§ 5.72 - Records available.  

Latest version.
  • The following records of the Department shall, subject to the exceptions set forth in §§ 5.71 and 5.73, be available upon request for inspection and copying.

    (a) Correspondence. Correspondence, relating to or resulting from the conduct of the official business of the Department, between the Department and individuals or organizations which are not agencies within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 551(1) and 552(e).

    (b) Records pertaining to grants. (1) Portions of funded initial research grant applications and portions of continuation, renewal or supplemental grant applications, whether funded or not, including interim progress reports and other supporting documents submitted by applicants, which are not otherwise exempted from disclosure by this subpart.

    (2) Grant award documents.

    (3) All State plans, amendments, and supplements thereto, including applications for the waiver of any provision thereof whether acted upon by the Department or not.

    (c) Contracts. (1) Contract instruments.

    (2) Portions of offers reflecting final prices submitted in negotiated procurements.

    (d) Reports on grantee, contractor, or provider performance. Final reports of audits, surveys, reviews, or evaluations by, for, or on behalf of the Department, of performance by any grantee, contractor, or provider under any departmentally financed or supported program or activity, which reports have been transmitted to the grantee, contractor, or provider.

    (e) Research, development, and demonstration project records. The reports of a grantee or a contractor of the performance under any research, development, or demonstration project, records, other than reports, produced in such projects, such as films, computer software, other copyrightable materials and reports of inventions, will be available, except that considerations relating to obtaining copyright and patent protection may require delay in disclosure for such period as necessary to accomplish such protection. Disclosure of records which are copyrightable or which reflect patentable inventions shall not confer upon the requester any license under any copyright or patent without regard to the holder or owner thereof.