§ 55.200 - Debarment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The following acts or practices or the causing thereof may be deemed sufficient cause for the debarment by the Administrator, of any person, including any agents, officers, subsidiaries, or affiliates of such person, from any or all benefits of the Act for a specified period. The rules of practice governing withdrawal of inspection and grading services in formal adjudicatory proceedings instituted by the Secretary (7 CFR, part 1, subpart H) shall be applicable to such a debarment action:

    (1) Misrepresentation, deceptive, or fraudulent act or practice. Any willful misrepresentation or any deceptive or fraudulent act or practice found to be made or committed by any person in connection with:

    (i) The making or filing of an application for any service or appeal;

    (ii) The making of the product accessible for sampling, grading or inspection;

    (iii) The making, issuing or using or attempting to issue or use any certificate, symbol, stamp, label, seal, or identification authorized pursuant to the regulations in this part;

    (iv) The use of the terms “United States,” “U.S.,” “Government Graded,” “Federal-State Graded,” “U.S. Inspected,” “Government Inspected,” or terms of similar import in the labeling or advertising of any product;

    (v) The use of any official stamp, symbol, label, seal, or identification in the labeling or advertising of any product.

    (2) Use of facsimile forms. Using or attempting to use a form which simulates in whole or in part any certificate, symbol, stamp, label, seal, or identification authorized to be issued or used under the regulations in this part.

    (3) Willful violation of the regulations. Any willful violation of the regulations in this part or the Act.

    (4) Interfering with a grader, inspector, or employee of AMS. Any interference with or obstruction or any attempted interference or obstruction of or assault upon any grader, licensee, inspector or employee of AMS in the performance of his duties. The giving or offering, directly or indirectly, of any money, loan, gift, or anything of value to an employee of AMS, or the making or offering of any contribution to or in any way supplementing the salary, compensation or expenses of an employee of AMS, or the offering or entering into a private contract or agreement with an employee of AMS for any services to be rendered while employed by AMS.

    (5) Miscellaneous. The existence of any of the conditions set forth in § 55.150 constituting the basis for the rejection of an application for grading or inspection service.