§ 86.1773-99 - Test sequence; general requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The provisions of §86.130 apply to this subpart.

    (b) The following additional requirements shall also apply to this subpart:

    (1) For purposes of determining conformity with 50 °F test requirements, the procedures set forth in paragraph (c) of this section shall apply. For all hybrid electric vehicles and all 1995 and subsequent model-year vehicles certifying to running loss and useful life evaporative emission standards, the test sequence specified in subpart B of this part shall apply.

    (2) [Reserved]

    (c)(1) Following a 12 to 36 hour cold soak at a nominal temperature of 50 °F, emissions of CO and NOX measured on the Federal Test Procedure (subpart B of this part), conducted at a nominal test temperature of 50 °F, shall not exceed the standards for vehicles of the same emission category and vehicle type subject to a cold soak and emission test at 68 to 86 °F. For all TLEVs, emissions of NMOG and formaldehyde at 50 °F shall not exceed the 50,000 mile certification standard multiplied by a factor of 2.0. For all LEVs, emissions of NMOG and formaldehyde at 50 °F shall not exceed the 50,000 mile certification standard multiplied by a factor of 2.0. For all ULEVs, emissions of NMOG and formaldehyde at 50 °F shall not exceed the 50,000 mile certification standard multiplied by a factor of 2.0. Emissions of NMOG shall be multiplied by a reactivity adjustment factor, if any, prior to comparing with the 50,000 certification standard multiplied by the specified factor. The test vehicles shall not be subject to a diurnal heat build prior to the cold start exhaust test or evaporative emission testing.

    (i) For the 50 °F emission test, the nominal preconditioning, soak, and test temperatures shall be maintained within 3 °F of the nominal temperature on an average basis and within 5 °F of the nominal temperature on a continuous basis. The temperature shall be sampled at least once every 15 seconds during the preconditioning and test periods and at least once each 5 minutes during the soak period. A continuous strip chart recording of the temperature with these minimum time resolutions is an acceptable alternative to employing a data acquisition system.

    (ii) The test site temperature shall be measured at the inlet of the vehicle cooling fan used for testing.

    (iii) The test vehicle may be fueled before the preconditioning procedure in a fueling area maintained within a temperature range of 68 to 86 °F. The preconditioning shall be conducted at a nominal temperature of 50 °F. The requirement to saturate the evaporative control canister(s) shall not apply.

    (iv) If a soak area remote from the test site is used, the vehicle may pass through an area maintained within a temperature range of 68 to 86 °F during a time interval not to exceed 10 minutes. In such cases, the vehicle shall be restabilized to 50 °F by soaking the vehicle in the nominal 50 °F test area for six times as long as the exposure time to the higher temperature area, prior to starting the emission test.

    (v) The vehicle shall be approximately level during all phases of the test sequence to prevent abnormal fuel distribution.

    (2) Manufacturers shall demonstrate compliance with this requirement each year by testing at least three LDV or LDT emission data and/or engineering development vehicles (with at least 4000 miles) which are representative of the array of technologies available in that model year. Only TLEVs, LEVs, and ULEVs are to be considered for testing at 50 °F. It is not necessary to apply deterioration factors (DFs) to the 50 °F test results to comply with this requirement. Testing at 50 °F shall not be required for fuel-flexible and dual-fuel vehicles when operating on gasoline. Natural gas, hybrid electric and diesel-fueled vehicles shall also be exempt from 50 °F testing.

    (3) The following schedule outlines the parameters to be considered for vehicle selection:

    (i) Fuel control system (e.g., multiport fuel injection, throttle body electronic fuel injection, sequential multiport electronic fuel injection, etc.);

    (ii) Catalyst system (e.g., electrically heated catalyst, close-coupled catalyst, underfloor catalyst, etc.);

    (iii) Control system type (e.g., mass-air flow, speed density, etc.);

    (iv) Vehicle category (e.g., TLEV, LEV, ULEV);

    (v) Fuel type (e.g., gasoline, methanol, etc.).

    (4) The same engine family shall not be selected in the succeeding two years unless the manufacturer produces fewer than three engine families. If the manufacturer produces more than three TLEV, LEV, or ULEV engine families per model year, the Administrator may request 50 °F testing of specific engine families. If the manufacturer provides a list of the TLEV, LEV, and ULEV engine families that it will certify for a model year and provides a description of the technologies used on each engine family (including the vehicle selection parameters information in paragraphs (c)(3) (i) through (v) of this section), the Administrator shall select the engine families subject to 50 °F testing within a 30 day period after receiving such a list and description. The Administrator may revise the engine families selected after the 30 day period if the information provided by the manufacturer does not accurately reflect the engine families actually certified by the manufacturer.

    (5) For the purposes of this section, the Administrator will accept vehicles selected and tested in accordance with the 50 °F testing procedures specified by the California Air Resources Board.

    (d) A manufacturer has the option of simulating air conditioning operation during testing at other ambient test conditions provided it can demonstrate that the vehicle tailpipe exhaust emissions are representative of the emissions that would result from the SC03 cycle test procedure and the ambient conditions of paragraph 86.161-00. The Administrator has approved two optional air conditioning test simulation procedures, AC1 and AC2, for the 2001 to 2003 model years only. If a manufacturer desires to conduct an alternative SC03 test simulation other than AC1 and AC2, or the AC1 and AC2 simulations for the 2004 and subsequent model years, the simulation test procedure must be approved in advance by the Administrator.

    [62 FR 31242, June 6, 1997. Redesignated and amended at 63 FR 987, Jan. 7, 1998]