§ 2424.4 - Content of petition; service.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A petition for review shall be dated and shall contain the following:

    (1) A statement setting forth the express language of the proposal sought to be negotiated as submitted to the agency;

    (2) An explicit statement of the meaning attributed to the proposal by the exclusive representative including:

    (i) Explanation of terms of art, acronyms, technical language, or any other aspect of the language of the proposal which is not in common usage; and

    (ii) Where the proposal is concerned with a particular work situation, or other particular circumstances, a description of the situation or circumstances which will enable the Authority to understand the context in which the proposal is intended to apply;

    (3) A copy of all pertinent material, including the agency's allegation in writing that the matter, as proposed, is not within the duty to bargain in good faith, and other relevant documentary material; and

    (4) Notification by the petitioning labor organization whether the negotiability issue is also involved in an unfair labor practice charge filed by such labor organization under part 2423 of this subchapter and pending before the General Counsel.

    (b) A copy of the petition including all attachments thereto shall be served on the agency head and on the principal agency bargaining representative at the negotiations.

    (c)(1) Filing an incomplete petition for review will result in the exclusive representative being asked to provide the missing or incomplete information. Noncompliance with a request to complete the record may result in dismissal of the petition.

    (2) The processing priority accorded to an incomplete petition, relative to other pending negotiability appeals, will be based upon the date when the petition is completed—not the date it was originally filed.