§ 303.151 - Waiver of the policy adoption requirement for the third year.  

Latest version.
  • The Secretary may award a grant to a State under this part for the third year even if the State has not adopted the policy required in § 303.150(b), if the State, in its third year application, includes a statement requesting a waiver, including—

    (a) Information demonstrating that the State has made a good faith effort to adopt a policy that meets the requirements in § 303.150(b)(1) and (b)(2);

    (b) The reasons why the State was unable to meet the timeline for policy adoption, and the steps remaining before the policy will be adopted; and

    (c) An assurance that, except as provided in § 303.341(a), the policy required in § 303.150(b)(1) and (b)(2) will be adopted and go into effect no later than the beginning of the State's fourth year of participation under this part.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0550) Note:

    An example of when the Secretary may grant a waiver is a situation in which a State's policy is awaiting action by the State legislature, but the legislative session does not commence until after the State's application must be submitted.