Subpart B - United States Standards for Grades of Apples  

§ 51.312 - Mature.
§ 51.313 - Overripe.
§ 51.314 - Clean.
§ 51.315 - Fairly well formed.
§ 51.316 - Injury.
§ 51.317 - Damage.
§ 51.318 - Serious damage.
§ 51.319 - Seriously deformed.
§ 51.320 - Diameter.
Color Requirements
Condition After Storage or Transit
§ 51.309 - Condition after storage or transit.
§ 51.306 - Tolerances.
U.S. Condition Standards for Export
§ 51.321 - U.S. Condition Standards for Export.
Packing Requirements
Marking Requirements
Marking Requirements
§ 51.311 - Marking requirements.
Methods of Sampling and Calculation of Percentages
§ 51.308 - Methods of sampling and calculation of percentages.
U.S. Condition Standards for Export
Application of Tolerances
Color Requirements
§ 51.305 - Color requirements.
Packing Requirements
§ 51.310 - Packing requirements.
Condition After Storage or Transit
Methods of Sampling and Calculation of Percentages
Metric Conversion Table
Metric Conversion Table
§ 51.322 - Metric conversion table.
Application of Tolerances
§ 51.307 - Application of tolerances.
§ 51.300 - U.S. Extra Fancy.
§ 51.301 - U.S. Fancy.
§ 51.302 - U.S. No. 1.
§ 51.303 - U.S. Utility.
§ 51.304 - Combination grades.