Part 224 - Tribal Energy Resource Agreements Under the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 224.10 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 224.20 - How will the Secretary interpret and implement this part and the Act?
§ 224.30 - What definitions apply to this part?
§ 224.40 - How does the Act or a TERA affect the Secretary's trust responsibility?
§ 224.41 - When does the Secretary require agreement of more than one tribe to approve a TERA?
§ 224.42 - How does the Paperwork Reduction Act affect these regulations?
Subpart B - Procedures for Obtaining Tribal Energy Resource Agreements
§ 224.50 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
Pre-Application Consultation and the Form of Application
§ 224.51 - What is a pre-application consultation between a Tribe and the Secretary?
§ 224.52 - What may a tribe include in a TERA?
§ 224.53 - What must an application for a TERA contain?
Application Consultation Meeting
§ 224.58 - What is an application consultation meeting?
§ 224.59 - How will the Secretary use the results of the application consultation meeting?
§ 224.60 - What will the Secretary provide to the Tribe after the application consultation meeting?
§ 224.61 - What will the Tribe provide to the Secretary after receipt of the Secretary's report on the application consultation meeting?
§ 224.62 - May a final proposed TERA differ from the original proposed TERA?
Processing Applications
§ 224.54 - How must a tribe submit an application?
§ 224.55 - Is information a tribe submits throughout the TERA process under this part subject to disclosure to third parties?
§ 224.56 - What is the effect of the Secretary's receipt of a qualified Tribe's complete application?
§ 224.57 - What must the Secretary do upon receipt of an application?
TERA Requirements
§ 224.63 - What provisions must a TERA contain?
§ 224.64 - How may a tribe assume management of development of different types of energy resources?
§ 224.65 - How may a tribe assume additional activities under a TERA?
§ 224.66 - How may a tribe reduce the scope of the TERA?
Public Notification and Comment
§ 224.67 - What must the Secretary do upon the Secretary's receipt of a final proposed TERA?
§ 224.68 - How will the Secretary use public comments?
Subpart C - Approval of Tribal Energy Resource Agreements
§ 224.70 - Will the Secretary review a proposed TERA under the National Environmental Policy Act?
§ 224.71 - What standards will the Secretary use to decide to approve a final proposed TERA?
§ 224.72 - How will the Secretary determine whether a tribe has demonstrated sufficient capacity?
§ 224.73 - How will the scope of energy resource development affect the Secretary's determination of the tribe's capacity?
§ 224.74 - When must the Secretary approve or disapprove a final proposed TERA?
§ 224.75 - What must the Secretary do upon approval or disapproval of a final proposed TERA?
§ 224.76 - Upon notification of disapproval, may a tribe re-submit a revised final proposed TERA?
§ 224.77 - Who may appeal the Secretary's decision on a final proposed TERA or a revised final proposed TERA?
§ 224.78 - How long will a TERA remain in effect?
§ 224.79 - Will the Secretary make non-expended amounts available to the Tribe?
§§ 224.72--224.73 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Implementation of Tribal Energy Resource Agreements
Applicable Authorities and Responsibilities
§ 224.80 - Under what authority will a tribe perform activities for energy resource development?
§ 224.81 - What laws are applicable to activities?
§ 224.82 - What activities will the Department continue to perform after approval of a TERA?
Violation or Breach
§ 224.87 - What are the obligations of a tribe if it discovers a violation or breach?
§ 224.88 - What must the Secretary do after receiving notice of a violation or breach from the Tribe?
§ 224.89 - What procedures will the Secretary use to enforce leases, business agreements, or rights-of-way?
Leases, Business Agreements, and Rights-of-Way Under a TERA
§ 224.83 - What must a tribe do after executing a lease or business agreement, or granting a right-of-way?
§ 224.84 - When may a tribe grant a right-of-way?
§ 224.85 - When may a tribe enter into a lease or business agreement?
§ 224.86 - Are there limits on the duration of leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way?
Subpart E - Interested Party Petitions
§ 224.100 - May a person or entity ask the Secretary to review a tribe's compliance with a TERA?
§ 224.101 - Who is an interested party?
§ 224.102 - Must a tribe establish a comment or hearing process for addressing environmental concerns?
§ 224.103 - Must a tribe establish other public participation processes?
§ 224.104 - Must a tribe enact tribal laws, regulations, or procedures permitting a person or entity to allege that a tribe is not complying with a TERA?
§ 224.105 - How may a person or entity obtain copies of tribal laws, regulations, or procedures that would permit an allegation of noncompliance with a TERA?
§ 224.106 - If a tribe has enacted tribal laws, regulations, or procedures for challenging tribal action, how must the tribe respond to a petition?
§ 224.107 - What must a petitioner do before filing a petition with the Secretary?
§ 224.108 - May tribes offer a resolution of a petitioner's claim?
§ 224.109 - What must a petitioner claim or request in a petition filed with the Secretary?
§ 224.110 - What must a petition to the Secretary contain?
§ 224.111 - When may a petitioner file a petition with the Secretary?
§ 224.112 - What must the Secretary do upon receipt of a petition?
§ 224.113 - What must the Tribe do after it completes petition consultation with the Secretary?
§ 224.114 - How may the tribe address a petition in its written response?
§ 224.115 - When in the petition process must the Secretary investigate a Tribe's compliance with a TERA?
§ 224.116 - What is the time period in which the Secretary must investigate a Tribe's compliance with a TERA?
§ 224.117 - Must the Secretary make a determination of the Tribe's compliance with a TERA?
§ 224.118 - How must the Tribe respond to the Secretary's notice of the opportunity for a hearing?
§ 224.119 - What must the Secretary do when making a decision on a petition?
§ 224.120 - What action may the Secretary take to ensure compliance with a TERA?
§ 224.121 - How may a Tribe or a petitioner appeal the Secretary's decision about the Tribe's compliance with the TERA?
Subpart F - Periodic Reviews
§ 224.130 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 224.131 - What is a periodic review and evaluation?
§ 224.132 - How does the Secretary conduct a periodic review and evaluation?
§ 224.133 - What must the Secretary do after a periodic review and evaluation?
§ 224.134 - How often must the Secretary conduct a periodic review and evaluation?
§ 224.135 - Under what circumstances may the Secretary conduct additional reviews and evaluations?
§ 224.136 - How will the Secretary's report address a Tribe's noncompliance?
§ 224.137 - What must the Secretary do if a Tribe's noncompliance has resulted in harm or the potential for harm to a physical trust asset?
§ 224.138 - What must the Secretary do if a Tribe's noncompliance has caused imminent jeopardy to a physical trust asset?
§ 224.139 - What must a tribe do after receiving a notice of imminent jeopardy to a physical trust asset?
§ 224.140 - What must the Secretary do if the Tribe fails to respond to or does not comply with the Secretary's order?
§ 224.141 - What must the Secretary do if the Tribe responds to the Secretary's order?
Subpart G - Reassumption
§ 224.150 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 224.151 - When may the Secretary reassume activities?
§ 224.152 - Must the Secretary always reassume the activities upon a finding of imminent jeopardy to a physical trust asset?
Notice of Intent to Reassume
§ 224.153 - Must the Secretary notify the tribe of an intent to reassume the authority granted?
§ 224.154 - What must a notice of intent to reassume include?
§ 224.155 - When must a tribe respond to a notice of intent to reassume?
§ 224.156 - What information must the tribe's response to the notice of intent to reassume include?
§ 224.157 - How must the Secretary proceed after receiving the tribe's response?
§ 224.158 - What must the Secretary include in a written notice of reassumption?
§ 224.159 - How will reassumption affect valid existing rights or lawful actions taken before the effective date of the reassumption?
§ 224.160 - How will reassumption affect a TERA?
§ 224.161 - How may reassumption affect the tribe's ability to enter into a new TERA or to modify another TERA to administer additional activities or to assume administration of activities that the Secretary previously reassumed?
Subpart H - Rescission
§ 224.170 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 224.171 - Who may rescind a TERA?
§ 224.172 - May a tribe rescind only some of the activities subject to a TERA while retaining a portion of those activities?
§ 224.173 - How does a tribe rescind a TERA?
§ 224.174 - When does a voluntary rescission become effective?
§ 224.175 - How will rescission affect valid existing rights or lawful actions taken before the rescission?
Subpart I - General Appeal Procedures
§ 224.180 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 224.181 - Who may appeal Departmental decisions or inaction under this part?
§ 224.182 - What is the Initial Appeal Process?
§ 224.183 - What other administrative appeals processes also apply?
§ 224.184 - How do other administrative appeals processes apply?
§ 224.185 - When are decisions under this part effective?
Subpart J - Alternative to TERAs: Tribal Energy Development Organization (TEDO) Certification
§ 224.200 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 224.201 - What must an application for certification as a Tribal energy development organization (TEDO) include?
§ 224.202 - How must a Tribe submit an application for certification of a TEDO?
§ 224.203 - What must the Secretary do upon receipt of an application for certification as a TEDO?
§ 224.204 - What criteria will the Secretary use to determine whether to approve an application for certification of a TEDO?
§ 224.205 - What must the Secretary do upon approval of an application for certification?
§ 224.206 - What is the effect of a TEDO receiving certification?