This action revises Federal Airway 105 (V-105) and Jet Route 86 (J-86) in the vicinity of Phoenix, AZ. The FAA is revising V-105 between the Drake and Phoenix, AZ, Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Radio Range and Tactical Air Navigation Aids (VORTAC) in order to enhance the management of aircraft operations in the Phoenix, AZ, terminal area. Additionally, the FAA is revising J-86 between Winslow, AZ, as part of the National Airspace Redesign effort and to improve system efficiency in the Pheonix, AZ, area. The FAA is also modifying the descriptions for J-58 and J-86, and renaming portions of J-58 and J-86 in the state of Florida. These modifications are also part of the National Airspace Redesign effort to improve system efficiency. EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, August 8, 2002.
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