§ 19.123 - Cease-and-desist authority.  

Latest version.
  • § 19.123 Informal hearingCease-and-desist authority.

    (a) Conduct of proceeding. The adjudicative provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, formal rules of evidence and Scope. Except as provided in this section, subpart A of this part do not apply to hearings conducted under this subpart, except as provided in § 19.100(b).

    (b) Notice of hearing. Following the comment period, the Comptroller shall send a notice which fixes a date, time and place for hearing to each applicant and to any person who has requested an opportunity to be heard.

    (c) Presiding officer. The Comptroller shall designate a presiding officer to conduct the hearing. The presiding officer shall determine all procedural questions not governed by this subpart and may limit the number of witnesses and impose time and presentation limitations as are deemed reasonable. At the conclusion of the informal hearing, the presiding officer shall issue a recommended decision to the Comptroller as to whether the exemption should issue. The decision shall include a summary of the facts and arguments of the parties.

    (d) Attendance. The applicant and any person who has requested an opportunity to be heard may attend the hearing, with or without counsel. The hearing shall be open to the public. In addition, the applicant and any other hearing participant may introduce oral testimony through such witnesses as the presiding officer shall permit.

    (e) Order of presentation.

    (1) The applicant may present an opening statement of a length decided by the presiding officer. Then each of the hearing participants, or one among them selected with the approval of the presiding officer, may present an opening statement. The opening statement should summarize concisely what the applicant and each participant intends to show.

    (2) The applicant shall have an opportunity to make an oral presentation of facts and materials or submit written materials for the record. One or more of the hearing participants may make an oral presentation or a written submission.

    (3) After the above presentations, the applicant, followed by one or more of the hearing participants, may make concise summary statements reviewing their position.

    (f) Witnesses. The obtaining and use of witnesses is the responsibility of the parties afforded the hearing. All witnesses shall be present on their own volition, but any person appearing as a witness may be questioned by each applicant, any hearing participant, and the presiding officer. Witnesses shall be sworn unless otherwise directed by the presiding officer.

    (g) Evidence. The presiding officer may exclude data or materials deemed to be improper or irrelevant. Formal rules of evidence do not apply. Documentary material must be of a size consistent with ease of handling and filing. The presiding officer may determine the number of copies that must be furnished for purposes of the hearing.

    (h) Transcript. A transcript of each proceeding will be arranged by the OCC, with all expenses, including the furnishing of a copy to the presiding officer, being borne by the applicant

    applies to proceedings by the Comptroller to determine whether, pursuant to authority contained in sections 12(i) and 21C of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78l(i) and 78u-3), the Comptroller may initiate cease-and-desist proceedings against a national bank or Federal savings association for violations of sections 10A(m), 12, 13, 14(a), 14(c), 14(d), 14(f), and 16 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78j-1(m), 78l, 78m, 78n(a), 78n(c), 78n(d), 78n(f), and 78p); sections 302, 303, 304, 306, 401(b), 404, 406, and 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as amended (15 U.S.C. 7241, 7242, 7243, 7244, 7261, 7262, 7264, and 7265); or regulations or rules issued thereunder.

    (b) Public basis of proceedings; private hearings. All proceedings under this section must be commenced, and the notice of charges must be filed, on a public basis, unless otherwise ordered by the Comptroller. Pursuant to § 19.33(a), any request for a private hearing may be filed within 20 days of service of the notice.