Part 241 - Uniform System of Accounts and Reports for Large Certificated Air Carriers  

Subpart 1 - Section 1 - Introduction to System of Accounts and Reports
Subpart 2 - Section 2 - General Accounting Policies
Subpart 6 - Section 6 - Objective Classification of Balance Sheet Elements
Current Liabilities
Non-operating Property and Equipment
Operating Property and Equipment
Non-current Liabilities
Other Assets
Stockholders’ Equity
Investments and Special Funds
Current Assets
Deferred Credits
Subpart 9 - Section 9 - Functional Classification—Operating Revenues
Subpart 10 - Section 10 - Functional Classification—Operating Expenses of Group I Air Carriers
Subpart 11 - Section 11 - Functional Classification—Operating Expenses of Group II and Group III Air Carriers
Subpart 12 - Section 12 - Objective Classification—Operating Revenues and Expenses
Transport Revenues
Transport Expenses
Transport Related Revenues and Expenses
Subpart 14 - Section 14 - Objective Classification—Nonoperating Income and Expense
Subpart 15 - Section 15 - Objective Classification—Income Taxes for Current Period
Subpart 16 - Section 16 - Objective Classification—Discontinued Operations
Subpart 17 - Section 17 - Objective Classification—Extraordinary Items
Subpart 18 - Section 18 - Objective Classification—Cumulative Effect of Changes in Accounting Principles
Subpart 19 - Section 19 - Uniform Classification of Operating Statistics
Subpart 25 - Section 25 - Traffic and Capacity Elements
§ 241.01 - [Reserved]
§ 241.01 - [Reserved]
§ 241.02 - [Reserved]
§ 241.02 - [Reserved]
§ 241.03 - Definitions for Purposes of This System of Accounts and Reports
§ 241.03 - Definitions for Purposes of This System of Accounts and Reports
§ 241.04 - Air Carrier Groupings
§ 241.04 - Air Carrier Groupings
General Reporting Provisions—Large Certificated Air Carriers
Section 17—Objective Classification—Extraordinary Items
§ 241.96 - Extraordinary Items.
§ 241.97 - Income Taxes Applicable to Extraordinary Items.
Section 18—Objective Classification—Cumulative Effect of Changes in Accounting Principles
§ 241.98 - Cumulative Effect of Changes in Accounting Principles.
Profit and Loss Classification
§ 241.7 - Chart of Profit and Loss Accounts
§ 241.7 - Chart of Profit and Loss Accounts
§ 241.8 - General
§ 241.8 - General
§ 241.9 - Functional Classification - Operating Revenues
§ 241.9 - Functional Classification - Operating Revenues
§ 241.10 - Functional Classification - Operating Expenses of Group I Air Carriers
§ 241.10 - Functional Classification - Operating Expenses of Group I Air Carriers
§ 241.11 - Functional Classification - Operating Expenses of Group II and Group III Air Carriers
§ 241.11 - Functional Classification - Operating Expenses of Group II and Group III Air Carriers
§ 241.12 - Objective Classification - Operating Revenues and Expenses
§ 241.12 - Objective Classification - Operating Revenues and Expenses
§ 241.14 - Objective Classification - Nonoperating Income and Expense
§ 241.14 - Objective Classification - Nonoperating Income and Expense
§ 241.15 - Objective Classification - Income Taxes for Current Period
§ 241.15 - Objective Classification - Income Taxes for Current Period
§ 241.16 - Objective Classification - Discontinued Operations
§ 241.16 - Objective Classification - Discontinued Operations
§ 241.17 - Objective Classification - Extraordinary Items
§ 241.17 - Objective Classification - Extraordinary Items
§ 241.18 - Objective Classification - Cumulative Effect of Changes in Accounting Principles
§ 241.18 - Objective Classification - Cumulative Effect of Changes in Accounting Principles
Other Assets
§ 241.1820 - Long-Term Prepayments.
§ 241.1830 - Unamortized Developmental and Preoperating Costs.
§ 241.1890 - Other Assets and Deferred Charges.
Section 14—Objective Classification—Nonoperating Income and Expense
§ 241.80 - Interest Income.
§ 241.81 - Interest on Long-term Debt and Capital Leases.
§ 241.82 - Other Interest.
§ 241.83 - Capitalized Interest.
§ 241.84 - Amortization of Debt Discount, Premium and Expense.
§ 241.85 - Foreign exchange gains and losses.
§ 241.86 - Income from Nontransport Ventures.
§ 241.87 - Equity in Income of Investor Controlled Companies.
§ 241.89 - Other Nonoperating Income and Expense—Net.
Traffic Reporting Requirements
§ 241.25 - Traffic and Capacity Elements
§ 241.25 - Traffic and Capacity Elements
Section 11—Functional Classification—Operating Expenses of Group II and Group III Air Carriers
§ 241.5500 - Passenger Service.
§ 241.6400 - Aircraft and Traffic Servicing.
§ 241.6700 - Promotion and Sales.
§ 241.6800 - General and Administrative.
Operating Property and Equipment
§ 241.1601 - Airframes.
§ 241.1602 - Aircraft Engines.
§ 241.1607 - Improvements to Leased Flight Equipment.
§ 241.1608 - Flight Equipment Rotable Parts and Assemblies.
§ 241.1609 - Flight Equipment.
§ 241.1629 - Flight Equipment Airworthiness Allowances.
§ 241.1630 - Equipment.
§ 241.1636 - Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment.
§ 241.1639 - Improvements to Leased Buildings and Equipment.
§ 241.1640 - Buildings.
§ 241.1649 - Ground Property and Equipment.
§ 241.1668 - Allowance for Depreciation of Flight Equipment and Ground Property and Equipment and Amortization of Overhaul and Airworthiness Costs.
§ 241.1679 - Land.
§ 241.1685 - Equipment Purchase Deposits and Advance Payments.
§ 241.1689 - Construction Work in Progress.
§ 241.1695 - Leased Property Under Capital Leases.
§ 241.1696 - Leased Property Under Capital Leases—Accumulated Amortization.
Operating Statistics Classifications
§ 19-6 - Public disclosure of traffic data.
§ 19-7 - Passenger origin-destination survey.
§ 19-8 - Passenger Origin - Destination
§ 241.19 - Uniform Classification of Operating Statistics
§ 241.19 - Uniform Classification of Operating Statistics
§ 19-8.1 - Purpose.
§ 19-8.2 - Definitions.
§ 19-8.3 - Applicability.
§ 19-8.4 - Reporting of O&D data.
§ 19-8.5 - Form of reports.
§ 19-8.6 - Dissemination.
§ 19-8.7 - Submission of data.
§ 19-8.8 - Editing data.
§ 19-8.9 - Control of sample selection and data recording.
§ 19-8.10 - Staff review.
§ 241.19-1 - Applicability.
§ 241.19-1 - Applicability.
§ 241.19-2 - Maintenance of data.
§ 241.19-2 - Maintenance of data.
§ 241.19-3 - Accessibility and transmittal of data.
§ 241.19-3 - Accessibility and transmittal of data.
§ 241.19-4 - Service classes.
§ 241.19-4 - Service classes.
§ 241.19-5 - Air transport traffic and capacity elements.
§ 241.19-5 - Air transport traffic and capacity elements.
§ 241.19-6 - Public disclosure of traffic data.
§ 241.19-6 - Public disclosure of traffic data.
§ 241.19-7 - Passenger origin-destination survey.
§ 241.19-7 - Passenger origin-destination survey.
Section 15—Objective Classification—Income Taxes for Current Period
§ 241.91 - Provision for Income Taxes.
§ 241.92 - Provisions for Deferred Income Taxes.
§ 241.93 - Investment Tax Credits Deferred and Amortized.
Section 16—Objective Classification—Discontinued Operations
§ 241.95 - Discontinued Operations.
Section 2—General Accounting Policies
Financial Reporting Requirements
§ 241.23 - Certification and Balance Sheet Elements
§ 241.23 - Certification and Balance Sheet Elements
§ 241.24 - Profit and Loss Elements
§ 241.24 - Profit and Loss Elements
Transport Revenues
§ 241.05 - Mail.
§ 241.06 - Property.
§ 241.07 - Charter.
General Reporting Provisions - Large Certificated Air Carriers
§ 241.21 - Introduction to System of Reports
§ 241.21 - Introduction to System of Reports
§ 241.22 - General Reporting Instructions
§ 241.22 - General Reporting Instructions
Section 9—Functional Classification—Operating Revenues
§ 241.3900 - Transport Revenues.
§ 241.4800 - Transport-Related Revenues.
Section 19—Uniform Classification of Operating Statistics
Section 10—Functional Classification—Operating Expenses of Group I Air Carriers
§ 241.5100 - Flying Operations.
§ 241.5400 - Maintenance.
§ 241.6900 - General Services and Administration.
§ 241.7000 - Depreciation and Amortization.
§ 241.7100 - Transport-Related Expenses.
Stockholders’ Equity
§ 241.2820 - Preferred Stock.
§ 241.2840 - Common Stock.
§ 241.2860 - Subscribed and Unissued Stock.
§ 241.2890 - Additional Capital Invested.
§ 241.2900 - Retained Earnings.
§ 241.2990 - Treasury Stock.
Current Liabilities
§ 241.2000 - Current Maturities of Long-term Debt.
§ 241.2005 - Notes Payable—Banks.
§ 241.2015 - Notes Payable—Other.
§ 241.2021 - Trade Accounts Payable.
§ 241.2025 - Accounts Payable—Other.
§ 241.2080 - Current Obligations Under Capital Leases.
§ 241.2110 - Accrued Salaries, Wages.
§ 241.2120 - Accrued Vacation Liability.
§ 241.2125 - Accrued Interest.
§ 241.2130 - Accrued Taxes.
§ 241.2140 - Dividends Declared.
§ 241.2160 - Air Traffic Liability.
§ 241.2190 - Other Current Liabilities.
Section 12—Objective Classification—Operating Revenues and Expenses
§ 241.00 - General Instructions.
Current Assets
§ 241.1010 - Cash.
§ 241.1100 - Short-term Investments.
§ 241.1200 - Notes Receivable.
§ 241.1270 - Accounts Receivable.
§ 241.1290 - Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts.
§ 241.1300 - Spare parts and supplies.
§ 241.1311 - Allowance for Obsolescence—Spare Parts and Supplies.
§ 241.1410 - Prepaid Items.
§ 241.1420 - Other Current Assets.
Section 1—Introduction to System of Accounts and Reports
Transport Related Revenues and Expenses
§ 241.08 - Public Service Revenues (Subsidy).
§ 241.09 - In-Flight Sales.
§ 241.13 - Interchange Sales.
Transport Expenses
§ 241.20 - General Instructions.
§ 241.26 - Aircraft and Traffic Handling Personnel.
§ 241.28 - Trainees, Instructors, and Unallocated Shop Labor.
§ 241.30 - Communications Personnel.
§ 241.31 - Recordkeeping and Statistical Personnel.
§ 241.32 - Lawyers and Law Clerks.
§ 241.33 - Traffic Solicitors.
§ 241.34 - Purchasing Personnel.
§ 241.35 - Other Personnel.
§ 241.36 - Personnel Expenses.
§ 241.37 - Communications Purchased.
§ 241.38 - Light, Heat, Power and Water.
§ 241.39 - Traffic Commissions.
§ 241.40 - Legal Fees and Expenses.
§ 241.41 - Professional and Technical Fees and Expenses.
§ 241.43 - General Services Purchased.
§ 241.44 - Landing Fees.
§ 241.45 - Aircraft Fuels and Oils.
§ 241.46 - Maintenance Materials.
§ 241.47 - Rentals.
§ 241.49 - Shop and Servicing Supplies.
§ 241.50 - Stationery, Printing and Office Supplies.
§ 241.51 - Passenger Food Expense.
§ 241.53 - Other Supplies.
§ 241.54 - Inventory Adjustments.
§ 241.55 - Insurance—General.
§ 241.56 - Insurance—Traffic Liability.
§ 241.57 - Employee Benefits and Pensions.
§ 241.58 - Injuries, Loss and Damage.
§ 241.59 - Schedules and Timetables.
§ 241.60 - Advertising.
§ 241.61 - Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses.
§ 241.62 - Other Promotional and Publicity Expenses.
§ 241.63 - Interrupted Trips Expense.
§ 241.64 - Memberships.
§ 241.65 - Corporate and Fiscal Expenses.
§ 241.66 - Uncollectible Accounts.
§ 241.67 - Clearance, Customs and Duties.
§ 241.68 - Taxes—Payroll.
§ 241.69 - Taxes—Other Than Payroll.
§ 241.71 - Other Expenses.
§ 241.72 - Aircraft Overhauls.
§ 241.73 - Provisions for Obsolescence and Deterioration—Expendable Parts.
§ 241.74 - Amortization.
§ 241.75 - Depreciation.
§ 241.76 - Amortization Expense—Capital Leases.
§ 241.77 - Uncleared Expense Credits.
§ 241.78 - Direct Maintenance—Flight Equipment.
§ 241.79 - Applied Burden Debit/Credit.
Non-operating Property and Equipment
§ 241.1700 - Non-operating Property and Equipment.
§ 241.1797 - Property on Operating-type Lease to Others and Property Held for Lease.
§ 241.1798 - Property on Operating-type Lease to Others and Property Held for Lease—Accumulated Depreciation.
Non-current Liabilities
§ 241.2210 - Long-Term Debt.
§ 241.2240 - Advances from Associated Companies.
§ 241.2250 - Pension Liability.
§ 241.2280 - Noncurrent Obligations under Capital Leases.
§ 241.2290 - Other Noncurrent Liabilities.
Deferred Credits
§ 241.2340 - Deferred Income Taxes.
§ 241.2345 - Deferred Investment Tax Credits.
§ 241.2390 - Other Deferred Credits.
Balance Sheet Classifications
§ 241.3 - Chart of Balance Sheet Accounts
§ 241.3 - Chart of Balance Sheet Accounts
§ 241.4 - General
§ 241.4 - General
§ 241.5 - [Reserved]
§ 241.5 - [Reserved]
§ 241.6 - Objective Classification of Balance Sheet Elements
§ 241.6 - Objective Classification of Balance Sheet Elements
General Accounting Provisions
§ 241.1 - Introduction to System of Accounts and Reports
§ 241.1 - Introduction to System of Accounts and Reports
§ 241.2 - General Accounting Policies
§ 241.2 - General Accounting Policies
§ 241.1-1 - 1-1 Applicability of system of accounts and reports.
§ 241.1-1 - Applicability of system of accounts and reports.
§ 241.1-2 - 1-2 Waivers from this system of accounts and reports.
§ 241.1-2 - Waivers from this system of accounts and reports.
§ 241.1-3 - 1-3 General description of system of accounts and reports.
§ 241.1-3 - General description of system of accounts and reports.
§ 241.1-4 - System of accounts coding.
§ 241.1-4 - System of accounts coding.
§ 241.1-5 - Records.
§ 241.1-5 - Records.
§ 241.1-6 - Accounting entities.
§ 241.1-6 - Accounting entities.
§ 241.1-7 - 1-7 Interpretation of accounts.
§ 241.1-7 - Interpretation of accounts.
§ 241.1-8 - Address for reports and correspondence.
§ 241.1-8 - Address for reports and correspondence.
§ 241.2-1 - 2-1 Generally accepted accounting principles.
§ 241.2-1 - Generally accepted accounting principles.
§ 241.2-2 - Basis of allocation between entities.
§ 241.2-2 - Basis of allocation between entities.
§ 241.2-3 - Distribution of revenues and expenses within entities.
§ 241.2-3 - Distribution of revenues and expenses within entities.
§ 241.2-4 - 2-4 Accounting period.
§ 241.2-4 - Accounting period.
§ 241.2-5 - Revenue and accounting practices.
§ 241.2-5 - Revenue and accounting practices.
Appendix to Section 241.25 of CFR part 241 - Instructions to U.S. Air Carriers for Reporting Traffic and Capacity Data on Form 41 Schedules T-100, T-1, T-2, and T-3
Appendix A to Sec. 19-7 - Instructions to Air Carriers for Collecting and Reporting Passenger Origin-Destination Survey Statistics
Investments and Special Funds
§ 241.1510 - Investments in Associated Companies.
§ 241.1530 - Other Investments and Receivables.
§ 241.1550 - Special Funds.