Part 24 - Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs  

Subpart A - General
§ 24.1 - Purpose.
§ 24.2 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 24.3 - No duplication of payments.
§ 24.4 - Assurances, monitoring, and corrective action.
§ 24.5 - Manner of notices and electronic signatures.
§ 24.6 - Administration of jointly-funded projects.
§ 24.7 - Federal agency waiver of regulations in this part.
§ 24.8 - Compliance with other laws and regulations.
§ 24.9 - Recordkeeping and reports.
§ 24.10 - Appeals.
§ 24.11 - Adjustments of limits and payments.
Subpart B - Real Property Acquisition
§ 24.101 - Applicability of acquisition requirements.
§ 24.102 - Basic acquisition policies.
§ 24.103 - Criteria for appraisals.
§ 24.104 - Review of appraisals.
§ 24.105 - Acquisition of tenant-owned improvements.
§ 24.106 - Expenses incidental to transfer of title to the Agency.
§ 24.107 - Certain litigation expenses.
§ 24.108 - Donations.
Subpart C - General Relocation Requirements
§ 24.201 - Purpose.
§ 24.202 - Applicability.
§ 24.203 - Relocation notices.
§ 24.204 - Availability of comparable replacement dwelling before displacement.
§ 24.205 - Relocation planning, advisory services, and coordination.
§ 24.206 - Eviction for cause.
§ 24.207 - General requirements—claims for relocation payments.
§ 24.208 - Aliens not lawfully present in the United States.
§ 24.209 - Relocation payments not considered as income.
Subpart D - Payments for Moving and Related Expenses
§ 24.301 - Payment for actual reasonable moving and related expenses.
§ 24.302 - Fixed payment for moving expenses—residential moves.
§ 24.303 - Related nonresidential eligible expenses.
§ 24.304 - Reestablishment expenses—nonresidential moves.
§ 24.305 - Fixed payment for moving expenses—nonresidential moves.
§ 24.306 - Discretionary utility relocation payments.
§ 24.307 - Discretionary utility relocation payments.
Subpart E - Replacement Housing Payments
§ 24.401 - Replacement housing payment for 90-day homeowner-occupants.
§ 24.402 - Replacement housing payment for 90-day tenants and certain others.
§ 24.403 - Additional rules governing replacement housing payments.
§ 24.404 - Replacement housing of last resort.
Subpart F - Mobile Homes
§ 24.501 - Applicability.
§ 24.502 - Replacement housing payment for a 90-day mobile homeowner displaced from a mobile home and/or from the acquired mobile home site.
§ 24.503 - Replacement housing payment for 90-day mobile home occupants.
§ 24.504 - Replacement housing payment for 90-day mobile home occupants.
§ 24.505 - Additional rules governing relocation payments to mobile home occupants.
Subpart G - Certification
§ 24.601 - Purpose.
§ 24.602 - Certification application.
§ 24.603 - Monitoring and corrective action.
Appendix A to Part 24 - —Additional Information
Appendix B to Part 24 - —Statistical Report Form