Part 279 - Forms Prescribed Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940  

§ 279.0-1 - Availability of forms.
§ 279.1 - Form ADV, for application for registration of investment adviser and for amendments to such registration statement.
§ 279.2 - Form ADV-W, notice of withdrawal from registration as investment adviser.
§ 279.3 - Form ADV-H, application for a temporary or continuing hardship exemption.
§ 279.4 - Form ADV-NR, appointment of agent for service of process by non-resident general partner and non-resident managing agent of an investment adviser.
§ 279.5 - Form 5-R, irrevocable appointment of agent for service of process, pleadings and other papers by corporation nonresident investment adviser.
§ 279.6 - Form 6-R, irrevocable appointment of agent for service of process, pleadings and other papers by partnership nonresident investment adviser.
§ 279.7 - Form 7-R, irrevocable appointment of agent for service of process, pleadings and other papers by nonresident general partner of investment adviser.
§ 279.8 - Form ADV-E, cover page for certificate of accounting of securities and funds in possession or custody of an investment adviser.
§ 279.9 - Form PF, reporting by investment advisers to private funds.
§§ 279.5--279.7 - [Reserved]