§ 909.3 - Procedures for requesting individual records in a system of records; appeal of denials.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Current or former employees. Any current or former Finance Board employee seeking access to such employee's official personnel record maintained by the Finance Board shall submit a request to the Finance Board in the manner prescribed by regulations of the Office of Personnel Management, at title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.

    (b) Other requests. Other requests for access to a record that contains information on the requesting individual and is maintained in a Finance Board designated system of records shall be writing, shall contain a reasonable, succinct description of the record sought, and shall identify the particular designated system of records in which the record may be maintained, as identified in a notice published by the Finance Board from time to time in the Federal Register.

    (c) Accounting for previous disclosures. An individual may use the procedures of this section to request an accounting from the Finance Board of previous disclosures of records pertaining to such individual in a designated system of records, pursuant to the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a(c).

    (d) Medical records procedures. Information on an individual contained in medical records will be disclosed to a requesting individual in accordance with the procedures in paragraph (b) of this section and the requirements of this part, except, if in the judgment of the Finance Board the disclosure of such information could have an adverse effect on the individual, the Finance Board may withhold such information from the individual and transmit it to a licensed medical physician named by the requesting individual.

    (e) Response policy. The Finance Board will acknowledge, or substantially respond to if practicable, a request made under this section within ten (10) business days of its receipt.

    (f) Initial review. (1) The Executive Secretary will make the initial determination whether to grant or deny a request for records under this part, after consultation with the systems manager of the appropriate designated system of records.

    (2) The Executive Secretary will notify the requesting individual whether the Finance Board:

    (i) Has the requested record in a Finance Board designated system of records; and

    (ii) Will release the requested record or not.

    (3) If the request is denied, the Executive Secretary will inform the requesting individual of the reasons for nondisclosure, and describe the individual's right to appeal the determination.

    (g) Appeal process. (1) An individual who has been denied a request made pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, may appeal to the Board of Directors, or designee, within 30 business days of being notified of the denial pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section.

    (2) The appeal shall be in writing, shall be mailed or delivered to the Executive Secretary, and shall give the reasons why the initial determination should be overturned.

    (3) The Board of Directors, or such official designated by the Board of Directors, shall decide on the appeal within 30 business days following receipt of the appeal by the Executive Secretary. The Board of Directors or designated official may extend the time period for good cause, after giving notice, and reason therefor, to the individual making the appeal.

    (4) If a decision is made to affirm the initial denial of a request for a record by an individual, the Board of Directors or designated official shall notify the individual making the appeal of the decision and the reason therefor, and shall inform the individual of the right of judicial review of the appeal.