§ 213.369 - Inspection records.

Latest version.
  • § 213.369 Inspection records.

    (a) Each owner of track to which this part applies shall keep a record of each inspection required to be performed on that track under this subpart.

    (b) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, each record of an inspection under § 213.365 shall be prepared on the day the inspection is made and signed or otherwise certified by the person making the inspection. Records shall specify the author of the record, the type of track inspected, date of inspection, location and of inspection, nature of any deviation from the requirements of this part, and the remedial action taken by the person making the inspection. The track owner shall designate the location(s) where each original record shall be maintained for at least one year after the inspection covered by the record. The track owner shall also designate one location, within 100 miles of each state State in which they conduct it conducts operations, where copies of record which records that apply to those operations are either maintained or can be viewed following 10 days' notice by the Federal Railroad Administration.

    (c) Rail inspection records shall specify the date of inspection, the location and nature of any internal defects found, the remedial action taken and the date thereof, and the location of any intervals of track not tested per § 213.339(d). The owner shall retain a rail inspection record for at least two years after the inspection and for one year after remedial action is taken.

    (d) Records of continuous rail testing under § 213.240 shall -

    (1) Include all information required under § 213.240(e);

    (2) State whether the test is being conducted to satisfy the requirements for an internal rail inspection under § 213.339;

    (3) List the date(s) and time(s) of the continuous rail test data collection, including the date and time of the start and end of the test run, and the date and time each suspect location was identified and field-verified;

    (4) Include the determination made after field verification of each suspect location, including the:

    (i) Location and type of defect found;

    (ii) Size of defect; and

    (iii) Initial remedial action taken, if required, and the date thereof; and

    (5) Be retained for at least two years after the inspection and for at least one year after initial remedial action is taken, whichever is later.

    (e) Track owners that elect to utilize continuous rail testing under § 213.240 shall maintain records of all continuous rail testing operations sufficient for monitoring and determining compliance with all applicable regulations and shall make those records available to FRA during regular business hours following reasonable notice.

    (f) Track inspection records shall be kept available to persons who perform the inspections and to persons performing subsequent inspections.

    (g) Each track owner required to keep inspection records under this section shall make those records available for inspection and copying by the Federal Railroad


    Administration upon request during regular business hours following reasonable notice.



    h) For purposes of compliance with the requirements of this section,


    a track owner

    of track may maintain and transfer records through electronic transmission, storage, and retrieval

    may create, retain, transmit, store, and retrieve records by electronic means provided that -

    (1) The

    electronic system be designed such that the integrity of each record maintained through appropriate levels of security such as recognition of an electronic signature, or other means, which uniquely identify the initiating person as the author of that

    system used to generate the electronic record meets all requirements and contains the information required under this subpart;

    (2) The track owner monitors its electronic records database to ensure record accuracy;

    (3) The electronic system is designed to uniquely identify the author of the record. No two persons shall have the same electronic identity;



    4) The electronic system ensures that each record cannot be modified in any way, or replaced, once the record is completed;

    (5) The electronic storage of each record shall be initiated by the person making the inspection within


    72 hours following the completion of that inspection;

    (3) The electronic system shall ensure that each record cannot be modified in any way, or replaced, once the record is transmitted





    6) Any amendment to a record shall be electronically stored apart from the record which it amends. Each amendment to a record shall be uniquely identified as to the person making the amendment


    (5) The electronic system shall provide for the maintenance of inspection records as originally submitted without corruption or loss of data; and

    (6) Paper copies of electronic records and amendments to those records, that may be necessary to document compliance with this part, shall be made available for inspection and copying by the FRA and track inspectors responsible under § 213


    305. Such paper copies shall be made available to the track inspectors and at the locations specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (7) Track inspection records shall be kept available to persons who performed the inspection and to persons performing subsequent inspections.


    (i) Each vehicle/track interaction safety record required under § 213.333(g)


    and (m) shall be made available for inspection and copying by the FRA at the locations specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

    [63 FR 34029, June 22, 1998, as amended at 85 FR 63391, Oct. 7, 2020]