§ 227.2 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • § 227.2 Definitions.

    (a) Administrative costs means costs allowable under Federal Management Circular 74-4, other than program costs, incurred by a State agency for overall administrative and supervisory purposes, including, but not limited to, costs of financial management, data processing, recordkeeping and reporting, personnel management, and supervising the State Coordinator.

    (b) Child Care Food Program means the program authorized by section 17 of the National School Lunch Act, as amended.

    (c) Child Nutrition Programs means any or all of the following: National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Child Care Food Program.

    (d) Commodity only school means a school which has entered into an agreement under § 210.15a(b) of this subchapter to receive commodities donated under part 250 of this chapter for a nonprofit lunch program.

    (e) Department means the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    (f) Federal fiscal year means a period of 12 calendar months beginning October 1 of any calendar year and ending September 30 of the following calendar year.

    (g) FNS means the Food and Nutrition Service of the Department.

    (h) FNSRO means the appropriate Regional Office of the Food and Nutrition Service of the Department.

    (i) Institution means any licensed, nonschool, public or private nonprofit organization providing day care services where children are not maintained in permanent residence, including but not limited to day care centers, settlement houses, after school recreation centers, neighborhood centers, Head Start centers, and organizations providing day care services for handicapped children and includes a sponsoring organization under the Child Care Food Program regulations.

    (j) National School Lunch Program means the lunch program authorized by the National School Lunch Act.

    (k) Needs assessment means a systematic process for delineating the scope, extent (quantity), reach and success of any current nutrition education activities, including those relating to:

    (1) Methods and materials available inside and outside the classroom;

    (2) Training of teachers in the principles of nutrition and in nutrition education strategies, methods, and techniques;

    (3) Training of school foodservice personnel in the principles and practices of foodservice management; and

    (4) Compilation of existing data concerning factors impacting on nutrition education and training such as statistics on child health and competency levels achieved by foodservice personnel.

    (l) Program costs means costs, other than administrative costs, incurred in connection with any or all of the following:

    (1) The State Coordinator's salary, and related support personnel costs, including fringe benefits and travel expenses;

    (2) Applying for assessment and planning funds;

    (3) The conduct of the needs assessment;

    (4) The development of the State Plan; and

    (5) The implementation of the approved State Plan, including related support services.

    (m) Program means the Nutrition Education and Training Program authorized by section 19 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, as amended.

    (n) School means:

    (1) An educational unit of high school grade or under operating under public or nonprofit private ownership in a single building or complex of buildings. The term “high school grade or under” includes classes of preprimary grade when they are conducted in a school having classes of primary or higher grade, or when they are recognized as a part of the educational system in the State, regardless of whether such preprimary grade classes are conducted in a school having classes of primary or higher grade.

    (2) With the exception of residential summer camps which participate in the Summer Food Service Program for Children and private foster homes, any distinct part of a public or nonprofit private institution or any public or nonprofit private child care institution, which

    (i) maintains children in residence,

    (ii) operates principally for the care of children and

    (iii) if private, is licensed to provide residential child care services under the appropriate licensing code by the State or a subordinate level of government. The term “child care institution” includes, but is not limited to: Homes for the mentally retarded, the emotionally disturbed, the physically handicapped, and unmarried mothers and their infants; group homes; halfway houses; orphanages; temporary shelters for abused children and for runaway children; long term care facilities of chronically ill children; and juvenile detention centers.

    (3) With respect to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, non-profit child care centers certified as such by the Governor of Puerto Rico.

    (o) School Breakfast Program means the program authorized by section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, as amended.

    (p) Foodservice personnel means those individuals responsible for planning, preparing, serving and otherwise operating foodservice programs funded by USDA grants as provided for in the National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966.

    (q) State means any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

    (r) State agency means the State educational agency.

    (s) State educational agency means, as the State legislature may determine:

    (1) The Chief State School Officer (such as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Education, or similar officer), or

    (2) a board of education controlling the State Department of Education.