§ 5.71 - Protection of personal privacy and proprietary information.  

Latest version.
  • As set forth with more particularity below, certain types of information in whatever record or document contained shall not be disclosed where disclosure would be inconsistent with individual rights of personal privacy or would violate obligations of confidentiality.

    (a) No disclosure will be made of information of a personal and private nature, such as information in personnel and medical files, in welfare and social security records and any other information of a private and personal nature.

    (b) Information having a commercial or financial value and in which the person providing the information has a proprietary interest will not be disclosed if it is in fact confidential. In determining whether such information is in fact confidential, consideration may be given to such factors as (1) the general custom or usage in the occupation or business to which the information relates that it be held confidential, (2) the number and situation of the individuals who have access to such information, (3) the type and degree of risk of financial injury to be expected if disclosure occurs, and (4) the length of time such information should be regarded as retaining the characteristics noted above.

    (c) Information obtained by the Department from any individual or organization, who furnishes it in reliance upon a provision for confidentiality authorized by applicable statute or regulation, will not be disclosed. This subpart does not itself authorize the giving of any pledge of confidentiality by any officer or employee of the Department.

    This section does not preclude use of nondiscloseable records or information from such records for authorized program purposes, including law enforcement purposes and litigation. Release of information of the nature described in this section to the individual or the organization to whom the information pertains or to an authorized representative of either will not be deemed a disclosure within the meaning of this part.