89 FR (04/16/2024) Book View

1. Notice

2. Proposed Rule

3. Rule

  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Federal Communications Commission
    • 2024-07910. Program Originating FM Broadcast Booster Stations
      • In a Report and Order, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) finds that allowing FM booster stations to originate content on a limited basis would serve the public interest. The Report and Order adopts rules to allow for the voluntary...
      • Published Date: 4/16/2024
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  • Federal Trade Commission
    • 2024-07180. Telemarketing Sales Rule
      • The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC" or "Commission") adopts amendments to the Telemarketing Sales Rule ("TSR") that, among other things, require telemarketers and sellers to maintain additional records of their telemarketing transactions, prohibit...
      • Published Date: 4/16/2024
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    • 2024-07421. Delegations and Designations
      • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is amending its delegations and designations rule to correct citations and titles throughout, to establish delegations of authority for Real Estate Contracting Officers, and to clarify regulatory...
      • Due of Comment: 5/16/2024 Published Date: 4/16/2024