§ 63.5890 - How do I calculate an organic HAP emissions factor to demonstrate compliance for continuous lamination/casting operations?

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  • § 63.5890 How do I calculate an organic HAP emissions factor to demonstrate compliance for continuous lamination/casting operations?

    (a) Compliant line option. Use Equation 1 of this section to calculate an organic HAP emissions factor in lbs/ton.


    E = HAP emissions factor in lbs/ton of resin and gel coat

    WAEu = uncontrolled wet-out area organic HAP emissions, lbs per year

    WAEc = controlled wet-out area organic HAP emissions, lbs per year

    Ou = uncontrolled oven organic HAP emissions, lbs per year

    Oc = controlled oven organic HAP emissions, lbs per year

    R = total usage of neat resin plus, tpy

    G = total usage of neat gel coat plus, tpy

    (b) Averaging option. Use Equation 2 of this section to demonstrate compliance.


    E = HAP emissions factor in lbs/ton of resin and gel coat

    WAEui = uncontrolled organic HAP emissions from wet-out area i, lbs per year

    WAEci = controlled organic HAP emissions from wet-out area i, lbs per year

    Ouj = uncontrolled organic HAP emissions from oven j, lbs per year

    Ocj = controlled organic HAP emissions from oven j, lbs per year

    i = number of wet-out areas

    j = number of ovens

    m = number of wet-out areas uncontrolled

    n = number of ovens uncontrolled

    o = number of wet-out areas controlled

    p = number of ovens controlled

    R = total usage of neat resin plus, tpy

    G = total usage of neat gel coat plus, tpy

    (c) Combination option. Use Equations 1 and 2 of this section, as applicable, to demonstrate compliance.