Part 102-192 - Mail Management  

Subpart A - Introduction to this Part
§ 102-192.5 - What does this part cover?
§ 102-192.10 - What authority governs this part?
§ 102-192.15 - How are “I,” “you,” “me,” “we,” and “us” used in this part?
§ 102-192.20 - How are “must” and “should” used in this part?
§ 102-192.25 - Does this part apply to me?
§ 102-192.30 - To what types of mail and materials does this part apply?
§ 102-192.35 - What definitions apply to this part?
§ 102-192.40 - Where can we obtain more information about the classes of mail?
§ 102-192.45 - How can we request a deviation from these requirements, and who can approve it?
Subpart B - Agency Requirements
Performance Measurement Requirements for All Agencies
§ 102-192.110 - At what levels in our agency must we have performance measures?
§ 102-192.115 - Why must we use performance measures?
Security Requirements for All Agencies
§ 102-192.70 - What security policies and plans must we have?
§ 102-192.75 - Why must we have written security policies and plans?
§ 102-192.80 - How do we develop written security policies and plans?
Financial Requirements for All Agencies
§ 102-192.50 - What payment processes are we required to use?
§ 102-192.55 - Why must we use these payment processes?
§ 102-192.60 - How do we implement these payment processes?
§ 102-192.65 - What features must our finance systems have to keep track of mail expenditures?
Agency Mail Manager Requirements
§ 102-192.120 - Must we have an agency mail manager?
§ 102-192.125 - What is the appropriate managerial level for an agency mail manager?
§ 102-192.130 - What are your general responsibilities as an agency mail manager?
Reporting Requirements
§ 102-192.85 - Who must report to GSA annually?
§ 102-192.90 - What must we include in our annual mail management report to GSA?
§ 102-192.95 - Why does GSA require annual mail management reports?
§ 102-192.100 - How do we submit our annual mail management report to GSA?
§ 102-192.105 - When must we submit our annual mail management report to GSA?
Subpart C - GSA's Responsibilities and Services
§ 102-192.135 - What are GSA's responsibilities in mail management?
§ 102-192.140 - What types of support does GSA offer to Federal agency mail management programs?
Subpart D - Reporting Requirements
Subpart E - Performance Measurement Requirements
Subpart F - Agency Mail Manager Requirements
Subpart G - Mail Center Manager Requirements
Subpart H - Program Level Mail Responsibilities
§ 102-192.145 - Which program levels should have a mail manager?
§ 102-192.150 - What are your general responsibilities as a program level mail manager?
Subpart I - Other Agency Responsibilities
Appendix A to Part 102-192 - Large Agency Mailers
Appendix B to Part 102-192 - Mail Center Security Plan
§ 102-192.155 - What should our agency-wide mail management policy statement cover?
§ 102-192.160 - What less costly alternatives to expedited mail and couriers should your agency-wide mail management policy address?
§ 102-192.165 - What authorities must I follow when contracting out all or part of the mail function?
Subpart J - GSA's Responsibilities and Services
§ 102-192.170 - What are GSA's responsibilities in mail management?
§ 102-192.175 - What types of support does GSA offer to Federal agency mail management programs?