkaloids are limited, and thus 
    their physiological and pharmacological effects are largely unknown 
    (Ref. 15).
       Table 1.--Patterns of Signs and Symptoms Associated With Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids  
              Organ/system involved              Clinical significance                 Signs and symptoms           
    Cardiovascular system...................  Serious....................  Dysrhythmias, severe hypertension,       
                                                                            cardiac arrest, angina, myocardial      
                                                                            infarction, and stroke \1\              
                                              Less clinically significant  Tachycardia, mild hypertension,          
    Nervous system..........................  Serious....................  Psychosis, suicidal, altered or loss of  
                                                                            consciousness (including disorientation 
                                                                            or confusion), and seizures.            
                                              Less clinically significant  Anxiety, nervousness, tremor,            
                                                                            hyperactivity, insomnia, altered        
                                                                            behavior, memory changes.               
    Gastrointestinal (GI)...................  Serious....................  Altered serum enzymes, hepatitis.        
                                              Less clinically significant  GI distress (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, 
    [[Page 30679]]
    Dermatologic............................  Serious....................  Exfoliative dermatitis.                  
                                              Less clinically significant  Nonspecific rashes.                      
    General manifestations..................  ...........................  Numbness, tingling, dizziness, fatigue,  
                                                                            lethargy, weakness.                     
    \1\ For the purposes of this document, strokes (i.e., cerebrovascular accidents) are considered to be related to
      the cardiovascular system, because predisposing or inciting factors include hypertension, dysrhythmias and    
      ischemia, although it is recognized that the consequences affect the central nervous system.                  
    B. The Availability of Ephedrine Alkaloids
        To determine the types of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary 
    supplements available in the marketplace, the agency has collected over 
    125 dietary supplement products labeled as containing a known source of 
    ephedrine alkaloids during the past 2 years (Refs. 1 and 2). These 
    products show that ephedrine alkaloid-containing-dietary supplements 
    are marketed in a variety of forms, including capsules, tablets, 
    powders, and liquids. The source of the ephedrine alkaloids in these 
    supplements vary from the raw botanical to powdered plant material and 
    concentrated extracts; however, most of the products contain 
    concentrated extracts. Although FDA is aware that some companies have 
    changed their labeling and formulation since the market review, this 
    review of the marketplace reflects the general contours of products 
    currently sold in the United States.
        Ephedrine alkaloids are present in some products as a single 
    ingredient, but more commonly, they are combined with other 
    ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other 
    botanicals (Refs. 1, 2, and 21). Most of the dietary supplements that 
    contain an ingredient source of the ephedrine alkaloids also contain 
    between 6 and 20 other ingredients. Some of these other ingredients 
    have known or suspected physiological and pharmacological activities 
    that have the potential for interacting with the ephedrine alkaloids so 
    as to increase their effects. For example, the majority of dietary 
    supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids also contain a source of 
    xanthine alkaloids (e.g., caffeine), another stimulant substance that 
    is known to increase the effects of ephedrine alkaloids (Refs. 7, 16, 
    22, and 23).
        Because product labels do not usually provide information on 
    product composition (Ref. 24), and there are no data bases containing 
    such data, FDA laboratories analyzed the products collected to quantify 
    the levels of ephedrine alkaloids (Refs. 1, 2, 21, and 25). Results of 
    the analyses show that these products, taking into account the labeled 
    recommended serving instructions, are likely to provide intakes of 
    ephedrine alkaloids that range from below the detectible limits of 
    FDA's analytical method to 110 mg per serving (i.e., per single use) 
    (Refs. 1, 2, 21, 25, and 26). Most of the products, regardless of their 
    promoted use, had ephedrine alkaloid levels at or above 10 mg per 
        Many of the dietary supplement products that FDA collected were 
    promoted for uses such as weight loss, body building, increased energy, 
    increased mental concentration, increased sexual sensations, or 
    euphoria or as alternatives to illicit street drugs (Refs. 1, 2, and 
    25). The majority of the products collected also bore warning 
    statements on their labels (Refs. 1, 2, and 27). The warning statements 
    varied from general precautions, suggesting that the consumer check 
    with a health care professional before beginning any diet or exercise 
    program, to more specific warning statements. The more specific warning 
    statements contained several elements, including cautions that the 
    consumer not use the product if they have certain diseases or health 
    conditions or are using certain drugs, and to stop the use of the 
    product if they develop certain symptoms (Refs. 1, 2, 25, and 27).
    C. Adverse Events Associated With Ephedrine Alkaloids
        Since 1993, FDA has received more than 800 reports of illnesses and 
    injuries (AER's) associated with the use of more than 100 different 
    dietary supplement products that contained, or were suspected to 
    contain, ephedrine alkaloids. These adverse events tended to involve 
    CVS effects and NS effects. FDA evaluated the AER's showing CVS and NS 
    effects and found that the single most common element was that the 
    products contained, or were thought to contain, a source of ephedrine 
    alkaloids. Approximately 50 to 60 percent of the AER's associated with 
    use of dietary supplements were for such products.
        The AER's associated with the ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    products included consistent patterns of signs and symptoms among both 
    otherwise healthy individuals and those with underlying diseases or 
    conditions. These signs and symptoms included rapid and irregular heart 
    rhythms, increased blood pressure, chest pain, anxiety, nervousness, 
    tremor, hyperactivity, and insomnia (i.e., inability or difficulty in 
    sleeping) and were associated with clinically significant conditions, 
    including heart attack, stroke, psychoses, seizure, and, in a few 
    cases, death. Many of these signs and symptoms occurred in young adults 
    who generally would not have been expected to be at high risk for such 
    conditions (e.g., heart attack and stroke). Many adverse events were 
    reported to occur with the first use or within the first 2 weeks of 
    use. Although the majority occurred in women, men also reported 
    experiencing adverse events.
        The nature and patterns of these AER's are consistent with the 
    known physiological and pharmacological effects of ephedrine alkaloids 
    as described in: (1) Pharmacology texts for single ephedrine alkaloid 
    products, (2) case reports of adverse effects from the scientific 
    literature related to the pharmaceutical use of ephedrine alkaloids, 
    (3) adverse events reported in controlled clinical trials using 
    ephedrine in the treatment of obesity, and (4) known safety concerns 
    with traditional medical uses of botanicals that contain ephedrine 
    alkaloids. As a result, FDA focused its investigation on ephedrine 
    alkaloids as a likely factor in the rapidly increasing number of 
    serious AER's associated with the use of dietary supplement products.
    D. Review Activities
        The growing number and consistency of reports of serious adverse 
    events associated with a wide variety of ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    dietary supplements, and the virtual absence of publicly available 
    safety data on these supplements, prompted FDA to convene an ad hoc 
    Working Group of its Food
    [[Page 30680]]
    Advisory Committee (the Working Group) (Refs. 27 through 29).
    1. The Food Advisory Committee Working Group Meeting on Dietary 
    Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids
        On October 11 and 12, 1995, the Working Group, which consisted of 
    medical and other scientific experts from outside FDA as well as 
    industry and consumer representatives, considered the potential public 
    health problems associated with the use of dietary supplements and 
    other food products containing ephedrine alkaloids.
        The Working Group reviewed the evidence on the occurrence of 
    adverse events associated with the use of ephedrine alkaloids. This 
    evidence included the known pharmacology of ephedrine alkaloids, 
    numerous case reports published in the scientific literature, and 
    published findings from clinical studies investigating the use of 
    ephedrine in the treatment of obesity (Ref. 30). The evidence also 
    included over 325 AER's that had been received by FDA that were 
    associated with the consumption of dietary supplements known to 
    contain, or suspected of containing, ephedrine alkaloids (Refs. 29 and 
    31). The Working Group also considered public comments made during the 
    meeting (Ref. 27).
        Following their review of this evidence, the members of the Working 
    Group agreed that the use of certain dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids may cause consumers to experience serious adverse 
    events. On this basis, the Working Group recommended that FDA: (1) 
    Establish single serving and daily total use limits for ephedrine and 
    total ephedrine alkaloids; (2) require warning or cautionary statements 
    on the labels of these products; and (3) establish good manufacturing 
    practice (GMP) requirements, including proper botanical identification 
    and standardization of the ephedrine alkaloid and ephedrine content in 
    concentrated extracts. Several members of the Working Group suggested 
    that ephedrine alkaloids be limited to 25 mg per single serving and 100 
    mg total daily use. Other members suggested a variety of lower levels 
    of ephedrine alkaloids per serving. The Working Group also discussed 
    specific warning label statements but failed to agree on the wording of 
    the warning statements.
    2. The Food Advisory Committee Meeting
        In the 6 months that followed the Working Group meeting, the number 
    of reports of adverse events associated with the use of dietary 
    supplements thought to contain ephedrine alkaloids doubled. In 
    addition, FDA received information on two deaths of young adult males 
    in which the medical examiners specifically attributed the cause of 
    death to use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements (see 
    medical examiners' reports in Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS) 
    No. 10862 and 11134). FDA analyzed samples of products that consumers 
    claimed that they had consumed and suffered an adverse event and found 
    that the ephedrine alkaloid levels in many of these products were below 
    the 25-mg limit suggested by certain members of the Working Group.
        In light of the rapidly increasing numbers of adverse events as 
    well as of the new analytical information on AER-related intakes of 
    ephedrine alkaloids, FDA recognized that a determination on how to deal 
    with dietary supplements that contained these substances could not be 
    further delayed. Thus, FDA convened its Food Advisory Committee in 
    conjunction with the Working Group to review and provide final 
    recommendations on what to do with ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    dietary supplements.
        The Food Advisory Committee met on August 27 and 28, 1996. The 
    meeting included all members from the Working Group who were available 
    to attend the meeting, as well as additional experts to replace those 
    experts unable to attend or to fill out the range of expertise needed 
    to appropriately evaluate the subject. FDA asked the Food Advisory 
    Committee to consider the safety of using dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids and to make specific recommendations on 
    how to resolve the public health concerns surrounding their use (Ref. 
    25). The Food Advisory Committee reviewed the evidence that had been 
    presented to the Working Group as well as new data and information that 
    had become available since the October 1995 Working Group meeting.
        Following a review of the totality of the available evidence, the 
    October 1995 recommendations of the Working Group, public comments, and 
    considerable discussion, the Food Advisory Committee agreed that FDA 
    should take action to address the rapidly evolving and serious public 
    health concerns associated with the use of ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing dietary supplements (Ref. 25). The Food Advisory Committee 
    could not, however, come to consensus on a specific approach to the 
    public health concerns. Over half of the Food Advisory Committee 
    members stated that, based on the available data, no safe level of 
    ephedrine alkaloids could be identified for use in dietary supplements 
    (Ref. 25). Many of these members expressed concern that many 
    individuals who would be at risk if they were to use products were 
    unaware of that risk because many of the conditions that increase the 
    risk of adverse events may not be self-evident (Ref. 25). Consequently, 
    they recommended removing dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids from the market (Ref. 25). Other members of the Food Advisory 
    Committee suggested that the agency establish conditions of use that 
    would reduce the risk of adverse events, including establishing 
    ``reasonably'' safe per serving and daily use levels for both ephedrine 
    alkaloids and ephedrine as well as other requirements (Ref. 25).
    II. FDA's Response
        Following the August 1996 meeting of the Food Advisory Committee, 
    the agency completed its review of the majority of the AER's associated 
    with these products and reviewed the discussions and the 
    recommendations of the Food Advisory Committee, the scientific 
    literature, the views expressed in public comments, and other data. 
    Based on this information, the agency has tentatively concluded that 
    use of ephedrine alkaloids raises important public health concerns, 
    that the risks these substances create are potentially very serious, 
    and that action must be taken to protect the public health.
    A. Summary of Initial Considerations
        Between 1993 and 1996, FDA received a rapidly escalating number of 
    AER's associated with the use of dietary supplements, some that 
    contained ephedrine alkaloids, some that did not (Refs. 32 through 34). 
    Figure 1 shows that in the 3 years since the initiation of an adverse 
    event monitoring system for special nutritional products, the number of 
    AER's received by the agency on dietary supplements has quadrupled.
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        Many of these reports have been for clinically significant events 
    (e.g., heart attack, stroke, seizures) that were observed most often in 
    young adults for whom the risk of these types of events are generally 
    low (see Figure 2, which summarizes data from the AER's relative to the 
    age and gender of individuals experiencing an adverse event). When FDA 
    examined the products reported to be associated with the CVS and NS 
    effects, the most common element among them was that they involved 
    products that contained or were believed to contain an ingredient 
    source of ephedrine alkaloids. Thus, FDA focused its investigation on 
    the ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplement products.
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        However, many of the ephedrine alkaloid-containing products also 
    contained other ingredients (e.g., amino acids, vitamins and minerals, 
    other botanicals) whose possible influence on the observed AER's could 
    not be ignored. Upon examination of the types of other ingredients, FDA 
    tentatively concluded that these other ingredients should not be the 
    primary focus of its evaluation because these ingredients, unlike the 
    ephedrine alkaloids, did not have a history (in the amounts likely to 
    be found in dietary supplements) of being able to produce the types of 
    serious adverse events being observed. For example, many ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements also contain known stimulants 
    (e.g., sources of caffeine). While caffeine is known to stimulate the 
    NS, in the amounts likely to be found in dietary supplements it is not 
    expected to produce effects such as stroke, heart attack, and seizure. 
    Nonetheless, FDA remained aware of the possibility that other 
    ingredients in these dietary supplement products contributed to the 
    adverse events reported. For example, other stimulants in the 
    ephedrine-containing dietary supplements could enhance the known 
    stimulant effects of ephedrine alkaloids. Likewise, substances that 
    affect kidney function (e.g., sources of salicin, concentrated amino 
    acids) could influence the body's ability to ``clear'' or rid itself of 
    ingested ephedrine alkaloids.
        The agency also considered in its evaluation the fact that 
    botanical sources contain mixtures of ephedrine alkaloids that may have 
    slightly different effects (e.g., additive or interactive effects) than 
    those from a single ephedrine alkaloid, as found in over-the-counter 
    (OTC) products. The agency compared the observed effects of supplement 
    products with the known physiological and pharmacological effects of 
    single sources of the alkaloids that are used as ingredients in several 
    drugs (e.g., ephedrine in OTC bronchodilator products, pseudoephedrine 
    in cough and cold preparations, and phenylpropanolamine in anoretic 
    products). However, the agency was not able to find definitive evidence 
    to evaluate whether ephedrine alkaloids from botanical sources are 
    metabolized differently than those from pharmaceutical sources, and in 
    the absence of more directly relevant data for dietary supplement 
    products, the agency considered it appropriate to rely on evidence from 
    pharmaceutical sources of single ephedrine alkaloids in assessing the 
    effects of botanical sources (see section II.C.2. of this document).
    B. FDA's Strategy for Evaluation
        FDA considered five questions in evaluating the reports of adverse 
    events involving ephedrine alkaloids that it
    [[Page 30683]]
    had received. These questions were designed to help the agency discern 
    relationships among AER's where direct and readily interpretable 
    clinical studies were not available, and where multiple host or product 
    factors may have affected any association (Refs. 35 through 37). The 
    questions focused the evaluation on whether there was a likely 
    association between the ephedrine alkaloids and the adverse events that 
    had been reported and on the strength, nature, and biological 
    plausibility of any association. These questions were:
        (1) Using the AER's on marketed ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    dietary supplements from FDA's passive surveillance system, are there 
    consistent patterns of signs and symptoms associated with the use of a 
    number of different ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplement 
        (2) Are the patterns of the signs and symptoms consistent with the 
    available scientific evidence and known physiologic and pharmacologic 
    effects of ephedrine alkaloids?
        (3) Is there sufficient evidence that the relationships are 
    temporally correct, that is, does exposure occur temporally before the 
    onset of the observed patterns of signs and symptoms?
        (4) Is there other evidence of causality, even in the absence of 
    controlled trials, e.g., evidence of dechallenge (improvement or 
    resolution of the signs and symptoms when use of the product is 
    discontinued) or positive rechallenge (reoccurrence of the signs and 
    symptoms when reexposed to ephedrine alkaloids)?
        (5) Considering the totality of the available information, is there 
    a biologically plausible explanation for the adverse events?
        Finally, in fully evaluating the public health concerns associated 
    with these products, the agency evaluated the potential impact of other 
    factors that could influence final decisions on the best approach to 
    addressing the public health concerns.
    C. Evaluation and Tentative Conclusions of the Agency
    1. Using the AER's From FDA's Passive Surveillance System for Dietary 
    Supplements, FDA Has Tentatively Concluded That There Are Consistent 
    Patterns of Signs and Symptoms Associated With the Use of a Number of 
    Different Ephedrine Alkaloid-Containing Dietary Supplement Products
        In preparation for its August 27 and 28, 1996, Food Advisory 
    Meeting, FDA reviewed each of the approximately 600 AER's that it had 
    received before June 7, 1996 (Refs. 31 and 38). The adverse events 
    associated with ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplement 
    products ranged from those with clinically serious sequelae (such as 
    abnormal heart rhythms, chest pain, heart attack, stroke, significant 
    elevations in blood pressure, seizure, hepatitis, coma, psychosis, and 
    death) to those with less clinically significant signs and symptoms 
    (such as nervousness, dizziness, tremor, minor alterations in blood 
    pressure or heart rate, headache, and gastrointestinal distress) (see 
    Table 1). Although many of the AER's crossed clinical categories, 
    approximately 15 percent of the reports described serious 
    cardiovascular effects, including abnormal heart rhythms, stroke, heart 
    attack, and cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle). Approximately 
    16 percent of the reports mentioned serious NS effects, including 
    seizure, psychosis, mania, severe depression, vestibular (inner ear) 
    disturbances, and loss of consciousness. Other clinically serious or 
    potentially serious adverse effects reported to be associated with the 
    use of these products included elevations of liver function tests or 
    overt hepatitis (4 percent), myopathies (disease of muscle, 
    particularly skeletal muscle) (3 percent), disturbances of the 
    genitourinary system (e.g., urinary retention, urinary infection, 
    prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland), and epididymitis 
    (inflammation of the epididymis, part of the male genitourinary tract)) 
    (3 percent), and dermatologic manifestations (including systemic rashes 
    which appear to be immune mediated or allergic in nature) (6 percent). 
    Approximately 30 percent of the reports mentioned other effects, 
    including gastrointestinal distress, abnormal blood sugar levels or 
    diabetes, blood disorders (including increased bleeding tendencies and 
    abnormal blood cell counts), thyroid disorders, and addiction to the 
    product. Finally, approximately 60 percent of the adverse events were 
    characterized by general stimulant effects on the CVS and NS of a 
    ``less clinically serious'' nature, including anxiety, nervousness, 
    hyperactivity, tremor, insomnia, and altered heart rate or rhythms. 
    However, FDA recognized that these reports of less clinically 
    significant effects could be indicative of early warnings of serious 
    cardiovascular or nervous system risks if product use were to continue.
        Serious adverse events were reported for a number of different 
    products promoted for a variety of uses and marketed in a variety of 
    formulations (Refs. 27, 31, and 38). Of these, where there was 
    sufficient information to evaluate how the product was marketed or 
    used, approximately 92 percent of the adverse events were related to 
    the use of products marketed for weight loss and energy purposes, and 5 
    percent were related to products promoted for enhancing athletic 
    performance or body building, although there was overlap among these 
    uses. Approximately 2 percent of the adverse events were related to 
    products marketed as alternatives to illicit street drugs or for 
    euphoric purposes. (This distribution of types of products parallels 
    the observations made from FDA's market review, which found that most 
    of the dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids bear weight 
    loss and energy claims on their labels or in their labeling (Refs. 1 
    and 2).) Moreover, specific types of adverse events did not appear to 
    be limited to products promoted for any single use, such as weight 
    loss, energy, or euphoria.
        The adverse events were reported to occur in both healthy 
    individuals and in individuals with underlying diseases or conditions 
    that may have influenced the frequency, pattern, or severity of the 
    adverse event (Refs. 25, 27, 31, and 38). Of great concern to the 
    agency are the heart attacks, strokes, seizures, and other clinically 
    serious illnesses and injuries reported to occur in young adults 
    (Figure 2). In approximately 56 percent of the reported adverse events, 
    the injured party was less than 40 years of age, and approximately 25 
    percent of injuries occurred in those between 40 and 49 years of age. 
    Generally, significant CVS or NS risk factors are not expected in these 
    age groups. Almost 75 percent of the adverse events were reported to 
    occur in females, often using products promoted for weight loss. The 
    higher frequency of adverse events in women most likely reflects a 
    difference in product use (i.e., women predominantly use products 
    marketed for weight loss and energy purposes). However, gender 
    predominance in these ratios may also occur because of gender-related 
    differences in metabolism of ephedrine alkaloids, or gender-related 
    differences in the numbers and types of tissue receptors interacting 
    with ephedrine alkaloids (Refs. 39 through 41).
        Data on duration of use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary 
    supplements relative to the occurrence of AER's can also be used to 
    examine the similarity of patterns of adverse events across different 
    types of exposures and individual sensitivities. Figure 3 summarizes 
    the duration of use data collected from the AER's associated
    [[Page 30684]]
    with products containing ephedrine alkaloids. As shown in Figure 3, 
    this information reveals that about 59 percent of the adverse events 
    were reported to occur within 4 weeks of starting to use the product. 
    About 14 percent of the reported adverse events occurred on the first 
    day of using the dietary supplement (Ref. 38) (see ARMS No. 10009 and 
    11619 in the Appendix to this document) and, in a few cases, on the 
    initial use (Ref. 38) (ARMS No. 11401 in the Appendix to this 
    document). Of equal concern to the agency are reports of serious 
    adverse events occurring within a relatively short time period after 
    consumers began to use the products or consumers began to start using 
    the products after having stopped use for a period of time (ARMS No. 
    11076 in the Appendix to this document).
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        Adverse events appear to reflect different inherent types of 
    individual sensitivities relative to dose levels, frequency or duration 
    of use, and subsequent results of sympathomimetic stimulation. In some 
    cases, particular events appear to occur as the result of increased 
    individual susceptibility to the effects of sympathetic stimulation 
    (Refs. 39 through 42). For example, in one report (ARMS No. 10862 in 
    the Appendix to this document), three young adult males consumed 
    similar amounts of a dietary supplement containing ephedrine alkaloids, 
    yet only one male experienced serious adverse effects, which resulted 
    in his death (see Police and Medical Examiner's Reports in ARMS No. 
    10862 in public docket number 95N-0304). This report is illustrative of 
    numerous AER's suggesting an unpredictable pattern and severity of 
    adverse events when consuming ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary 
    supplements, even when used according to package directions or under 
    ordinary conditions of use. In other cases, some of the adverse events 
    were associated with consumption of relatively low levels of ephedrine 
    alkaloids (e.g., approximately 10 mg or less total ephedrine alkaloids 
    per serving), some occurring shortly after onset of use.
        These variations in the occurrence of adverse events relative to 
    duration, frequency, and levels of exposure are suggestive that 
    multiple factors influence sensitivity to ephedrine alkaloid intakes 
    and could be indicative that some of the adverse effects are the result 
    of increased individual susceptibility to the acute or chronic effects 
    of ephedrine alkaloids.
        In summary, in reviewing the AER's associated with ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements, the agency noted a consistency 
    of signs and symptoms across a large number of products, across a range 
    of products with a variety of intended uses, across products with many 
    different formulations, and across a heterogeneous group of individuals 
    with respect to gender, age, and health condition. Generally, the 
    overall pattern of observed results was consistent with stimulant CVS 
    and NS effects, even though not every product showed the same effect or 
    the same seriousness of effect, not every case involved CVS or NS 
    effects, and not all reports were complete or uncomplicated. The 
    patterns of duration of use and dosage
    [[Page 30685]]
    levels suggest patterns of adverse events that are influenced by 
    variations in individual sensitivities. Overall, however, there was a 
    remarkable consistency in the types of signs and symptoms of adverse 
    effects reported. This consistency was recognized by the Working Group 
    (Ref. 27).
        The foregoing discussion summarizes the AER's from a descriptive 
    statistical perspective. Many of these reports are summarized in the 
    Appendix to this document. An abbreviated description of all reports is 
    in public docket number 95N-0304. A few examples of experiences of 
    particular individuals are given below.
        ARMS No. 11134--A 23-year-old male college student used an 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing ergogenic product for approximately 2 
    years, along with several other dietary supplement products. He was 
    previously healthy and was known to have a healthy life style. He was 
    found dead by his sister in the apartment that they shared. The Medical 
    Examiner's report stated that the cause of death was due to ``patchy 
    myocardial necrosis associated with ephedrine toxicity from protein 
    drink containing Ma huang extract.''
        ARMS No. 9552--A 35-year-old female, who was on no medications and 
    who had a negative past medical history, developed a non-Q wave 
    myocardial infarction (heart attack) while using an ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing dietary supplement within the dosage recommended on the 
    label. She used the product for approximately 30 days, stopped for 1 
    week while on vacation, and then reinitiated the use of the product. 
    About 11 days after restarting the product, she developed acute 
    throbbing, anterior chest pain at rest, with radiation to the left 
    shoulder, numbness of the left arm and hand, diaphoresis (sweating), 
    and shortness of breath. In the hospital, clinical evaluations 
    (electrocardiogram and cardiac enzymes) indicated an acute non-Q wave 
    myocardial infarction, thought to be secondary to coronary artery 
    spasm. Cardiac catheterization showed normal coronary arteries.
        ARMS No. 10009--A 35-year-old male took an ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing dietary supplement (2 capsules at noon, 3 capsules at 4:30 
    pm). He worked out from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, developing chest pain at 7:30 
    pm. He was admitted to the hospital with an acute myocardial infarction 
    (by electrocardiogram and cardiac enzymes) and was treated medically. 
    Subsequent cardiac catheterization demonstrated normal coronary 
        ARMS No. 11144--A 28-year-old man used an ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing product for 10 months (1 capsule per day) for energy. His 
    father found him bloody and responding inappropriately. In the 
    emergency department, his blood pressure was 168/90, with a pulse of 
    116. Results of extensive clinical and laboratory evaluations were all 
    within normal limits. He was diagnosed with syncope and a closed head 
    injury. His neurologist concluded that ``most likely he had a seizure 
    secondary to ephedrine'' from the health food substance he was taking. 
    He was advised to avoid the product and dispose of it. This man was on 
    no other medications and had no significant past medical history. In 
    particular, he never had problems with dizziness or passing out.
        ARMS No. 10974--A 19-year-old woman took an ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing product, one before each meal, three times per day (\1/2\ of 
    recommended amount) for 1 month, for weight loss. Her family witnessed 
    seizure activity at mealtime and took her to the emergency room. 
    Evaluations there were essentially normal (CT scan of the head and 
    electroencephalogram or EEG). The neurologist's evaluation found no 
    other risk factors for seizure. No other products had been used, and 
    there was no significant past medical history.
        ARMS No. 10088--A 38-year-old female took two products containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids for 4 days, and she developed syncope (light-
    headedness) and an extremely elevated blood pressure, measured at 180/
    110. She was seen in the emergency department with severe headache, 
    nausea, and sweating. The consumer had been seen every 3 to 4 months 
    for the 5 years before this event and had no history of high blood 
    pressure. After stopping the products, her blood pressure returned to 
        ARMS No. 10919--A 49-year-old woman used an ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing product, 3 capsules three times daily for 3 weeks for weight 
    loss. She developed weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and 
    palpitations and went to the emergency room, where she was found to 
    have vertigo (type of dizziness), serous otitis media (middle ear 
    inflammation) bilaterally, hypertension (150/102), and elevated liver 
    enzymes. The consumer reported that when she stopped the product, her 
    blood pressure returned to normal without any medical treatment. She 
    did not have a history of high blood pressure.
        ARMS No. 10946--A 42-year-old female used an ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing product, 1 capsule twice daily for 3 days for weight loss. 
    She was also taking vitamin B12 and an antioxidant 
    supplement. She developed a rash over her entire body and stopped all 
    three products. She restarted the ephedrine alkaloid-containing product 
    3 days after the onset of her rash. Three days later, on a visit to her 
    doctor for a nonproductive cough and congestion, she was found to be 
    seriously hypertensive (170/114). She had no history of hypertension 
    and had been seen by her gynecologist 1 week before starting the 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing product, where a normal blood pressure 
    (120/78) was documented.
    2. The Patterns of the Signs and Symptoms of Adverse Events Associated 
    With Ephedrine Alkaloid-Containing Dietary Supplements Are Consistent 
    With the Available Scientific Evidence and Known Physiologic and 
    Pharmacologic Effects of Ephedrine Alkaloids
        The observed CVS and NS effects associated with use of ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements are consistent with the known 
    pharmacologic and physiologic effects of ephedrine alkaloids. Because 
    there is a general paucity of scientific data or other information on 
    the physiologic or pharmacologic properties of ephedrine alkaloids from 
    botanical sources, and particularly from marketed dietary supplement 
    products, FDA reviewed other available evidence on ephedrine and other 
    ephedrine alkaloids for information on their effects. This evidence 
    included data from clinical and animal studies in support of drugs 
    containing a single, synthetic ephedrine alkaloid in a well-defined and 
    characterized product, case reports from the literature of adverse 
    events with ephedrine alkaloid-containing products, and traditional 
    medical uses of ephedrine alkaloid-containing botanicals.
        Although there may be some differences in the pharmacokinetic 
    properties of synthetic ephedrine alkaloids used in drug products as 
    compared to the botanical sources of these alkaloids as used in dietary 
    supplements (e.g., differences in enantiomer forms, dissolution, 
    absorption, and bioavailability or differences that result from 
    interactions with other components of the botanical), given that once 
    absorbed, the botanical and synthetic sources of ephedrine alkaloids 
    undergo similar metabolic processes (Refs. 24 and 43), the agency 
    considered it appropriate to rely on evidence from pharmaceutical 
    sources of single ephedrine alkaloids in assessing the effects of 
    botanical sources. This judgment is supported by
    [[Page 30686]]
    the fact that adverse events reported for dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids from botanical sources are similar to 
    those that are reported in the literature for drugs containing an 
    ephedrine alkaloid from synthetic sources. FDA's Working Group agreed 
    that evidence on synthetic sources of ephedrine alkaloids could be 
    considered in evaluating botanical sources (Ref. 27).
        Ephedrine and its related alkaloids are known to elicit 
    physiological responses similar to catecholamines (i.e., groups of 
    chemically related neurotransmitters, such as epinephrine, 
    norepinephrine, and dopamine) that have stimulant effects on the 
    sympathetic nervous system and thus are classified as sympathomimetic 
    agents (i.e., agents stimulating the sympathetic nervous system) (Refs. 
    7, 9 through 13, and 44 through 48). Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and 
    norephedrine are naturally occurring sympathomimetic amines in some 
    botanicals. Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and norephedrine each have 
    varying effects because of interaction with specific receptors in the 
    human body (i.e., alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 adrenergic receptors) 
    (Refs. 9 through 13). (Table 2 summarizes some of the major receptor 
    effects, and Table 3 summarizes the adrenergic activity of ephedrine, 
    pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine (dl-norephedrine), and 
    norepinephrine.) Some of the physiological roles of alpha receptors are 
    central NS stimulation, vasoconstriction (i.e., narrowing of blood 
    vessels), uterine contraction, centrally mediated cardiovascular 
    depression, and decreased insulin secretion. Alpha receptors also have 
    an effect on the urinary bladder, which can result in urinary 
    retention. The major physiological roles of beta receptors include 
    cardiac (i.e., heart) stimulation and bronchodilation (enlargement of 
    the bronchial or breathing tube secondary to relaxation of bronchial 
    smooth muscle).
                     Table 2.--Adrenergic Activity of Sympathomimetic Agents (Modified From Ref. 9)                 
                                                 Type of effects adrenergic receptors                               
              Organ/system           ------------------------------------------------------------    Other effects  
                                                     1          2                        
    Nervous system (NS).............  Central NS          ..................  ..................  Indirect Effects  
                                       Stimulation.                                                on               
                                                                                                   Result in NS     
    Cardiovascular system...........  Vasoconstriction..  Cardiac             Cardiac                               
                                                           stimulation:.       stimulation:.                        
                                                          contracti  heart                        
                                                           lity (force &       rate.                                
                                                           velocity).         arterio                    
                                                          heart       lar tone.                            
                                                           rate.              periphe                    
                                                          impulse     ral resistance.                      
                                                           conduction.        diastol                    
                                                          cardiac     ic pressure.                         
                                                           output.            cardiac                    
                                                          O2          afterload.                           
                                                           consumption.       vasodilation......                    
                                                           ic coronary                                              
                                                           perfusion time.                                          
                                                           ular filling.                                            
                                                           l (end-systolic)                                         
    Other...........................  uterine    lypolytic activity  bronchodilation...                    
                                       contraction.       renin      insulin                      
                                      ureter      secretion.          secretion.                           
                                       motility & tone.                       muscle & liver                        
                                      pupillary dilation                       glycogenolysis.                      
                                      GI                           GI                         
                                       motility & tone.                        motility & tone.                     
                                      pancrea                      urinary bladder--                     
                                       tic secretion                           relaxation of                        
                                       (islets/acini).                         detrusor muscle.                     
                                      contraction,                            relaxation of                         
                                       urinary, bladder,                       uterus                               
                                       sphincter &                             cerebellum--                         
                                       trigone.                                synaptic                             
                     Table 3.--Adrenergic Activity of Sympathomimetic Agents (Modified From Ref. 9)                 
                                       -Receptor      1-         2-                      
          Sympathomimetic agent              effects        Receptor effects    Receptor effects      CNS effects   
    Ephedrine........................  moderate..........  strong............  strong              strong.          
    Pseudoephedrine..................  moderate..........  moderate..........  moderate            moderate.        
    Phenylpropanolamine (dl-           strong............  very little.......  very little         strong.          
    Norepinephrine...................  very strong.......  very little.......  none                none.            
        The different types of ephedrine alkaloids exhibit some similar 
    effects but vary in the intensity of these effects (Refs. 10 through 
    13). For example, ephedrine increases arterial blood pressure in humans 
    both by peripheral vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels in 
    the periphery of the body) and by cardiac stimulation, resulting in 
    increased heart rate and cardiac output. The magnitude of these 
    cardiovascular responses can vary on an individual basis and may be 
    dependent on a number of factors, including genetic characteristics, a 
    history of certain diseases or conditions, or the use of certain 
    medications. Other actions of ephedrine include stimulation of oxygen 
    uptake and thermogenesis (heat or energy production). Pseudoephedrine 
    is less potent than ephedrine both in its bronchodilatory and 
    vasopressor effects (i.e., effect of elevating blood pressure). It 
    produces about one half the
    [[Page 30687]]
    bronchodilation and one quarter of the vasopressor effects of ephedrine 
    (Refs. 9 and 13).
        a. Physiologic and pharmacologic evidence: cardiovascular effects 
    of ephedrine alkaloids. The adverse events involving the CVS reported 
    to FDA that are associated with dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids are consistent with the known effects of 
    sympathomimetic agents on the CVS. Cardiovascular effects resulting 
    from the use of sympathomimetic agents are well documented in the 
    literature (Refs. 49 through 52). For example, use of ephedrine has 
    been reported to interfere with the regulation of serum potassium 
    levels (Refs. 53 through 55) and thus may predispose certain 
    individuals to cardiac dysrhythmias (i.e., abnormal heart rhythms) 
    (Refs. 18 and 56); myocardial ischemia (i.e., inadequate circulation of 
    blood and oxygen to the heart muscle); and infarction (i.e., death or 
    damage of heart cells, also called heart attack) (Refs. 57 through 61). 
    Cardiac damage has also been reported with the use of pseudoephedrine 
    and phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine) (Refs. 16, 56, 60, and 62 
    through 64). Results of several studies on blood pressure effects with 
    the use of ephedrine alkaloids have indicated that individuals with 
    hypertension may be at greater risk of blood pressure elevations with 
    the use of ephedrine (reviewed in (Ref. 64)).
        The signs and symptoms observed in the AER's are consistent with 
    the available scientific literature on the effects of ephedrine 
    alkaloids. Serious cardiovascular adverse events are the major cause of 
    death reported in the AER's with the use of ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing products and primarily involve ischemia (inadequate blood 
    flow) which can cause heart attacks and strokes. These events have 
    occurred in asymptomatic, otherwise healthy young adults with normal 
    coronary or cerebral blood vessels (Ref. 25), a finding also noted with 
    pharmaceutical preparations of ephedrine alkaloids (Refs. 60, 61, and 
    65), where vasospasm with subsequent ischemia is a proposed mechanism 
    of tissue injury. Besides causing damage by affecting blood flow, 
    sympathomimetic agents, such as ephedrine, can damage the heart and 
    other tissues or organs by other mechanisms. Cardiomyopathy (i.e., 
    disease of the heart muscle) related to catecholamine mediated 
    cytotoxicity (cell damage) has been reported with chronic use of 
    ephedrine alkaloids (durations of use generally at or above the 
    recommended dose that occur over many months or years) (Refs. 62 and 66 
    through 68). Fatal cardiomyopathies have also been reported with 
    chronic use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements (ARMS 
    No. 11134 in Ref. 149a).
        Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine have been implicated also in stroke 
    secondary to intracranial (i.e., inside the brain) and subarachnoid 
    (i.e., underneath the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord) 
    hemorrhage and vasculitis (i.e., inflammation of blood vessels), as 
    well as in ischemic strokes (Refs. 9 and 69 through 71), particularly 
    when used in combinations with phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine) or 
    caffeine (Refs. 65 and 72 through 78) or in the presence of monoamine 
    oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) (Ref. 72). These effects are noted to be 
    similar to the necrotizing angiitis (severe inflammation with 
    destruction of the blood vessels) seen in chronic amphetamine abuse 
    (Refs. 16, 74, and 77 through 79).
        b. Physiologic and pharmacologic evidence: NS effects of ephedrine 
    alkaloids. The adverse events involving the NS reported to FDA that are 
    associated with dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are 
    consistent with the known effects of sympathomimetic agents on the NS. 
    These effects, such as seizure (Refs. 63, 65, and 80), psychosis, and 
    mania (Refs. 81 through 99), have been reported with the use and the 
    abuse of ephedrine alkaloids. More recently, a case report in the 
    scientific literature reported ephedrine-induced mania associated with 
    the use of a botanical dietary supplement (Ref. 100).
        Neuropsychiatric effects reported in AER's related to ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements also are consistent with the 
    known physiologic and pharmacologic actions of ephedrine alkaloids 
    documented in the scientific literature. Mania and psychosis have 
    occurred in individuals without identifiable risk factors who have used 
    these products, as well as in people who used them who had possible 
    predisposing factors, such as a personal history of mood disorders 
    (i.e., depression or manic depression), a family history of manic 
    depression, or concurrent use of products that increase sensitivity of 
    an individual to the effects of ephedrine alkaloids (see Table 4). 
    AER's noting neuropsychiatric adverse effects in persons using non-MAOI 
    antidepressant drugs concurrently with dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids are consistent with a report of the serotonin 
    syndrome associated with the concurrent use of serotonin reuptake 
    inhibitors (a new class of antidepressant drugs) and OTC cold remedies 
    containing pseudoephedrine (Ref. 101).
       Table 4.--Factors Influencing Sensitivity to Sympathomimetic Agents  
                Factor                              Examples                
    Age..........................  Children, elderly.                       
    Genetics.....................  Metabolizer genotype; adrenergic receptor
                                    genotype and numbers.                   
    Physiological states.........  Hyperdynamic (exercise), underweight.    
    Dieting practices............  Severe caloric or fluid restriction.     
    Medications and food.........  MAOI, methyldopa, -receptor     
                                    blocking agent, caffeine or other       
    Diseases or health-related     Heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes,
     conditions.                    renal disease, high blood pressure,     
                                    depression, psychiatric conditions,     
                                    glaucoma, prostate enlargement, seizure 
    Duration of use..............  Vascular spasm; stroke and myocardial    
                                    infarction may influence the type and   
                                    severity of adverse events in the       
                                    sensitive individual.                   
        c. Variability in individual responses to ephedrine alkaloids. The 
    unpredictability of individual responses to ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing dietary supplement products, as reported in AER's, is also 
    consistent with what is known about the physiological and 
    pharmacological properties of these alkaloids (Refs. 7, 10 through 12, 
    39 through 41, and 48). Individual variability in the effects of 
    ephedrine has been reported in several clinical investigations (Refs. 5 
    and 102 through 104). The marked sensitivity of some individuals to the 
    effects of ephedrine has been recognized in the Western scientific 
    literature almost from the time that ephedrine was introduced as a
    [[Page 30688]]
    therapeutic agent in the mid-1920's (Refs. 5 and 102). Two early 
    studies by different investigators recommended a 10 mg initial oral 
    test dose to assess the individual's sensitivity to sources of 
    ephedrine (Refs. 5 and 102).
        Factors that appear to influence individual susceptibility to 
    sympathomimetic agents are diverse (see Table 4) and are not yet well 
    defined by biological bases. These factors include genetics, 
    particularly those genes controlling metabolic functions; receptor 
    numbers and types; gender; age; and certain physiological states or 
    disease conditions (reviewed in Refs. 39 through 42). In addition, the 
    dosage and duration of use may influence the effects seen with 
    ephedrine alkaloids, as tachyphylaxis (i.e., decrease or diminution of 
    some effect) is known to occur with chronic use of these agents (i.e., 
    there are decreases in certain effects with chronic use that are 
    thought to be due to occupation of all adrenergic receptor sites; 
    discontinuation of ephedrines for a few days results in receptor 
    availability and receptor mediated effects). An example of 
    tachyphylaxis could be tremor or insomnia, which occurs soon after 
    starting ephedrine alkaloid-containing products but which may resolve 
    in certain individuals with continued use of ephedrine alkaloids.
        d. Clinical trials using ephedrine in the treatment of obesity. 
    Although many dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are 
    marketed for weight loss or energy purposes, there is a paucity of 
    meaningful data on the safe use of these products for this purpose.
        A number of controlled clinical trials reported in the scientific 
    literature evaluated the effects of pharmaceutical preparations of 
    ephedrine, either singly or combined with caffeine or aspirin, on 
    weight loss in the treatment of obesity (Refs. 105 through 119). While 
    the primary purpose of these trials was to evaluate efficacy of 
    ephedrine for purposes of weight loss in grossly obese individuals, 
    these clinical trials also document that clinically significant adverse 
    effects can occur in populations with no known risk factors with the 
    use of ephedrine, and that synergistic adverse effects can result when 
    ephedrine and caffeine are combined. The patterns and types of the 
    adverse effects reported in these trials are consistent with the known 
    effects of sympathomimetic agents, that is, they mainly involved NS and 
    CVS effects. A summary of these studies follows. (In this document, the 
    agency makes no evaluation or judgment of the effectiveness of the use 
    of ephedrine in the treatment of obesity.)
        A Danish group of researchers investigated the usefulness of 
    ephedrine and caffeine alone and in combination for the treatment of 
    obesity (Refs. 105, 106, and 112). One hundred and eighty subjects were 
    randomized to one of four treatment groups: (1) Ephedrine--20 mg, (2) 
    ephedrine--20 mg and caffeine--200 mg, (3) caffeine--200 mg, and (4) 
    placebo control. The treatments were administered three times a day for 
    24 weeks in conjunction with a defined low calorie diet. One hundred 
    and forty-one individuals completed the trial. Subject withdrawals were 
    reported to be equally distributed across the four groups with no 
    statistical differences among the groups. More side effects were noted 
    in the treatment groups compared to the placebo control group in both 
    those subjects continuing in, and those withdrawing from, the trial. 
    Study results showed that 60 percent of the ephedrine and caffeine 
    treatment group, 44 percent of the ephedrine treatment group, and 36 
    percent of the caffeine treatment group experienced side effects 
    compared to 24 percent of the placebo control group. These results were 
    statistically significant (p<0.05) (ref.="" 105).="" this="" study="" showed="" that="" there="" was="" a="" possibility="" of="" rebound="" symptoms="" (symptoms="" occurring="" as="" a="" consequence="" of="" withdrawal="" of="" an="" agent,="" especially="" headache="" and="" fatigue)="" once="" the="" treatment="" was="" stopped.="" rebound="" symptoms="" were="" seen="" most="" in="" the="" ephedrine="" and="" caffeine="" treatment="" group="" but="" also="" occurred="" in="" the="" ephedrine="" alone="" group="" (refs.="" 105="" and="" 106).="" astrup="" et="" al.="" enrolled="" 127="" of="" the="" subjects="" completing="" the="" above="" clinical="" trial="" into="" an="" open="" label="" study="" where="" all="" subjects="" received="" the="" same="" treatment="" (diet="" and="" ephedrine="" plus="" caffeine)="" for="" 24="" weeks="" (refs.="" 106="" through="" 108).="" five="" of="" the="" 38="" subjects="" that="" withdrew="" or="" dropped="" out="" of="" this="" study="" did="" so="" because="" they="" experienced="" adverse="" drug="" reactions="" (ns="" and="" cvs="" effects).="" adverse="" drug="" reactions="" occurred="" in="" 102="" subjects="" during="" weeks="" 1="" through="" 24="" of="" the="" open="" trial.="" most="" symptoms="" (75="" percent)="" started="" during="" the="" first="" 4="" weeks="" of="" treatment="" and="" lasted="" about="" 4="" weeks.="" symptoms="" related="" to="" the="" cvs="" were="" primarily="" palpitations="" and="" tachycardia.="" the="" most="" frequent="" ns="" symptoms="" were="" tremor,="" agitation,="" insomnia,="" increased="" sweating,="" and="" nervousness.="" breum="" et="" al.,="" in="" another="" clinical="" trial="" in="" which="" the="" effects="" of="" ephedrine="" plus="" caffeine="" (ec)="" were="" evaluated,="" conducted="" a="" randomized,="" double="" blind,="" controlled="" 15="" week="" clinical="" trial="" comparing="" the="" effects="" of="" ec="" to="" that="" of="" dexfenfluramine="" (df),="" a="" serotoninergic="" agonist,="" in="" the="" treatment="" of="" obesity="" (ref.="" 113).="" fifty="" four="" percent="" of="" the="" subjects="" in="" the="" ec="" group="" compared="" to="" 43="" percent="" of="" the="" df="" group="" experienced="" adverse="" reactions.="" the="" majority="" of="" these="" occurred="" within="" the="" first="" 4="" weeks.="" at="" week="" one,="" 38="" percent="" of="" the="" ec="" group="" subjects="" experienced="" adverse="" drug="" reactions="" compared="" to="" 30="" percent="" in="" the="" df="" group.="" ns="" effects="" (particularly="" insomnia="" and="" agitation)="" were="" statistically="" increased="" (p="">< 0.05)="" in="" the="" ec="" treatment="" group="" (46="" percent)="" compared="" to="" the="" df="" group="" (26="" percent),="" whereas="" gastrointestinal="" adverse="" effects="" were="" significantly="" increased="" in="" the="" df="" group.="" eight="" percent="" of="" the="" ec="" group="" reported="" cardiovascular="" symptoms.="" all="" symptoms="" remitted="" after="" cessation="" of="" the="" trial="" drugs.="" the="" above="" studies="" demonstrate="" that="" adverse="" effects="" can="" occur="" with="" the="" use="" of="" ephedrine="" in="" the="" treatment="" of="" obesity="" even="" in="" carefully="" designed="" and="" conducted,="" physician-monitored="" clinical="" trials="" and="" even="" in="" persons="" prescreened="" to="" be="" in="" good="" health,="" free="" of="" known="" risk="" factors,="" and="" not="" using="" medications="" or="" other="" products="" known="" to="" adversely="" interact="" with="" ephedrine-like="" drugs.="" furthermore,="" the="" study="" population="" of="" obese="" individuals="" is="" recognized="" to="" be="" less="" sensitive="" to="" the="" effects="" of="" sympathomimetic="" agents="" than="" the="" general="" population="" (ref.="" 120).="" certain="" of="" these="" studies="" also="" evidence="" that="" there="" is="" an="" increased="" frequency="" of="" adverse="" effects="" occurring="" in="" lean="" subjects,="" secondary="" to="" sympathetic="" stimulation,="" compared="" to="" obese="" subjects="" that="" is="" unrelated="" to="" dose="" per="" body="" weight="" (ref.="" 119).="" thus,="" these="" studies="" suggest="" that="" the="" general="" population="" may="" be="" more="" sensitive="" to="" the="" effects="" of="" ephedrine="" alkaloids="" than="" the="" obese="" population.="" there="" are="" a="" number="" of="" recognized="" limitations="" inherent="" in="" these="" published="" trials,="" including="" those="" associated="" with="" study="" design,="" methods,="" and="" conduct="" (e.g.,="" small="" number="" of="" subjects="" enrolled="" in="" these="" trials,="" narrow="" targeted="" populations,="" short="" evaluation="" periods,="" and="" selective="" presentation="" of="" data="" are="" among="" the="" concerns)="" as="" are="" the="" multiple="" publications="" of="" the="" same="" data.="" yet="" despite="" these="" factors,="" the="" adverse="" effects="" observed="" in="" these="" studies="" remain="" a="" cause="" for="" concern,="" although="" these="" factors="" make="" it="" difficult="" to="" identify="" subpopulations="" that="" may="" be="" particularly="" sensitive="" to="" the="" effects="" of="" ephedrine="" or="" to="" identify="" adverse="" effects="" that="" occur="" infrequently.="" these="" studies="" were="" carefully="" monitored,="" so="" that="" subjects="" were="" withdrawn="" from="" the="" study="" when="" adverse="" effects="" became="" evident.="" therefore,="" although="" the="" observed="" adverse="" effects="" in="" these="" studies="" were="" not="" as="" severe="" or="" as="" serious="" as="" some="" observed="" with="" dietary="" supplement="" use="" (e.g.,="" heart="" attacks,="" seizures,="" strokes),="" they="" are="" indicative="" of="" the="" potential="" for="" [[page="" 30689]]="" greater="" risk="" with="" continued="" use.="" moreover,="" their="" occurrence="" is="" remarkable="" given="" the="" careful="" prescreening="" of="" study="" subjects="" such="" that="" high="" risk="" persons="" were="" not="" included="" in="" the="" study.="" the="" greatest="" limitation,="" however,="" is="" that="" these="" studies="" were="" designed="" to="" evaluate="" the="" effectiveness="" of="" ephedrine="" in="" the="" treatment="" of="" obesity.="" they="" were="" not="" designed="" to="" test="" the="" safety="" of="" the="" use="" of="" ephedrine="" in="" the="" obese,="" or="" any="" other="" population="" (ref.="" 121),="" or="" to="" test="" its="" safety="" under="" the="" conditions="" under="" which="" marketed="" dietary="" supplements="" containing="" sources="" of="" ephedrine="" alkaloids="" are="" used.="" therefore,="" these="" study="" results="" cannot="" be="" used="" to="" definitively="" demonstrate="" safety,="" or="" the="" lack="" of="" safety,="" of="" ephedrine="" alkaloid-="" containing="" supplements="" for="" use="" by="" the="" general="" population.="" nonetheless,="" despite="" the="" shortcomings="" of="" these="" studies,="" the="" results="" raise="" serious="" concerns="" about="" the="" safety="" of="" using="" ephedrine,="" from="" any="" source,="" including="" dietary="" supplements,="" in="" both="" obese="" individuals="" and="" the="" general="" public="" in="" nonmedically="" monitored="" situations.="" e.="" other="" physiologic="" and="" pharmacologic="" effects.="" some="" of="" the="" adverse="" events="" reported="" to="" fda="" that="" were="" unrelated="" to="" the="" cvs="" and="" ns="" also="" bear="" a="" recognized="" relationship="" to="" the="" known="" physiologic="" and="" pharmacologic="" effects="" of="" ephedrine="" alkaloids.="" for="" example,="" urinary="" retention,="" particularly="" in="" males="" with="" no="" history="" of="" prostatic="" hypertrophy="" (enlargement="" of="" the="" prostate="" gland),="" has="" been="" associated="" with="" the="" use="" of="" ephedrine="" (refs.="" 102,="" 103,="" and="" 122="" through="" 124).="" urinary="" retention="" has="" a="" well="" recognized="" relationship="" with="" urinary="" tract="" infections,="" which="" have="" been="" reported="" to="" fda="" with="" the="" use="" of="" products="" containing="" ephedrine="" alkaloids.="" myopathy="" (disease="" of="" muscle),="" besides="" being="" reported="" for="" the="" heart="" (refs.="" 62="" and="" 66="" through="" 68),="" is="" also="" recognized="" to="" involve="" skeletal="" muscles="" and="" may="" result="" in="" acute="" renal="" failure="" (ref.="" 125).="" certain="" gastrointestinal="" adverse="" effects,="" including="" impaired="" colonic="" motility="" and="" ischemic="" colitis,="" have="" been="" associated="" with="" the="" usage="" of="" amphetamines="" (refs.="" 102="" and="" 126).="" similarly,="" ischemic="" colitis="" has="" also="" been="" reported="" with="" the="" usage="" of="" a="" long-acting="" decongestant="" containing="" pseudoephedrine="" (ref.="" 127).="" additionally,="" acute="" hepatitis="" (inflammation="" in="" the="" liver)="" has="" been="" associated="" with="" the="" use="" of="" a="" chinese="" medicinal="" product="" containing="" ma="" huang="" (ref.="" 128).="" other="" types="" of="" adverse="" effects,="" such="" as="" the="" reports="" of="" dermatologic="" reactions,="" while="" not="" known="" to="" be="" related="" to="" the="" recognized="" physiologic="" or="" pharmacologic="" effects="" of="" ephedrine="" alkaloids,="" are="" consistent="" with="" adverse="" effects="" reported="" in="" published="" case="" reports.="" for="" example,="" there="" are="" more="" than="" 11="" published="" case="" reports,="" at="" least="" 12="" patients,="" of="" systemic="" dermatologic="" reactions,="" including="" rashes="" occurring="" in="" a="" particular="" distribution="" on="" the="" body,="" contact="" dermatitis="" (inflammation="" of="" the="" skin="" resulting="" usually="" from="" local="" contact="" with="" a="" substance),="" a="" toxic="" shock-like="" syndrome,="" angioedema="" (extreme="" swelling="" of="" tissues="" and="" structures="" of="" the="" body="" secondary="" to="" leaking="" of="" fluids="" from="" capillaries="" (small="" blood="" vessels)),="" and="" erythematous="" (reddish)="" rash="" and="" subsequent="" desquamation="" (loss="" of="" part="" of="" the="" skin="" surface)="" that="" occurred="" with="" the="" use="" of="" ephedrine="" or="" pseudoephedrine="" (refs.="" 114="" and="" 129="" through="" 138).="" concerns="" about="" toxicity="" to="" the="" fetus="" with="" maternal="" exposure="" to="" ephedrine="" alkaloids="" during="" pregnancy="" remain="" unresolved.="" increased="" fetal="" heart="" rate="" has="" been="" associated="" with="" maternal="" use="" of="" pseudoephedrine="" (ref.="" 139).="" in="" addition,="" the="" administration="" of="" intramuscular="" ephedrine="" to="" treat="" maternal="" hypotension="" has="" been="" associated="" with="" increases="" in="" fetal="" heart="" rate="" and="" beat-to-beat="" variability="" (cited="" in="" ref.="" 139).="" certain="" animal="" studies="" also="" raise="" concern="" about="" potential="" teratogenic="" effects="" that="" may="" be="" caused="" by="" the="" use="" of="" ephedrine="" during="" pregnancy="" (refs.="" 140="" through="" 143).="" potential="" toxicity="" for="" a="" breast-fed="" infant="" whose="" mother="" is="" using="" a="" dietary="" supplement="" containing="" ephedrine="" alkaloids="" is="" unknown,="" but="" toxicity="" has="" been="" reported="" in="" a="" breast-fed="" infant="" whose="" mother="" had="" been="" taking="" a="" long-acting="" oral="" decongestant="" containing="" d-isoephedrine="" for="" the="" relief="" of="" allergy="" symptoms="" (ref.="" 144).="" little="" is="" known="" about="" the="" potential="" consequences="" of="" long="" term="" use="" of="" ephedrine="" alkaloids,="" other="" than="" the="" risk="" of="" cardiomyopathy="" as="" stated="" above.="" park="" et="" al.,="" however,="" recently="" implicated="">-adrenergic 
    agents like ephedrine in the etiology of a type of lung cancer, 
    particularly in persons simultaneously exposed to carcinogenic 
    environmental factors such as smoking (Ref. 145). This report indicates 
    the need for long-term followup to adequately assess the risks 
    associated with product use, as well as the importance of particular 
    group characteristics (e.g., smoking status) in evaluating risk.
        f. Traditional uses of botanical sources of ephedrine alkaloids: 
    adverse effects. In the traditional medicinal use of Ephedra, the raw 
    botanical was administered, either alone or more commonly combined with 
    other specific botanicals, in the form of a water infusion (tea), three 
    times a day. Traditional treatment was prescribed by a trained health 
    practitioner based on the evaluation of a particular patient and was 
    predominately for short term use. Commonly used dosages of the raw 
    botanical ranged from 1.5 to 9 grams (g), generally averaging 5 to 6 g 
    of Ephedra per dose (Refs. 14 and 146). Tyler has estimated that a tea 
    made from 2 g of the raw botanical Ephedra (containing 1.25 percent 
    ephedrine) will yield a dose of 15 to 30 mg ephedrine (cited in Ref. 
    147). Thus, use of 5 to 6 g of the raw botanical Ephedra, an average 
    amount used in a tea could yield a dose of ephedrine ranging from 
    approximately 38 mg to 75 mg.
        FDA has no knowledge of any systematic collection of morbidity and 
    mortality data on individuals treated with Ephedra in traditional 
    medicine. Ephedra was historically considered a medium or middle class 
    herb, meaning that recognized toxicities could be associated with its 
    use (Refs. 14, 146, and 148). Several reference texts, in fact, list 
    precautions and contraindications for the use of the botanical Ephedra 
    in traditional medicinal preparations (Refs. 14 and 146). Another 
    reference warns against overdosage (Ref. 25).
        While there is a paucity of data in the scientific literature on 
    the safety of the use of Ephedra, several scientific references report 
    adverse effects associated with the use of Ephedra. One early study in 
    the United States reported two cases of urinary retention in men aged 
    56 and 65 years. These men all noted bladder pain and difficulty in 
    voiding which developed after one to three doses of a fluid extract of 
    Ephedra. The symptoms resolved after the use of the extract was 
    discontinued. More recently, a published case report notes the 
    occurrence of erythroderma associated with the use of an herbal product 
    containing Ma huang which was obtained from a Chinese herbalist for the 
    relief of cold-like symptoms (Ref. 138). The woman who was the subject 
    of this report had a history of similar episodes following usage of OTC 
    cold preparations containing ephedrine alkaloids. These references 
    document that adverse effects occurred with the traditional use of 
    Ephedra, and that these effects are consistent with effects occurring 
    with modern pharmaceutical preparations of synthetic ephedrine.
    3. The Relationship is Temporally Correct
        One possible source of serious error in evaluating observational 
    data, such as that found in FDA's postmarketing surveillance system, is 
    the potential for inappropriately assuming that a cause and effect 
    relationship exists between a
    [[Page 30690]]
    particular exposure and a particular adverse event without evaluating 
    the true relationship of the adverse event to the exposure. Unless 
    there are data that ensure that there is the correct temporal 
    relationship between exposure and effect (i.e., that the adverse 
    effects follow exposure), there is a potential for serious 
    misinterpretation of data. To evaluate this potential source of serious 
    error, FDA evaluated the AER's to determine whether there was clear 
    evidence of the correct temporal sequence having occurred. FDA found 
    evidence of the correct relationship in the AER's that it received 
    (see, e.g., ARMS Nos. 10088, 8475, 9747, and 11112).
        Further support that the temporal relationship is correct can be 
    found in clinical studies that described the pharmacological and 
    physiological effects of different ephedrine alkaloids and in the 
    clinical trials with obese subjects.
    4. There is Other Evidence, Even in the Absence of Controlled Trials, 
    Such as Evidence of Dechallenge That Suggests a Causal Relationship 
    Between the Use of Ephedrine Alkaloid-Containing Dietary Supplements 
    and Adverse Events
        Causality is most readily demonstrated in well-designed and 
    conducted clinical trials, in which the multiple factors that may 
    influence study results and interpretations can be controlled. However, 
    evidence of causality can be inferred from observational studies, 
    including individual case reports, particularly where there is evidence 
    of positive dechallenge and rechallenge, that is, where, when the 
    consumer stopped using the product, the signs and symptoms resolved or 
    improved, and when the consumer began using the product again, the 
    symptoms reoccurred. Although many of the AER's did not provide enough 
    information to adequately evaluate these questions, over 26 percent of 
    AER's provided information suggesting successful dechallenge, and 4 
    percent of reports provided information of rechallenge, suggesting that 
    the product was the direct cause of the adverse event. A number of the 
    previously described cases are particularly good examples of positive 
    dechallenge in that symptoms resolved spontaneously on cessation of use 
    of the product without medical treatment (see Arms Nos. 10088, 11065, 
    and 11112 in the Appendix to this document).
        Furthermore, some specific AER's suggest that a pattern of starting 
    and stopping use of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids 
    may increase an individual's susceptibility to experiencing adverse 
    events as has been suggested in reviews of adverse events occurring 
    with the use of phenylpropanolamine (Ref. 73). One case described 
    above, ARMS No. 9552, in which a woman suffered a heart attack soon 
    after she restarted using an ephedrine alkaloid-containing product, may 
    be an example of such increased sensitivity.
        Thus, FDA tentatively concludes that there is evidence of 
    dechallenge and rechallenge from the AER's that supports a causal 
    relationship between the ingestion of ephedrine alkaloids and the types 
    of CVS and NS and other effects observed with use of the ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplement products. Additional support for 
    this conclusion is also provided in the published clinical trials in 
    the treatment of obesity described above.
    5. A Biologically Plausible Explanation for the Adverse Events
        Considering the totality of the available information, FDA 
    tentatively concludes that the available evidence strongly supports 
    that the adverse effects that are occurring with the use of dietary 
    supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are caused by the ephedrine 
    alkaloids. This tentative conclusion derives from the previous 
    discussions in this document. The observed adverse effects 
    predominately involve the CVS and NS and are consistent with the known 
    physiological and pharmacological effects of ephedrine alkaloids noted 
    in medical/pharmacological texts. Furthermore, similar patterns of CVS 
    and NS effects have been documented both in anecdotal reports in the 
    scientific literature and in the published results of controlled 
    clinical trials using pharmaceutical preparations of various ephedrine 
    alkaloids. The available data further suggest that these types of 
    adverse events should be anticipated and expected with the use of 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing products by the general population.
    D. Additional Concerns
        The agency is aware of a number of factors related to currently 
    marketed dietary supplements that may contribute to the likelihood of 
    adverse events but that the available data are inadequate to evaluate 
    fully. These factors weighed heavily on the minds of many members of 
    the Food Advisory Committee as they discussed the public health 
    concerns associated with the use of these products. These factors 
        (1) The size of the population that is susceptible to experiencing 
    adverse events with the use of ephedrine alkaloids, because there are 
    neither good data on the number and pattern of supplement users in the 
    United States nor good data on the full range of characteristics that 
    cause or increase risk. Nonetheless, the potential population at risk 
    is quite large if one considers the following likely risk factors:
        (a) The large number of persons who have diseases or conditions, or 
    who are at risk for such conditions, for whom the use of ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements is inappropriate (Table 5).
                        Table 5.--Identifiable At Risk Population With Use of Ephedrine Alkaloids                   
                                                     Estimated number of affected persons in the United States (in  
                Disease or condition                                           millions)                            
    Cardiovascular disease......................  50 (Ref. 158).                                                    
    Hypertension................................  50 (Ref. 158).                                                    
    Kidney trouble..............................  3.5 (Ref. 159).                                                   
    Prostate disease............................  2.6 (Ref. 159).                                                   
    Glaucoma....................................  2.4 (Ref. 160).                                                   
    Diabetes....................................  16 (8 million undiagnosed) (Ref. 161).                            
    Depressive, anxiety or schizophrenic          42.3 (Ref. 162).                                                  
    Thyroid disease.............................  11 (6 million undiagnosed) (Ref. 163).                            
    Pregnancy...................................  4 (each year) (Ref. 179).                                         
    [[Page 30691]]
        (b) The large number of factors that may increase susceptibility or 
    sensitivity to the effects of ephedrine alkaloids and other 
    sympathomimetic agents (Table 4). These variables include gender, age, 
    genetics, certain physiologic states, and the use of certain products 
    (e.g., foods and drugs) (Ref. 25).
        (2) The potential for interactive and unpredictable effects from 
    the mixture of ephedrine alkaloids found in botanical sources, which 
    may serve to increase the likelihood, frequency, or severity of an 
    adverse event. Unlike drugs which contain only a single, well-
    characterized ephedrine alkaloid, botanical sources contain a mixture 
    of these alkaloids. The potential for interactive effects among these 
    alkaloids is likely but largely unknown (Ref. 25).
        (3) The potential for other ingredients in the dietary supplement 
    products to interact with the ephedrine alkaloids to increase the 
    likelihood or severity of an adverse event (Ref. 25).
        (4) The natural or formulation variations in levels and relative 
    proportions of the ephedrine alkaloids in marketed dietary supplement 
    products and the resultant risk for persons who can tolerate one level 
    or mixture but who unknowingly are exposed to different levels or 
    mixtures because they change brands, or because the composition of the 
    brand that they typically use is altered (Ref. 25).
        (5) The formulations of the products themselves (including the 
    numbers, types, and forms of ingredients used in the product and the 
    form of the final product) may influence the likelihood, frequency, or 
    severity of adverse effects because product characteristics may 
    influence dissolution, absorption, bioavailability, and metabolism of 
    active and inactive ingredients in the product and thus influence the 
    effects of the product (Ref. 25).
    E. General Summary and Tentative Conclusions
        FDA has received more than 800 AER's involving more than 100 
    dietary supplement products. Among these products the most common and 
    consistent finding is the presence of ephedrine alkaloids. The products 
    associated with these adverse events are marketed in diverse 
    formulations and for a variety of uses.
        Sympathetic nervous system and cardiovascular system stimulant 
    effects account for the majority of the reported adverse events 
    associated with dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids. 
    These effects include heart attack, stroke, seizure, chest pain, 
    psychosis, anxiety, nervousness, tremor, and hyperactivity (Refs. 25 
    and 27). The type and patterns of these adverse effects are consistent 
    with the CVS and NS effects known and expected to occur with the use of 
    sympathomimetic agents, such as the ephedrine alkaloids. The known 
    physiological and pharmacological activities of ephedrine alkaloids and 
    the adverse events that have occurred in controlled clinical trials 
    using ephedrine corroborate this conclusion. The biological 
    plausibility of these types of adverse events occurring with the use of 
    ephedrine alkaloids, the temporal relationship between the use of the 
    dietary supplements and the onset of the adverse events, and the 
    evidence of dechallenge and rechallenge also support a causal 
    relationship between the use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing products 
    and subsequent adverse events.
        Both the Working Group and the Food Advisory Committee reviewed the 
    available data and information on the occurrence of adverse events 
    associated with the use of dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids in certain individuals. The Working Group was specifically 
    asked whether the available information contains sufficient evidence to 
    demonstrate that the use of dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids may cause consumers to experience serious adverse events. The 
    Working Group concluded that it was. Although not asked this question, 
    those members of the Food Advisory Committee who addressed the question 
    agreed with the Working Groups's conclusion.
        Thus, FDA tentatively concludes that there is a consistent, large, 
    and growing body of evidence that establishes a causal association 
    between the use of ephedrine alkaloids and subsequent adverse events. 
    The agency also tentatively concludes that the use of ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements is associated with a serious 
    and significant public health concern because of the nature of the 
    adverse events and the size of the population at risk.
    III. The Proposed Regulation
    A. The Scope of This Proposal
        This proposal applies to dietary supplements containing one or more 
    ephedrine alkaloids and related alkaloids, including those from the 
    botanical species Ephedra sinica Stapf, Ephedra equistestina Bunge, 
    Ephedra intermedia var., tibetica Stapf, Ephedra distachya L., and Sida 
    cordifolia or their extracts.
        Conventional food products that contain ephedrine alkaloids, 
    including snack bars, cookies, and beverages, are not covered by this 
    proposal. Conventional food products are subject to section 409 of the 
    Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 348) and, 
    given the adverse events associated with the use of ephedrine 
    alkaloids, these substances are unapproved food additives when used in 
    conventional foods.
        Use of botanical sources of ephedrine alkaloids in traditional 
    herbal therapies is beyond the scope of this proposal. Although several 
    Ephedra species (including those considered as Ma huang) have been 
    reported to have a long history of use in traditional Asian medicine 
    for the treatment of the symptoms of colds, to relieve respiratory 
    symptoms, and to regulate water metabolism (Refs. 4, 6, 14, and 146), 
    products bearing claims evidencing that they are intended for 
    therapeutic use are regulated as drugs under the act.
        This proposal also does not cover OTC or prescription drugs that 
    contain ephedrine alkaloids. Ephedrine is approved as an active 
    ingredient in oral OTC bronchodilator drugs for use in the treatment of 
    medically diagnosed mild asthma (21 CFR 341.76). However, in the 
    Federal Register of July 27, 1995 (60 F.R. 38643), FDA proposed to 
    amend the final monograph for OTC bronchodilator drug products to 
    remove the ingredients ephedrine, ephedrine hydrochloride, ephedrine 
    sulfate, and racephedrine hydrochloride and to classify these 
    ingredients as not generally recognized as safe and effective for OTC 
        FDA issued the proposal to amend the final monograph for OTC 
    bronchodilator products in response to a request from the U.S. 
    Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), to 
    restrict OTC availability of ephedrine because of its illicit use as 
    the primary precursor in the synthesis of the controlled substances 
    methamphetamine and methylcathinone. The agency also issued the 
    proposal because of new information that showed that misuse and abuse 
    of OTC ephedrine drug products can cause potential harm, and because of 
    comments made by FDA's Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee and 
    the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee. FDA is currently 
    evaluating public comments to that proposal and will be addressing this 
    subject in a future issue of the Federal Register.
    [[Page 30692]]
    B. Rationale for the Proposal
        It is incumbent upon the agency to respond to the concerns raised 
    by the number, seriousness, and pattern of adverse events associated 
    with the use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements. 
    Given the AER's, the case reports in the scientific literature, 
    controlled clinical trials, published reports of adverse effects with 
    traditional uses of ephedrine alkaloid-containing botanicals, and other 
    data, it is apparent that there are serious and well-documented public 
    health risks attendant to the use of ephedrine alkaloids in marketed 
    dietary supplement products, and that the agency needs to propose 
    actions to address these risks.
        Over the years, FDA has employed a variety of strategies in 
    addressing food ingredients that created significant public health 
    risks. In cases where small subpopulations have faced serious, even 
    potentially deadly, risks because of ingredients with allergic 
    potential (e.g., nuts and shellfish), FDA has required that the 
    presence of the allergen be declared on the food label so that 
    consumers who are at risk can avoid products that contain the problem 
    ingredient (Sec. 101.4 (21 CFR 101.4)). In other cases where a food or 
    food ingredient has presented special health risks to consumers under 
    certain use conditions, the agency has required warning label 
    statements to ensure that consumers are alerted to the potential health 
    hazards associated with use of the product. For example, FDA has 
    required a special warning statement to appear on the label of protein 
    products intended for use in weight reduction, stating in part that 
    very low calorie protein diets may cause serious illness or death 
    (Sec. 101.17(d) (21 CFR 101.17(d))). In other cases, e.g., the proposed 
    regulations for poisonings in young children because of high intakes of 
    iron-containing dietary supplements, the agency was concerned that, for 
    high potency products, warning labels alone would not be effective in 
    preventing serious harm. Therefore, the agency has decided to require, 
    at least in some cases, warning labels plus special packaging 
    requirements to reduce the risk of serious harm (Ref. 150).
        In other cases, where a substance contained in a food may be 
    harmful to health, it has been the agency's policy to define a level at 
    which the harmful substance may render the food adulterated. For 
    example, to address the public health problem of histamine poisoning 
    associated with the consumption of certain fish, the agency issued 
    guidance on the level of histamine at which FDA is likely to take 
    action against the fish because it is adulterated (Ref. 151). Moreover, 
    in Sec. 109.4(b) (21 CFR 109.4(b)), the agency has said that it will 
    establish regulatory limits that represent the level at which an added 
    poisonous or deleterious substance adulterates a food within the 
    meaning of section 402(a)(1) of the act (21 U.S.C. 342(a)(1)).
        The agency has attempted to be flexible and practical in tailoring 
    its strategy for dealing with public health risks, taking into account 
    the nature and type of the risk and the potential effectiveness of 
    various alternative approaches. In the case of ephedrine alkaloids in 
    dietary supplements, there are many factors and underlying etiologies 
    that can influence individual sensitivity to these substances. Some of 
    these factors are easily identified or readily controlled; many are 
    not. Factors that are known to influence the likelihood, frequency, and 
    severity of adverse events associated with the use of sympathomimetic 
    agents, including ephedrine alkaloids, include genetics, age (e.g., 
    children and the elderly are at increased risk), preexisting conditions 
    (e.g., kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid 
    disease, glaucoma, and enlarged prostate), pregnancy, concurrent use of 
    medications (e.g., MAOI, methyldopa), or excessive consumption (see 
    Table 4) (Refs. 39 through 42, 152, and 153). Other factors that may 
    increase an individual's susceptibility to experience adverse events 
    with the use of ephedrine alkaloids include exercise, body size (i.e., 
    lean and normal weight individuals appear to be more susceptible than 
    obese individuals), and dietary intake (i.e., severe caloric and fluid 
    restrictions increase the likelihood of adverse events) (Refs. 39, 42, 
    119, and 154 through 156).
        Significantly, however, many adverse events associated with 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements occur in individuals 
    who have no apparent risk factors, or who are unaware that they are at 
    risk. Additionally, approximately 40 percent of the reported adverse 
    events occur with the first use or within 1 week of first use, 
    providing little or no warning to consumers of potential risk (see 
    Figure 3). The agency tentatively concludes, therefore, that neither 
    disclosure of the presence of ephedrine alkaloids on the product label 
    nor the use of a warning statement, alone, will be sufficient to 
    protect consumers because many individuals are not aware, and are 
    unable to determine, that they are at risk from consuming ephedrine 
    alkaloids, and serious adverse events may occur on the first use or 
    with very short-term use.
        Therefore, the agency has tentatively determined that several 
    measures are needed if the observed adverse events associated with the 
    use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements are to be 
    effectively addressed. These measures are discussed below.
    C. Proposal for Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids
    1. Dietary Ingredient Limit for Ephedrine Alkaloids: Per Serving Basis
        One possible strategy for addressing the significant number of 
    adverse effects associated with ephedrine alkaloids in dietary 
    supplements is to restrict the level of the ephedrine alkaloids in 
    these products. In considering this possibility, FDA evaluated two 
    issues: (a) Is there a level at which ephedrine alkaloids cause safety 
    concerns; and (b) if there is, will restricting dietary supplements 
    from containing ephedrine alkaloids at or above that level be adequate, 
    alone, to protect the public health, or will additional steps be 
        In considering these questions, FDA evaluated the evidence that 
    provides information on the adverse effects of ephedrine alkaloids that 
    is most relevant to the uses and formulations of marketed dietary 
    supplement products: (a) The published findings from the clinical 
    studies investigating the use of ephedrine for weight loss for the 
    treatment of obesity, and (b) the numerous AER's associated with the 
    consumption of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids.
        First, the agency reviewed clinical trials that have been performed 
    to explore therapeutic uses for ephedrine alone and in combination with 
    other pharmaceutical substances (see earlier discussion in section 
    II.C.2.d. of this document (Refs. 105 through 119)). Information from 
    these trials show that 20 mg ephedrine per dose can cause adverse 
    events to occur in a significant percentage of obese persons (up to 60 
    percent) prescreened to be free of known risk factors while using these 
    products for a relatively short time (i.e., most adverse events 
    occurred during the first 4 weeks of use). Thus, these studies 
    establish that 20 mg per serving of ephedrine presents potential risks 
    for a subpopulation of morbidly obese persons but provide no 
    information on risk at levels below 20 mg per serving for obese 
    persons. These studies also provide no information on risk at levels 
    below 20 mg per serving for use by persons in the general population 
    (e.g., lean or moderately overweight persons), who are known to be more 
    sensitive to
    [[Page 30693]]
    sympathomimetic substances like ephedrine alkaloids than are the 
    morbidly obese persons who constituted the study population (see 
    section II.C.2.d. of this document). FDA is not aware of any well-
    designed and conducted studies that evaluate the risks of intakes of 
    ephedrine levels below 20 mg per serving in any population group.
        Second, FDA, through its postmarketing surveillance program, has 
    found consistent patterns of adverse events across a broad range of 
    marketed dietary supplement products that contain a variety of 
    ephedrine alkaloid levels per serving. FDA's laboratory analyses of the 
    ephedrine alkaloid levels in the small number of available dietary 
    supplement products that consumers who suffered adverse events turned 
    over to the agency showed that these adverse events were related to 
    ephedrine alkaloid levels from approximately 1 to over 50 mg per 
    serving (Ref. 149). These data, as well as analytical data from samples 
    collected from the marketplace after FDA received AER's from consumers 
    who no longer possessed the product, show a pattern of clinically 
    significant adverse events, including neuropsychiatric effects (e.g., 
    severe depression, seizure), malignant (i.e., extremely high) blood 
    pressure, and myocardial necrosis (i.e., death of the heart muscle) 
    with subsequent cardiac arrest and death, with the use of ephedrine 
    alkaloids at levels approaching and above 10 mg per serving (e.g., 
    seven reports of clinically serious adverse events were associated with 
    products that contained 10 to 15 mg per serving) (Ref. 149a). 
    Clinically significant adverse events were also reported with the use 
    of ephedrine alkaloids at levels that exceeded this range.
        FDA has also received a few reports of adverse events, some 
    clinically significant, including tremor, extremely high blood 
    pressure, severe headache, nausea, chest pain, increased heart rate, 
    and insomnia, associated with the use of ephedrine alkaloids at levels 
    below 8 mg (e.g., 2 to 8 mg ephedrine alkaloids per serving) (Ref. 
    149a). The true clinical significance of these levels of ephedrine 
    alkaloids is difficult to interpret because of the lack of the data 
    (e.g., too few reports with analysis to identify a pattern of 
    clinically serious adverse events at any specific level). Thus, the 
    available information from the AER's and the scientific literature does 
    not provide sufficient data to adequately evaluate risk below 
    approximately 10 mg per serving.
        Given the available evidence, it is difficult to ascertain whether 
    there is a threshold level of ephedrine alkaloids below which the 
    general population and susceptible individuals will not experience 
    serious adverse events. The shape of an intake-response curve for any 
    particular adverse effect related to ephedrine alkaloid intakes is not 
    known. In the absence of data that allow a systematic evaluation of 
    intakes of ephedrine and other related alkaloids below 10 mg per 
    serving, it is not possible to adequately define or describe the 
    potential risks and at-risk groups from ephedrine alkaloids. However, 
    the available data, including the AER's and the known physiological and 
    pharmacological effects of ephedrine, provide convincing evidence that 
    clinically serious adverse events will occur at intake levels above 10 
    mg ephedrine alkaloids per serving.
        FDA recognizes, however, that this 10-mg level is also subject to 
    some uncertainty because of such factors as intra-assay variabilities 
    (i.e., difference in analytical results from one run to the next with 
    the same method), natural variabilities in the alkaloid content of 
    botanical ingredients, variations in formulation levels from batch to 
    batch, and inaccuracies in the amounts reported to be taken by 
    consumers. When these sources of variability are considered, given that 
    they are likely to be additive, the range around the 10 mg per serving 
    estimated intake can be expected to deviate by 10 to 20 
    percent. Thus, FDA tentatively concludes that the life-threatening 
    adverse events associated with the use of ephedrine alkaloids can 
    reasonably be expected to occur at intake levels as low as 8 to 9 mg 
    ephedrine alkaloids per serving. However, given the limitations in the 
    available data, the agency requests comments on whether it is more 
    appropriate to focus on the 10 mg level.
        Based on the available evidence and the likely sources of 
    measurement error around estimated intake levels, the agency 
    tentatively concludes that the use of dietary supplements containing 8 
    mg or more ephedrine alkaloids per serving may render the dietary 
    supplement injurious to health. The agency also tentatively concludes 
    that consumption of dietary supplements that contain this level or more 
    of ephedrine alkaloids presents a significant and unreasonable risk of 
    illness or injury under the conditions of use recommended or suggested 
    in the labeling or under ordinary conditions of use, and that, 
    therefore, products that contain this or higher levels of ephedrine 
    alkaloids are adulterated. \1\
        \1\ FDA has limited information on which ingredients dietary 
    supplement manufacturers are likely to substitute for ephedrine 
    alkaloids. Given this uncertainty, FDA cannot comment on the safety 
    of potential substitutes. FDA notes that manufacturers bear the 
    burden of ensuring that any ingredients that they may substitute for 
    sources of ephedrine alkaloids meet all safety standards for dietary 
        To reflect this tentative conclusion, FDA is proposing to adopt 
    Sec. 111.100(a)(1) which states that dietary supplements that contain 8 
    mg or more ephedrine alkaloids (the total of ephedrine, 
    pseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, norephedrine, methylephedrine, 
    methylpseudoephedrine and related alkaloids) per single serving shall 
    be deemed to be adulterated under section 402(a)(1) and (f)(1)(A) of 
    the act. FDA is proposing to adopt this provision under sections 
    402(a)(1), (f)(1)(A), and 701(a) (21 U.S.C. 371(a)) of the act.
        Under section 402(a)(1) of the act, a food, including a dietary 
    supplement, is adulterated if it bears or contains any added poisonous 
    or deleterious substance that may render it injurious to health. 
    Section 402(f)(1)(A) of the act provides that a dietary supplement is 
    adulterated if it, or one of its ingredients, poses a significant or 
    unreasonable risk of injury or illness when used as directed or under 
    ordinary conditions of use. Under section 701(a) of the act, FDA has 
    authority to issue regulations for the efficient enforcement of the 
    act. These sections authorize FDA to issue a regulation that 
    establishes a level of ephedrine alkaloids that, the available evidence 
    makes clear, will render a dietary supplement adulterated as a matter 
    of law.
        FDA tentatively concludes that such a regulation will advance the 
    purposes of the act in two significant ways. First, it will provide 
    guidance to the dietary supplement industry as to a level of ephedrine 
    alkaloids that can be used in their products with some confidence that 
    such products will not be subject to regulatory action. Second, it will 
    make clear that if products that contain higher levels of ephedrine 
    alkaloids are marketed; such products will be considered unsafe and 
    adulterated and will be subject to all the relevant sanctions under the 
        Eight mg per serving and above represent levels at which the 
    presence of ephedrine alkaloids in a dietary supplement may render the 
    product injurious to health and presents a significant and unreasonable 
    risk. FDA cannot say that it is a safe level, nor has
    [[Page 30694]]
    it been arrived at in a way that factored in some margin of safety. The 
    evidence does not exist to establish a safe level. FDA notes that many 
    members of the Food Advisory Committee stated that they were unaware of 
    a basis for determining a safe level (Ref. 25). Thus, the agency is 
    concerned about the potential for risk at levels below 8 mg per serving 
    for individuals who are particularly sensitive to the effects of 
    ephedrine alkaloids, or whose sensitivity could be increased through 
    chronic use of these products or other processes (e.g., physical 
        Given the seriousness of the public health concerns and the 
    uncertainty surrounding the risks attendant upon consumption of 
    ephedrine alkaloids below 8 mg per serving, the agency solicits 
    comments, and asks that they include data, particularly clinical data, 
    on the safety of the use of less than 8 mg of ephedrine alkaloids per 
    serving in dietary supplements. Should data and information become 
    available that demonstrate that the use of less than 8 mg of ephedrine 
    alkaloids per serving in dietary supplements poses a hazard to the 
    public health, or that the level of ephedrine alkaloids that will 
    render a product adulterated is higher than 8 mg per serving, the 
    agency will consider modifying Sec. 111.100 accordingly.
        At this time, the agency is not proposing a level at which 
    ephedrine, as opposed to the mixture of ephedrine alkaloids found in 
    products containing botanicals, may render a product adulterated, even 
    though some members of FDA's Working Group and of the Food Advisory 
    Committee recommended that the agency establish a separate level for 
    ephedrine (Refs. 25 and 27). There is some reason to believe that 
    ephedrine may be particularly significant in contributing to the 
    occurrence of many of the cardiovascular effects seen in the reports of 
    adverse events because ephedrine is often the predominant alkaloid in 
    botanical sources. In addition, ephedrine is known to exhibit more 
    intense cardiovascular effects relative to the other ephedrine 
    alkaloids (Refs. 5 and 9 through 13). For example, serious adverse 
    events have been reported with the use of dietary supplements 
    containing less than 5 mg ephedrine. However, the available data are 
    difficult to interpret because of the uncertainties about the 
    potentially interactive effects of the other ephedrine alkaloids in the 
    raw botanical or botanical extract and the presence of other 
    physiologically and pharmacologically active ingredients in the dietary 
    supplement products that may act to potentiate the overall NS and CVS 
    stimulatory effects of ephedrine and thus exacerbate the adverse 
    effect. The agency requests comments on whether a separate dietary 
    ingredient limit should be established for ephedrine in addition to 
    ephedrine alkaloids, and if so, what that limit should be.
    2. Proposed Compliance Procedures
        In proposed Sec. 111.100(a)(2), the agency states that it will use 
    the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method as specified 
    in LIB No. 4053 to determine the level of ephedrine alkaloids in a 
    dietary supplement. The agency developed this HPLC analytical method to 
    identify and quantify ephedrine alkaloids from botanical sources. It 
    was necessary for the agency to develop an analytical method because 
    the official analytical methods used for the determination of ephedrine 
    alkaloids in pharmaceutical dosage forms are unsuitable for botanical 
    products. Current official analytical methods do not discriminate 
    between ephedrine alkaloids and other alkaloids that may be in the 
    botanicals (e.g., ephedroxane and methylbenzylamine) (Ref. 157). This 
    HPLC method has made possible the resolution and quantification of the 
    several different ephedrine alkaloids known to occur in the Ephedras 
    and other botanicals, including ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, 
    norephedrine, methylephedrine, methylpsuedoephedrine, 
    norpseudoephedrine, and related alkaloids. This method is currently 
    undergoing collaborative evaluation and testing.
        FDA strongly recommends that manufacturers also use this or other 
    methods that the agency adopts, although manufacturers will be free to 
    use any alternative method that they find appropriate. However, FDA 
    will use whatever method it adopts in this proceeding as the basis for 
    its enforcement actions, and this method will be the legally 
    established method. Therefore, manufacturers would be advised to 
    compare their method of choice to the HPLC method to ensure that the 
    alternative method produces similar results.
    3. Proposed Limit for Ephedrine Alkaloids: Frequency and Per Total 
    Daily Intake Basis
        In addition to proposing a level for ephedrine alkaloids in dietary 
    supplements at or above which their presence will render the product 
    adulterated, the agency is proposing to address its concern that 
    products containing ephedrine alkaloids below the dietary ingredient 
    limit may be used in a manner that increases the likelihood, frequency, 
    and severity of adverse events. Intake of multiple servings of 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements, particularly when 
    such intake occurs within a relatively short timeframe (e.g., hours or 
    within a day), can result in an excessive level of ephedrine alkaloids 
    in the body that will increase the likelihood of an acute adverse event 
    and the severity of the event that occurs. Concern over the hazards of 
    taking several servings of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary 
    supplements in a short period of time led several members of the 
    Working Group and of the Food Advisory Committee to recommend that FDA 
    limit the intake of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids 
    to no more than four to five times per day and establish daily use 
    limits, e.g., the amount of ephedrine alkaloids the consumer should not 
    exceed in a day. In light of this, FDA evaluated the risks associated 
    with different patterns of daily intake of ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing dietary supplements.
        The average plasma half-lives for pharmaceutical ephedrine, 
    pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine are approximately 6 hours 
    (range 3 to 11 hours), 6 hours, and 4 hours, respectively (Refs. 10 
    through 12, 20, and 46). Generally, this means that after one half-life 
    (e.g., 4 to 6 hours) half of the ephedrine alkaloids still remain in 
    the blood. More than 24 hours are needed for complete clearance of a 
    single serving of ephedrine alkaloids from the body. Because ephedrine 
    alkaloids remain in the body for hours, when additional servings of an 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplement are consumed, the 
    ingested alkaloids are additive to those already in the body. This 
    process will result in an increase in blood and tissue concentrations 
    of ephedrine alkaloids. Generally, the higher the blood and other body 
    tissue levels of ephedrine alkaloids, the greater the likelihood and 
    severity of adverse events (Ref. 46).
        Given the pharmacological evidence that average plasma half-lives 
    of ephedrine alkaloids are approximately 4 to 6 hours, elevated blood 
    levels of ephedrine alkaloids will be maintained if a serving is 
    consumed every 4 to 6 hours. Because ephedrine alkaloids are stimulant 
    substances, they can cause insomnia if taken close to sleeping hours. 
    Thus, if 6 to 8 hours in a day are typically used for sleeping, there 
    is a period of 16 to 18 hours per day in which consumers of ephedrine-
    containing dietary supplements would
    [[Page 30695]]
    have interest in consuming this substance. By dividing the 16 to 18 
    waking hours in a day by the largest average half-life for ephedrine 
    alkaloids (i.e., 6 hours), the results reveal the possibility of taking 
    a maximum of three servings per day.
        Three servings of a dietary supplement that contains the proposed 
    maximum per serving amount of ephedrine alkaloids (less than 8 mg) 
    would yield a daily intake level of less than 24 mg ephedrine 
    alkaloids. Thus, a dietary supplement product that contains ephedrine 
    alkaloids and whose label or labeling instructs consumers to take 24 mg 
    or more per day would present a significant and unreasonable risk of 
    injury and illness under the conditions of use suggested or recommended 
    in the labeling and thus would render the product adulterated under 
    section 402(f)(1)(A) of the act. Similarly, an ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing product whose label or labeling instructs consumers to take 
    8 mg or more during a 6-hour period would instruct consumers to consume 
    an amount of ephedrine alkaloids that has been shown to cause injury. 
    This labeling also would present a significant and unreasonable risk 
    and render the product adulterated under section 402(f)(1)(A) of the 
        FDA tentatively concludes that without a daily use limit, the per 
    serving limit cannot be effective in reducing the potential for adverse 
    events because consumers may unknowingly consume an excessive amount of 
    ephedrine alkaloids by taking several servings of dietary supplements 
    in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, FDA is proposing in 
    Sec. 111.100(b) that the labeling of dietary supplements that contain 
    ephedrine alkaloids shall not suggest or recommend conditions of use 
    that would result in intake of 8 mg or more ephedrine alkaloids within 
    a 6-hour period or a total daily intake of 24 mg or more of ephedrine 
    alkaloids. FDA is proposing this regulation under sections 402(f)(1)(A) 
    and 701(a) of the act to ensure that ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    dietary supplements do not bear directions for use that will create a 
    significant and unreasonable risk.
        In some cases, the label directions for use of dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids can cause consumers to exceed the per 
    serving limit or to consume servings more frequently than every 6 
    hours. For example, FDA would consider the following label instructions 
    to increase the risk of adverse events: ``take what your body needs'' 
    or ``take 1 tablet (containing 7 mg ephedrine alkaloids) per serving, 
    not to exceed 3 tablets per day.'' In the later example, the consumer 
    may believe that it is safe to consume 3 tablets (21 mg ephedrine 
    alkaloids) at one serving or servings separated by less than 6 hours. 
    Examples where the agency would not consider that the directions for 
    use would cause consumers to exceed the per serving limit or take 
    serving more frequently than every 6 hours include ``take 1 tablet per 
    day,'' ``take 1 tablet every 6 hours, do not take more than 3 tablets 
    per day,'' or ``take 1 tablet not more than every 8 hours, do not take 
    more than 2 tablets per day.''
    4. Proposed Limitation on Duration of Use
        The available data suggest that some types of adverse events may be 
    related to the duration of using ephedrine alkaloids. Long-term use of 
    sympathomimetic agents, such as ephedrine alkaloids, even at relatively 
    low levels, is related to serious adverse events, including 
    cardiomyopathy (i.e., disease of the heart muscle) and myocardial 
    necrosis (death of heart cells and tissue), that can result in death 
    (Refs. 7, 16, 49, 51, and 52). The scientific literature establishes 
    that use of ephedrine alkaloids for a period of several months or years 
    can result in cardiomyopathy (Refs. 66 through 68). Similarly, fatal 
    cardiomyopathies have been seen in the AER's associated with chronic 
    use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements at serving 
    levels close to the dietary ingredient limit the agency proposed above 
    (ARMS No. 11134 in Refs. 29 and 149a).
        Concern about these types of adverse events with the long-term use 
    of ephedrine alkaloids led several members of the Working Group (Ref. 
    27) and of the Food Advisory Committee (Ref. 25) to recommend that, in 
    conjunction with a per serving dietary ingredient limit, FDA require a 
    statement on the label of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary 
    supplements to warn consumers not to use the product for a period 
    longer than 7 days. These members stated that a 7-day use limit is 
    standard guidance for the use of pharmacoactive drug substances, 
    including ephedrine alkaloids, and may reduce the occurrence of adverse 
    events related to long-term use of ephedrine alkaloids (Ref. 25). 
    Moreover, a 7-day limit on the use of ephedrine alkaloids is supported 
    by the AER's data, which show that over 60 percent of the adverse 
    events occurred when ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements 
    were used for more than 7 days.
        For these reasons, FDA tentatively concludes that ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements that do not bear the statement 
    ``Do not use this product for more than 7 days'' present a significant 
    and unreasonable risk of injury and illness under the recommended or 
    suggested conditions of use. Therefore, under sections 402(f)(1)(A) and 
    701(a) of the act, to reduce the potential for adverse events occurring 
    as a result of consumers using ephedrine alkaloids for more than a 
    period of 7 days, FDA is proposing to require in Sec. 111.100(c) that 
    the label of dietary supplements that contain ephedrine alkaloids state 
    ``Do not use this product for more than 7 days.''
        The agency notes that this warning focuses on duration of use, not 
    on when reinstitution of use of ephedrine alkaloids is appropriate. FDA 
    is not aware of definitive data on whether there is a period of time 
    when the reinstitution of use of ephedrine alkaloids will not present a 
    risk of adverse events. FDA solicits comments, particularly data, on 
    this matter. In addition, FDA solicits comments on how consumers will 
    interpret this label statement in terms of reintroducing dietary 
    supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids in their diets.
    5. Proposed Prohibition of Ingredients With Stimulant Effects
        As previously discussed, because the nature and patterns of adverse 
    events observed in the AER's were consistent with the known 
    physiological and pharmacological effects of the ephedrine alkaloids, 
    the agency focused its evaluation on the ephedrine alkaloids. However, 
    the majority of the adverse events that have been reported to FDA have 
    involved the use of dietary supplements that contain ephedrine 
    alkaloids in combination with other ingredients, some with known 
    physiological or pharmacological effects, including kola nut, yohimbe, 
    willow bark, senna, and Uva ursi (Ref. 164). In many cases, the AER's 
    showed that more severe adverse effects (e.g., heart attack, stroke, 
    seizure) occurred with the use of dietary supplements that contained 
    ephedrine alkaloids at levels below 20 mg together with other 
    ingredients than were noted in the scientific literature with the use 
    of ephedrine at 20 mg (Ref. 149a). These observations suggest that the 
    other ingredients may act, in combination with the ephedrine alkaloids, 
    to produce more frequent, more severe, or potentially different 
    patterns of adverse effects than those noted with the use of an 
    ephedrine alkaloid alone.
    [[Page 30696]]
        Moreover, the clinically significant adverse events that occurred 
    with amounts of ephedrine alkaloids below the 8 mg per serving limit 
    may have been related to the compounding effects of ephedrine alkaloids 
    in combination with other ingredients. Because of the known additive 
    effects that occur when ephedrine alkaloids are combined with certain 
    types of other ingredients, such as stimulants, proposed 
    Sec. 111.100(a)(1), by itself, will likely not be effective in reducing 
    the potential for adverse events. Certain types of other substances 
    interact with the ephedrine alkaloids to increase the effects of the 
    ephedrine alkaloids, thereby acting like more ephedrine alkaloids were 
    contained in the product.
        For example, caffeine is a nervous system stimulant that can induce 
    nervousness, insomnia, and tachycardia (increased heart rate) (Refs. 7, 
    165, and 166). Intake of toxic levels of caffeine can cause death 
    resulting from CV stimulatory effects (Ref. 46). Various botanicals are 
    known to be sources of caffeine, including green tea, guarana, yerba 
    mate (also known as Ilex paraguariensis), and kola nut (Refs. 167 
    through 172).
        The scientific literature reveals that the frequency and severity 
    of adverse effects increase when ephedrine alkaloids and caffeine are 
    combined (Refs. 22, 73, 105, and 106). Recent clinical trials have 
    focused on whether a combination of ephedrine and caffeine would be 
    more effective in the treatment of obesity than ephedrine alone. The 
    usual dosage of ephedrine and caffeine was 20 mg and 200 mg, 
    respectively, given three times a day before meals. The results of 
    these trials, certain of which were carefully designed and conducted to 
    eliminate potential confounders to the interpretation of study results 
    (e.g., concurrent medication usage, underlying diseases and conditions 
    or other risk factors), indicate that the effects, including adverse 
    effects, of combining ephedrine and caffeine are synergistic (Refs. 
    105, 173, and 174).
        Caffeine and ephedrine also appear to be synergistic in 
    thermogenesis, i.e., they increase the rate of thermogenesis by 
    influencing different parts of the metabolic pathways (Refs. 173 and 
    175). While the resulting effects of combining ephedrine and caffeine 
    could have a potentially positive impact on thermogenesis because of 
    their effects on metabolic pathways, it may also account for increased 
    adverse effects seen with combinations of these agents because of 
    increased sympathetic stimulation of other organ-systems (e.g., CVS and 
    NS). The synergistic adverse effects include an increased frequency of 
    certain signs and symptoms, e.g., increased heart rate, insomnia, 
    nervousness, and increased blood pressure, that are considered 
    characteristic of sympathomimetic stimulation.
        Other substances with stimulant effects in combination with 
    ephedrine alkaloids may act to increase the likelihood of an adverse 
    event. Yohimbine from the botanical yohimbe, in small doses, is 
    reported to stimulate part of the nervous system and to cause elevated 
    blood pressure, increased heart rate, tremor, and anxiety (Refs. 176 
    through 178). Because of their stimulant effects on the nervous system, 
    combining sources of yohimbine with the ephedrine alkaloids may 
    increase the likelihood, frequency, and severity of adverse events.
        Therefore, the agency tentatively concludes that, based on the 
    available evidence, adverse events may be related to the interactive or 
    additive effects of stimulant substances in combination with ephedrine 
    alkaloids in dietary supplements. This tentative conclusion is 
    supported by statements made by several members of the Food Advisory 
    Committee at the August 27 and 28, 1996, meeting (Ref. 25). For these 
    reasons, the agency tentatively concludes that any dietary supplement 
    that contains ephedrine alkaloids in combination with ingredients that 
    produce the aforementioned effects presents a significant or 
    unreasonable risk of injury or illness under the conditions of use 
    suggested in the labeling or under ordinary conditions of use and are 
    adulterated. To eliminate this risk, under sections 402(f)(1)(A) and 
    701(a) of the act, FDA is proposing Sec. 111.100(d), which states that 
    no ingredient, or ingredient that contains a substance, that has a 
    known stimulant effect (e.g., sources of caffeine, yohimbine) may be 
    included in a dietary supplement that contains ephedrine alkaloids.
        The agency is aware that several manufacturers and distributors of 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements also market caffeine-
    containing dietary supplements that are intended to be used with a 
    ``companion'' ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplement. The 
    caffeine-containing dietary supplements are often promoted as 
    ``boosters'' or ``enhancers'' for the ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    product. Under these conditions of use, both the caffeine-containing 
    and the ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplement products 
    present a significant and unreasonable risk of illness and injury under 
    their labeled conditions of use and consequently are adulterated under 
    section 402(f)(1)(A) of the act.
        The agency is concerned that many of the dietary supplements 
    implicated in the AER's contained substances that are known to have 
    physiological or pharmacological effects that could increase the risk 
    of adverse events when taken in combination with ephedrine alkaloids. 
    For example, substances that reduce renal clearance interfere with the 
    elimination of ephedrine alkaloids from the body by the kidneys (i.e., 
    renal excretion) (Refs. 180 and 181) and thus may increase the risk of 
    adverse effects when consumed in combination with ephedrine alkaloids. 
    These substances include salicin, which is found in the botanical 
    commonly known as willow bark, and amino acids in high concentrations 
    (Refs. 181 and 182). By reducing renal clearance, higher levels of 
    ephedrine alkaloids are maintained in the blood for longer periods of 
    time, thus prolonging the effects of ephedrine alkaloids. The 
    maintenance of high blood levels of ephedrine alkaloids increases the 
    likelihood of adverse events, particularly in those who may be 
    sensitive to the effects of ephedrine alkaloids. In addition, consumers 
    may experience adverse events if more ephedrine alkaloids are consumed 
    while blood levels are maintained because the absorption of additional 
    ephedrine alkaloids into the bloodstream will result in even higher 
    blood and tissue concentrations of ephedrine alkaloids and in any 
    effects that may follow. Generally, the higher the blood levels of 
    ephedrine alkaloids, the greater the risk of adverse events and the 
    greater the likelihood that the adverse effects that do occur will be 
    severe (Ref. 46).
        Diuretics and laxative substances in an ephedrine-alkaloid-
    containing dietary supplement may also increase the likelihood, 
    frequency, and severity of adverse events (Refs. 182 through 186). Uva 
    ursi is a botanical diuretic contained in many ephedrine alkaloid 
    products (Ref. 184). The compounds ursolic acid and isoquercetin found 
    in Uva ursi are mild diuretics. The ephedrine alkaloids also exhibit 
    diuretic effects (Ref. 4). For example, ephedrine has a mild diuretic 
    effect, and pseudoephedrine has a marked diuretic effect. The use of a 
    product that contains ephedrine alkaloids in combination with other 
    substances with diuretic effects increases the likelihood and severity 
    of consequent fluid and electrolyte imbalances, both of which could 
    affect CVS and NS risks.
        Senna and Cascara are examples of botanicals that contain potent 
    stimulant laxative substances called
    [[Page 30697]]
    anthraquinone glucosides (Refs. 185 through 187). Use of excessive 
    amounts of stimulant laxatives can cause stomach cramps, nausea, 
    vomiting, and diarrhea. Chronic use may lead to laxative dependence, 
    diarrhea, and, in severe cases, dehydration and electrolyte disorders 
    (Ref. 188). Ephedrine is known to influence cellular potassium (an 
    electrolyte) concentrations (Refs. 53 and 54). Use of laxative 
    substances in combination with ephedrine alkaloids may act to increase 
    the likelihood, frequency, and severity of adverse events. The agency 
    requests comments, particularly data, on the interactive effects of 
    other ingredients and the ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements. 
    Based on the comments and data received by FDA, the agency may prohibit 
    the use of ingredients that produce the aforementioned effects in a 
    dietary supplement that contain ephedrine alkaloids.
    6. Proposed Prohibitions on Claims
        As described previously in section II.C.1. of this document, FDA 
    has received numerous reports of adverse events associated with 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements promoted for use for 
    weight loss, increased energy, body building, enhanced athletic 
    performance, increased mental concentration, and enhanced well-being 
    and with products promoted to be used as an alternative to illicit 
    street drugs. While many of the products that were associated with 
    adverse events contained more than one type of claim or representation 
    on their label or in their labeling, the majority of adverse events 
    reported to FDA are related to the use of products promoted or used for 
    weight loss or energy purposes. Although fewer of the AER's were 
    associated with products promoted for body building and enhanced well-
    being, clinically serious adverse events, including seizure, heart 
    attack, and death, have been reported to FDA that were associated with 
    the use of products represented for these purposes. At least one death 
    in a young man has been reported with the use of a product promoted as 
    an alternative to an illicit street drug.
        In reviewing the AER's, it was evident that specific types of 
    claims contained in the labeling of dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids promoted different patterns of use. Claims such as 
    weight loss and body building encouraged long-term use to achieve the 
    product's purported effect (Ref. 189). In addition, claims of increased 
    energy, increased mental concentration, or enhanced well-being, in a 
    number of cases, encouraged short-term excessive consumption to achieve 
    more of the product's purported effect (Ref. 190). Finally, the agency 
    found that claims that suggest that the product is intended to be used 
    as a substitute for an illicit street drug fostered abuse. Because 
    claims in product labeling may influence how a consumer uses the 
    product, claims in product labeling are a condition of use for dietary 
        Several Food Advisory Committee members identified a number of 
    significant risks attendant to using dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids for purposes such as weight loss, energy, or as an 
    illicit street drug alternative, including adverse events that are 
    associated with long-term use, excessive consumption, and abuse of 
    ephedrine alkaloids (Ref. 25). Because the identified types of claims 
    promote use patterns that are associated with adverse events, the 
    agency has tentatively concluded that claim restrictions are necessary 
    to maintain the integrity of the limit on the level of ephedrine 
    alkaloids in dietary supplements that it is proposing in 
    Sec. 111.100(a)(1) and of the other proposed restrictions on the 
    conditions of use of these dietary supplements.
        a. Claims that promote long-term use. Claims in the labeling of 
    dietary supplements that use of a product may result in effects such as 
    weight loss or body building promote long-term use of the product 
    because these effects cannot be achieved in a short period of time. 
    Weight loss occurs when caloric intake is reduced or energy expenditure 
    (e.g., exercise) is increased. To lose 1 pound (lb), approximately 
    3,500 kilocalories (kcal) must be expended by reducing caloric intake 
    or by increasing energy expenditures (e.g., physical activity) or both 
    (Ref. 191). Rapid weight loss is associated with health risks, 
    including increased protein loss from the body stores and increased 
    risk of gallstone formation (Ref. 27). In fasting, over 50 percent of 
    rapid weight reduction is attributable to the loss of body fluids. 
    Risks associated with rapid loss of fluids from the body include 
    hypotension (i.e., reduction in blood pressure) and electrolyte 
    disturbances. Steady weight loss over a longer period of time results 
    in a true weight loss with a reduction of fat stores (Ref. 193). 
    Guidelines recommend that a safe rate of weight loss is \1/2\ to 1 lb 
    per week (Ref. 194). Therefore, depending upon the amount of weight 
    loss that the individual desires to achieve, weight loss programs may 
    extend from weeks to months (Ref. 195).
        Long-term weight loss practices have been documented in the 
    scientific literature. A survey of weight control practices among 1,431 
    adults indicated that the average respondent participating in the 
    survey had a weight loss attempt lasting from 5 to 6 months and had 
    averaged one attempt a year for the past 2 years (Ref. 196). In 
    addition, approximately 30 percent of persons trying to lose weight 
    were chronic dieters and had been on weight loss plans at least 1 year 
    (Ref. 196). Thus, this survey indicates that common weight loss 
    practices can be characterized as long-term in duration and recurrent 
    in nature.
        Conversely, body building involves the building of lean muscle mass 
    by strength and endurance training. The addition of muscle mass can be 
    accomplished only through regular muscle work (weight training or 
    similar conditions) coupled with a caloric increase (Ref. 197). To 
    increase size and strength, a muscle must be exercised at 60 to 80 
    percent of its capacity several times a week. In addition, a gain of 1 
    lb of muscle requires about 2,500 extra calories, in addition to the 
    calories needed for the training (Ref. 197). An increase of 700 to 
    1,000 calories (cal) to the daily diet should support a gain of 1 to 2 
    lb of lean muscle in 7 days (Ref. 197). Body building systems that 
    include intensive physical training programs, controlled diet, and 
    dietary supplementation purport to achieve results in 6 weeks (Ref. 
    198), and the individual must continue a training program to maintain 
    or increase the muscle mass.
        As previously mentioned in section III.C.4. of this document, long-
    term use of ephedrine alkaloids, even at relatively low levels, is 
    related to serious adverse events, including cardiomyopathy (i.e., 
    disease of the heart muscle) and myocardial necrosis (death of heart 
    cells and tissue), that can result in death. After reviewing the 
    scientific literature and the AER's as well as recommendations by the 
    Working Group and by the Food Advisory Committee, FDA has tentatively 
    concluded that ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements must 
    bear the statement ``Do not use this product for more than 7 days,'' 
    and that those that do not present a significant and unreasonable risk 
    of injury and illness under the recommended or suggested conditions of 
        Significant and safe results from weight loss or body building 
    should not and cannot be achieved within a period of 7 days. An 
    individual could lose approximately 4 lb of body fat in 7 days under 
    complete fasting conditions if the normal energy requirements are 2,000 
    cal per day. (This assumption is based
    [[Page 30698]]
    on the fact that 3,500 kcal must be expended to achieve 1 lb of weight 
    loss.) As discussed above, however, this rate of weight loss is not 
    safe or recommended.
        Regarding body building, lean muscle mass cannot be built in 7 days 
    (Ref. 197). Moreover, the scientific literature evidences that the use 
    of ephedrine alkaloids during intense physical activity, such as body 
    building, increases the risks of serious adverse events. Use of 
    ephedrine alkaloids during periods of intense physical activity results 
    in enhanced or synergistic actions on the sympathetic nervous system. 
    It is through such enhanced physiological processes that chronic 
    effects on the heart, such as myocardial necrosis (i.e., death of heart 
    cells and tissue), can occur with prolonged use of ephedrine alkaloids 
    (Refs. 16 and 197a).
        Because safe and significant weight loss and body building cannot 
    be achieved in a 7-day period, claims that promote these uses promote 
    long-term use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements, 
    which has been associated with serious adverse events. For this reason, 
    FDA tentatively concludes that any claims that promote long-term use of 
    ephedrine alkaloid dietary supplements, such as those for weight loss 
    and body building, promote conditions of use that present a significant 
    and unreasonable risk of illness and injury. Therefore, under sections 
    402(f)(1)(A) and 701(a) of the act, the agency is proposing in 
    Sec. 111.100(e) to prohibit dietary supplements that contain ephedrine 
    alkaloids from being represented, either expressly or implicitly, for 
    use for long-term effects such as weight loss or body building.
        b. Claims that promote short-term excessive consumption. Many 
    claims found on the labels of, or in the labeling for, ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements, including increased energy, 
    increased mental concentration, and enhanced well-being, encourage the 
    consumer to take more of the product than is indicated on the label to 
    achieve more of the purported effect. Several members of the Food 
    Advisory Committee stated that when a product is promoted to increase 
    these types of effects, the claim encourages the consumer to exceed the 
    labeled directions for use to gain more of the desired effects (Ref. 
    25). For example, if a product is promoted for energy, the consumer is 
    encouraged to take more to gain greater energy.
        Many of the AER's received by the agency were associated with 
    dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids that were promoted 
    for one or more of these purposes. In a number of instances, the 
    consumer took more than directed on the product label and experienced 
    an adverse event (Ref. 190). Claims that promote excessive consumption, 
    even for one or a very limited number of uses, are inconsistent with 
    proposed Sec. 111.100 (a)(1) and (b), because they encourage the 
    consumer to take more than directed in the conditions of use set out on 
    the label so that the consumer can achieve the purported effect.
        In section II.C.2.a. and II.C.2.b. of this document, FDA described 
    data from the clinical literature and AER's that show that consumption 
    of an excessive amount of ephedrine alkaloids in a relatively short 
    period of time is associated with serious adverse events, including 
    seizure, psychosis, mania, heart attack, and death. The agency 
    tentatively concludes that the potential for these serious adverse 
    events to occur with excessive consumption of ephedrine alkaloids is a 
    material fact with respect to consequences that may result from the use 
    of a dietary supplement promoted for short-term effects that encourage 
    excessive consumption, and therefore a material fact that must be 
    disclosed on the label.
        FDA's authority to require disclosure statements in the labeling of 
    dietary supplement products derives from sections 201(n), 403(a)(1), 
    and 701(a) of the act. Section 201(n) of the act states, ``If an 
    article (e.g., a food or dietary supplement product) is alleged to be 
    misbranded because the labeling or advertising is misleading, then in 
    determining whether the labeling or advertising is misleading there 
    shall be taken into account (among other things) not only 
    representations made or suggested by statement, word, design, device, 
    or any combination thereof, but also the extent to which the labeling 
    or advertising fails to reveal facts material in light of such 
    representations or material with respect to consequences that may 
    result from the use of the article to which the labeling or advertising 
    thereof or under such conditions of use prescribed in the labeling or 
    advertising thereof or under such conditions of use as are customary or 
    usual.'' Under section 403(a)(1) of the act, a food is misbranded if 
    its labeling is false or misleading in any particular. Thus, the 
    omission of a material fact from the label or labeling would misbrand a 
    product. These statutory provisions, combined with section 701(a) of 
    the act, authorize FDA to issue a regulation designed to ensure that 
    persons using ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements will 
    receive information that is material with respect to consequences that 
    may result from the use of the supplement under its labeled conditions.
        Therefore, FDA is proposing in Sec. 111.100(f)(1) that the label or 
    labeling for dietary supplements that contain ephedrine alkaloids that 
    purport to be or are represented, either expressly or implicitly, to be 
    used for short-term effects, such as increased energy, increased mental 
    concentration, or enhanced well-being, must state ``Taking more than 
    the recommended serving may cause heart attack, stroke, seizure, or 
    death.'' However, given the significance and the potentially life-
    threatening nature of the adverse events that may occur when 
    individuals consume excessive amounts of ephedrine alkaloids, the 
    agency requests comments on whether this statement should appear on the 
    label of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids, regardless 
    of any claims appearing on the label or in labeling.
        FDA wants to provide an approach to placement of this information 
    that will give it a prominence that will ensure that it will be read 
    and understood by consumers but that will result in its presentation 
    only once on the label panel or on each page of the labeling. Because 
    the consequences of excessive use of ephedrine alkaloids can be 
    serious, the agency tentatively concludes that this information should 
    be on the same label panel or on the same page of the labeling (i.e., 
    the same field of vision) as the claim. However, FDA is proposing to 
    provide for the use of one disclaimer on the label panel or on each 
    page of labeling in situations in which multiple claims appear on the 
    label panel or page of labeling where repetitive presentation of the 
    disclaimer could be burdensome. FDA tentatively concludes that where 
    the label panel or page of labeling contains multiple claims, and the 
    relationship between each of those statements and the disclaimer can be 
    made obvious, the disclaimer need only appear once on each label panel 
    or in each page of labeling.
        FDA experience has been that one of the most effective ways of 
    tying two label statements that are physically separate on the same 
    panel is through the use of a symbol such as an asterisk. Symbols have 
    been used within nutrition labeling since its inception in 1973 and 
    have proven to be an effective way of relating labeling information to 
    explanatory footnotes. For example, asterisks have been used adjacent 
    to names of vitamins and minerals present at very low levels to refer 
    the consumer to a footnote stating ``Contains less than
    [[Page 30699]]
    2 percent of the Daily Value (formerly the U.S. Recommended Daily 
    Allowance).'' FDA is unaware of any data indicating consumer 
    difficulties with such use of symbols. The use of symbols would also 
    help differentiate between the label statements to which the disclaimer 
    is referring and the other label claims to which the disclaimer does 
    not apply (e.g., authorized health claims or nutrient content claims).
        The agency points out that the proposed requirements for the 
    disclaimer also extend to labeling: There are potentially many vehicles 
    (e.g., placards, pamphlets, catalogs, books) that would have to bear 
    the disclaimer. The agency is concerned that the disclaimer be 
    prominent in these forms of labeling. Even with the flexibility of the 
    use of an asterisk to tie the claim and the disclaimer to a single 
    claim, the disclaimer could be obscured in pages of text of a package 
    insert, pamphlet, or book if it did not appear on the same page or 
    panel (i.e., in the same field of vision) as the claim itself. Because 
    of the variety of possibilities for the presentation of the disclaimer, 
    the agency tentatively concludes that for labeling, as for labels, it 
    is important that the disclaimer appear within the same field of 
    vision, that is, on each package panel or page where a claim is made.
        Section 403(f) of the act requires mandatory label or labeling 
    information to be prominently placed on the label with such 
    conspicuousness (compared with other words, statements, designs, or 
    devices, in the labeling) as to render it likely to be read and 
    understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of 
    use. In other instances where information must appear in a prominent 
    and conspicuous manner on the product label, FDA has proposed that the 
    information be ``in easily legible print or type in distinct contrast 
    to other printed or graphic matter'' (e.g., Sec. 101.13(d)(2)). 
    Therefore, to be consistent with previous actions and to ensure that 
    the information is presented in a way that makes it likely to be read, 
    FDA tentatively concludes that the information be presented in easily 
    legible print or type in distinct contrast to other printed or graphic 
        FDA has long held that accompanying information should be in a size 
    reasonably related to that of the information it modifies (e.g., 
    Secs. 101.22(i)(2) and 102.5(b)(2)(ii)). More recently, this relative 
    prominence has been expressed as a size no less than that required by 
    Sec. 101.105(i) for the net quantity of contents statement, except 
    where the size of the claim is less than two times the required size of 
    the net quantity of contents statement, in which case the accompanying 
    information can be no less than one-half the type size of the 
    information modified, but no smaller than one-sixteenth of an inch (see 
    e.g., Sec. 101.13(g) (1) and (i)(2)). The agency also has long held 
    that one-sixteenth of an inch is the minimum type size for disclaimer 
    statements, unless the package complies with Sec. 101.2(c)(5) (see 
    e.g., Sec. 101.13(g)(1) and (i)(2)). One-sixteenth of an inch is 
    specified in Sec. 101.2(c) as the minimum type size for most other 
    mandatory information on the principal display panel or information 
    panel, e.g., designation of ingredients, name and place of business, 
    and quantitative information for relative claims. Consequently, the 
    agency tentatively concludes that the minimum type size for such 
    information should be one-sixteenth of an inch.
        Accordingly, FDA is proposing to provide for the disclaimer, as 
    outlined above, in Sec. 111.100(f)(2). If FDA adopts 
    Sec. 111.100(f)(2), the labeling of a dietary supplement that contains 
    ephedrine alkaloids and that purports to be, or that is represented as, 
    useful for short-term effects, such as increased energy, increased 
    mental concentration, or enhanced well-being, would be misleading, and 
    thus misbranded, if it does not include the disclaimer set out in 
    Sec. 111.100(f)(1).
        The agency recognizes that most of the claims that will require the 
    use of the disclaimer, if this proposal is adopted, will be statements 
    that are made subject to section 403(r)(6) of the act. That provision 
    also requires that a disclaimer accompany the statements. In the 
    Federal Register of December 28, 1995 (60 FR 67176), FDA proposed 
    requirements for the disclaimer that is required to accompany 
    statements made under section 403(r)(6) of the act. FDA requests 
    comments on how best to place the disclaimer proposed in this document 
    in conjunction with the disclaimer required under section 403(r)(6) of 
    the act on the label or in labeling of dietary supplements so that both 
    disclaimers will be read and understood by consumers.
        c. Claims that suggest that the product is intended to be used as a 
    substitute for an illicit street drug. FDA is aware that some ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing products are being promoted as alternatives or 
    substitutes for such illicit street drugs as MDMA (4-methyl-2, 
    dimethoxyamphetamine), a methamphetamine analogue. MDMA is also known 
    as ``ecstasy,'' ``XTC,'' and ``X.'' The precursor of MDMA is MDA (3,4 
    methylene dioxyamphetamine), an amphetamine whose use results in 
    destruction of serotonin-producing neurons that play a direct role in 
    regulating aggression, mood, sexual activity, and tolerance to pain 
    (Ref. 16). Many products claiming to be herbal alternatives to MDMA 
    bear claims on their label or in the labeling that highlight these 
    mood-or mind-altering effects.
        Such street drug alternative claims do not fall within the scope of 
    the claims that Congress intended to permit on the labels or in the 
    labeling of dietary supplements. The Dietary Supplement Health and 
    Education Act of 1994 (the DSHEA) added section 201(ff) to the act (21 
    U.S.C. 321(ff)), which provides, in part, that the term dietary 
    supplement means a product ``intended to supplement the diet'' that 
    bears or contains one or more dietary ingredients. While Congress did 
    not elaborate in the legislative history on what it intended the phrase 
    ``intended to supplement the diet'' to mean, many of the congressional 
    findings set forth in the DSHEA suggest that Congress intended dietary 
    supplements to augment the diet to promote health and reduce the risk 
    of disease.
        In using the term ``diet'' in section 201(ff) of the act, Congress 
    did not define this term in either the act or the legislative history. 
    The term ``diet'' is defined in Webster's Dictionary as ``an organism's 
    usual food and drink'' (Ref. 200). Dorland's Medical Dictionary defines 
    ``diet'' as ``the customary allowance of food and drink taken by any 
    person from day-to-day, particularly one especially planned to meet 
    specific requirements of the individual, and including or excluding 
    certain items of food'' (Ref. 201). These definitions suggest that the 
    diet is composed of usual food and drink that may be designed to meet 
    specific nutritional requirements. Under section 201(ff) of the act, 
    dietary supplements are food except for purposes of section 201(g) of 
    the act and thus may be part of, or augment, the diet. These common 
    sense definitions for the term ``diet'' do not encompass alternatives 
    to illicit street drugs.
        Products promoted to be an alternative to or substitute for an 
    illicit street drug are intended to be used for recreational purposes 
    to effect psychological states (e.g., to ``get high'' or to promote 
    feelings of euphoria). Illicit street drugs are not food or drink and 
    thus, cannot supplement the diet. In addition, use of products claiming 
    to be alternatives to illicit street drugs does not promote health or 
    reduce the risk of disease, the intended use for dietary supplements 
    suggested in the
    [[Page 30700]]
    congressional findings listed in the DSHEA. In fact, serious adverse 
    events, including cardiac arrhythmia that resulted in death, are 
    associated with the use and abuse of products promoted for use as an 
    alternative to MDMA (see ARMS No. 10862 in Ref. 149a).
        Because alternatives to illicit street drugs are not intended to be 
    used to supplement the diet, products that purport to be or that are 
    represented, either expressly or implicitly, for use as an alternative 
    to a street drug are not dietary supplements within the meaning of 
    section 201(ff) of the act. Therefore, manufacturers, packers, and 
    distributors cannot take advantage of the exemption for structure 
    function claims from the drug definition in section 403(r)(6) of the 
    act. Because these products are intended to be used to affect the 
    structure and function of the body, they are drugs within the meaning 
    of section 201(g)(1)(C) of the act.
    7. Warning Label Statements
        Several members of the Working Group and of the Food Advisory 
    Committee recommended that specific information be conveyed in a 
    warning or cautionary statement for ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    dietary supplements (Refs. 25 and 27). Persons having certain diseases 
    or taking specific medications known to interact with ephedrine 
    alkaloids are at risk of suffering adverse events with the use of 
    dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids. Generally, use of 
    ephedrine alkaloids at any intake level by these persons is 
    contraindicated (Refs. 10 through 12, and 55). For these persons, a 
    warning label statement can be a useful means of alerting them to 
    potential consequences that can result from the use of the product. 
    Table 5 identifies groups that are at risk if they use ephedrine 
    alkaloids. In addition, many consumers who are unaware that they are 
    sensitive to the effects of ephedrine alkaloids may not recognize the 
    significance of early warning signs and symptoms as potential 
    indicators of more serious side effects (e.g., dizziness or severe 
    headache may be early symptoms of hypertension or stroke). Under these 
    circumstances, a warning statement could provide information on what 
    actions the consumer should take if certain symptoms occur.
        FDA has received several AER's, some clinically significant, that 
    were associated with the use of dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids at levels below the level proposed in 
    Sec. 111.100(a)(1) where signs and symptoms including high blood 
    pressure, chest pain, increased heart rate, severe headache, and nausea 
    were observed (Ref. 149a). Although these AER's are not sufficient to 
    support a lower per serving limit, they do provide cause for concern 
    for lower per serving levels. To reduce the potential for adverse 
    events to occur at these lower per serving levels, FDA tentatively 
    concludes that a warning statement on the labels of dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids is necessary, in conjunction with 
    dietary ingredient limitations and other requirements proposed in this 
    document, to protect the public health.
        FDA is therefore proposing in Sec. 111.100(g) to require that a 
    specific warning statement appear on the labels of dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids. FDA's authority to require label 
    warning statements on dietary supplement products derives from sections 
    201(n), 403(a)(1), and 701(a) of the act. These statutory provisions 
    authorize FDA to issue a regulation designed to ensure that persons 
    using dietary supplements will receive information that is material 
    with respect to consequences that may result from the use of a product 
    under its labeled conditions.
        a. Caution statement suggested by industry. Several dietary 
    supplement industry trade groups met with FDA on November 30, 1995, and 
    suggested that dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids bear 
    a specific warning statement (Ref. 199). Representatives from the 
    National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), the American Herbal 
    Products Association (AHPA), the Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers 
    Association (NDMA), and the Utah Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) 
    (hereinafter referred to as the dietary supplement industry 
    2) recommended the following statement:
        \2\ FDA is using this shorthand for convenience. It does not 
    intend to imply that these groups represent the entire dietary 
    supplement industry.
        CAUTION: Taking more than the recommended amount will not 
    necessarily increase benefits. Begin use with one-half or less the 
    recommended dose to assess your tolerance. (If Pertinent) Please note: 
    This product contains caffeine and should not be taken by those wishing 
    to eliminate caffeine from their diet. Seek advice from a health care 
    practitioner if you are pregnant or nursing or if you are at risk or 
    are being treated for high blood pressure, heart, thyroid or 
    psychiatric disease, diabetes, depression, seizure disorder, stroke or 
    difficulty in urination due to prostate enlargement. Consult your 
    health care professional before use if you are taking an MAO inhibitor 
    or any other prescription drug. Discontinue use and consult your health 
    care professional if dizziness, nausea, sleeplessness, tremors, 
    nervousness, headache, heart palpitations or tingling sensations occur. 
        FDA has carefully considered proposing adoption of the statement 
    suggested by industry. While the agency considers the industry 
    suggestion to be a good starting point, FDA tentatively concludes that 
    some changes are necessary in the statement if it is to fulfill its 
    purpose of fairly warning consumers about the special risks attendant 
    to use of dietary supplements that contain ephedrine alkaloids.
        b. Tentative conclusions. The dietary supplement industry suggested 
    that the warning statement begin with the term ``caution.'' FDA, 
    however, questions whether this term is adequate to convey the severity 
    of the harm that can result from the use of the product. Because use of 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements has the potential to 
    cause serious injury to certain subgroups of the population, the agency 
    tentatively concludes that the use of the term ``WARNING'' is 
    warranted. The term ``WARNING'' is commonly used to denote danger, and, 
    therefore, the use of this term will communicate to consumers the harm 
    that could result to the special populations that are the subject of 
    the warning.
        The dietary supplement industry suggested that the statement 
    include the instruction ``Seek advice from a health care provider if 
    you are pregnant or nursing or if you are at risk or are being treated 
    for high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty 
    in urination due to prostate enlargement.'' Several members of the 
    Working Group and of the Food Advisory Committee recommended that a 
    warning statement direct consumers who have certain diseases or 
    conditions that increase the risk of adverse events not to use the 
    product or to see a health care provider prior to using the product 
    (Refs. 25 and 27). The feeling of these members was that a health care 
    provider could assess the potential risks for the individual consumer 
    if he or she uses the product.
        FDA concurs with this portion of the industry's labeling 
    recommendation. As discussed in section II.C. of this document, based 
    on the scientific literature and the known physiological and 
    pharmacologic effects of ephedrine alkaloids, an individual who is 
    pregnant or nursing, has high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, 
    or difficulty in
    [[Page 30701]]
    urination because of prostate enlargement has an increased risk for 
    experiencing serious adverse effects with the use of ephedrine 
    alkaloids. However, FDA also tentatively finds that the warning 
    statement should be broadened to address other individuals who may 
    place themselves at particular risk if they consume the product. The 
    relevant scientific literature, case reports and AER's suggest that 
    persons suffering from depression or other psychiatric conditions, 
    glaucoma, or seizure disorders are also at increased risk of 
    experiencing an adverse event if they consume ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing products.
        Use of ephedrine alkaloids during pregnancy or while nursing can 
    cause adverse effects in the fetus or the infant. Ephedrine alkaloids 
    can cross the placental wall and can be absorbed by the fetus when 
    taken by a pregnant woman (Refs. 10 through 12 and 55). Similarly, 
    ephedrine is excreted in the breast milk and can be consumed by the 
    nursing infant. The fetus, infants, and children are sensitive to the 
    effects of ephedrine alkaloids and thus are more likely to experience 
    adverse events (Refs. 39 and 41).
        Use of ephedrine alkaloids by persons with high blood pressure can 
    result in blood pressure elevations or loss of adequate medical control 
    of hypertension (Ref. 64) which increases the risk of serious 
    consequences (e.g., stroke and heart attack) (Refs. 62 and 70). Because 
    ephedrine alkaloids also interfere with the regulation of serum 
    potassium levels (Refs. 53 through 55), individuals with heart disease 
    who use ephedrine alkaloids are at greater risk of cardiac dysrhythmias 
    (i.e., abnormal heart rhythms) (Refs. 18 and 56), myocardial ischemia 
    (i.e., inadequate circulation of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle), 
    and infarction (i.e., death or damage of heart cells, also called heart 
    attack) (Refs. 57 through 61).
        With respect to thyroid disease, individuals with hyperthyroidism 
    (resulting from increased secretion of thyroid hormone) show increased 
    sensitivity to adrenergic agents, such as ephedrine alkaloids, which 
    can result in thyroid storm with dire consequences (e.g., cardiac 
    dysrhythmias, congestive heart failure, coma, and death) (Refs. 39, 41, 
    55, and 202).
        For persons with diabetes, use of sympathomimetics can result in an 
    increase in blood sugar and loss of diabetic control (Refs. 29, 41, and 
    51). In addition, ephedrine can cause constriction of the urinary 
    bladder sphincter and ultimately lead to dysuria (increased, painful, 
    or difficulty in urination). This condition is not only associated with 
    prostate enlargement or only seen in men. Published case reports and 
    AER's received by the agency document the finding that urinary 
    retention following the use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing products 
    can occur in both females and males, including young boys without any 
    history of prostate enlargement (see ARMS No. 10298 and 11164 in Ref. 
    149a and Refs. 102, 103, 123, and 124).
        Use of ephedrine alkaloids by persons suffering from depression or 
    other psychiatric conditions increases the risk for the occurrence of 
    serious adverse events, including psychosis and mania (Refs. 81 through 
    96, 98, 99, 109, and 220). Because ephedrine can cause an increase in 
    intraocular pressure (i.e., pressure inside the eyeball), use of 
    ephedrine alkaloids by persons with glaucoma will worsen this disease, 
    which over time, can result in blindness (Refs. 39 and 41). Finally, 
    persons with seizure disorders who use ephedrine alkaloids have an 
    increased risk for experiencing a seizure (Refs. 63, 65, and 80). 
    Because the nature of the risks associated with the use of ephedrine 
    alkaloids for persons who have the diseases and health-related 
    conditions listed above, it is important that these consumers be 
    advised to consult a health care provider before using ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements.
        With regard to the statement in industry's suggested statement ``if 
    you are at risk or are being treated for high blood pressure * * *,'' 
    the agency considers it unlikely that consumers will be able to 
    adequately evaluate their risk for developing the conditions listed in 
    this statement. Most of these conditions are not self-diagnoseable. In 
    addition, individuals who have a disease or condition listed in this 
    statement, but who are not currently being treated, may believe that 
    they are not at risk of experiencing an adverse event. Consequently, 
    the agency tentatively concludes that the warning statement needs to 
    include an instruction to consult a health care provider before using 
    an ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplement.
        The dietary supplement industry statement only instructs the 
    consumer to consult his or her health care professional before use if 
    he or she is taking an MAOI or any other prescription drug. FDA 
    tentatively concludes that this statement should be broader because of 
    the need for professional help in assessing the risks of ephedrine 
    alkaloid intake with a range of conditions.
        However, people using MAOI drugs should not use ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing products at all. Several members of the Working Group and of 
    the Food Advisory Committee recommended that the warning statement 
    advise consumers not to use the dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids if they are taking these types of drugs (Refs. 25 
    and 27). Because the use of MAOI drugs in combination with ephedrine 
    alkaloids results in blood pressure elevations and increases the risk 
    of serious consequences (e.g., stroke and heart attack), FDA is 
    proposing to warn against use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing products 
    in this circumstance (Refs. 10 through 12, 39, 41, and 55). Because 
    persons remain at risk while the MAOI drug remains in the body, FDA 
    tentatively concludes that consumers need to be informed that it may 
    take up to 2 weeks for the MAOI drug to clear the body (Refs. 203 and 
        Because MAOI drugs increase the effects of sympathomimetic agents, 
    and consequently will increase the frequency and severity of adverse 
    effects, persons taking such drugs should be given as much information 
    as possible. The agency is concerned that some patients may not be 
    fully informed about MAOI drugs, may not fully understand or remember 
    all the information given to them, or with the passage of time, may 
    forget or lose information that has been provided. Thus, the warning 
    statement needs to be as informative as possible.
        Rather than include general language, such as ``any prescription 
    drug'' in the warning statement, FDA tentatively finds that it is 
    important to identify specific types of prescription and OTC drugs that 
    contain ingredients that in combination with ephedrine alkaloids are 
    known or expected to increase the likelihood, frequency, or severity of 
    adverse effects. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that consumers 
    need to be warned not to use ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary 
    supplement in combination with specific drugs, such as drugs for 
    depression, psychiatric or emotional conditions (Refs. 10 through 12, 
    55, and 205); drugs for Parkinson's disease (Ref. 55); methyldopa (Ref. 
    206); or any product containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or 
    phenylpropanolamine (ingredients often found in allergy, asthma, cough/
    cold and weight control products) (Refs. 180 and 207 through 209).
        FDA tentatively finds that the drug methyldopa needs to be 
    identified on the label. It increases the pressor results of 
    sympathomimetic agents, such as ephedrine alkaloids, resulting in 
    hypertension (Ref. 206). FDA has
    [[Page 30702]]
    reached a similar tentative judgment with respect to ephedrine, 
    pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine because each of these 
    substances, in combination with an ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    dietary supplement, could lead to an additive effect and consequently 
    increase the risk of serious adverse events. While many consumers may 
    not be familiar with the term ``ephedrine,'' ``pseudoephedrine,'' or 
    ``phenylpropanolamine,'' they may be aware of the type of product being 
    taken for a specific condition or ailment, e.g., allergy, asthma, 
    cough/cold, and weight control products.
        The agency recognizes that because of the large number of drugs for 
    depression, psychiatric or emotional conditions, and Parkinson's 
    disease that are contraindicated for use with ephedrine alkaloids and 
    the limited amount of space on the labels of dietary supplements, not 
    all of them can be listed on the label. However, the conditions for 
    which the consumer is taking the drug can be identified, using less 
    label space. If consumers are unsure whether their drug may interact 
    with the ephedrine alkaloids, they should be cautioned to check with 
    their health care professional before using the dietary supplement.
        The dietary supplement industry suggested that the statement 
    include the instruction ``Discontinue use and consult your health care 
    professional if dizziness, nausea, sleeplessness, tremors, nervousness, 
    headache, heart palpitations or tingling sensations occur.'' Several 
    members of the Working Group and of the Food Advisory Committee also 
    recommended that any warning statement include information on what 
    actions the consumer should take if certain symptoms occur (Refs. 25 
    and 27).
        Signs and symptoms, such as dizziness, severe headache, rapid or 
    irregular heart beat, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, 
    sleeplessness, noticeable changes in behavior, or loss of consciousness 
    are often early warning signs of serious illness or injury, including 
    heart attack, stroke, or seizure. It is important that the consumer 
    stop using the product if these signs or symptoms occur because 
    continued use of the product may aggravate the adverse effects. The 
    agency tentatively finds that the terms ``stop'' and ``call'' should be 
    used for ``discontinue'' and ``consult,'' respectively, because they 
    are more simple and direct terms.
        The proposed warning statement instructs the consumer to call a 
    health care professional if any of the listed symptoms occur. A health 
    care professional will be able to evaluate the significance of the 
    signs and symptoms, determine the risks of more serious adverse events 
    occurring, and prescribe any treatment that may be necessary. The 
    effects, such as tremor, sleeplessness, and tingling sensations, that 
    are included in the instruction suggested by the industry are not 
    usually clinically serious and will likely cease once the product use 
    is discontinued (Refs. 210). For these reasons, FDA tentatively 
    concludes that the statement needs to include the instruction to ``Stop 
    use and call a health care professional immediately if dizziness, 
    severe headache, rapid or irregular heart beat, chest pain, shortness 
    of breath, nausea, noticeable changes in behavior, or loss of 
    consciousness occur.''
        The dietary supplement industry suggested that the statement 
    include a direction for the consumer not to exceed the recommended 
    dose. Members of the Working Group and of the Food Advisory Committee 
    recommended that the warning statement include a direction for the 
    consumer not to exceed the recommended serving or dose (Refs. 25 and 
        The agency concurs with the industry's suggestion. FDA tentatively 
    finds that this type of statement is necessary to provide information 
    instructing the user not to consume the product excessively. Excessive 
    consumption of ephedrine alkaloids is associated with adverse events, 
    including heart attack, stroke, seizure, and death. Therefore, the 
    statement is a material fact about the consequences of use of the 
    product. However, FDA has used the term ``serving'' rather than 
    ``dose,'' because the agency considers the term ``serving'' to be more 
    appropriate for use on a food label.
        The dietary supplement industry suggested that the statement 
    include the instruction that ``Taking more than the recommended amount 
    will not necessarily increase benefits.'' Similarly, the Working Group 
    suggested that the warning statement contain the instruction that 
    ``Larger quantities may not be more effective.'' The agency is not 
    aware of any data or other information that establishes that there are 
    benefits from the use of dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids. Therefore, the agency would be concerned about requiring a 
    statement on the label that implies a judgment (that the product has 
    benefits) that the agency has not made. While some questions can be 
    raised in this regard under section 403(r)(6) of the act, the agency 
    considers them to be moot because the instruction for the consumer not 
    to exceed the recommended serving eliminates the need for the ``Taking 
    more than recommended * * *'' statement.
        The dietary supplement industry suggested that the statement advise 
    the consumer to: ``Begin use with one-half or less the recommended dose 
    to assess your tolerance.'' The agency addressed limiting the levels of 
    ephedrine alkaloids contained in dietary supplements in proposed 
    Sec. 111.100 (a)(1) and (b). In addition, because of label space 
    constraints, the agency is trying to keep the warning statement as 
    short as possible. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that there is 
    no reason to require inclusion of this information.
        The dietary supplement industry recommended the following in a 
    caution statement, if appropriate for the product: ``This product 
    contains caffeine and should not be taken by those wishing to eliminate 
    caffeine from their diet.'' The Food Advisory Committee also suggested 
    that other stimulants with their source, such as caffeine from Kola 
    nut, be identified on the label of a dietary supplement containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids. However, the agency is proposing to prohibit 
    stimulant substances in combination with ephedrine alkaloids in dietary 
    supplements. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that there is no 
    reason to require the inclusion of such a statement.
        The dietary supplement industry recommended that the direction 
    ``Not for use by persons under the age of 18'' be included in the 
    warning statement. Several members of the Working Group and of the Food 
    Advisory Committee suggested that the warning statement include a 
    direction that the product is not intended for use by persons under the 
    age of 18. The agency has received limited reports of adolescents 
    abusing or misusing ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements. 
    Moreover, the agency has stated elsewhere in this document that claims 
    implying usefulness of these products as alternatives to illicit street 
    drugs render the product an unauthorized drug. FDA considers that 
    removal of alternative street drug claims from the labeling of dietary 
    supplements will significantly reduce or eliminate the appeal of these 
    products to adolescents and therefore is not proposing to require that 
    this direction be included in the warning. However, the agency requests 
    comments on whether the direction ``not for persons under the age of 
    18'' should be included.
    [[Page 30703]]
        The industry group's statement included the instruction ``Keep out 
    of reach of children.'' Children show increased sensitivity to the 
    effects of sympathomimetic agents compared to adults (Refs. 39 and 41) 
    and are, therefore, at increased risk for experiencing adverse events 
    from the use of ephedrine alkaloids. The agency has limited data and 
    information that dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are 
    being given to, or are associated with accidental overdosage by, 
    children. FDA requests comment, particularly data, on whether this 
    statement is necessary to alert consumers to the fact that ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements should not be made available to 
        c. The agency's proposal. Based on FDA's authority under sections 
    201(n), 403(a)(1), and 701(a) of the act, the agency proposes to 
    require manufacturers to include the warning statement set out in 
    Sec. 111.100(g)(1) in the labeling of their ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing products. The agency tentatively finds that the warning 
    statement is necessary to disclose material facts about the 
    consequences of using the product, and that it will help to reduce the 
    risk that some individuals will experience an adverse event from using 
    this type of product.
        The agency solicits comments on all aspects of the warning 
    statement, including data to support any specific instruction. The 
    agency also solicits comments on approaches to shorten or simplify the 
    warning statement. Because substances contained in ingredients (e.g., 
    ephedrine alkaloids contained in Ephedra) are not required to be listed 
    in the ingredient list on the label of dietary supplements, the agency 
    is concerned that consumers and health care providers may not be aware 
    that ephedrine alkaloids are contained in the product and thus may not 
    necessarily recognize the seriousness of the symptoms listed in the 
    statement, when they occur. FDA requests comments on whether the 
    warning statement should disclose that ephedrine alkaloids are 
    contained in the product. In addition, the agency is concerned that 
    some AER's suggest that a pattern of starting and stopping use of 
    dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids may increase an 
    individual's susceptibility to experiencing adverse events. FDA 
    requests comments on whether the warning statement should disclose the 
    possibility of increasing the risk of adverse events by a pattern of 
    stopping and starting use. Based on the comments received by FDA, the 
    warning statement proposed below may need to be modified.
        In an effort to promote uniformity in labeling, FDA is proposing to 
    require that the warning statement appear on the labels of ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements in the exact manner presented 
    in proposed Sec. 111.100(g)(1), except when the disclaimer proposed in 
    Sec. 111.100(f) appears on the same label panel as the warning 
    statement, in which case the instruction ``Do not exceed recommended 
    serving'' would not have to appear in the warning statement. However, 
    the agency recognizes that other ingredients that may be used in 
    ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements may have consequences 
    of use that need to be disclosed on the label. The agency requests 
    comments on how to allow for warning statements for other ingredients 
    in conjunction with the ephedrine alkaloid warning statement on the 
    label of dietary supplements. In addition, the agency solicits comments 
    on the format of the warning statement to improve its clarity (e.g., 
    should the statement be set out in bullets).
        d. Placement of warning statement on label. The agency intends to 
    provide an approach to the placement of the warning label statement to 
    give manufacturers flexibility to design their own label warning 
    formats, while ensuring that consumers are given adequate notice of the 
    information contained in the warning.
        Section 403(f) of the act requires that information appearing on 
    the label or labeling be prominently placed and appear with such 
    conspicuousness (as compared with other words, statements, designs, or 
    devices, in the labeling) as to render it likely to be read by the 
    ordinary individual under customary conditions of use. In the agency's 
    rulemaking that mandated warning statements on certain protein 
    products, the agency decided not to mandate specific requirements for 
    type size and other format elements. However, the agency did require 
    that the warning statement appear ``prominently and conspicuously on 
    the principal display panel of the package label'' (Sec. 101.17). In 
    addressing the placement of the label warning, the agency noted that 
    the seriousness and nature of the risks associated with the use of 
    protein products in very low calorie diets was sufficient to require 
    placement of the warning statement on the principal display panel 
    (Sec. 101.17).
        FDA tentatively concludes that the warning statement that it is 
    proposing must appear prominently and conspicuously on the label of 
    dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids so that consumers 
    are given adequate notice of the information contained in the warning. 
    While the risks associated with the use of dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids are serious, the agency is not proposing 
    to require that the warning label statement for dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids appear on the principal display panel. 
    The agency recognizes that, because of the length of the required 
    warning statement, in many cases it may be impracticable for the 
    warning statement to appear on the principal display panel without 
    interfering with the placement of other information that is required to 
    appear on that panel.
        The requirement in the act for prominent display means that the 
    warning statement must be presented on the label or labeling in a 
    manner that renders it as readily observable and likely to be read. In 
    this regard, the agency's experience with the graphic requirements for 
    the new nutrition label has been that a box around required label 
    information greatly increases the prominence of the information placed 
    inside the box. Moreover, focus group discussions regarding warning 
    labels show that messages put in a boxed area help consumers to 
    distinguish the message from other information as well as draw 
    attention to it (Ref. 210a). Therefore, FDA is proposing to require in 
    Sec. 111.100(g)(3) that the warning statement for ephedrine alkaloid-
    containing dietary supplements be separated from other information by a 
    box. If FDA adopts these regulations, manufacturers will have the 
    flexibility to design their own label and warning label format subject 
    to Sec. 111.100(g)(3).
        Section 201(k) of the act defines the term ``label'' as ``a display 
    of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate container of 
    any article'' and further states a requirement that ``any word, 
    statement, or other information appear on the label shall not be 
    considered to be complied with unless such word, statement, or other 
    information also appears on the outside container or wrapper, if any 
    there be, of the retail package of such article * * *.'' Thus, if FDA 
    adopts its proposal to require that a warning statement appear on the 
    label of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements, the warning 
    statement would also have to appear on the retail package of such a 
    product, if that package is not the immediate container.
        FDA requests comments on these proposed requirements for placement 
    of the warning statement.
    [[Page 30704]]
        In addition to this proposed regulation, the agency has issued 
    proposed and final rules on dietary supplements, including premarket 
    notification procedures for new dietary ingredients (61 FR 50774, 
    September 27, 1996) and label warning statements and unit dose 
    packaging requirements for iron containing dietary supplements (62 FR 
    2218, January 15, 1997). The agency has proposed to codify each of the 
    proposed and final regulations in different parts of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations. The agency believes that it would be easier for 
    consumers as well as for the dietary supplement industry to find and 
    use regulations for dietary supplements if they were consolidated into 
    one part of the CFR. Accordingly, FDA is proposing to revise part 111 
    to consolidate the regulations for dietary supplements. FDA is 
    proposing to change the title of part 111 from ``Current Good 
    Manufacturing Practice for Dietary Supplements'' to ``Dietary 
    Supplements.'' This is necessary to reflect that other regulations for 
    dietary supplements in addition to regulations for current good 
    manufacturing practice will be contained in this part. FDA is proposing 
    to establish four subparts in part 111: Subpart A--General Provisions, 
    Subpart B--Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Dietary Supplements, 
    Subpart C--New Dietary Ingredients, and Subpart D--Restricted Dietary 
    Ingredients. The labeling provisions for dietary supplements will 
    continue to be placed in 21 CFR part 101.
    D. Other Approaches Considered by the Agency
        In choosing the proposed approach to limit the risks presented by 
    ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements, the agency considered, but 
    rejected, several other approaches. Because the act does not allow 
    premarket review authority for dietary supplements, FDA has no data and 
    information to establish conditions of use that will ensure the safe 
    use of ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements. Therefore, 
    the only viable approach available to FDA is one in which the agency 
    prohibits levels of a substance in, or conditions of use for, a dietary 
    supplement that it can prove may render the product injurious to health 
    or that present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness and 
    injury under the conditions of use suggested or recommended in the 
    labeling or under ordinary conditions of use.
        The agency is unaware of any classical toxicological studies whose 
    results identify ``no adverse effect levels'' for ephedrine alkaloids 
    directly applicable to humans, or whose results establish intake-
    response curves for ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements and that 
    could be used to establish a level of ephedrine alkaloids that are safe 
    for consumers to use in dietary supplements. The intake-response 
    relationships between ephedrine alkaloids and their effects in humans 
    are unknown for both botanical sources and marketed dietary supplement 
    products containing ephedrine alkaloids. Moreover, because there are 
    consumers who may be sensitive to the effects of ephedrine alkaloids 
    because of a variety of factors that are not readily identifiable or 
    predictable, a margin of safety based on classical toxicological 
    principles likely cannot be determined. For these reasons, the agency 
    tentatively finds that the use of a classical toxicological approach to 
    determine a safe level of ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements is 
    not a usable approach.
        Several members of the Food Advisory Committee recommended that FDA 
    consider the risk associated with the use of dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids in the context of any benefit that the 
    consumer may receive from the use of these products (Ref. 25). In 
    applying a risk-to-benefit calculation, a certain amount of risk may be 
    accepted if there is a meaningful benefit to be gained by the consumer 
    (Ref. 25). However, the Food Advisory Committee members were unable to 
    identify a benefit for ephedrine alkaloids in terms of supplementing 
    the diet (Ref. 25). Moreover, risk-benefit analysis is something that 
    is done under the act for drugs, not food.
        Several members of the Working Group suggested that any limitations 
    on the level of ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements be based on 
    the use of pharmaceutical ephedrine in OTC oral bronchodilator drugs 
    and the use of Ephedra in traditional herbal medicine (Ref. 27). Other 
    members of the Working Group and several members of the Food Advisory 
    Committee found difficulty in extrapolating from OTC drug data because 
    the products, the populations using the products, and intended use of 
    the products are dissimilar (Ref. 25). In addition, the latter members 
    were concerned about the potential for adverse events to occur, 
    particularly in populations sensitive to the effects of ephedrine 
    alkaloids, if therapeutic levels of ephedrine are used in dietary 
    supplements (Ref. 25). Several members of the Food Advisory Committee 
    were also concerned about using data from the use of Ephedra in 
    traditional herbal therapies to support the safety of the use of 
    ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements because the therapeutic use 
    of ephedrine alkaloids has traditionally not involved the same 
    conditions, the same populations, or the same purposes as those under 
    which dietary supplements are used (Ref. 25).
        The agency considered the applicability of OTC drug data and 
    tentatively concluded that these data, which involve use in a 
    restricted population (physician-diagnosed mild asthmatics) under 
    limited directions for use (i.e., not to exceed 12.5 to 25 mg every 4 
    hours, not to exceed 150 mg in 24 hours) and with warnings and 
    contraindications for use, has no application here. The determination 
    of safety for drugs is based on a weighing of the proven benefits of 
    the use of the product against the risks. This approach may not be used 
    with foods under section 402(a) of the act. The only question for food 
    use under this section is whether it will cause harm or not. While the 
    concept of ``unreasonable risk'' as stated in section 402(f)(1)(A) of 
    the act, may imply that some evaluation of effects, including risks and 
    benefits, is appropriate for dietary supplements, it is not necessary 
    to reach that question here, because, as stated above, there are no 
    demonstrated benefits for ephedrine alkaloids. Moreover, the risks 
    attendant on consuming dietary supplements containing levels of 
    ephedrine permitted in oral bronchodilator drugs (12.5 to 25 mg 
    ephedrine per dose) are manifest.
        In addition, there is no basis for extrapolating from data from a 
    subgroup of the population, diagnosed asthmatics, who may be less 
    sensitive to the effects of ephedrine (Ref. 25) than the general 
    population, to the general population, among which a significant number 
    of people are known or suspected of being very sensitive to ephedrine.
        Finally, the agency finds it inappropriate to extrapolate data from 
    the use of OTC ephedrine-containing drugs because dietary supplements 
    contain a mixture of several ephedrine alkaloids and a variety of other 
    ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, other botanicals, and other 
    physiological and pharmacologically active substances, while OTC drugs 
    contain only a single ephedrine alkaloid. The presence of other 
    alkaloids and substances in dietary supplements may act to increase the 
    likelihood, frequency, and severity of adverse events from the use of 
    these products. In fact, clinical studies show that adverse events are 
    more likely to occur when ephedrine is combined with other substances, 
    such as caffeine. Therefore, the fact that pharmaceutical ephedrine
    [[Page 30705]]
    has been approved by FDA for an OTC use does not provide assurance of 
    safety for the use of ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements.
        The agency considered the applicability of traditional use of 
    botanical sources of ephedrine alkaloids in establishing dietary 
    ingredient levels for ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements. A 
    history of long usage of a medicinal herb in traditional therapies does 
    not provide an assurance of safety for a component of a dietary 
    supplement because these conditions of use are so different. The 
    history of use of Ephedra in traditional Asian medicine primarily for 
    the treatment or relief of respiratory symptoms provides insufficient 
    assurance that ephedrine alkaloids will not present a significant or an 
    unreasonable risk of injury to consumers who use dietary supplement 
    products containing ephedrine alkaloids to supplement the diet. Not 
    only are dietary supplements marketed for different uses than the 
    traditional use of Ephedra, most dietary supplements are marketed in a 
    form that is different than the form in which it has been traditionally 
    used, e.g., as a concentrated extract in capsules and tablets, in the 
    presence of other substances rather than the raw botanical in a tea.
        FDA is not aware of any systematic collection of data related to 
    adverse effects occurring in individuals treated with Ephedra in 
    traditional medicine. However, several reference texts list precautions 
    and contraindications for the use of the botanical Ephedra in 
    traditional medicine preparations (Refs. 6, 14, and 146). Thus, FDA 
    tentatively concludes that use of ephedrine alkaloids in traditional 
    Asian medicine does not provide the basis on which to establish a safe 
    level of use of ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements.
    IV. Analysis of Impacts
        FDA has examined the impacts of the proposed rule under Executive 
    Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612). 
    Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits 
    of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is necessary, 
    to select the regulatory approach that maximizes net benefits 
    (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, 
    and other advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). Executive 
    Order 12866 classifies a rule as significant if it meets any one of a 
    number of specified conditions, including having an annual effect on 
    the economy of $100 million or adversely affecting in a material way a 
    sector of the economy, competition, or jobs, or if it raises novel 
    legal or policy issues. If a rule has a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities, the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
    requires agencies to analyze regulatory options that would minimize the 
    economic impact of that rule on small entities.
        FDA finds that this proposed rule is an economically significant 
    rule as defined by Executive Order 12866, and finds under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act that this proposed rule will have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Finally, 
    FDA, in conjunction with the Administrator of the Office of Information 
    and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) of the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB), finds that this proposed rule is a major rule for the purposes 
    of congressional review (Pub. L. 104-121).
    A. Market Failure
        The market failure addressed by this regulation is that some 
    consumers may not have sufficient information on the health risks 
    associated with dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids to 
    make informed choices concerning the consumption of these products, 
    despite the presence of warning labels of various types on many of 
    these products. Ordinarily, consumers would be expected to seek out and 
    pay for the level of information they consider appropriate with respect 
    to consumption decisions. However, the level of information currently 
    utilized by consumers with respect to these products may be less than 
    optimal because of consumer perceptions that products marketed as foods 
    or derived from botanical sources are inherently safe, and the cost of 
    generating evidence to evaluate the safety of these products may be 
    quite high. In addition, the onset of the adverse health events 
    associated with these products is frequently quite unexpected or occurs 
    without identifiable risk factors, and consumers may have little or no 
    opportunity to adapt their behavior based on experience with the risks 
    of these products prior to suffering a severe adverse event.
    B. Regulatory Options
        FDA has the following primary options:
        1. Take no action.
        2. Take no regulatory action, but generate additional information 
    on which to base a future regulatory action.
        3. Take proposed action.
        4. Take proposed action, but with a higher potency limit.
        5. Ban dietary supplements that contain ephedrine alkaloids.
        6. Take proposed action, but do not require warning statement.
        7. Require warning statements only.
    C. Benefits and Costs
    1. Option 1--Take No Action
        By convention, the option of taking no action is the baseline in 
    comparison with which the costs and benefits of the other options are 
    determined. Therefore, neither additional costs nor benefits are 
    associated with taking no action. Although no regulatory costs or 
    benefits are generated if no regulatory action is taken, preventable 
    adverse events will continue to occur if no regulatory action is taken. 
    The number of such adverse events is expected to increase over time 
    because the marketplace for these types of products has been increasing 
    rapidly since the 1994 passage of the DSHEA, and the number of AER's 
    associated with use of these products has also been increasing sharply 
    over the last few years (Figure 1).
    2. Option 2--Take No Regulatory Action, but Generate Additional 
    Information on Which To Base a Future Regulatory Action
        FDA has the option of taking no regulatory action but generating 
    additional information on which to base future regulatory action on 
    this issue. The benefit of generating additional information is a 
    reduction in the substantial uncertainty concerning the specific nature 
    of the relationship of the adverse events associated with dietary 
    supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids and, possibly, a more 
    precisely targeted regulation. A more precisely targeted regulation 
    could imply potency limits either higher or lower than the proposed 
    potency limits, and either more or fewer ingredient and labeling 
    restrictions than those proposed. The cost of generating additional 
    information is the cost of whatever activity is undertaken to generate 
    the additional information and the health cost of any adverse events to 
    these products that would occur if regulatory action were delayed but 
    that would not occur if regulatory action were not delayed.
    3. Option 3--Take Proposed Action
        a. Benefits. The benefit of the proposed action is a potential 
    reduction in the number or severity of adverse events associated with 
    dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids. The proposed rule 
    consists of the following four actions: (1) Per day and per serving 
    potency limits on total ephedrine alkaloids (TEA), (2) restrictions on 
    caffeine and other
    [[Page 30706]]
    stimulants, (3) mandatory warning statement, and (4) labeling 
        To estimate the benefits of these actions, a percentage decrease in 
    the current number of adverse events associated with dietary 
    supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids will be estimated for each 
    regulatory action listed above. The estimated effects of all proposed 
    actions will then be combined to obtain a total reduction in the 
    expected annual number of adverse events. This percentage reduction 
    will then be applied to an estimate of the current number of such 
    adverse events to obtain an estimated number of adverse events avoided 
    per year. The estimate of the current number of adverse events will be 
    based on, but not identical to, the current number of relevant AER's 
    because of uncertainty over a number of issues including, for example, 
    the degree to which the relevant adverse events are reported. These 
    sources of uncertainty will be discussed in greater detail later.
        Each of the proposed actions may affect the number of adverse 
    events by reducing the number of people who consume the relevant 
    products or by modifying their use of these products in a manner that 
    reduces the risk of an adverse effect. In addition, the potency limits 
    and ingredient restrictions may affect the number of adverse events by 
    reducing the probability that those who consume these products will 
    suffer an adverse event. Each of these effects will be considered in 
    turn, beginning with the effect of the proposed actions on the number 
    of people who consume these products.
        The proposed potency limits and other ingredient restrictions may 
    affect the number of people consuming these products because they may 
    affect the value placed by consumers on the use of these products. Some 
    information on the likely effect of the proposed potency limits on the 
    consumption of these products comes from a report from one firm that 
    marketed an ephedrine alkaloid-free substitute for a supplement that 
    previously contained ephedrine alkaloids. The sales of the substitute 
    product were reportedly approximately 33 percent lower than the sales 
    of the ephedrine alkaloid-containing product (Ref. 211). In the absence 
    of more specific information, it is reasonable to suppose that a given 
    reduction in sales is associated with a proportionate reduction in the 
    number of people consuming these products.
        It would not be reasonable to suppose the proposed potency limits 
    and other ingredient restrictions would have a greater effect on the 
    sales of these products than complete elimination of all ephedrine 
    alkaloids from these products. First, the functional effect, as 
    perceived by consumers, of removing all ephedrine alkaloids from a 
    product is probably greater than the perceived functional effect of 
    removing some of the ephedrine alkaloids and removing some ingredients 
    that interact with those ephedrine alkaloids. Second, if only some 
    firms remove ephedrine alkaloids from their products, relatively close 
    substitutes will exist for the prior formulations of those products 
    because other firms might not remove ephedrine alkaloids from their 
    products. However, if all firms make the same changes in their 
    products, then relatively close substitutes will not exist for the 
    prior formulations of those products. Therefore, the proposed potency 
    limits and other ingredient restrictions are estimated to reduce the 
    number of people consuming these products by between 0 to 33 percent. 
    The effect of the potency limits on the probability of an adverse event 
    for those who continue to consume these products will be addressed 
    later in this section.
        The proposed warning statement is also likely to reduce the number 
    of people consuming these products because a few of the relevant 
    products do not currently have warning statements, and because, in some 
    cases, the proposed warning statement is more comprehensive, more 
    focused, and more strongly worded than existing warning statements. The 
    only information available on the effect of warning statements on sales 
    concerns diet soft drinks containing saccharin. Following the 
    introduction of warning statements relating to saccharin, annual sales 
    of diet soft drinks containing saccharin were reported to be 15 percent 
    below what they would otherwise have been (Ref. 212). The effect of the 
    proposed warning statement for dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids will probably be smaller than the effect of the saccharin 
    warning label on diet soft drinks because most such supplements already 
    have some type of warning statement. Therefore, the proposed warning 
    statement will probably reduce the number of people consuming these 
    products by 0 to 15 percent.
        The proposed label claim restrictions are also likely to reduce the 
    number of people consuming these products by making the marketing of 
    these products more difficult. The only information available on the 
    potential effects of label claims on sales concerns ready-to-eat 
    breakfast cereals. Following an advertising campaign relating bran 
    consumption to a reduced risk of developing cancer, sales of high bran 
    breakfast cereals were reported to have increased approximately 40 
    percent (Ref. 213). The effect of eliminating label claims on dietary 
    supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids will probably be smaller 
    because the claims involved are more general, and because other sources 
    of information on the purported effects of ephedrine alkaloids are 
    readily available or have been used recently enough that consumers are 
    familiar with them.
        However, approximately 10 percent of the AER's involved supplements 
    labeled as alternatives to street drugs. Assuming that consumers of 
    these products will not purchase these products if they are not labeled 
    as alternatives to street drugs, the labeling restriction will reduce 
    expected adverse events by at least 10 percent. Therefore, the proposed 
    restriction on label claims will probably reduce the number of people 
    consuming these products by between 10 percent and 40 percent.
        In addition to these consumption effects, the proposed potency 
    limits and ingredient restrictions will probably also decrease the 
    likelihood that those who continue to consume these products will 
    suffer an adverse event.
        FDA is not aware of clinical information, particularly evidence 
    from well-designed and conducted human studies on the relationship 
    between intakes of ephedrine alkaloids from botanicals and the 
    probability of an adverse event. One method of approaching the 
    estimation of the health benefits of reduced exposure to ephedrine 
    alkaloids is to consider the proportion of adverse event reports that 
    involve products with TEA levels greater than that allowed under the 
    proposed potency limits. FDA was able to obtain information on the 
    actual exposures associated with adverse events for 13 products that 
    provided intakes of less than 20 mg TEA per reported use by multiplying 
    the consumer's reported use level against an FDA product analysis 
    result. These reports provided information on the lower end of the 
    range of estimated intakes by consumers. Among these 13 reports of 
    adverse events associated with intakes of less than 20 mg, 9 involved 
    consumer intakes of between 8 mg and 20 mg/per serving. This approach 
    suggests that the proposed potency limit might reduce the expected 
    number of adverse events by at least 80 percent, although the actual 
    reduction is probably higher because the 13 reports did not include the 
    many adverse event reports that occurred at intakes above 20 mg TEA per 
    serving. On the other hand, the actual reduction might also be lower 
    because the 13 reports did not include
    [[Page 30707]]
    all adverse event reports that occurred at intakes below 20 mg TEA per 
        This approach to estimating the impact of the proposed potency 
    limits assumes that the probability of an adverse event is related to 
    intakes of TEA. If the probability of an adverse event is not related 
    to TEA intake, then the potency limits may result in little or no 
    reduction in the expected number of adverse event reports. For example, 
    if individual sensitivities to ephedrine alkaloids are the major 
    underlying factor in the reported adverse events, then it is possible 
    that there may be no ``safe'' intake for these persons. Based on this 
    information, all that can be said concerning the proposed potency 
    limits is that they may reduce the expected number of adverse events by 
    between 0 to 80 percent.
        The restriction on other stimulants, including caffeine, should 
    also reduce the probability of an adverse event. Combinations of 
    ephedrine alkaloids and caffeine, at sufficiently high doses, are 
    associated with an increased probability of an adverse event. For 
    example, one study found that 60 percent of the study subjects had an 
    adverse reaction to a combination of 20 mg ephedrine and 200 mg 
    caffeine, while only 44 percent had an adverse reaction to 20 mg 
    ephedrine alone (Ref. 105). Thus, in this study, the presence of 200 mg 
    caffeine appears to have increased the probability of an adverse event 
    from consumption of 20 mg ephedrine by about 50 percent. Comparable 
    information is not available on the effect of combinations of ephedrine 
    and caffeine at lower levels of either ephedrine or caffeine. 
    Similarly, no information is available on the effect of other 
    stimulants or other ephedrine alkaloids.
        An informal review of 217 adverse event reports featuring dietary 
    supplements suspected of containing ephedrine alkaloids found that 99 
    reports featured products for which labeled ingredient information was 
    available. Of those reports, 70 percent involved products labeled as 
    containing a source of caffeine. The levels of caffeine and ephedrine 
    alkaloids in these products is not known. Assuming that these adverse 
    event reports are typical of all relevant adverse event reports and 
    that 50 percent of the reported adverse events to products labeled as 
    containing caffeine may have been due to the presence of caffeine in 
    conjunction with ephedrine alkaloids, the restriction on stimulants is 
    estimated to reduce the expected number of adverse events by up to 35 
    percent. However, the impact of the proposed stimulant restrictions may 
    be somewhat lower because the impact may depend on the levels of 
    stimulants and ephedrine alkaloids involved, and the levels of 
    stimulants and ephedrine alkaloids found in dietary supplements may be 
    lower than the levels used in the study on which this estimate is 
    based. In order to address this possibility, the restrictions on 
    stimulants will be assumed to reduce the expected number of adverse 
    reactions by 25 percent.
        In order to use the estimated risk reductions discussed above to 
    derive an expected reduction in the number of adverse events, the 
    current number of adverse events must be estimated. There are a number 
    of issues involved in estimating the current number of adverse events 
    based on the number of reported adverse events.
        The first issue is that the data base of over 600 AER's includes 
    all reports thought to be related to the consumption of ephedrine 
    alkaloid-containing dietary supplements, even though the nature of the 
    available evidence did not allow specific cause and effect 
    determinations for the majority of individual reports. FDA, therefore, 
    used additional information to provide assurance that the patterns of 
    signs and symptoms associated with the ephedrine alkaloid-containing 
    dietary supplements were likely due to the presence of ephedrine 
    alkaloids in these products. One approach to addressing this issue is 
    to examine the evidence for positive dechallenge and rechallenge when 
    product use is discontinued and reinitiated, respectively. The 
    relationship of the reported adverse events to the consumption of 
    dietary supplements categorized as containing ephedrine alkaloids has 
    been corroborated by dechallenge in about 27 percent of the AER's. 
    Positive rechallenge was reported in about 4 percent of the AER's. The 
    majority of AER's, however, lacked sufficient information to evaluate 
    the presence or absence of dechallenge or rechallenge effects. 
    Therefore, the number of cases in which dechallenge alone or in 
    combination with rechallenge was tried but did not occur is not 
    available; nor is there information on whether dechallenge and 
    rechallenge would have occurred in the large number of reports which 
    lack such information. It is possible that all cases might have been 
    associated with positive dechallenge and rechallenge results if such 
    information were available. On the other hand, a certain number of 
    false reports might also be expected. The proportion of reported 
    adverse events actually related to the consumption of dietary 
    supplements suspected of containing ephedrine alkaloids is probably 
    between 27 and 90 percent. Within this range, FDA believes the most 
    likely value is around 80 percent and, therefore, tentatively assumes 
    that 80 percent of the reported adverse events are actually related to 
    the consumption of dietary supplements. FDA requests comments on this 
        The second issue is the uncertainty that all 600 AER's involved 
    products that actually contained ephedrine alkaloids. Confirmation of 
    the presence of ephedrine alkaloids in problem products is not 
    available in all cases. The likelihood of the presence of ephedrine 
    alkaloids is based on the labeling of the products involved, FDA's own 
    market survey (including laboratory analysis of 125 marketed products), 
    and the similarity of the reported adverse events to the known effects 
    of ephedrine alkaloids. The proportion of reported adverse events 
    associated with dietary supplements that involve supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids is probably between 25 and 90 percent. Within this 
    range, FDA believes the most likely value is around 80 percent and, 
    therefore, tentatively assumes that 80 percent of the reported adverse 
    events associated with consumption of dietary supplements involve 
    supplements that contain ephedrine. FDA requests comments on this 
        The third issue is that the actual number of adverse events is 
    likely to differ from the reported number of adverse events because all 
    adverse events are probably not reported. This issue is particularly 
    important with respect to passive reporting systems that rely on the 
    voluntary submission of data, such as the system used to gather the 
    AER's relevant to this issue.
        Typical reporting rates for passive reporting systems addressed to 
    adverse events associated with drugs are generally assumed to be on the 
    order of 10 percent. Reporting rates are higher than usual if the 
    potential health risks associated with a particular substance are 
    widely publicized, if the adverse events are considered to be otherwise 
    unusual, and if reports are gathered from a variety of sources. On the 
    other hand, reporting rates would be lower than usual if consumers and 
    physicians assume that dietary supplements are incapable of producing 
    adverse events because they are not drugs or because they are 
    ``natural.'' In order to incorporate this uncertainty, the reporting 
    rate for the relevant adverse events is assumed to be 10 percent.
        Based on the current number of reported adverse events and the 
    assumptions discussed above
    [[Page 30708]]
    concerning the relationship between the number of reported adverse 
    events and the underlying number of adverse events, the expected annual 
    number of adverse events involving these products is approximately 
    1,100 cases. Applying the risk reductions discussed previously for the 
    proposed actions implies a reduction in the health risks from these 
    products such that the expected number of adverse events involving 
    these products will be reduced by between approximately 400 cases and 
    1,100 cases per year. Based on published estimates of the value 
    consumers might place on reducing the risk of the general types of 
    adverse events involved, these benefits are valued at between $240 
    million and $670 million per year (Ref. 215).
        Table 6 summarizes these results. The first column is the type of 
    adverse event. ``Serious CVS'' refers to serious cardiovascular system 
    events, including myocardial infarctions, dysrhythmias, strokes, and 
    cardiomyopathies. ``Serious NS'' refers to serious nervous system 
    events, including seizures, loss of consciousness, vestibular events, 
    and psychiatric events. ``Less clinically significant'' events may 
    include certain types of dermatological events and gastrointestinal 
    events. The second column is the average annual number of AER's from 
    January 1993 to June 1996. Because the sales of these products is 
    increasing rapidly, and the reports of adverse events are also 
    increasing rapidly (see Figure 1), FDA believes that this is a 
    conservative estimate of benefits. The 3-year average has been used 
    rather than the growth trend because extrapolating short-term growth 
    trends into the future can result in large errors. The third column is 
    the estimated average annual number of adverse events over this time 
    period based on what FDA believes are the most likely values for the 
    relevant assumptions. The fourth column is the estimated reduction in 
    adverse events from all proposed actions, given as a range from low to 
    high. These estimated reductions are based on adding the effects of the 
    proposed actions as summarized in Table 7. The low end of this range 
    represents a 35 percent reduction in the estimated annual adverse 
    events and the high end represents a 100 percent reduction. The 
    estimates have been rounded to the nearest ten. The fifth column is the 
    value of reducing the risk of particular adverse events such that one 
    expected adverse event is avoided per year across the at-risk 
    population, in thousands of dollars. The sixth column is the estimated 
    value of the annual risk reductions for the various adverse events in 
    millions of dollars, given as a range from low to high, rounded to the 
    nearest million.
                        Table 6.--Estimated Value of Annual Risk Reduction From Proposed Actions                    
                                                                                            Value of      Value of  
                                                                            Reduction in    estimated     estimated 
                                                     Annual     Estimated     estimated       risk          risk    
                    Type of event                   reported      annual    annual cases    reduction     reduction 
                                                    cases 1      cases 2          3       per case  ($  ($ millions)
                                                                                          thousands) 4        5     
    Death.......................................            6           40   10-40             5,000      70-190    
    Serious CVS.................................           27          170  60-170               837      50-140    
    Serious NS..................................           29          190  70-190             1,483     100-280    
    Ab. liver function..........................            7           50   20-50                 3           0    
    Other serious...............................           12           80   30-80               775       20-60    
    Less serious................................           93          600  210-600                0.4         0    
          Total.................................          174        1,110  390-1,110             NA     240-670    
    1 Annual reported cases are based on the average number of adverse event reports per year between January 1993  
      and June 1996. Trends in the data were not extrapolated because of the short timeframe involved.              
    2 Estimated annual cases are based on the following assumptions: (1) 80 percent of the reported adverse events  
      involving the consumption of dietary supplements suspected of containing ephedrine alkaloids are actually     
      related to the consumption of dietary supplements, (2) 80 percent of the supplements involved in the reported 
      adverse events that are related to the consumption of supplements actually contain ephedrine alkaloids, and   
      (3) 10 percent of adverse events to the dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are reported. Thus,
      the estimated number of annual cases is 0.8  x  0.8  x  10 times the number of annual reported cases.         
      Considerable uncertainty exists with respect to the validity of the assumptions on which this estimate is     
      based and the actual number of annual cases may be higher or lower than the estimate.                         
    3 The low end of the range of the reduction in estimated annual cases represents a 35 percent reduction in      
      estimated annual cases. The high end of this range represents a 100 percent reduction in estimated annual     
      cases. The 35 percent and 100 percent estimates are based on adding up the estimated effects of the proposed  
      actions, as indicated in Table 7.                                                                             
    4 The value of the risk reduction per case is based on published estimates of the value consumers place on      
      reducing the risk of the general types of adverse events involved (Ref. 215).                                 
    5 The value of the estimated risk reduction is based on multiplying the risk reduction per case times the       
      reduction in the estimated annual cases.                                                                      
                  Table 7.--Combined Effect of Proposed Actions             
                                                               reduction in 
                         Proposed action                      adverse events
                                                               (in percent) 
    Actions reducing consumption of supplements containing                  
     ephedrine alkaloids:                                                   
        Potency limits and ingredient restrictions..........        0-33    
        Warning statement...................................        0-15    
         Label claim restrictions...........................       10-40    
         Combined effect....................................       10-88    
    Actions reducing probability of adverse event given                     
        Potency limits......................................        0-80    
         Ingredient restrictions............................          25    
        Combined effect.....................................      25-100    
    [[Page 30709]]
    Combined effect of all proposed actions.................      35-100    
        b. Costs. The primary social costs of the proposed actions are the 
    compliance costs, which include the one-time costs associated with 
    relabeling and reformulating the affected supplements and the recurring 
    costs associated with testing for the level of ephedrine alkaloids in 
    conjunction with future product reformulations or changes in 
    ingredients, and the value of the utility losses to any consumers who 
    do not value the reformulated supplements as highly as supplements 
    currently found on the market. This cost must be considered somewhat 
    paradoxical because the cause of this loss of value, the reduction or 
    removal of ephedrine alkaloids, would also reduce or eliminate the 
    risks associated with using these products. In addition, indirect 
    social costs in the form of capital losses and temporary unemployment 
    may arise from the distributive effects of the proposed action, which 
    are discussed below. Some portion of the compliance costs will be borne 
    by manufacturers and distributors of these products, and some portion 
    will be passed on to consumers of these products. Costs borne by 
    manufactures and distributors will be borne by the owners, 
    stockholders, and employees of those firms.
        In addition to the potential impact of compliance costs, 
    manufacturers and distributors of the dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids will be adversely affected by the reduction in 
    consumption of these products caused by the proposed actions. Also, 
    manufacturers, distributors, and importers of raw or bulk Ma huang and 
    other affected ingredients may be affected by these consumption 
    effects. These effects are distributive effects rather than social 
    costs because they do not involve the loss of productive resources, and 
    because a loss of business in one sector of the economy is generally 
    associated with an increase in business in competing sectors. However, 
    as indicated above, social costs may be involved to the extent that 
    otherwise productive capital investment is lost and temporary 
    unemployment is generated. In addition, distributive effects are 
    obviously very significant to the affected parties.
        FDA has previously estimated the cost of relabeling all dietary 
    supplements in the economic impact analysis for the proposal on 
    nutrition labeling of dietary supplements that was published in the 
    Federal Register of December 28, 1995 (60 FR 67184) (the December 1995 
    proposal). Total discounted labeling costs based on an 18 month 
    compliance period were estimated to be between $52 and $85 million. 
    This cost included recurring testing or analytical costs based on 
    testing the nutrient content of each product an average of once every 5 
    years. Based on comments to the December 1995 proposal, these estimates 
    were revised in the economic impact analysis of the final rule. The 
    revised estimate was $194 million, with $91 million of these costs 
    occurring in the first 18 months and the remainder being a discounted 
    sum of future analytical costs. In order to use this estimate as a 
    basis for estimating labeling costs for the current proposal, the 
    previous estimate must be adjusted to account for the compliance period 
    associated with this rule and the fact that not all dietary supplements 
    contain ephedrine alkaloids.
        The proposed effective date of any regulation based on this 
    proposal will be 180 days after the date of publication of the final 
    rule. If the nutritional labeling rule had a compliance period of 180 
    days rather than 18 months, the total estimated labeling costs would 
    have been $334 million, with $286 million of these costs occurring in 
    the first 6 months.
        Adjusting the previous estimate to account for the fact that not 
    all dietary supplements contain ephedrine alkaloids requires 
    information on the proportion of dietary supplements that contain 
    ephedrine alkaloids. The market surveys identified 125 dietary 
    supplements suspected of containing ephedrine alkaloids. A public 
    comment submitted to the Special Working Group of the Food Advisory 
    Committee suggested the number of such products is at least 200 (Ref. 
    216). In the December 1995 proposal, the total number of dietary 
    supplement products was estimated to be between 4,000 and 25,000. In 
    the final rule entitled ``Iron-Containing Supplements and Drugs: Label 
    Warning Statements and Unit-Dose Packaging Requirements'' that 
    published in the Federal Register of January 15, 1997 (62 FR 2218), 
    this estimate was revised to 29,000. If 200 dietary supplements contain 
    ephedrine alkaloids, then about 1 percent of the estimated total number 
    of dietary supplements contain ephedrine alkaloids and the cost of 
    changing the labels on dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids would be about 1 percent of the costs estimated for changing 
    the labels on all dietary supplements.
        Another method of estimating the proportion of dietary supplements 
    that contain ephedrine alkaloids is to use sales data. This method is 
    complicated by the fact that sales might not be evenly distributed 
    across dietary supplements, implying that the proportion of dietary 
    supplement sales accounted for by supplements that contain ephedrine 
    alkaloids may not be the same as the proportion of dietary supplement 
    products that contain ephedrine alkaloids.
        Ma huang and other ephedra products have been reported to represent 
    3.5 percent of individual botanical sales in selected health food 
    stores, while individual sales of products containing single botanicals 
    are estimated to make up about 53 percent of total botanical supplement 
    use (Ref. 3). Information is not available on the proportion of 
    products with multiple botanical ingredients that contain ephedrine 
    alkaloids. Botanical supplement retail sales have been estimated to 
    have accounted for approximately 26 percent of total dietary supplement 
    retail sales in 1995 (Ref. 217). However, this estimate includes a 
    number of product categories under dietary supplements that would not 
    be considered dietary supplements under the legal definition of a 
    dietary supplement. After adjusting for the definition of dietary 
    supplements, supplements containing botanicals accounted for 
    approximately 35 percent of dietary supplement retail sales in 1995. 
    The definition of dietary supplement used in this estimate includes 
    vitamins, minerals, and botanical (including herbal) supplements.
        If all supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are characterized 
    [[Page 30710]]
    botanical supplements, this information suggests that between 1 and 17 
    percent of dietary supplement use involves products that contain 
    ephedrine alkaloids. If the proportion of dietary supplement products 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids reflects the proportion of dietary 
    supplement sales accounted for by products containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids, then between 1 and 17 percent of the total number of dietary 
    supplement products contain ephedrine alkaloids, or between 200 and 
    5,000 products.
        Based on the preceding information, labeling costs for this 
    proposal are estimated to be between 1 and 17 percent of the costs 
    previously estimated for changing the labels on all dietary 
    supplements, after adjusting those costs for the length of the 
    compliance period. Thus, total discounted labeling costs for this 
    proposal are estimated to be between $3 million and $60 million, with 
    between approximately $3 million and $50 million of these costs 
    occurring in the first year and between a minimal amount and 
    approximately $0.5 million in every year after the first year.
        If the proposed 180 day compliance period for making the proposed 
    label changes coincided with some portion of the 18-month compliance 
    period of the final rule requiring nutritional labeling of dietary 
    supplements, then some portion of the combined labeling costs of the 
    two regulations would be eliminated because some firms would be able to 
    make both labeling changes during normally scheduled labeling changes. 
    The degree of overlap of the compliance periods of these regulations 
    depends on the date on which the final rule is published. If 
    appropriate, this consideration will be addressed in the economic 
    analyses of the final rule.
        Information is not available on the cost of reformulating the 
    affected products. Reformulation may simply involve reducing the amount 
    of the ingredient source of the ephedrine alkaloids and removing the 
    restricted ingredients. One method of approaching this issue is to 
    consider the types of personnel and the amount of effort that might be 
    required for reformulation. A reasonable assumption is that it might 
    take a scientist from 1 to 4 weeks to develop an acceptable 
    reformulation. In this case, the cost of reformulating a product would 
    be between $1,000 and $5,000, based on median weekly earnings data for 
    1994 and 50 percent overhead (Ref. 218).
        Many dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids probably 
    contain restricted ingredients or do not meet the proposed potency 
    limits on TEA and will either have to be reformulated or removed from 
    the market. The number of dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids has been estimated, above, to be between 200 and 5,000. Under 
    this assumption, if all products were reformulated, the one-time cost 
    of reformulating the affected products would be between $0.2 million 
    and $25 million. The recurring costs associated with testing for 
    ephedrine alkaloid levels in conjunction with future product 
    reformulations was addressed in the labeling costs.
        Another cost associated with product reformulation is the cost of 
    any inventory losses involving products produced prior to the 
    publication of a final rule based on this proposal that cannot be sold 
    by the date that final rule goes into effect. The proposed effective 
    date of any final rule on this issue is 180 days after publication of 
    the final rule. FDA has no information on the amount of inventory 
    typically carried for these products, but tentatively assumes that 180 
    days will provide sufficient time to utilize existing stock.
        In addition to the compliance costs discussed above, the proposed 
    action will also lead to utility losses for some consumers because it 
    removes products with certain characteristics from the marketplace. 
    Theoretically, the value of this utility loss is the difference in the 
    value consumers placed on the eliminated products and the value of the 
    products purchased in place of the eliminated products. Estimating this 
    loss requires estimating demand curves for the eliminated products and 
    for the products substituted for the eliminated products.
        Identifying likely substitutes for dietary supplements as currently 
    formulated is complicated by the fact that a wide range of effects are 
    attributed to these supplements, for example, energy, weight loss, body 
    building, and increased mental concentration. However, little reliable 
    information is available on the actual effects produced by these 
    supplements. In addition, various other botanical substances exist that 
    might be used in supplements to replace either some portion of the 
    ephedrine alkaloids or the restricted ingredients and might produce 
    effects that consumers may perceive to be similar to the effects that 
    consumers attributed to these supplements as currently formulated. 
    Finally, FDA has insufficient information to estimate demand curves for 
    dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids or potential 
    substitutes for these products.
        Based on these considerations, FDA cannot place bounds on the value 
    of the consumer utility losses that may be associated with this action. 
    However, if substitute products could be identified, then the absolute 
    price difference between the affected products and the substitute 
    products would represent a lower bound on consumer utility losses. No 
    comparable argument is available for the upper bound of the utility 
        In addition to compliance costs and utility losses, the proposed 
    action will also generate distributive effects. The total reduction in 
    the consumption of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids 
    from all proposed actions including the potency limits, ingredient 
    restrictions, labeling restrictions, and mandatory warning statement 
    was estimated in the analysis of the benefits of this option to be 
    between 10 percent and 33 percent. Total annual sales of supplements 
    containing Ma huang have been estimated to be between $600 million and 
    $700 million (Ref. 219). Therefore, sales of these products may be 
    reduced by between $60 million and $230 million per year. Information 
    is not available on the total annual sales of supplements containing 
    sources of ephedrine alkaloids other than Ma huang.
        Countervailing effects may also take place which may reduce the 
    impact of these negative distributive effects on affected firms. For 
    example, the proposed rule may reduce the number of product liability 
    lawsuits brought against manufacturers of dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids. FDA has insufficient information on the 
    current incidence or cost of these lawsuits to estimate the effect of 
    this reduction, if any, on the negative distributive effects generated 
    by consumption changes. Of course, distributive effects that are 
    negative with respect to a given industry will be positive with respect 
    to some other industry.
        Finally, social costs may be associated with these distributive 
    effects. For example, some portion of the value of the capital invested 
    in the production of these supplements may be lost and that loss might 
    not be offset by other effects, such as an augmentation to the value of 
    the capital invested in the production of substitutes. However, FDA has 
    insufficient information to estimate the social costs that might be 
    associated with these distributive effects.
        Under these assumptions, the proposed action will generate total 
    compliance costs of between $3 million and $80 million, plus 
    unquantifiable utility losses to consumers of these products. Between 
    $3 million and $70 million of these costs will occur in the
    [[Page 30711]]
    first 6 months after publication of the final rule. In addition, the 
    proposed action will produce distributive effects of between $60 
    million and $230 million per year and social costs might be associated 
    with those distributive effects. Because the sales of these products 
    are increasing rapidly, FDA believes that this is a conservative 
    estimate of cost and distributive effects. Again, extrapolations have 
    not been made on the growth trend because extrapolating short-term 
    trends into the future can result in large errors. Costs and sales 
    reductions of this magnitude may threaten the viability of many firms 
    in this industry. If some of these firms go out of business, temporary 
    unemployment of labor and permanent loss of capital resources may 
    result. FDA has insufficient information to estimate these costs.
    4. Option 4--Take Proposed Action, but With a Higher Potency Limit
        Another option is to take all proposed actions but adopt potency 
    limits higher than the proposed potency limits. For example, some trade 
    associations representing the dietary supplement industry have 
    previously expressed support for potency limits of 12 mg/serving and 50 
    mg/day TEA (Ref. 220). With respect to benefits arising from 
    consumption effects (i.e., the likelihood of reducing the number or 
    seriousness of adverse events), FDA has some information to estimate 
    the effect of variations between the proposed potency limits and higher 
    potency limits on the consumption effects associated with those limits. 
    That is, of the 13 reports of adverse events for which exposure data 
    for intakes less than 20 mg per serving were also available, 5 were in 
    the range between 8 and 12 mg per serving intake.
        If consumption is sensitive to small changes in the potency limits, 
    then higher potency limits would reduce the benefits resulting from 
    consumption effects because higher potency limits would presumably have 
    a smaller effect on the effects of these products than the proposed 
    potency limits. Therefore, the effect of raising the potency limits on 
    benefits arising from shifts in consumption will be to reduce those 
    benefits below those generated under Option 3.
        Raising the proposed potency limits will not affect the one-time 
    compliance costs but might reduce utility losses to consumers of these 
    products and the distributive effects produced by consumption shifts. 
    Again, these changes may occur because higher potency limits might have 
    a somewhat smaller impact on the perceived benefits of these products 
    than the proposed potency limits. However, as indicated above, FDA has 
    insufficient information to estimate the effect of small changes in the 
    potency limits on the consumption effects produced by those limits and 
    cannot estimate the utility losses associated with various potency 
    5. Option 5--Ban Dietary Supplements That Contain Ephedrine Alkaloids
        Based on the framework used earlier, banning dietary supplements 
    that contain ephedrine alkaloids would lead to a somewhat higher lower 
    bound on estimated benefits. In particular, banning these products 
    would reduce the health risks from these products such that the 
    expected number of adverse events are reduced by between approximately 
    120 cases and 1,400 cases per year.
        Banning dietary supplements that contain ephedrine alkaloids will 
    not change the one time compliance costs estimated under Option 3 
    because all affected products were subject to reformulation and 
    relabeling costs under Option 3. However, banning these products would 
    decrease access to these products by consumers who may perceive 
    benefits, thus substantially increasing the potential utility losses to 
    consumers. With respect to distributive effects generated by 
    consumption changes, the total reduction in the consumption of dietary 
    supplements that now contain ephedrine would probably be approximately 
    33 percent under this option, that is, at the high end of the range of 
    10 to 33 percent estimated under Option 3. Therefore, sales of these 
    products would be reduced by between $200 million and $230 million per 
    year. Costs and sales reductions of this magnitude may threaten the 
    viability of many of the firms producing these products. However, 
    countervailing distributive effects are also possible in that some 
    firms that currently produce dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    alkaloids may also produce or be able to produce substitute products. 
    In that case, those firms would avoid some or all of the costs 
    associated with producing dietary supplements containing ephedrine 
    6. Option 6--Take Proposed Action, but Do Not Require Warning Statement
        The purpose of the proposed warning statement is to focus existing 
    warnings more precisely on the health risks posed by these products, 
    particularly in cases where any use of these products may be 
    contraindicated, and to add warnings to those products which do not 
    already have warning statements. Even with the proposed potency limits 
    and ingredient restrictions, some consumers may be at high risk of 
    suffering an adverse event from consuming these products because of 
    high individual sensitivity to these products, because of an increase 
    in risk associated with simultaneous consumption of drug products, or 
    because of an underlying health condition. Thus, the proposed warning 
    statement is expected to have some benefit independent of the other 
    proposed requirements. Eliminating the proposed mandatory warning 
    statement will affect estimated labeling costs because, under this 
    option, only those labels affected by the claims restrictions would 
    have to be changed. However, the vast majority of the affected products 
    have labels that would be affected by the claims restrictions. Among 
    the products in the market surveys, 94 percent of the products 
    investigated had one or more claims that would be restricted under this 
    option. Thus, labeling costs under this option will be only 
    approximately 6 percent lower than the labeling costs estimated for 
    Option 3.
        Finally, under the framework developed earlier, this option will 
    have little effect on the other costs and distributive effects 
    estimated for the proposed action under Option 3 because of the 
    influence of the other factors involved.
    7. Option 7--Require Warning Statements Only
        Estimating the benefit of eliminating all proposed actions except 
    the required warning statement involves a controversial value judgment 
    concerning the evaluation of risks that are voluntarily accepted in the 
    presence of the amount of information on those risks provided on the 
    proposed warning statement.
        Under the assumption that any adverse events that may occur due to 
    such behavior cannot represent net social costs, warning statements 
    will eliminate all net social costs associated with these adverse 
    events. This assumption is based on the notion that the proposed 
    warning statement provides adequate information on the risks of 
    consuming these products and the notion that if those consuming these 
    products have adequate information on the risks involved, then their 
    consumption decisions reflect their personal judgments concerning the 
    relative value of the benefits and risks of consuming these products.
        If no existing warning statements provide adequate information 
    while the proposed warning statement will
    [[Page 30712]]
    provide adequate information, then the social benefits of this option 
    would be at least as great as the value of banning dietary supplements 
    containing ephedrine alkaloids. On the other hand, if some existing 
    warning statements already provide adequate information, then the 
    benefits of this option would still be at least as great as the value 
    of banning dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids; however, 
    the benefits of both options would be lower.
        Under the assumption that any adverse events that may occur due to 
    such behavior represent social costs, eliminating all actions other 
    than the proposed warning statement will substantially reduce the 
    benefits from those estimated for Option 3. This assumption is based 
    either on the notion that the level of information provided on the 
    proposed warning statement is inadequate to ensure that consumers can 
    make informed consumption decisions, or on the notion that public 
    health risks require intervention even if those risks are voluntarily 
    undertaken in the presence of adequate information on the benefits and 
    risks of the relevant activity. Under this assumption, this option will 
    reduce the health risks from these products such that the expected 
    number of adverse events will be reduced by between 0 cases and 
    approximately 210 cases per year.
        With respect to compliance costs, eliminating all actions except 
    the warning statement would eliminate the costs associated with product 
    reformulation and consumer utility losses.
        Finally, this option would substantially reduce the distributive 
    effects of this action. Under this option, the estimated total 
    reduction in the consumption of dietary supplements containing 
    ephedrine alkaloids would be between 0 and 15 percent. Therefore, sales 
    of these products would be reduced by between $0 and $110 million per 
    year. A reduction in sales of this magnitude would threaten the 
    viability of fewer firms than the proposed action, as estimated under 
    Option 3.
    V. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        In the economic impact analysis for the December 1995 proposal, FDA 
    estimated the number of dietary supplement manufacturers to be between 
    150 and 600, with the majority of those firms being small businesses. 
    Based on additional information, these estimates were revised in the 
    economic impact analysis of the final rule on nutritional labeling. The 
    revised estimate was 500 to 850 firms, with 95 percent of those firms 
    classified as small businesses.
        The proportion of dietary supplement manufacturers producing 
    products containing ephedrine alkaloids is unknown. The two market 
    surveys identified 85 manufacturers and distributors of dietary 
    supplements suspected of containing ephedrine alkaloids. Assuming that 
    the proportion of these firms that are small businesses is the same as 
    the proportion of firms in the dietary supplement industry that are 
    small businesses, 95 percent of these firms, or approximately 80 firms, 
    are small businesses.
        Total compliance costs incurred by small businesses will be 
    virtually equal to total compliance costs incurred by all businesses 
    estimated earlier because the vast majority of the firms affected by 
    the proposed action are small businesses. Relabeling, reformulation, 
    and testing costs are fixed costs on a per product basis and will 
    disproportionately affect small businesses. Total compliance costs of 
    the proposed action were estimated to be between $3 million and $80 
    million, with between $3 million and $70 million of these costs 
    occurring in the first 6 months after publication of the final rule. 
    However, FDA has insufficient information to estimate the portion of 
    these costs that will be borne by the owners, stockholders, and 
    employees of these firms and the portion that will be passed on to 
    consumers of these products through price increases. In addition, the 
    proposed action will generate consumption shifts that were previously 
    estimated to produce negative distributive effects of between $60 
    million and $230 million per year. Countervailing distributive effects 
    are also possible. For example, the proposed rule may reduce the number 
    of product liability lawsuits brought against manufacturers of dietary 
    supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids. Based on reported annual 
    retail sales of between $600 million and $700 million for products 
    containing Ma huang, these costs and distributive effects may be 
        Most of the regulatory alternatives discussed earlier would reduce 
    the impact of this rule on small businesses. The options of taking no 
    action and taking no action other than generating additional 
    information both reduce the impact on small businesses to zero. 
    Requiring only warning statements would substantially reduce compliance 
    costs to between $3 million and $60 million, with between $3 million 
    and $50 million of these costs occurring in the first 6 months, and 
    also substantially reduce negative distributive effects generated by 
    consumption shifts to between $0 and $110 million per year. Taking the 
    proposed action without requiring the warning statement would slightly 
    reduce compliance costs to between $3 million and $80 million, with 
    between $3 million and $70 million of these costs occurring in the 
    first 6 months, but would not affect distributive effects because of 
    the other factors influencing those effects. Taking the proposed action 
    but raising the proposed potency limit to the level suggested by a 
    trade group representing the dietary supplement industry would probably 
    not significantly alter the impact of this rule on small businesses. 
    Finally, banning dietary supplements containing ephedrine would not 
    change reformulation or relabeling costs and would lead to distributive 
    effects from consumption shifts in the range of $200 million to $230 
    million per year. This action would have the greatest negative impact 
    on small businesses.
    VI. Conclusions
        The estimated benefits of Option 3, take the proposed action, are 
    between $240 million and $670 million per year. The estimated 
    quantifiable costs are between approximately $3 and $70 million in the 
    first year, and between a minimal amount and about $0.5 million in 
    every year after the first year. Thus, notwithstanding the considerable 
    uncertainty concerning the marginal effectiveness of the individual 
    requirements of the proposed rule, FDA is confident that it would 
    generate benefits that far exceed the quantifiable costs. In addition 
    to the quantifiable costs, however, the proposed action will also 
    generate non-quantifiable utility losses for some consumers and 
    distributive effects from consumption shifts with an estimated value of 
    between approximately $60 million and $230 million per year, with 
    possible countervailing distributive effects from a reduction of 
    liability lawsuits. Social costs might be associated with these 
    distributive effects.
    VII. Environmental Impact
        The agency has carefully considered the potential environmental 
    effects of this action. Based on the available information, FDA has 
    concluded that the action will not have a significant impact on the 
    human environment, and that an environmental impact statement is not 
    required. The agency's finding of no significant impact and the 
    evidence supporting that finding, contained in an environmental 
    assessment, may be seen in the Dockets Management Branch (address 
    above) between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday (Ref. 221).
    [[Page 30713]]
    The agency will reevaluate its environmental decision if new 
    information is received suggesting that the action would have 
    significant environmental effects.
    VIII. Paperwork Reduction Act
        This proposed rule contains no information collection or 
    recordkeeping requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
    (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
    IX. References
        The following references have been placed on display at the Dockets 
    Management Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons 
    between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
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    List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 111
        Drugs, Packaging and containers, Incorporation by reference, 
        Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under 
    authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, it is 
    proposed that 21 CFR part 111 be revised as follows:
    Subpart A--General Provisions--[Reserved]
    Subpart B--Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Dietary Supplements
    111.50  Packaging for iron-containing dietary supplements.
    Subpart C--New Dietary Ingredients--[Reserved]
    Subpart D--Restricted Dietary Ingredients
    111.100  Dietary supplements that contain ephedrine alkaloids.
        Authority: Secs. 201, 402, 403, 701 of the Federal Food, Drug, 
    and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 342, 343, 371).
    Subpart A--General Provisions--[Reserved]
    Subpart B--Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Dietary 
    Sec. 111.50  Packaging of iron-containing dietary supplements.
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    supplements offered in solid oral dosage form (e.g., tablets or 
    capsules), and containing 30 milligrams or more of iron per dosage 
    unit, is safe and in accordance with current good manufacturing 
    practice only when such supplements are packaged in unit-dose 
    packaging. ``Unit-dose packaging'' means a method of packaging a 
    product into a nonreusable container designed to hold a single dosage 
    unit intended for administration directly from that container, 
    irrespective of whether the recommended dose is one or more than one of 
    these units. The term ``dosage unit'' means the individual physical 
    unit of the product (e.g., tablets or capsules). Iron-containing 
    dietary supplements that are subject to this regulation are also 
    subject to child-resistant special packaging requirements codified in 
    16 CFR parts 1700, 1701, and 1702.
        (b)(1) Dietary supplements offered in solid oral dosage form (e.g., 
    tablets or capsules), and containing 30 milligrams or more of iron per 
    dosage unit, are exempt from the provisions of paragraph (a) of this 
    section until January 15, 1998, if the sole source of iron in the 
    dietary supplement is carbonyl iron that meets the specifications of 
    Sec. 184.1375 of this chapter.
        (2) If the temporary exemption is not extended or made permanent, 
    such dietary supplements shall be in compliance with the provisions of 
    paragraph (a) of this section on or before July 15, 1998.
    Subpart C--New Dietary Ingredients--[Reserved]
    Subpart D--Restricted Dietary Ingredients
    Sec. 111.100  Dietary supplements that contain ephedrine alkaloids.
        The ephedrine alkaloids include ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, 
    norpseudoephedrine, norephedrine, methylephedrine, 
    methylpseudoephedrine, and related alkaloids. These substances are 
    chemical stimulants contained in
    [[Page 30718]]
    particular botanical products, including those from the botanical 
    species Ephedra sinica Stapf., Ephedra equistestina Bunge, Ephedra 
    intermedia var., tibetica Stapf., Ephedra distachya L., and Sida 
    cordifolia or their extracts.
        (a)(1) Dietary supplements that contain 8 milligrams (mg) or more 
    of ephedrine alkaloids (the total of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, 
    norpseudoephedrine, norephedrine, methylephedrine, 
    methylpseudoephedrine, and related alkaloids) per single serving shall 
    be deemed to be adulterated under sections 402(a)(1) and 402(f)(1)(A) 
    of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
        (2) The Food and Drug Administration will use high performance 
    liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the level of ephedrine 
    alkaloids in a dietary supplement as specified in its Laboratory 
    Information Bulletin (LIB) No. 4053, which is incorporated by reference 
    in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be 
    obtained from the Director, Office of Constituent Operations, Industry 
    Activities Staff (HFS-565), Center for Food Safety and Applied 
    Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., rm. 5827, 
    Washington, DC 20204, or may be examined at the Center for Food Safety 
    and Applied Nutrition's Library, Food and Drug Administration, 200 C 
    St. SW., rm. 3321, Washington, DC, or at the Office of the Federal 
    Register, 800 North Capitol St. NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
        (b) The labeling of dietary supplements that contain ephedrine 
    alkaloids shall not suggest or recommend conditions of use that would 
    result in an intake of 8 mg or more ephedrine alkaloids within a 6-hour 
    period or a total daily intake of 24 mg or more of ephedrine alkaloids.
        (c) The label of dietary supplements that contain ephedrine 
    alkaloids shall state ``Do not use this product for more than 7 days.''
        (d) No ingredient, or ingredient that contains a substance, that 
    has a known stimulant effect (e.g., sources of caffeine, yohimbine) may 
    be included in a dietary supplement that contains ephedrine alkaloids.
        (e) No dietary supplement that contains ephedrine alkaloids may 
    purport to be, or be represented as, either expressly or implicitly, 
    for use for long-term effects, such as weight loss or body building.
        (f)(1) The label or labeling for dietary supplements that contain 
    ephedrine alkaloids that purport to be or are represented, either 
    expressly or implicitly, to be used for short-term effects, such as 
    increased energy, increased mental concentration or enhanced well-
    being, shall state ``Taking more than the recommended serving may cause 
    heart attack, stroke, seizure, or death.''
        (2) This information shall appear on the same label panel or same 
    page of labeling as the claim and shall be connected to the claim by 
    use of an asterisk. This information shall appear in easily legible 
    print or type, in distinct contrast to other printed or graphic matter, 
    and in a type size no less than is required by Sec. 101.105(i) of this 
    chapter for the net quantity of contents statement, except where the 
    size of the claim is less than two times the required size of the net 
    quantity of contents statement, in which case the information shall be 
    no less than one-half the size of the claim, but no smaller than one-
    sixteenth of an inch. Where the label or labeling contains multiple 
    claims, the information shall appear once on each label panel or on 
    each page of labeling.
        (g)(1) The labeling of any dietary supplement that contains 
    ephedrine alkaloids shall bear the following warning:
        WARNING: If you are pregnant or nursing, or if you have heart 
    disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression or 
    other psychiatric condition, glaucoma, difficulty in urinating, 
    prostate enlargement, or seizure disorder consult a health care 
    provider before using this product. Do not use if you are using 
    monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) or for 2 weeks after stopping a 
    MAOI drug; certain drugs for depression, psychiatric or emotional 
    conditions; drugs for Parkinson's disease; methyldopa; or any product 
    containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine 
    (ingredients found in allergy, asthma, cough/cold and weight control 
    products). Stop use and call a health care professional immediately if 
    dizziness, severe headache, rapid and/or irregular heart beat, chest 
    pain, shortness of breath, nausea, noticeable changes in behavior, or 
    loss of consciousness occur. Do not exceed recommended serving.
        (2) The phrase ``Do not exceed recommended serving'' is not 
    required to appear in the warning statement when the disclaimer 
    required in paragraph (f)(1) of this section appears on the same label 
    panel as the warning statement.
        (3) The warning statement required by paragraph (g)(1) of this 
    section shall appear prominently and conspicuously on the product label 
    and shall be set off in a box by use of hairlines.
        Dated: April 22, 1997.
    Michael A. Friedman,
    Deputy Commissioner for Operations.
    Donna E. Shalala,
    Secretary of Health and Human Services.
        Note: The following Appendix will not appear in the annual Code 
    of Federal Regulations.
    Appendix--AER's Associated With Ephedrine Alkaloid-Containing 
    Dietary Supplements
             ARMS No.                 Product manufacturer                         Clinical summary                 
    9101......................  Thermojetics Herbal Tablets-     33 yo F used product (bid, ?dose) in 11/93 until   
                                 Green--Herbalife International.  1st week in 1/94, when she started having dizzy   
                                                                  spells that progressed to involve numbness of L   
                                                                  arm & forehead, weakness of both legs, SOB, and   
                                                                  shaky feelings. 1/30/94 seen in ER for dizziness &
                                                                  tachycardia, Dx labyrinthitis, Tx Valium, d/c on  
                                                                  Antivert. 2/2/94 episodes worsened, including     
                                                                  dizziness, severe tachycardia, and SOB. She was   
                                                                  transported to hospital & admitted w/extensive w/u
                                                                  (CAT, XR echo, doppler, halter, labs). D/c on 2/8 
                                                                  on Tenormin and Ativan w/Dx of SVT. Normal PE in  
                                                                  10/93. No h/o allergies or CV disease. Mother     
                                                                  (insomnia) & husband (blood in stool) using       
                                                                  product w/various SSx. Sister took product w/o    
    9316......................  E'OLA AMP II Pro Drops--E'OLA    23 yo F hospitalized w/ cardiac arrest, CPR, then  
                                 Bio-genics, Inc.                 ICU. Dx inferolat MI. CK > 2000 (MB+), EKG: sinus 
                                                                  tachy & ST inf leads; angio: lacerated   
                                                                  coronary (partial dissection) & hematoma at       
                                                                  bifurcation of circumflex artery. Used AMP II 3-4 
                                                                  drops in beverage night before arrest, also noted 
                                                                  to be using other `diet pills' (?dose/durations). 
                                                                  Drug screen negative, doing well off product.     
    [[Page 30719]]
    9552......................  Nature's Nutrition Formula One-- 35 yo F good health, no risk factors for CAD used  
                                 Affiliated Consultants Inter./   product 04/94--05/94 (30 days) for WL&E, as much  
                                 Alliance U.S.A. Inc.             as 1-2 caps bid 30 days. She stopped for a week   
                                                                  but resumed again at 3 caps qd. On 6/25/94,       
                                                                  developed acute onset of throbbing, ant. CP at    
                                                                  rest, w/ pain radiation to the left shoulder,     
                                                                  numbness of left arm & hand, diaphoresis and SOB. 
                                                                  The pain persisted, and she was taken to the ER.  
                                                                  The pain decreased with subl nitro and was        
                                                                  completely relieved with morphine and nitro. On   
                                                                  admission, BP: 140/100, EKG: minor ST depressions 
                                                                  V1, V2, and minor ST elevation in INF leads,      
                                                                  elevated cardiac enzymes. Dx: Acute non-Q wave MI 
                                                                  probably secondary to coronary spasm. Cardiac cath
                                                                  6/27/94 LV angiogram very mild posterior basilar  
                                                                  hypokinesis, normal LV function w/ good ejection  
                                                                  fraction. Normal coronary arteries. Discharged    
                                                                  after 4 days on Cardizem, aspirin, nitro prn, & f/
                                                                  u for a limited stress test.                      
    9747......................  Ripped Fuel--Twin Laboratories,  40 yo F reported by physician to suffer a grand mal
                                 Inc.                             seizure after using product for 3 days (2 bid) as 
                                                                  directed. Her husband stated she stopped breathing
                                                                  and he had to administer mouth to mouth           
                                                                  resuscitation. She was on no medication and had no
                                                                  personal nor family history of seizures. She had  
                                                                  no symptoms until she felt dizzy immediately      
                                                                  before her seizure. CT head--no abnormalities.    
    9751......................  Slim NRG--Momentum Marketing...  28 yo F (weighing 95 lb) reported by MD. Used      
                                                                  product, 1 tid for 6 months for weight loss (30   
                                                                  lb). Stopped product abruptly, became despondent  
                                                                  over 10 days ending w/attempted suicide--gunshot  
                                                                  wound to chest. No other products used. Past      
                                                                  mental history negative for mental illness, use of
                                                                  drugs/alcohol. Drug/ETOH screen neg. Tx: w/       
                                                                  antidepressants. Positive dechallenge.            
    9754......................  Shape-Fast--Shaperite Concepts   44 yo F reported by physician's assistant to be    
                                 Ltd.                             taking product (400 mg bid) when she developed    
                                                                  heat stroke, chest and back pain, hyperthermia and
                                                                  tachycardia while exercising.                     
    9818......................  Power Trim--Enrich               43 yo M who used product (details not given) over a
                                 International.                   6 wk period and lost 30 lb., developed new onset  
                                                                  insomnia and atrial fibrillation. Seen by health  
                                                                  care provider and given Lanoxin, hospitalized next
                                                                  day when light headedness developed. Extensive w/u
                                                                  (EKG, CXR, echo-cardiogram, smac, myocardial      
                                                                  enzymes), compatible with AF. Dx: ``new onset     
                                                                  atrial fibrillation, possibly due to the stimulant
                                                                  effect of his dietary supplement.'' Tx: Lanoxin,  
                                                                  Betapace, Verapamil, and Coumadin.                
    9864......................  Nature's Nutrition--Formula      44 yo M, active swimmer and tennis player, with no 
                                 One--Affiliated Consultants      known cardiovascular risks as documented by       
                                 Intl/Alliance U.S.A.             medical history, originally obtained a sample of  
                                                                  product during a routine physical from his health 
                                                                  care provider when he requested some substitute   
                                                                  for his daily coffee and cocoa use. He used this  
                                                                  product as directed, and was able to eliminate his
                                                                  afternoon coffee/cocoa use. On 12/18/93 (3 weeks  
                                                                  after starting product), after playing his routine
                                                                  weekly game of tennis, he came home, laid down and
                                                                  was found dead about noon. Resuscitative efforts  
                                                                  were unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed an acute      
                                                                  thrombus, 1.5 cm from the origin of the left      
                                                                  anterior descending coronary artery, resulting in 
                                                                  occlusion. All lumina were otherwise patent,      
                                                                  although calcification of the coronary arteries   
                                                                  resulting in focal narrowing to about 50 percent  
                                                                  was noted. A drug screen performed at the time of 
                                                                  autopsy was reportedly negative for amines.       
    10009.....................  MetaboLift Thermogenic--Twin     35 yo M w/acute MI (inferoapical). Took product    
                                 Laboratories, Inc.               (two capsules at noon and 3 capsules at 4:30 PM)  
                                                                  Worked out 5:30 PM--6:30 PM and developed chest   
                                                                  pain around 7:30 PM. Consumer admitted, treated w/
                                                                  TPA, subsequent cardiac catheterization           
                                                                  demonstrated normal coronaries. CPK elevated, EKG 
                                                                  diagnostic for MI.                                
    10026.....................  Formula One--Affiliated          48 yo F took product (3 caps qd) for 6-7 months    
                                 Consultants Intl./Alliance       when developed weakness, syncopal episode,        
                                 U.S.A.                           increased BP, increased HR, tightness in chest.   
                                                                  Seen in ER w/EKG which showed nonspecific STT wave
                                                                  abnormality, and increased cardiac enzymes. BP-120/
                                                                  99. Saw MD next day, complained of right sided    
                                                                  weakness and speech difficulty. Meds:             
                                                                  antihypertensives, hormones. Dx: ``conversion     
                                                                  reaction'', thought to be stress related. Sxs     
                                                                  improved over next month. MD later told about use 
                                                                  of product, which he states could aggravate       
    10063.....................  Super Diet Max--KAL, Inc.......  22 yo F had been using product several months at 1 
                                                                  tab bid for WL. On day of adverse event she had   
                                                                  taken 2 caps (1 q AM, 1 q PM), and experienced    
                                                                  increased BP, pounding heart, n/v, lasting 1.5-2  
                                                                  hr. Event abated after product discontinued. Saw  
                                                                  health care provider. Started on Prozac 2 wks     
                                                                  prior to adverse event.                           
    10088.....................  Nature's Sunshine SN-X 100       38 yo F took product for 4 days and developed      
                                 Vegitabs--Nature's Sunshine.     syncope, blood pressure = 180/110. Seen in ER with
                                                                  severe HA, nausea, diaphoresis. The consumer had  
                                                                  been seen every 3-4 months for 5 years prior to   
                                                                  this event and no history of high blood pressure. 
                                                                  After stopping the product her blood pressure     
                                                                  returned to normal.                               
    10275.....................  Nature's Nutrition Formula One-- 63 yo F reports using product for 3 weeks at       
                                 Affiliated Consultants           recommended dose, never used maximum recommended  
                                 International/Alliance U.S.A.    dose, when she developed hives. The next day she  
                                                                  had difficulty walking across room, difficulty    
                                                                  breathing and swallowing, and vomited. She        
                                                                  suffered ventricular fibrillation, a small non Q- 
                                                                  wave infarct by enzymes criteria and was          
                                                                  hospitalized 5 days where evaluation (cardiac     
                                                                  catheterization, electrophysiology study) failed  
                                                                  to find any sort of heart problem or heart disease
                                                                  to explain her arrest. She has chronic obstructive
                                                                  pulmonary disease secondary to cigarette smoking. 
                                                                  Previous to arrest no medicine and only vitamin   
                                                                  and occasional aspirin.                           
    [[Page 30720]]
    10437.....................  Thermojetics Herbal Tablets--    55 yo F reports grand mal seizure after 3 days on  
                                 Beige, Thermojetics Herbal       product per directions. No significant past       
                                 Tablets--Green, Formula 1,       history, normal CT and EEG. No meds or other      
                                 Formula 2, Formula 3--           dietary supplement products.                      
                                 Herbalife International.                                                           
    10862.....................  Ultimate Xphoria--Alternative    20 yo M took 8 tabs @ 4 pm (directions: Take 4     
                                 Health Research.                 tablets, on an empty stomach; do not exceed 4     
                                                                  tablets in 24 hours). Within 30 minutes,          
                                                                  complained of being hot, w/ sweating & HA. Found  
                                                                  dead by friends 8 hr later. Coroner's report notes
                                                                  toxic levels of ephedrines.                       
    10919.....................  Power Trim--Enriched             49 yo F used Power Trim, 3 capsules three times    
                                 International.                   daily for 3 weeks for weight loss. She developed  
                                                                  weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and        
                                                                  palpitations and went to the ER where she was     
                                                                  found to have vertigo, serous otitis media        
                                                                  bilaterally, hypertension (150/102) and elevated  
                                                                  liver enzymes. The consumer reports stopping the  
                                                                  product and her blood pressure has returned to    
                                                                  normal without any medical treatment. She has no  
                                                                  history of high blood pressure.                   
    10943.....................  Multi DS--(1) Omnitrim Tea &     37 yo F used for 1 week, Omnitrim Tea, 2 teaspoons 
                                 (2) Omni 4--Omnitrition          three times per day, and Omni 4 (a vitamin) one   
                                 International, Inc.              daily, both as directed, for weight loss. She     
                                                                  stopped due to the development of shakes, sweats, 
                                                                  dizziness, racing heart, and loss of hearing in R 
                                                                  ear. Symptoms abated after stopping product. No   
                                                                  other products in use and no significant medical  
    10946.....................  Multi DS--(1) ThermoChrome       42 yo F used Thermochrome 5000, 1 capsule twice    
                                 5000, (2) Isotonic Vitamin       daily for 3 days for weight loss. She was also    
                                 B12, & (3) Isotonic OPC3 (1)     taking B12 and an antioxidant supplement. She     
                                 Health Power Products Inc./      developed a rash over her entire body and stopped 
                                 Market America; (2) & (3)--      all three products. She restarted the Thermochrome
                                 Labels unavailable.              5000 after 3 days and 3 days after that, on a     
                                                                  visit to her doctor for a nonproductive cough and 
                                                                  congestion, was found to be hypertensive (170/    
                                                                  114). She has no history of hypertension and was  
                                                                  seen by her gynecologist 1 week before starting   
                                                                  the Thermochrome with a normal blood pressure (120/
    10957.....................  E'Ola Amp II Pro Drops--E'OLA    34 yo F used E'Ola AMP II Pro Drops according to   
                                 Bio-genics, Inc.                 label directions, off and on over a 2 year period 
                                                                  for weight loss. She developed ``triple vision''  
                                                                  which lasted a few moments and recurred 3 days    
                                                                  later accompanied by vertigo. She was initially   
                                                                  seen in an ER, where examination and CT were      
                                                                  normal and she was diagnosed with dehydration. She
                                                                  spent 3 days in bed with severe vertigo, nausea,  
                                                                  and vomiting. She was unable to reach out and pick
                                                                  up a drinking glass. An MRI showed multiple       
                                                                  bilateral cerebellar infarcts. No source of       
                                                                  embolization was identified. Cardiovascular,      
                                                                  autoimmune, and coagulopathy workups were         
    10960.....................  Blast and Burn--Vita Labs Inc..  16 yo F used Blast and Burn as directed on the     
                                                                  package for several weeks for performance as a    
                                                                  high school athlete. Within the first week of use 
                                                                  she was taken to the ER with a racing heart. She  
                                                                  had several similar episodes. She couldn't afford 
                                                                  to buy a second bottle of the product and noticed 
                                                                  her symptoms resolved once she stopped using the  
    10974.....................  ShapeFast--Shaperite Concepts    19 yo F took Shaperite, one before each meal, three
                                 Ltd.                             times per day (\1/2\ of recommended amount) for 1 
                                                                  month, for weight loss. Her family witnessed      
                                                                  seizure activity at mealtime and took her to the  
                                                                  ER. CT and EEG were normal. Neurologist's         
                                                                  evaluation found no other risk factors for        
                                                                  seizure. No other products used, no significant   
                                                                  past history noted.                               
    10977.....................  Emphora Ecstasy--Label           18 yo F took Emphora Ecstasy, 4 pills at once, to  
                                 unavailable.                     get high. About 2 hours later she noted dizziness,
                                                                  racing heart and felt she would pass out if she   
                                                                  stood up. She was unable to sleep for most of that
                                                                  night. The next morning she passed out in the     
                                                                  shower, injuring her neck and back. She went to   
                                                                  the ER where the only abnormality noted was a low 
                                                                  potassium of 3.1 meq/L (normal 3.6-5.2). She has  
                                                                  had dizziness in the past but no previous loss of 
                                                                  consciousness. The product was not used again and 
                                                                  her symptoms resolved.                            
    10989.....................  Herbal Ecstasy--Label            18 yo F used Herbal Ecstasy, 5 pills at once, one  
                                 unavailable.                     time as directed to get high at a Lolapalooza     
                                                                  concert. She felt ``numb, weird'' and fell        
                                                                  backwards. She was unable to sleep for 3 nights in
                                                                  a row. Over the next 8 months, she had difficulty 
                                                                  sleeping, refused to leave the house unless her   
                                                                  parents insisted and did not attend college as    
                                                                  planned in the fall. She has been diagnosed with  
                                                                  panic attacks and depression and is currently     
                                                                  under psychiatric treatment. She has also been    
                                                                  diagnosed with a ``weak heart valve.''            
    10990.....................  Tri-Chromaleane--Achievers       58 yo M used Tri-Chromaleane, 3 pills once daily   
                                 Unlimited.                       for 6 weeks for weight loss. He developed memory  
                                                                  problems. He couldn't remember his son's middle   
                                                                  name, his office phone number or how to get home  
                                                                  from a local store. He would start work and be    
                                                                  unable to remember why he had started the task or 
                                                                  what to do next. He stopped the product and his   
                                                                  symptoms resolved over the next 2 weeks. At the   
                                                                  same time he had been participating in a clinical 
                                                                  trial of Proscar for the prevention of prostate   
                                                                  cancer and does not know whether he had been      
                                                                  taking Proscar or placebo. The Proscar study      
                                                                  coordinator reported that it was unlikely that the
                                                                  consumer's complaints were related to Proscar. Of 
                                                                  note, he never had prostate cancer.               
    [[Page 30721]]
    10991.....................  Tri-Chromaleane--Achievers       54 yo F used Tri-Chromaleane, at less than the     
                                 Unlimited.                       recommended amount, once daily for a number of    
                                                                  weeks. She was under treatment for hypertension   
                                                                  and was told by the distributor that the product  
                                                                  would lower her blood pressure. After starting the
                                                                  product her blood pressure increased and her      
                                                                  doctor added a second medication and her blood    
                                                                  pressure improved. She was unable to pass an      
                                                                  insurance physical due to her inadequately        
                                                                  controlled high blood pressure. She stopped the   
                                                                  Tri-Chromaleane and her blood pressure has        
                                                                  improved to the point that her doctor is planning 
                                                                  to stop the second blood pressure medication to   
                                                                  see if she can be controlled on a single          
                                                                  medication (as she was before using the Tri-      
    11050.....................  ThermoChrome 5000--Health Power  63 yo F took 2-3 pills bid, for 2 months for weight
                                 Products.                        loss. She was taking Lescol for                   
                                                                  hypercholesterolemia, Zantac for esophageal reflux
                                                                  and Vasotec for hypertension. She developed       
                                                                  worsening of her hypertension (174/93) and        
                                                                  episodes of palpitations. She sought medical      
                                                                  assistance from a neighbor who is a physician     
                                                                  after an especially severe episode of             
                                                                  palpitations. After stopping products BP          
                                                                  normalized (140/80) and palpitations resolved.    
    11062.....................  Power Trim--Enrich               42 yo F used 2-3 caps before meals tid as directed 
                                 International.                   for 3 months for weight loss. She was taken to    
                                                                  hospital by ambulance after family members found  
                                                                  her seizing. She had another seizure while being  
                                                                  examined by neurologist. She complained of        
                                                                  increased headaches and slow thinking in the days 
                                                                  preceding her stroke and was taking penicillin for
                                                                  a dental abscess. CT and MRI showed a small R-    
                                                                  sided intracerebral hemorrhage. MRI and           
                                                                  angiography revealed no evidence of any vascular  
                                                                  abnormality. She was treated with Dilantin.       
    11065.....................  Thermo Slim--Weight Loss         23 yo F used product, 1 tab before meals 3 times   
                                 Specialist.                      per day with The Accelerator Guarana, 1 tab before
                                                                  AM and noon meals, for 8 days. On the 9th day she 
                                                                  forgot to take her noontime dose. At first she    
                                                                  thought she might be going into withdrawal, took  
                                                                  another dose and vomited shortly afterwards. She  
                                                                  was taken to the ER with complaints of a racing   
                                                                  heart, dizziness, numbness of face and arms, and  
                                                                  disorientation. The doctor advised her to stop the
                                                                  products and over the next week her symptoms      
    11078.....................  Formula One with Quick Start--   36 yo F used Formula One for 2 yrs, stopped that   
                                 Alliance U.S.A.                  product and then took Quick Start 2 caps which she
                                                                  used once. The next morning she experienced grand 
                                                                  mal seizures. She was taking 2 iron tablets,      
                                                                  Ionamin 30 (a dietary supplement) and B12 liquid; 
                                                                  also had switched to the night shift. CT, MRI, and
                                                                  EEG were normal.                                  
    11081.....................  Herbal Ecstacy--Label            M used Herbal Ecstacy, 10 pills once, to get high. 
                                 unavailable.                     He states he became ``psycho,'' very active,      
                                                                  developed a ``bad mood'' and assaulted a friend.  
                                                                  His symptoms resolved and he did not try the      
                                                                  product again.                                    
    11105.....................  Trim Easy--TeamUp International  31 yo F used Trim Easy for about 1 year for weight 
                                 Inc.                             loss. She originally used 2 capsules three times  
                                                                  daily for 1 month and then increased to 3 capsules
                                                                  three times daily (9 total). The directions       
                                                                  advised beginning at 2 capsules three times per   
                                                                  day and increasing if tolerated to 3 capsules     
                                                                  three times per day, the maximum recommended dose.
                                                                  At times she would forget one of the 3 doses and  
                                                                  double up the next time she took the product (6   
                                                                  capsules at once). She continued to take a total  
                                                                  of 9 capsules this way daily for about 3 months   
                                                                  and then decreased to a total of 6 capsules taken 
                                                                  all at once each day for about 8 months. She      
                                                                  developed dizzy spells which increased over 1     
                                                                  month's time to twice daily and eventually        
                                                                  suffered a stroke--an intracerebral hemorrhage    
                                                                  with Lft hemiparesis and aphasia. CT and MRI      
                                                                  documented the bleed, showing midline shift.      
                                                                  Cerebral angiogram did not show any additional    
                                                                  abnormality such as an arteriovenous malformation.
    11106.....................  Therma Slim--Great American      47 yo F used 1 pill at breakfast and 1 at lunch for
                                 Products.                        2 months. She developed profuse sweating,         
                                                                  trembling and HTN, and menstrual bleeding which   
                                                                  lasted 6 wks. She was treated first with          
                                                                  Megesterol and then with Premarin and Provera, by 
                                                                  gynecologist. It was also noted that her BP had   
                                                                  risen from 110/70 (3/18/96) to 156/98 (4/10/96).  
                                                                  She complained to radio station where she         
                                                                  originally heard about product and received a     
                                                                  letter telling her side effects she was           
                                                                  experiencing were normal and would quickly        
                                                                  subside. 4/11/96--Consumer contacted her HMO after
                                                                  seeing broadcast on ephedra and was advised to    
                                                                  stop using product. 6/1/96--This consumer later   
                                                                  suffered a pontine stroke and requires an         
                                                                  endotracheal tube and feeding tube for long-term  
                                                                  ventilatory and nutritional support, respectively.
                                                                  Estrogen use was implicated as a possible         
                                                                  contributing factor by health care provider.      
    11107.....................  Diet Fuel--Twin Laboratories,    42 yo M used Diet Fuel, 3 pills daily for 9 months.
                                 Inc.                             He became dizzy, nauseated, developed left sided  
                                                                  chest pain, passed out in a meeting. Paramedics   
                                                                  noted his pulse to be in the 30's and he was      
                                                                  hospitalized. After cardiology evaluation and     
                                                                  electrophysiologic studies it was concluded that  
                                                                  the consumer had an abnormal vasodepressor        
                                                                  response to tilt plus catecholamine administration
                                                                  and was placed on Tenormin. The consumer reports a
                                                                  similar episode many years prior and as a young   
                                                                  man treated with Dilantin for what was diagnosed  
                                                                  as epilepsy.                                      
    11109.....................  Unspecified E'OLA product--      46 yo F used two E'OLA products, an energy product,
                                 E'OLA Bio-genics, Inc.           2 drops twice daily, and a metabolism booster, 4-5
                                                                  drops twice daily, both for 1\1/2\ weeks, for     
                                                                  energy and weight loss. She developed a heart rate
                                                                  of 200 beats per minute and sought medical        
                                                                  attention. Medical records describe evaluation for
                                                                  recurrent paroxysmal palpitations for 20 years. No
                                                                  mention of the use of E'Ola products. Blood       
                                                                  pressure, pulse, EKG, echocardiogram, exercise    
                                                                  stress test failed to reveal an underlying cardiac
    [[Page 30722]]
    11112.....................  Thinner Jizer--Quiet Storm.....  34 yo F used Thinner Jizer 1 pill for 1 day, 1 pill
                                                                  twice daily, then 2 pills in AM and 1 pill in PM, 
                                                                  increasing as directed. After 3 days on the       
                                                                  highest amount (2 pills AM and 1 pill PM) she     
                                                                  developed jitters and was advised by the          
                                                                  distributor to cut back the dose as this response 
                                                                  was normal. She used 1 pill AM and 1 pill PM for  
                                                                  an additional 3 days when she developed acute     
                                                                  visual changes in her right eye lasting 25        
                                                                  minutes. She sought medical care and was advised  
                                                                  that her symptoms were likely due to vascular     
                                                                  spasm, possibly related to her use of ephedra. She
                                                                  stopped the product, took aspirin for 1 week and  
                                                                  has had no further episodes of acute visual       
                                                                  changes. She was taking no other products and has 
                                                                  no significant prior history.                     
    11114.....................  Herbal Ecstacy--Label            16 yo M used Herbal Ecstacy, 2 pills one time. Half
                                 unavailable.                     an hour later he found himself driving down the   
                                                                  wrong side of a road and didn't realize it until  
                                                                  he saw a car headed towards him. He described     
                                                                  feeling ``a major rush, tingly, hyper.'' He denies
                                                                  taking other products including drugs, alcohol, or
                                                                  street-type drugs at the time. He occasionally    
                                                                  uses ginkgo biloba, but had not taken any that    
    11131.....................  Multi DS--(1) Herbal Ecstacy &   20 yo M used Herbal Ecstacy, 5 pills one time as   
                                 (2) Nirvana--(1) Global World    directed, for recreational purposes. He also took 
                                 Media & (2) Label unavailable.   6 Nirvana pills one time (directions recommend 7  
                                                                  pills) also for recreational purposes. He went to 
                                                                  a club and began to feel dizzy, lightheaded and   
                                                                  nauseous. He noted stomach cramps, thirst, and a  
                                                                  ``real bad headache.'' His symptoms forced him to 
                                                                  leave the dance floor, feeling he was going to    
                                                                  pass out. He fell on his knees, started ``seeing  
                                                                  things'' and felt his seeing and hearing were     
                                                                  distorted. He noted shortness of breath,          
                                                                  sleeplessness, and hives. His symptoms resolved by
                                                                  the next day. He denies alcohol, other drug or    
                                                                  product use that night.                           
    11134.....................  Multi DS--(1) Ripped Fuel, (2)   23 yo M college student who used multiple dietary  
                                 The Ultimate Whey Designer       supplements for approximately 2 years with        
                                 Protein, (3) Super Amino 2000,   observed daily use during the year prior to being 
                                 (4) Super Once-A-Day Timed       found dead at home by his sister. There was no    
                                 Release Multiple Vitamins and    previous medical history and no evidence of trauma
                                 Chelated Minerals--(1) Twin      or substance abuse. Toxicology screens were       
                                 Laboratories, Inc. (2) Next      negative for alcohol, barbiturates, cocaine,      
                                 Nutrition Inc. (3) Ultimate      methamphetamine, morphine, and salicylate but     
                                 Nutrition Products Inc. (4)      indicated the presence of ephedrine alkaloids in  
                                 Quest Vitamins LTD.              the urine. The Medical Examiner's reports states  
                                                                  the cause of death as, ``patchy necrosis          
                                                                  associated with ephedrine toxicity from protein   
                                                                  drink containing ma huang extract.'' Review of    
                                                                  health examination reports from the University    
                                                                  Health Service indicate the consumer was in       
                                                                  excellent health with normal weight, height, blood
                                                                  pressure, and laboratory measurements.            
    11137.....................  Natural Trim--Starlight          39 yo F used product for 6.5 months, 1 thermogenic 
                                 International.                   pill, 1 vitamin and 1 booster pill at 10 AM, and 1
                                                                  thermogenic pill at 4 PM, as directed. While on   
                                                                  antibiotics for a sore throat, she developed upset
                                                                  stomach and stopped the products. She became      
                                                                  shaky, weak, and exhausted, and felt as if she    
                                                                  were about to pass out if she tilted her head. She
                                                                  was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. She also      
                                                                  reports her supplier has stopped selling the      
                                                                  product as the seller has suffered seizures.      
    11140.....................  Power Trim--Enrich               59 yo F used Power Trim and later Power Prime and  
                                 International.                   has had a total of 3 vertigo attacks: 2/96, 4/96, 
                                                                  and the third at an unspecified time. She has been
                                                                  to the ER and seen her physician.                 
    11144.....................  Metabolift--Twin Laboratories,   28 yo M used Metabolift for 10 months, 1 cap 1-2   
                                 Inc..                            times daily for energy. While visiting a rental   
                                                                  property with his father's truck, his father had  
                                                                  found him bloody, walking away from the garage,   
                                                                  and responding inappropriately. He has transient  
                                                                  retrograde amnesia. In the emergency room his     
                                                                  blood pressure was 168/90, and pulse was 116. CT  
                                                                  head EKG were normal. He was diagnosed with       
                                                                  syncope and a closed head injury. The next week   
                                                                  the consumer had an EEG, echocardiogram, and MRI  
                                                                  of the head--all normal. His neurologist stated   
                                                                  ``most likely he had a seizure secondary to the   
                                                                  ephedrine'' from the health food substance he was 
                                                                  taking. He was advised to avoid the product and   
                                                                  dispose of it. He was on no other medication, has 
                                                                  no significant past medical history and has never 
                                                                  had problems with dizziness or passing out.       
    11180.....................  Nature's Nutrition Formula One-- 41 yo F used Nature's Nutrition Formula One        
                                 Alliance U.S.A. Inc.             (Alliance) 1-2 pills in AM and 1-2 pills PM for   
                                                                  about 6 months for energy. One morning she took 2 
                                                                  pills, skipped breakfast and drank a diet Pepsi.  
                                                                  Soon after she developed hives while visiting a   
                                                                  nursing home and was given benadryl tablets. Two  
                                                                  hours after taking the Formula One she was found  
                                                                  unconscious in a stairwell by nursing personnel   
                                                                  who described seizure activity. She was taken to  
                                                                  an ER where the evaluation including EEG and CT   
                                                                  scan was normal. She has not used the product     
                                                                  again and has had no further episodes.            
    11181.....................  Multi DS--(1) Ripped Fuel & (2)  19 yo M used Ripped Fuel 2 pills 2-3 times daily,  
                                 Unspecified chromium             according to label directions, for 2 days for     
                                 picolinate with caffeine         weight-loss and body-building. He was found by    
                                 product--(1) Twin                family members on the morning of the third day, in
                                 Laboratories, Inc., (2) GNC.     his bed with seizure activity and afterward       
                                                                  complained of dizziness and a headache. He was    
                                                                  taken to the ER and given IV Dilantin. CT and MRI 
                                                                  were normal and EEG was nonparoxysmal. He had also
                                                                  been taking chromium picolinate, 1 pill daily as  
                                                                  directed for 3-4 months; Phosphagen, 1 teaspoon   
                                                                  with meals, three times per day as directed for 3-
                                                                  4 months; and B2G vanadyl sulfate, 2 capsules with
                                                                  meals, three times per day, as directed for 1     
                                                                  month at the time of the event. Based upon the    
                                                                  test results and history of use of the Ripped     
                                                                  Fuel, his neurologist felt the patient did not    
                                                                  need to be treated with Dilantin. The neurologist 
                                                                  advised the patient to stop use of all ``over-the-
                                                                  counter medications''. The patient suffered a     
                                                                  second witnessed seizure 1 month later and was    
                                                                  started on Dilantin. His past history is          
                                                                  significant for a concussion as a child with a    
                                                                  normal CT at the time.                            
    [[Page 30723]]
    11215.....................  Multi DS--Ripped Fuel and        24 yo M used Ripped Fuel, 2 tablets three times    
                                 Ripped Force--Label              daily for 2 years and Ripped Force, 1 bottle daily
                                 unavailable.                     for 2 months. He used both products for body      
                                                                  building. He went on vacation, stopped the        
                                                                  products and within 3 days experienced 2 grand mal
                                                                  seizures. The second seizure was witnessed by the 
                                                                  ambulance crew while en route to the ER. MRI of   
                                                                  head and EEG were both reportedly normal. He was  
                                                                  also using `vanadyl', creatine, and amino acids as
                                                                  part of his body building regimen. He denied use  
                                                                  of recreational drugs, medications, or other      
    11248.....................  (1) Formula One, (2) Equilizer,  37 yo M used products 2 yr (and had used other     
                                 (3) Protein Plus Chromium        products containing ephedrine prior to use of     
                                 Picolinate, (4) Fast Start--     Formula One). (Formula One use: 1-2 cap mid AM &  
                                 (1) Alliance U.S.A., Inc, (2),   PM, per label instructions). Also known to consume
                                 (3), (4) Equinox Intl.           large amount of diet cola. Experienced apparent   
                                                                  sudden cardiac arrest, with no details known      
                                                                  surrounding death. Coroner's report notes:        
                                                                  cardiomegaly w/mild LVH, focal interstitial       
                                                                  fibrosis & mild medial hypertrophy. PMH: neg for  
                                                                  HTN. Tox screen noted pseudoephedrine in urine.   
    11249.....................  Victory Turbo Pump--Joe Wider    20 yo M took product for 3 months (once or twice   
                                 Nutrition.                       per week), experienced grand mal seizure. Neg.    
                                                                  past history and family history for seizure       
                                                                  disorders. He was treated with Dilantin.          
    11286.....................  Breathe Easy Herbal Tea--        36 yo F used Breathe Easy Herbal Tea on one        
                                 Traditional Medicinals.          occasion at less than recommended dose. She       
                                                                  steeped tea for 1 minute and drank \1/3\ cup      
                                                                  instead of steeping tea for 5 min as indicated on 
                                                                  the instructions. She used product along with 2   
                                                                  Advil to relieve cold/congestion symptoms.        
                                                                  Approximately 15 min after drinking tea she       
                                                                  experienced rapid, pounding heartbeat. Following  
                                                                  advice of friend who is a nurse, she drank large  
                                                                  amounts of water in effort to ``flush tea out of  
                                                                  her system.'' She felt so bad she could hardly get
                                                                  out of bed, but did not seek medical care         
                                                                  secondary to anxiety about hospitals. Symptoms    
                                                                  resolved completely within 5 hours. Routine       
                                                                  medical visit approx 1 month after event was      
                                                                  unremarkable. Past medical history is significant 
                                                                  for occasional palpitations. Consumer's husband   
                                                                  used product on several occasions prior to event  
                                                                  with no report of negative side effects.          
    11298.....................  (1) Fast Start-The Equilizer,    41 yo M used 3 herbal products as directed on      
                                 (2) Nigh Time, (3) Protein       labels in an attempt to lose weight. He           
                                 Plus, Chromemate--Equinox        experienced a ``rush'', and blurred vision which  
                                 International.                   influenced his ability to operate heavy equipment.
                                                                  On 5th day of using the product, his underwear was
                                                                  noted to be stained red. A physician visit        
                                                                  confirmed hematuria, and noted BP of 136/102, and 
                                                                  labs: SGPT 72, cholesterol 208, triglycerides 401.
                                                                  He stopped the product, with recovery, including  
                                                                  normalization of BP.                              
    11401.....................  Ultra Energy Now--Phoenix        42 yo M used Energy Now tablets on 2 separate      
                                 Health Products.                 occasions. He took 3 tablets as instructed on     
                                                                  label on both occasions. First occasion was       
                                                                  without incident. 2 weeks later when he used      
                                                                  product for second time, he experienced severe    
                                                                  diaphoresis, blurred vision, SOB, lightheadedness,
                                                                  and pounding chest pain within 1 hour of taking   
                                                                  product. Symptoms lasted approx 15 min and had    
                                                                  resolved completely by the time he was seen in    
                                                                  emergency room. He was admitted to hospital       
                                                                  overnight for evaluation including EKG, CBC, & SMA-
                                                                  18 which was all within normal limits. Of note, he
                                                                  was not using any other products. History is      
                                                                  significant only for positive tobacco history=1.5 
                                                                  pack of cigarettes per day.                       
    11417.....................  Thermojetics Herbal Tablets--    34 yo F died following diagnosis of primary        
                                 Green--Herbalife International.  pulmonary hypertension (PPH). Mother of deceased  
                                                                  found bottles of Herbalife Green & Beige tablets  
                                                                  in home of the deceased. Duration and detail of   
                                                                  use are unknown. Deceased appeared to be in       
                                                                  excellent health until approx. 3 months prior to  
                                                                  her death when she developed SOB & n/v while      
                                                                  skiing in Colorado despite numerous previous ski  
                                                                  trips in same location which were uneventful. She 
                                                                  was diagnosed with ``high altitude sickness.''    
                                                                  Symptoms persisted and she subsequently underwent 
                                                                  cardiac catheterization 3 months after onset of   
                                                                  sxs. Results of cath were apparently consistent   
                                                                  with PPH and indicated that she would need heart/ 
                                                                  lung transplant in 3-5 years. She died 3 days     
                                                                  later in August 94. Past medical history is       
                                                                  significant only for hospital admission 1 year    
                                                                  prior to death for CP, SOB, and possible          
    11441.....................  Ripped Fuel--Twin Laboratories,  27 yo M died secondary to injuries sustained in    
                                 Inc.                             motor vehicle accident. Wife of deceased reports  
                                                                  he had been taking Ripped Fuel 2 tabs bid as      
                                                                  instructed on label for approx. 3 years prior to  
                                                                  death. No autopsy was performed. Post mortem blood
                                                                  analysis indicate: 0.05 percent ethyl alcohol &   
                                                                  0.31 percent mg/L phentermine. Post mortem urine  
                                                                  analysis: Positive for phentermine, negative for  
                                                                  cocaine, opiates, benzodiazepine, cannabinoids.   
    11442.....................  Thermojetics Herbal Tablets--    39 yo F used Herbalife Diet Plan which consisted of
                                 Green--Herbalife International.  the following 5 products: Formula 1 Protein Drink 
                                                                  Mix (2 tablespoon bid); Formula 2 Multivitamin-   
                                                                  Mineral Tablet (1 tablet tid); Formula 3 Cell     
                                                                  Activator Capsules (2 capsule bid); Herbal Beige  
                                                                  Tablet (1 tablet bid); Herbal Green Tablet (3     
                                                                  tablet bid) all taken as directed on label. No    
                                                                  other products were being used at the time she    
                                                                  developed the adverse events. 3-4 months after    
                                                                  starting plan, she began experiencing blurred     
                                                                  vision and headache. 2 weeks later she began      
                                                                  experiencing dizziness, lightheadedness, slurred  
                                                                  speech, and numbness on right side of her body.   
                                                                  Evaluation by neurologist indicated patchy sensory
                                                                  deficit in right leg, most pronounced in foot. MRI
                                                                  of brain showed findings consistent with recent   
                                                                  hemorrhage associated with cavernous malformation.
                                                                  Evaluation by internist indicated negative w/u for
                                                                  Lyme disease and no additional significant        
                                                                  findings. Symptoms improved after consumer        
                                                                  discontined use of products.                      
    [[Page 30724]]
    11619.....................  AMP II Drops--E'OLA Bio-genics,  35 yo F used Liquithin & AMP II Pro (both 7 drops  
                                 Inc.                             bid) and Citrin Trim (2 tablet/day) for 1 day and 
                                                                  developed migraine headache which she typically   
                                                                  experiences every month. She awoke at 3 AM on     
                                                                  morning after using products with notable right   
                                                                  sided facial weakness, CP, palpitations, right arm
                                                                  weakness and numbness, photophobia, and unsteady  
                                                                  gait. She was seen by doctor and admitted to      
                                                                  hospital. Symptoms improved during hospitalization
                                                                  which was uneventful. All test results were within
                                                                  normal limits except cerebral arteriogram findings
                                                                  which suggested mycotic aneurysmal change or      
                                                                  possible changes secondary to an unusual drug     
                                                                  induced vasculitis or collagen vascular disease.  
                                                                  Discharge dxs included: right facial and arm      
                                                                  weakness, cause uncertain; improving right eye    
                                                                  irritation; resolving headache; resolved chest    
                                                                  pain & palpitations with neg w/u; and history of  
                                                                  right C5-6 cervical radiculopathy, carpal tunnel  
                                                                  syndrome. Sxs continued to improve in month       
                                                                  following discharge. History is significant for:  
                                                                  Classical migraine headache associated with right 
                                                                  jaw tingling; cardiac murmur with prior           
                                                                  evaluation; allergy to iodine dye (tachycardia);  
                                                                  and habit of drinking 1.5 quart of caffeinated    
                                                                  soda daily.                                       
    Abbreviations Used in Clinical Summaries in the Appendix
    abn = abnormal
    angio = angiography
    ant = anterior
    AF = atrial fibrillation
    bid = twice a day
    BP = blood pressure
    CAD = coronary artery disease
    Cap/caps = capsule(s)
    cath = catheterization
    CBC = complete blood count
    CK (CPK) = creatine kinase
    cm = centimeter
    CP = chest pain
    CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    CT = computerized tomography
    CV = cardiovascular
    CXR = chest X-ray
    d/c = discontinue or discharge
    DTR = deep tendon reflexes
    Dx(s) = diagnosis(es)
    EEG = electroencephalogram
    EKG = echocardiogram
    EMG = electromyography
    ER = emergency room
    ETOH = ethanol
    F = female
    f/u = followup
    fxn = function
    GPT = alanine aminotransferase
    h/o = history of
    HA = headache
    HTN = hypertension
    ICU = intensive care unit
    IEP = immunoelectrophoresis
    inf = inferior
    L = left or liter
    LFT = left
    lb = pound
    LV = left ventricle
    M = male
    MB+ = MB positive
    MD = medical doctor
    meq = milliequivalents
    MI = myocardial infarction
    min = minutes
    MRI = magnetic resonance imaging
    neg = negative
    nitro = nitroglycerin
    n/v = nausea and vomiting
    PE = physical examination
    PMH = past medical history
    q = every
    qd = everyday
    R = right
    SGPT = serum GPT
    SOB = shortness of breath
    SSx = signs & symptoms
    ST/STT = ST-T waves
    subl = sublingual
    SVT = supraventricular tachycardia
    tab(s) = tablet(s)
    tach(y) = tachycardia
    tid = 3 times a day
    tox = toxicological
    TPA = tissue plasminogen activator
    Tx = treatment
    w/ = with
    w/o = without
    w/u = workup
    WL&E = weight loss & energy
    wnl = within normal limits
    yo = years old
    yr = year
    [FR Doc. 97-14393 Filed 6-2-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-P

Document Information

Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments by August 18, 1997. The agency proposes that any final rule that may issue based on this proposal become effective 180 days after date of publication of the final rule.
30678-30724 (47 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 95N-0304
PDF File:
CFR: (11)
21 CFR 111.100(a)(1)
21 CFR 111.100(b)
21 CFR 111.100(e)
21 CFR 111.100(f)(2)
21 CFR 111.100(f)(1)
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