§ 19.562 - Determination of losses in bond.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. (1) Losses (whether by theft, unauthorized voluntary destruction, or otherwise) of spirits, denatured spirits, and wines shall be determined by the proprietor:

    (i) Each time a tank or bulk conveyance is emptied;

    (ii) On the basis of required physical inventories; and

    (iii) Upon discovery of accidents or unusual variations in gauges.

    (2) When it appears that any container in bond has sustained a loss resulting from theft or unauthorized voluntary destruction, such loss shall be taxpaid or the container shall be segregated (as necessary) with the loss reported promptly to the appropriate TTB officer.

    (3) In any instance in which spirits, denatured spirits or wines are lost or destroyed in bond, whether by theft, unauthorized voluntary destruction, or otherwise, the appropriate TTB officer may require the proprietor or other person liable for the tax to file a claim for relief from the tax in accordance with § 19.41.

    (b) Missing packages. Whenever any packages of spirits, denatured spirits, or wine recorded as deposited on bonded premises cannot be located or otherwise accounted for, the proprietor shall promptly report such fact to the appropriate TTB officer, and the proprietor shall either pay the tax on the lost spirits, denatured spirits, or wines, or file a claim with respect thereto under the provisions of § 19.41.

    (c) Tampering, material deficiency, or loss of proof. When it is found that spirits, denatured spirits, or wines in a container have been tampered with, or when a material deficiency in the recorded quantity of such products is found without evidence of loss by leakage or casualty, or when there is a loss of proof of such products not attributable to variations in gauging, the proprietor shall segregate the container (as necessary) and shall promptly report such fact to the appropriate TTB officer, unless the proprietor acknowledges liability for the tax on the loss and elects to pay the tax on the quantity lost.

    (d) Excessive in-transit losses. Losses of spirits, denatured spirits, or wines received in bond in bulk conveyances which exceed one percent of the quantity of a product consigned shall be considered as excessive in-transit losses. However, in the case of transcontinental transfers in bond of wine, only losses in excess of two percent of the quantity of wine consigned shall be considered as excessive in-transit losses. The proprietor shall promptly report all such excessive in-transit losses to the appropriate TTB officer.

    (e) Storage account loss limitation. When the quantity of spirits lost from all the storage tanks and bulk conveyances exceeds 11/2 percent of the total quantity contained in the tanks and bulk conveyances during the calendar quarter, the loss shall be taxpaid unless a claim for remission is filed in accordance with the provisions of § 19.41 and is allowed by the appropriate TTB officer.